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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan smiled as she notice how her horse shaked his head, making a soft aww before put her attention once again at Adriel and the road.

fifty years!? wow that is too much time, so nightmares have a long live... Well, Caede sound really good anyway. Anyway, you dont miss too much really, Elise and the others beaten easily all the bad guys at that place. Beside, I think than Elise trust a lot at you, that is why she let you in charge of the city.

Susan then waited for Adriel answer and frown a little before nod. Of course, i will try to think harder to find how he will be named, but it could take me a time. After digh softly to get calmed the silver girl prepare herself to speed up. Ok, i will try it. She add as she give the order to her warhorse to increase the speed
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Yep, Caeda here is fifty years old, because Nightmares are quite long lived as far as I know, but they aren't immortal like devils unfortunately, even if they are bred a lot in the Netherworld. I believe she's getting a little old though, even if she is still capable of carrying me into battle and back out alive. But I still wish mom and papa had took me with them, it's been a while since I got a good fight," Adriel said as they went along, puffing a cheek out at her parents leaving her behind in the battle a few days before.

Adriel nodded back to Susan and told her to go ahead and kick her warhorse and get him up to her desired speed, and that she would follow her. When Susan kicked her horse and sped him up, Adriel did the same and they were well on their way to Ashfield. Following the signs, Susan and Adriel quite quickly and safely made their way to Ashfield with no interference at all really. As they approached the outskirts of Ashfield, Susan saw a sign at the city limits that read Ashfield, population: 7,113.

"Well here we are, the town of Ashfield, or very small city if you'd like. Where did you need to go again here?" Adriel said, looking over at Susan to she where she needed to go.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ehm...she dont looks old really... not like i had saw another nightmare before... Susan said worried than she should continue talking about the cave fight and all after see how Adriel start puffing a cheek out.

Once then they speed up until mreach the entrance of the Ashford town. Hmm so they have that population, well let me remember where we should go...hmmm is the trading center, we should find someone named Sander there, guess. Susan answer after a moment, not really sure if that was his name. But she then will go there, maybe Adriel know the place.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Heh, she may not look it, but this big girl here is about fifty something years old," Adriel said, patting Caeda's flank.


"I believe the trading house is up the main street a ways and then off to the right, it's been a while since I've been through here honestly so I can't remember," Adriel said, looking at the street names as they went through.

As it turned out, they were able to find the trading house quite easily after Adriel asked a couple of passing citizens of the town where it was, that they had a package to pick up for someone. Making their way to the trading house, the two saw it was a quite large building that was placed around near the center of town and looked like a manor in and of itself, though the gates for it were open and there were a few of the town guard there as well keeping watch on the people coming to and fro through there to trade, buy, and sell things.

"Well Susan, who exactly were you supposed to pick up a package for?" Adriel asked curiously.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Its fine, its my first time here, so i will be glad with any help. Susan answer to Adriel as both get inside the town. The silver girl stay at her side as she ask some people of where is the trading house until finally they reach the place. The quantity of people going out and in make Susan frown, as she expect than this could be a little difficult. Ehm we must look for someone named Sander, he must be around here. She answer as she try to find someone reliable to ask for, o she went to ask a closer one guard.

Excuse me, sorry to disturb you, but do you know someone named Sander? S he ask still over her horse and trying to talk politely and softly, trying to dont bother that person.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

One of the guards at the gates to the trading house politely pointed the two in the right direction when Susan came up to him. "Aye Sander is inside there. Just head on in and take the second right and he should be in the second room on the left down that way, it's his office," the guard said, an elven man. "We can hold your horses here if you wish my ladies," the soldier said, taking the reins for Adriel as she started preparing to dismount.

"Ah thank you soldier," Adriel said to the man as she and Susan went on inside, swinging her leg off of the horse and dismounting, where she then wen over and helped Susan do the same where the other soldier took Susan's horse's reins and the two took them over and tied them off to wait for the girls to return.

They went along inside, with Adriel leading the way for them. After a minute or two of wading their way through the crowd of people coming in and out of the trading house, the pair made their way to the office in question and Adriel knocked on it a couple of times. "Come in come in," they heard a man say from inside.

Adriel opened the door and they went on inside where they saw a human man with black hair that greeted them. "Ah ladies, welcome. I feel blessed to have two such lovely ladies here in my presence. What is it you need of me though?" the man said as he sat down in his chair behind his desk, gesturing for the two to sit down at the two chairs opposite him. "Would you like something to drink? Tea? Wine? Coffee?" he then asked, gesturing to the drinks which sat on a small desk next to the big main one.

"Ah yes, tea please," Adriel replied graciously, accepting the cup when he handed it to her, then he got Susan some of whichever she said she wanted if any and awaited Susan to tell what she was there for.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan heard the soldier instruction and thanks him, as this offer to take care of theirs horses. The silver girl nodded, yet she notice than go down could be hard for her, even when Adriel show her how easy it was, Susan trie3d to go down for herself but at the end Adriel need to help her to finally go down, as Susan get struck at the last part.

After thanks to Adriel, both girls went to where the man named Sander should be. The place was filled with people but Adriel was leading so they reach the place without any mistake. The princess knock the door, as Susan stay looking around to the many people at the place, yet she turn to the door once the man talked and Adriel opened the door. Ahm, Hi. Susan manage to say as she notice the man, maybe a little distracted looking the place and maybe a little affected by her first ride.Egm, Tea too, please. Answer Susan as she sit at the chair, as she dont like to drink coffee and she think than is very early to drink wine, not like she could at her young age. The man soon ask why they are there and soon the young warrior take the word.

We come from Crimea to make a guild mission of Pick up a package
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When helping Susan to get down, Adriel giggled softly when Susan got stuck along the way and actually needed her help to do so, but she didn't giggle in a way that sounded mean or anything, just teasing a bit. "Well Susan don't worry about needing help, you'll get the hang of it soon enough," Adriel said as she aided Susan in clambering down off the horse.


When Susan replied that she'd like some tea as well, Sander poured her a cup of the delicious smelling drink and then handed her the cup on a little plate, where he also set a little dish full of sugar lumps as well as another of cream, and another of milk. When Susan spoke again after getting her tea fixed up however she wanted it, Sander looked at her and listened, nodding his head. "Aye we've got a package that was supposed to be picked up by the guild a and all. So you're the ones sent to retrieve it for Alan huh, well it'll take a few minutes to get it ready, so just enjoy your tea for now alright," Sander said, getting up and going over to the door where he opened it up and called out for someone to come there, where he gave them instructions to get the package in question for Susan and Adriel. If Susan remembered the paper in her pocket that gave her main details about the package then she would see that Alan was indeed the one it was intended for, so they were apparently going to be getting the correct package at least.

"Honestly mister Sander, I'm not actually here with Susan to help her per se, I'm simply here because I had nothing better to do and was bored. In case you haven't been able to tell who I am exactly, I'm Adriel Crimea, princess Adriel Crimea," Adriel said when Sander had returned from the door, where he looked quite amazed that Adriel, a princess of Crimea was here speaking with him.

"Uh... I uh... princess please forgive me, I had no idea. Had I known I would have offered you both something more exquisite than this tea here, as I have better teas," Sander said, bowing his head to Adriel and looking surprised and even a little frightened that she was there with Susan.

"Oh don't worry about it mister Sander, the tea is just fine and delicious. So don't get so worked up over me being here sir," Adriel said, idly waving her hand at the man and calming him down as she sipped at her tea.

"Heh, thank you princess. I'll go and make sure the package is handled with the utmost care and gotten out to you both speedily. Enjoy your tea please and I shall be back shortly. And... it isn't everyday that we get graced with one of the royal family, so I hope you'll understand my surprise and... well fear," Sander said, chuckling as he headed out of the office after coming over and gentlemanly kissing the back of Adriel's hand, then he did the same to Susan.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The giggle and words from the princess werent making of too much help for Susan who whimper softly shyly. Its my first time going down of a horse... The silver girl then tried to find a way of dont fall as Adriel help her and then both went to see where that Sender was.

After the ride and looking to the tea, Susan dont remember than the one than she must deliver the package was Adrian, so she just nodded as she prepare her tea, wondering if the name was correct or she had forgoten it. She was trying to get focused but then Adriel reveal her identity, what made the poor man react different and caused to the Silver girl a sudden throught than Adriel made it on porpose.

Its ok, please dont worry... ehm thanks... The young warrior tried to calm the guy but she just get confused when her hand was kissed too. She remain quiet as the man leave and then turn to Andriel, waiting than Sander leave to add. I was not expecting this, maybe we should had hidden than you are a princess, but i guess than nothing bad will happen. The girl then tried to calm herself drinking a little of her tea to calm herself.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hm... and that Susan is how you get things done. Having influence is a good thing, you just gotta know when and when not to use it," Adriel said, sipping her tea as they sat there.

A couple of minutes later, Sander returned to the office, with a paper in hand. "Here you go my ladies, this is where Alan wishes the package to be delivered to. It's just outside of Nevassa near the forest to the northeast of the city in a smaller village," Sander explained where they would have to take the package as he handed Susan the paper.

"Ah thank you sir, as soon as we finish our tea we'll get it loaded up and get out of your hair," Adriel said, continuing with her tea, to which Sander told them very well and that he would let them finish it whilst he went and did some things around the place. As soon as Susan finished her tea, Adriel would let her take the lead in going back out to get the package loaded up onto one of their steeds and when they found the package, it would be a quite large one, though it didn't weigh quite as much as they might have originally thought it would. It was about 2 feet long and 1 foot wide, with a lock on it that they weren't given a key for, the guards that helped them load it up saying that Alan had the key and could open it himself once they delivered it, where he would pay them himself.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan tried to continue drinking her tea until Adriel spoke. I never had any influence or make it be used in front of my eyes, but its true than use it always get you in trobles, but... i doubt than use it a little now would hurt us Said the swordswoman as she sip her tea sometimes.

She quickly give a kind thanks to Sander once this bring the info of the package, soon Susan tried to end her tea in a hurry, once Adriel spoke again.

Once outside they soon get the package and prepare theirs horses to leave soon, Susan tried to get over her horse again, but any help would be welcome.

Once over her horse, Susan take charge of the package, taking care of secure it on her horse and then turning to Adriel. Well, lets go to that village close Nevassa... it must be easy...right? Susan said scratching softly her head before heard the princess's words and then both could continue this missio.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Alrighty then, I'm ready to go if you are," Adriel said, helping Susan up onto her horse after securing the package onto the steed, where she then climbed up onto her mount and with that, the Adriel waved to the guards who saluted her now that they knew exactly who she was, and she saluted back before they went off.

Leaving Ashfield, the two made their way back towards Nevassa city, their mounts going at a quick but steady run. Along the way they were forced to slow down a bit and move to the side of the road, as they saw some soldiers marching down the road the same direction they were going, there were two full companies of 50 men and women there and they halted when they heard the horses and saw the girls. "Hello there ladies, you coming from Ashfield?" the captain leading the soldiers asked them when they all stopped.

"Aye we are, I am princess Adriel Crimea and I was riding along with my friend here while she did the job she was asked to do and we're now on our way back to Nevassa now for her to complete her task. Where are you soldiers heading exactly? I hadn't heard that there were any more to be sent to the front for at least another week or two," Adriel said, introducing herself to the soldiers, all of whom saluted and bowed their heads to her when she did so. "At ease everyone please. You need not stand on tradition with me, I won't force you to do so," Adriel added to them all, where they all then did as she said.

"Well my princess, we received our orders two and a half weeks ago and are on our way from Asteria city, capital of the duchy of Astaire. Our orders came straight from the duke and duchess, who got word from the matriarch to ready some of their army to send down here to reinforce the main armies. We're the advance force of the troops sent, and there are about... two thousand more coming along behind us. They're camped just to the north of Ashfield right now, so you might have seen them if you looked north of the city," the captain of the soldiers replied to Adriel.

"I see, I wasn't aware of those orders myself, though I suppose that my parents don't always inform me of everything they do. Very well then, continue on," Adriel said, nodding her head to them as she led Susan to the side and passed them, waving to them as they went.

"Hmm... I may very well be called to march to the front soon if mom and papa are calling in more troops from all the way over in Astaire. Things might be a little more dire than I originally thought, but I'd have to talk to them about it first," Adriel said, looking deeply troubled at this discovery as they continued onwards.

Adriel was silent the rest of the way back until they came within sight of the city again, which was a couple of hours later and the sun was starting to set now. "Hey, can you handle the package there? I need to go speak with mom and papa about some things," Adriel asked when they approached the city gates, still looking quite troubled about what the soldiers had said earlier. With that, Adriel rode off towards the city without really even waiting for Susan to answer before doing so, leaving the silver haired girl to finish the request job and collect the payment alone.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course, lets go. Susan answer with an smile before try to get up by herself but at the middle of her attempt Adriel help her at the end what Susan accept gladtly. Once the package get secured they get ready to leave, riding theirs horses and giving an stop to say good bye to the soldiers. The silver swordsgirl tried to also say wave to them after a small thanks, but they then saluted to the princess, something unesxpedted for Susan who never expected than they could get the info so soon from Sander, it make her think than all of the place got the rumor really soon for her like. Even then she just wave as the show of apreciation was for Adriel and then they leave the city to go to the next destination.

The next hours of travel were peaceful for both girls, yet Susan was not used by all the jump run of her horse and if she continue like this for a while maybe she would need to rest a moment, as also her horse, but before get focused more in this she soon spot a bunch of soldiers moving close them, making her get alert of a possible attack, fortunately they soon identify themselves to Adriel and her as soldiers from a new city named Asteria. Susan tried to act formal as the talk continue, for she it was great than the city would have reinforcement and for some reason she feel herself needed to aid them too, but she should train first and get a better equipment, this confrontation looks big and maybe even when all looks safe with the quantity of soldiers, she cant just ignore it.

Once they continued their path, Adriel looks really pensative and dont say any word what make Susan get worried for her, maybe the princess was thinking why her family dont say her of this or maybe she is excited for the future battle, whaterever were the case, this could be a great chance for Adriel to get what she wanted, a good fight. Susan tried to increase the speed in an attempt to make both reach the city, but she only could reach certain limit as she cant get worried than she could be pressing too much her horse or her skill riding him. After a while the time started to fall what make Suan get worried but the doors make her notice than they had returned so all would be fine. Finally Adriel turn the word to Susan and ask her if she could do the next alone what Susan affirm it a kind smile. Yes, dont worry, i will be fine, thanks to come with me. The swordswoman said even when Adriel leave her soon asking, after wave to her, Susan tried to go to deliver the package, trying to be careful of what is around her now than she is alone wth just bher horse.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Waving bye, Adriel put her steed into a fast gallop towards the gates, faster than Susan and her had gone thus far. With that, Susan was left to go on her way alone, which wasn't all that difficult as she was simply going back to the town beside the forest she'd gone through a few days ago when looking for Lara. It didn't take her very long to get to the town, where the paper that had where the man lived was able to give her good directions to his home. She was fairly quickly able to locate his house which was not quite a manor, but it was a quite large house.

There was someone sitting on the front porch when she rode up and she could see that it was a woman dressed in a maid's outfit. When Susan dismounted and tied her horse off to the front gate to the house or whatever, the woman stood up and came to the top of the steps leading up to the porch. "Hello there, might you be delivering the package that the master has been waiting on?" the woman asked, bowing her head slightly in greeting. "Thank you for bringing it, I'll go and get master Alan, please wait here for a few moments," the maid said, heading back inside.

She returned a minute or so later with a man in tow, he was a human man and when he saw Susan he greeted her politely, bowing his head slightly. "Ah you've brought my package for me, I've been waiting on this for a while now. Thank you my lady. It isn't much, but please accept this for your troubles, I hope that bringing this didn't inconvenience you any," Alan said, pulling a wallet out where he pulled out a handful of money. Alan handed Susan a total of 6 coins, 1 platinum piece that was worth a hundred gold alone, and 5 larger pieces of gold that were worth ten gold a piece, bringing the total to a 150 gold that she received. "Thank you again miss," Alan said to Susan, shaking her hand as he took the package from her, leaving her 150 gold richer and now leaving her through with her job so that she could head on back to the castle.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As they wave each other, Susan noticed the great speed than Adriel's nightmare could reach, she was amazed, but she still dont had risk herself to try that speed with her horse. She then read the letter with the info and moves to the small village where she had passed the other time at her last work. Once again the whole path was free of monsters or any other trouble and so she soon found the house.

After do her best to go down her horse and secure him, she walk to the house where a maid welcome her. Oh, hi. Yes my name is Susan and i had come to deliver a package. The girl said kindy and soon the woman went to brink the owner of the house, as Susan wait, she looks around to see the place and patpats her horse, huging him a little and saying him than he was a good boy.

Once Alan and the maid get out the house, Susan get close with the package and give it to the man. Thanks and dont worry, it was a peaceful and enjoyable mission. I wish than all my missions were like this one.

Anyway, i wish you a good day Mister Alan.
Susan said happily taking the money and storage it before untie the rope and get over her horse before leave to the castle, Waving to both and making her horse make a soft galop to the city.

Susan was concerned for the troops and Adriel, she even decide to skip of take the other job until tomorrow and focus herself on Elise and her family, maybe she could help them or just be there for them. She also wonder if the young Succubus would be angry with her for dont have sex with them or what will happen once she goes to sleep, maybe she would have a not so peaceful rest.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Heh, don't we all wish our work was as easy. I'll see you later maybe, and be careful on the way back, because it is getting dark," Alan said to Susan with a chuckle.

Waving goodbye to Susan, Alan and his maid went back inside with the package, leaving Susan free to head on her way. Remounted on her warhorse, Susan was soon well on her way back to Nevassa proper, with no real troubles along the way really, though it wasn't totally uneventful, as a ways off coming down the north road she could see many torches moving towards the city. Upon a closer inspection, since she was making for the northern gate herself as it was closer to where she'd taken the package and the quicker way back into the city, Susan would see that it was the soldiers from earlier finishing their trek to the city.

If Susan went closer to them, the captain would greet her again. "Hello again lass, I figured you would already be in the city by now. And where is the princess?" he would ask, looking curious that Adriel wasn't with her still.

However if she didn't go close enough for them to speak with one another again, then she would find nothing really eventful the rest of the way into Nevassa, nor would she have much trouble getting back up to the castle. Though she would have to call up to the guards at the city and castle gates both and announce herself before they would let her inside, but they didn't give her much trouble, making it seem routine for them to do this.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course but not always, have only safe works will with the time make you get bored. Susan answer with a smile, sure than she will maybe enjoy have some easy jobs but not all, or she could not get the experience for future unfortunated events.

Once she get over her horse, the silver girl ride toward the city but before she could reach the gate, she found herself a strange bunch of lights, so she tried to investigate a little at the distance, she soon notice the same soldiers, maybe returning to the city so she decide to get more close until suddenly she get noticed.

She heard the soldier ask for Adriel so Susan just decide to answer in a formal way, even when she dont get used to it. Indeed, we had returned to the city some moments ago, but i needed to make some bussines so we separe at the gate, she should be at the castle right now. Susan then will check the soldier reaction and if all looks fine she will continue. It has been a long day, i wish to all a safe return. Susan will add before wave and leave, trying to hurry to the cty before get more late
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Making her way back to the castle, Susan was able to get her horse put back into the stable stall where he had been before near Adriel's Nightmare, which was in its stall just down the row of stalls Susan would see. Once that was done, she was free to head on back inside and just as she was passing through the main doors to the castle, a random handmaid stopped her and said that the matriarch was inviting her to dinner in the great hall just through the large double doors down the hall.

"The matriarch said that you must be hungry, but if you wish it, then she'll have some food brought up to you to eat so that you can rest... if you don't wish to join everyone in the great hall that is. Lady Andrea is in the great hall as well, eating with everyone in there," the handmaid said, gesturing her towards the great hall doors, leading her on inside there if she wished to eat in there, though if Susan decided to eat in her bedroom, she would bow her head and take her there instead where someone would soon bring her food into there.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With an easy ride, Susan reach the castle in a safe state, she soon placed her horse on his stable close the mature nightmare and after secure him and pet it a little, she went to the castle, finally able to walk for herself after that long trial. She streched herself and after a last look to the horses she leave.

Soon she get inside the castle, expecting to check for Adriel, Elise and Andrea, hoping than noting bad as a discussion would had happened or Andrea were pissed with her. But soon a handmaid take her attention and soon this say her than they were waiting for her in the dinning hall.

Oh is fine, thanks. I will join them now, but can i get inside with these clothes or should i change myself before go to the great hall?. Asked Susan worried to make the others get ashamed if important peoples were there right now, if it was needed Susan would return to her room and place herself the silver dress, but this time she will try to wear at least some panties if she cant wear a bra with the dress
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh no, the matriarch said you need not worry about changing clothes. She said for you to just come on in and get something to eat at your leisure. If you'd like to go and change first though you can," the handmaid said, bowing her head to Susan before heading on back into the great hall.

If Susan went ahead and went to change her clothes first, she would find some fresh ones already laid out for her in her bedroom, a simple white dress for her to wear back downstairs, with a fresh pair of panties laid out as well. Beside the dress was a beautiful cloth of silver nightgown, it was completely see through, but looked like it would feel nice to sleep in at least.

Afterwards, unless Susan went on into the great hall first, Susan would see several large tables set up inside in place of the thrones for the matriarch and her queens, with a place of honor set up next to Elise's high seat just to her left. On her right was a high chair for a child, in which sat a young succubus with pink hair just like Hazel's hair, she looked only about 2 years old at best also and was talking to Hazel, who sat to her right. When Elise saw Susan she waved her over to her and patted the chair to her left, gesturing at the food on the tables, of which there was lots of for Susan to choose from.

"Good evening Susan dear, I'm glad you're finally back with us now. Please, eat as much as you like," Elise said, looking glad that Susan was back now and not hurt or in danger.