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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ehm, i guess than if is fine these clothes, it will better to go right now to the great hall, thanks for inform me. Susan said happily to the maid, in some way trying to find more about Adriel and Elise after that event with the soldiers, also even when Susan dont have anything against the cute clothes than Elise must had given to her, she feels really better using normal clothes and her armor.

The silver girl will get inside the room, expecting to sit to where Elise or anyone other will say her or if were able close Andrea, maybe they werent mad with her after she decided to dont have sex that time.

Good Evening Elise. Sorry for come so late, it was a peaceful and easy delivery mission, yet im not still so fast riding. Answer Susan to Elise a little guilty to had made her maybe get worried and moving to seat where Elise has pointed. She soon notice the little succubus. Aww you are so cute... what is your name, sweetheart? Susan add without thinking too much as she smile to the young girl. After give thanks to the food, the young woman would check for Adriel, trying to see if she had talken with Elise about the troops, also she will wave to Andrea to see if she was happy. If all looks fine, she would eat slowly, after all she needed to eat something after a long day
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh it's quite alright Susan dear, no need to apologize. We were merely a little worried for you is all and were just wanting to make sure you were alright," Elise replied, waving her hand airily as if she didn't mind too much.

When Susan looked past Elise and saw the little succubus to her right and spoke again, Elise smiled as the little one looked over at Susan curiously when she spoke. "I'm Mara. Who are you?" the little succubus replied in a soft voice, a little proper like as if she'd been taught her manners.

"Hmhm, this sweetie is our friend Susan. She's the one that helped auntie Allie out the other day. Do you remember me telling you about her?" Elise said to the little one with a giggle, ruffling her hair.

"S-Stop it great grandpapa, I remember her," little Mara said, shaking her head a little bit, trying to get away from Elise's hand as she wriggled around giggling.

"Alright sweetie, don't worry I'll stop," Elise said, leaning over and kissing Mara on the top of the head where the little one went on and began eating. "This is Mari's granddaughter by the way, Mari is married to king Merril's son Aladar of Eldana to the north of here, making her the princess of Eldana, and she's actually here on vacation at the moment to see us, her family. She's due to head on home not too long from now actually. Mari's and Aladar's daughter Elloth is back there right now with her husband Amred, he's a duke eastern Eldana by the dawn ocean. The reason Mara is with her grandmother Mari is because her parents are both in the Netherworld on vacation themselves for... some alone time," Elise explained to Susan as she turned over towards her, telling why Mara was there with her grandmother Mari instead of her mother Elloth.

When Susan looked around for Adriel, she would see the drow girl sitting in what seemed to be her normal spot at the high table, still looking a little worried about something, but like she was satisfied as well, like she had gotten her answers. It seemed she had spoken with Elise and Elia about things from the looks of it, but of course there was no way to tell for certain without of course asking her. The food meanwhile was delicious Susan could tell, and dinner went pretty much went virtually uneventful for the most part unless Susan wished to speak some more to Elise or someone else.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Glad to know than they had not been so worried for her, Susan calm herself more as she go to her seat.

Soon the young girl answer in a polite way what make Susan make a lovely "aww, your name is so cute" before try to say her full name in a polite way too.

Soon Elise started to inform who is Mara, so the silver girl tried to get all but failed in part by the huge quantity of names and because she was still surprised than Elise is Mara's great grandpapa.

Well, im sure than Mera will enjoy her time here and if you need company, i will enjoy to talk with you Mera. Susan said before they start to eat again and she notice Adriel state, she couldnt ask now in front of all so she decided to talk about anything at her day than could help.

It was a great day, i and Adria walked around the street and paid some things, then there at the guild i read a job to aid the soldiers giving them Food and resources, maybe i will choice that mission after check an interesting temple tomorrow.

Elise, i will enjoy to join some battles, if you think than im ready. I know than is my choice but it will be great to heard you, as i dont know how strong these orcsvare.
The silver girl said looking to Elise in a needed way to get her answer, maybe then she could get some info about Adriel last talk with Elise.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmm, that's good to hear Susan, I'm glad that you're liking our fair home. And yes, there is soon to be a supply run to the front lines, I've had job postings put up in all of the taverns and guild halls in Nevassa to hire mercs to go with the regular soldiers to protect the supply trains on their way to the front for our troops there. My daughter Elizabeth by my wife Gwendolyn is there at the moment leading the troops against the orcish forces," Elise replied to Susan with a serious look, seeming to not like the fact that one of her daughters was on the front lines like that, as she spoke with a bit of fear in her voice. "However if you'd like to join up and go with them, then of course you'd be more than welcome to do so, and you'd get paid handsomely for your efforts in the long run. However know this, if you go, it's your choice, so you know all of the risks involved with going," Elise added in an even more serious tone this time, letting Susan know that it was her choice whether or not to go.

"If you do decide to go though Susan, then just let Elia know sometime tomorrow, because it's Monday now, and the troops with the supplies are set to move out on Wednesday at noon," Elise then said, letting her know the time limit as it were on the job to take supplies to the front lines, giving her only a day to sign up for the job. "These orcs though... their full strength is unknown all told, but for the most part we are holding them back along the borders of Arkhos," Elise added in a less serious tone now.

"Great Grandpapa, what's an orc?" Mara asked suddenly.

"Hmhm, an orc sweetie, or at least most of them anyway, are cruel vile people that only wish to hurt everyone else that they don't like," Elise said with a giggle to Mara.

"Oh... so they're bad people then," Mara said, narrowing her eyes somewhat.

"Yes sweetie they are, most of them are very bad people, but not all of them. There are a few out there that aren't so bad really," Elise corrected Mara, patting her on the head, where Mara giggled and wriggled around again, telling Elise to stop.

"That's right Mara, you can't say the whole race is evil for the actions of one or two, or even a whole group of them. There is almost always at least someone of a race that is good, save with demons of course, now they are always evil," Hazel up and said to Mara.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The talk continue and soon Susan could notice how Elise feels about her daughters fighting the orcs, she understand it as not a single father or mother would love to send theirs childrens to fight when they dont need it. Maybe Adriel has talked to receive a not from Elise or maybe a more terrible news, yet it looks than Susan dont need to heard it as maybe its a familiar problem.

Well, i have all the night to decide what to do and if i see than i cant still help in the battlefield then i will just return after make the delivery. The silver girl add before start to eat again, she just hope than all get fine at the end, maybe she dont need to kill anyone again, as maybe the orcs could be lossing the battle against the soldiers. She heard what a orc is with curiosity as she never has meet or heard of one, finelly wishing than she et lucky to find only good ones if possible.

Looking than this could get more into a serious atmosphere she change of topic. Andrea, is ok if we walk around a little after eat? Also i promise to celebrate with someone if i succed at my first mission, if anyone want to join us are welcome. Susan add with a smile looking to the others, maybe she could cheer up some of them with some drinks and maybe that get into a party or just a moment to relax before what could be a hard day.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

While it was easy to tell that Elise didn't like the fact that one of her daughters was leading the troops on the front lines, she didn't seem too distraught about it, probably telling Susan that Elise trusted her daughter to know how to take care of herself while up there. "Alright then Susan, that would be fine, I'm not going to ask any of the mercs hired in this to stay unless they wish to do so, but if they do then they'll get hazard pay to go with what they already got from me for the escort mission. It's up to you though really if you want to stay," Elise said, shrugging her shoulders as she answered Susan.

When Susan turned to Andrea and asked her if she minded walking around with her after they ate, Andrea smiled at her and nodded her head. "Sure I don't mind Susan, I'd love to," Andrea replied, with Elise and everyone else smiling and agreeing with each other that sure they would love to celebrate with Susan, telling her that they could have a ball there in the castle to celebrate later on or something.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I also doubt than any merchant would decide to stay after left the merchandise, but then i guess than i could stay there a little more Answer shruging as she peaceful eat her dinner. happily glad than Andrea accept her invitation but not expecting the answer of Elise and her family.

Hmm, thanks, i will need to check first at the blooming rose where i can find Miss Larah. Thanks to her i get to find where was the guild, also learn the first things about the city and i promise her to celebrate with her if all get well in this mission The silver girl said expecting to have a real good reason to make this sudden celebration.

Once ended the dinner she will say thanks for the dinner and then go out to look for Lalah at the brooming rose, also if Andrea want she could go with her.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Remember, it's up to you whether or not to stay after delivering the supplies Susan, your decision to make, not mine or anyone else's. But you will get paid a lot more if you stay, so think it over alright, I'm not asking you to stay down there once you get there, I'm just telling you to consider your options before making a final decision on anything," Elise said, patting Susan on the shoulder after Andrea said she didn't mind going with Susan wherever.

"M'kay Susan, I don't mind going with you, besides, I'd like to meet this girl that helped you out the other day," Andrea said, nodding her head as she went back to eating dinner.

"Well to be honest Susan I'm pretty sure you would have found out about the guild by some means not too long after you entered the city. Since they are one of the main places for adventurers like yourself to go for work and all," Elise said, obviously figuring that Susan would have managed to find the adventurers guild on her own.


After a time, they all finished up with eating for the evening and Andrea got up with Susan as they prepared to head on down to the Blooming Rose to speak with Lalah about celebrating with them all at a later time. Bidding Elise and the royal family farewell for the moment, with pretty much everyone waving bye to her from the great hall, whether they were of the royal family or not, Susan and Andrea were soon well on their way down to the Blooming Rose, with Andrea holding onto Susan's arm as if Susan was escorting her like a lover, not really seeming to care what anyone else they passed by said.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course than i could had find the Guild building after a while, but thanks to Miss Lalah i manage to find it quickly and in part thanks to her i reached that cave at time before something more could had happened with all the girls. Said Susan after nod by Eline words, sure than Lalah has been useful and deserve to receive at least some thanks from Susan or acomplish the promise than she made with her.


Once the dinner ended, Susan and Andrea leave the castle in search for Larah. It was not a very calm trip for Susan who was not sure what to do with Andrea holding her arm so lovely in front of all.

T...the place must be close here... I was expecting than the streets were without people at the night... Mutters a blushed Susan in a soft voice to in part talk with Andrea, but the romantic night was making all this worse and she just hope than this dont get worse before she reach teh Blooming Rose.

Once in the building Susan tried to talk with the woman who she had meet with Lalah or at least the owner of the place. Excuse me, im looking for Miss Larah, i want to thank her and talk with her, so if anyone know where she live or where can we find her at this moment it will be really apreciated. Said the silver girl trying to dont act strange by how weird she looks with Andrea holding her like that in middle of the night in an hotel.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Probably to Susan's amazement, nobody seemed to think it wrong that Andrea was holding Susan's arm like a lover, it was almost as if they didn't even seem to care that she was doing so. A few girls that they passed by giggled some at Susan's blushing face, but other than that nothing really eventful happened, making it seem as if Nevassa was a fairly safe city in the night all things considered. "Hehe, I'm glad we got the chance to walk around, I was getting a little giddy in there, especially after... earlier with the matriarch," Andrea said with a giggle, looking a little dreamy eyed as she apparently remembered the sex with Elise earlier. "I've never been that satisfied honestly from any experience I've ever had. I mean I had heard the rumors... saying that the matriarch could really and truly satisfy a succubus, which is supposed to be pretty much impossible because we're insatiable. I mean by nature we are literally insatiable and it takes... someone that is quite... well endowed and someone that has lots of stamina. She just... (shudders and sighs pleasantly)... hit all the right places. I'm not going to say that you should have joined us, but if you had... well you wouldn't have been able to walk for an hour at least. I mean gods she has so much stamina, she satiated me, as well as queen Hazel and queen Alluria all three... three succubi Susan, there's maybe one person in every ten thousand at best that can manage to truly satisfy and satiate a succubus, and she can manage three in one sitting, without getting tired even. She truly is blessed by the goddess of love Sehanine," Andrea went on to say as they walked along towards the Blooming Rose, seeming to have greatly enjoyed her time with Elise before as she sounded quite cheerful as she spoke.


Soon afterwards the girls came up to the Blooming Rose where they went inside. The innkeeper inside wasn't the girl Sunny from the last time that Lalah had brought her to see about getting a room and was this time a middle aged man. When asked if he knew where Lalah lived at he pondered for a few moments before seeming to have where she might be come to mind. "Hmm, you could try the tavern here for her, but I doubt she'd be in there tonight, she's usually only in the tavern here on weekends. But you could try her place. It's about three streets over or so. When you leave here, just make a right as you get back onto the main street and follow it back up, then make the second right off the main street from there, then follow that road on down and take the third left from there and there should be some of those apartment buildings where some of the younger bachelors and bachelorettes like to live in before they settle down and such. Her's is room twenty three of the second building, so the one in the middle as it's only three buildings per set with thirty rooms each," the man at the Blooming Rose said, giving Susan and Andrea directions to where Lalah's apartment was at so they could try to get her there instead.

"Alright, thank you sir," Andrea said, holding onto Susan's arm as they went on out.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As Susan and Andrea walked, the interesting way than nobody see this strange make Susan feel like a freak by thinking than she shouldnt do this, the whole city looks to be really open and peaceful than Susan will need maybe more time to get used to each strange thing at this place. However the succubus dreaming words take the silver girl attention. Giddy? oh ok after that... Answer before take a moment to dont remember the sex than Elise had with the others girls. The young succubus started then to talk about Elise and how good is having sex what make Susan feel strange, like never she has been in her life. Yes... Elise must be the best in that... and nearly anything else. I guess than you could go with her every moment than you feel hungry or lust, as im just a common human and i wdont have too much to offer, i bet than i could had fainted in just a pair of minutes if i would had accepted to do it with Elise. Not any more blushed the silver girl answer feeling herself than Elise could easily make Andrea decide to live at the palace, she dont want this really but maybe it was the best for Andrea unless in some way Susan find a way to get very better at sex to match Elise but she feel this like this goal was just impossible.

At least you looks better, maybe a pair of sesions and you could be completely healed. Anyway, after some drinks at the palace, can i go with you to a more private place? Ended to say the a little jeaulose girl after calm herself the enough to change of topic.


Once in Blooming Rose, Susan was not expecting to talk with a new person but she does it anyway and get some info of where she could live. She tried to remember all but it were many directions and it was night, what if they get lost instead? At least Andrea could fly but she will get embarased. Ok, hmm... her number is 23, thankyou very much for your help. She add before Andrea hold her arm again, from there, Susan tried to follow the instructions as best as she could, at least she know than she must find some appartments. Once she find them she will go and ask at the number 23 for Lara
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhmhm, feeling a little jealous Susan? Don't worry, I could never leave you so quickly. You're my friend and savior, and I owe you my life Susan. So don't worry, I still want to move in with you into your new manor, if you'll have me that is. I can always go and visit the matriarch, but even though she's so good at sex and I would love to have her ever day, I don't think I could handle it firstly, but secondly I couldn't do that and take away from the queens. Because yes I do love the matriarch, but more as my leader than a true lover like that. I mean if she invited me to their bed, I would jump at the idea, but she was kind of thrust into the situation with what queen Alluria did, the matriarch told me afterwards that she hadn't expected that to be honest, but that she enjoyed it all the same, especially since I was a succubus and all," Andrea said with a giggle to Susan, seeming to be able to tell that she was feeling jealous it seemed about how good Elise made Andrea feel with their sex earlier. "And sure, I don't mind going with you anywhere Susan," Andrea added to Susan as they walked onwards.


"Don't worry Susan, I remember the directions, it's just up here to the right," Andrea said to Susan as they left the Blooming Rose, assuring Susan that she remembered the directions they were given to Lalah's home. "Then left down here, and that should be them there I think," Andrea went on to say as they came up to the second turn in the directions, pointing at a set of three buildings in a fenced in area.

Moving up to the buildings, Susan and Andrea went into the middle one where they found they'd have to go up a flight of steps to get to the room in question that Lalah was in. When they came up to her door, they could see that there was light coming from under the door, indicating that someone was home at least. Therefore when Susan knocked on the door, they heard movements coming towards the door and Susan heard a familiar girl's voice call out. "Hang on a minute, I'll be right there," the girl's voice said. When the door opened, Susan saw Lalah standing there in next to nothing, wearing only skimpy lingerie. "Susan, is that you? Oh gods, I'm glad you're alright and everything now, we'd heard you got really badly hurt the other day and were in a coma or something. Come on in, make yourselves comfortable, you've gotta tell me all about it, and you've got to introduce me to your friend here, she's really cute. Oh yeah and Sunny's been asking about you too, I think she liked you even though she only met you the one time," Lalah said to Susan, throwing her arms around her in a hug, then she ushered her and Andrea on inside, giggling at what she'd said about Sunny.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ehm, jealous!? im not... i was just thinking than im not suitable for feed you, i guess. Well Elise enjoy it all even when she was not in a good state to stop all how happened, maybe she will accept to invite you from time to time, i mean is just to feed you... without any relashionship or true love feeling, so all must be fine, right? The young warrior answer asking herself at the end more likely.


The fact than Andrea had remember all and decide to take the lead, was not expected by Susan who decide to join a little concerned than she would had needed to write all this to find out all what the man said. The two walk to find the departments and even then Andrea stay holding like a lover Susan's arm. The silver girl suppose than this was just normal at succubus, maybe Andrea have a less naughty point of view of her than she has expected, Susan suppose than she was just a good friend for the succubus or maybe even more, but that is not important now and Susan is fine with anything as Andrea decided to live with her.

They then reach the apartment and Susan call to soon get answered, she smiled and waited only a moment before get opened by a nearly nude Lalah. It make her wide open and turn around to see if more people were around, if any she would try to cover the girl, but then Lalah just get really close at Susan and hug her as she talk about how she feels and about Sandy, who Susan has not expected to had laving a good impresion, she then just hope than she havent taken the key of her room away of the hotel, as she has been in comma for days and she only rent for a small time.

Miss Lalah! Yes, im.

Ehm, its fine, i was just placed in coma to be healed, so all was fine, sorry to had make ou get worried Said the silver girl as she looks to Andrea and then patpats on the woman back softly as this hug her in that skimpy underwear, it was sad for her than she hs make so many people get worried even when she has been there for so little. Then they were taken inside and after sit for a moment she decide to answer to her.

Oh, she is Andrea, i found her in the cave and tried to do my best to rescue her, as also all the others victims than were there, she will live with me soon at the same home, but for now we are resting on the castle. She is a really kind girl, smart and i like to be at her side, really much... Susan tried to stop talking as she remember suddenly how good Andrea looks to be at sex too, as also dont name than Andrea dont have a family to dont bring back all that.

Well, i was placed at coma to be healed, it take maybe a week, im not so sure, the mission ended to be a little dangerous and many unexpected things happened, many good ones, as i meet Andrea and many more friends, even Elise and her family, anyway im fine completely and if all goes good i will take a new mission tomorrow.

Anyway, Sunny really think like that of me? We only talked for a while and maybe i piss her for dont buy a more expensive room, i feel bad for make her get worried too. Andrea, i want to invite Sunny too with us, i feel like we need to talk and solve some things, maybe. Susan said thinking than maybe Sunny could be needing anything from Susan, maybe she forgot to return the keys and need to pay some more or the succubus get worried for not see her take the room at the night, what more likely has happened, so Susan feel like invite her some drinks to apologize would be the best.

Oh, yes i was forgething. Miss Larah, i want to invite you to the castle to celebrate a little as i had promise you, if you know where is Sunny we could go for her too, then there they will inform both of you about what happened these days, as im not sure because i was sleeping all this time. Said smiling to Lalrah, expecting than both girls could come with them.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh Susan, I can tell you were a little jealous, it's written all over your face. But you could feed me all the same really, anyone could actually. We might have to have intimate contact, but we can do it just through as little as a kiss though honestly, so you could feed me any time you wish really," Andrea replied to Susan reassuringly, laying her head over onto Susan's shoulder as they walked on. "The matriarch is a busy person though and I'd feel bad taking away from her own queens with my own selfishness, so unless she invites me I'm not going to speak with her about it for now m'kay," Andrea added, lifting her head up as they continued on and looking over at a cute young couple passing by them with a smile


Lalah invited Susan and Andrea on inside of her apartment, gesturing for them to sit down where she listened patiently to all Susan had to say, not interrupting her any at all and waiting until the end to speak any herself. "So that's what all happened huh, and it's a pleasure to meet you Andrea. Also Susan don't worry about Sunny, she'll forgive you, and she really did like you Susan,but then again she likes every girl she meets just about, remember I told you that she can be a little strange at times. But I'll be sure to ask her about coming up to the castle for what you said too when I see her next," Lalah said to Susan, getting up and holding up a finger as she walked to the kitchen, telling Susan to hang on a minute that she'd be right back with some tea for them. A couple of minutes later, Lalah returned with a teapot and three tea glasses for them to drink from, pouring them all some fresh hot tea to drink, offering some sugar and or cream to the two.

"Oh yes, I'll have some cream with mine thank you very much," Andrea said to Lalah, taking three spoonfuls of cream in her tea before stirring it and mixing it up.

"So, what'll you be doing now Susan? Nothing so dangerous as the other day I hope," Lalah asked Susan as she took a sip of her own tea, which she'd put one lump of sugar and a couple of spoonfuls of cream into before taking a drink.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan let Andrea rest her head at her body, it was all so strange, she was accepting to feed the young succubus because she need it or for somethime more personal. The fact than she has promised to take care of her is the only way than Susan could lie herself and say to herself than they were just friends and she only care for Andrea in that way. Ehm... well i dont have a lot of energy like Elise, but even then you can feed of me when you need it, as many times than you want, i will try to endure it, so dont worry. Then a couple passed and make Susan turn down for a moment wondering if all are supposing than they are a real lover couple, something than should not be as both are like family, in Susan's mind at least.


The silver girl heard the woman words and before be able to answer her, this went to get some tea, so both waited until she return. Mine with some sugar, please.

I see, so that explain all about Sunny, well i guess than she is really a kind woman. About the castle i was trying to do it this night, as i will choice a new mission tomorrow, but i dont know which one choice. There is a mysterious temple and then the delivery to the solders, i wonder if i can make the temple mission tomorrow and then take the delivery one for the next day. Said Susan betwenn drinks, wondering if this talk could helpher to decide.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh even if you don't have quite as much spiritual energies as the matriarch does, you can still easily feed me when I need it, as succubi don't need very very much energy to live off of unless we use a lot, which I don't plan on doing. If we don't use any at all really, then we don't have to feed hardly at all. So a little here and a little there means I'll probably have to feed once or twice a week, at most," Andrea said reassuringly to Susan, letting her know that she would be more than enough to satisfy her cravings when she needed feeding.


Lalah handed Susan the sugar to get as much as she wanted while she spoke to her, setting it back down on the tray when she was done with it. "Yeah Sunny is kind, but... well to put it bluntly, she's prefers women rather than men, regardless. And I think I could find her real quick so we could come up there and have a drink with you, if you'd like," Lalah replied to Susan, nodding her head when Susan said what she did about taking both of the jobs she mentioned. "Well yeah you could take them both if you want to, the guild has no restrictions on who goes where for jobs, so long as they know you can handle it and stuff," Lalah added.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan nod as she drink a little of her tea, she was not sure if she must be glad to heard than Sunny was a lesbian and the succubus could be thinking at her like a possible lover, she shake hese throughts for the moment as she suppose than it is completely normal on these lands. I understand, well we should go to find Sunny then, Elise and the others must be waiting for us at the castle.

About the missions, i was not expecting than you could take more of one, if that is right then i guess than i will take both if they are still available at the morning
. Susan and Andrea then waited for Lalah to get dressed and then they could then go to look for Sunny.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"How about I go and find Sunny while you two go and let everyone that's supposed to be there that I'm on my way with Sunny. And of course you can take more than one in a day, but you should make sure that you can handle the first one before attempting the second one, I've heard of plenty of people making that mistake before now and they can't handle it and end up having to drop one of the jobs and lose some of their reputation because of it," Lalah said to Susan, heading off to get herself dressed and ready to go, leaving Susan and Andrea to head on if they wanted to.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

That sound fine, we will go and prepare all. Suan answer as she prepare to get up when Andrea has ended her tea. I see, well i suppose than that is when the two missions have a time limit, but i dont think than the temple one have a time limit, so i guess than all will be fine.

Once ended the talk, Susan and Andrea prepare to leave, huging a last time to Larah before they start their walk to the castle. Susan expected than they will return soon to the cstle, yet she was ready for an talk than Andrea could take as they walk. Once at the castle, she and Andrea will talk to Eline and the others about Larah and Sunny, then the silver haired girl will help to prepare all for the little celebration
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Hugging Susan and Andrea both in return, Lalah bid them farewell and got herself ready to go find Sunny. Once the two had left her place, Andrea wrapped her arms around one of Susan's arms like a lover again as they walked back up to the castle. "You're very kind Susan, I'm glad that I got the chance to meet you," Andrea said as they walked back to the castle, smiling at her as they went.

Once back up at the castle, Elise and the others had retired to a more private sitting room where the guards told Susan and Andrea that they were invited and they showed them to the room the royal family was in along with a few other people. Along with the royal family there was two more succubi and another drow girl in there, one of the succubi had even larger H-cup breasts than Hazel's G-cups and fiery red hair and she was dressed in a pretty red dress, while the other one had blonde hair and only DD-cup breasts, and the other drow girl had the same snowy white hair that Elia and Adriel both had and she had only C-cup breasts on her chest, so smaller than Elia's E-cups.

"Ah welcome back Susan. Where are your friends? Oh well just tell the guards who they are and let them in when they come up to the gates alright and I'm sure we'll see them shortly," Elise said to Susan as she and Andrea came inside their private sitting room.