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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I...know than i cant offer to Andrea what you have Elise and thats why i finaly accepted to let her live with you until she get better... but when i found her i give her my word than i will stay with her and protect her as if she were part of my family, but if after get recovered she decide to live with you, i will be happy for her and be ready to help her when she need me Susan said fighting with all her lewd needs, then she get close Andrea and kiss her cheek. Elise is so kind and strong, no doubt than all will be fine Andrea, try to stay safe with Miss Astra and the others until all this end. Also call me just Susan or how you like to call me, i love you a lot. The catgirl hug her and then get up helped by Hazel before drink the potion, finally she was on her senses again and could also dress herself, even when the skimpy pink underwear was in some way close to be worse to be naked, she was close to wonder if only some mantles will be enough to hide the matriarch identity, but she suppose than she should just focus on her performance and attack when the time come, maybe if they are lucky she would not need to fight.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Elise didn't seem to mind Susan talking to Andrea, and in fact looked rather happy about it as she prepared everything. After getting her in the collar and leash and all, and after everyone else was safely in the cave, Susan would see Elise smiling down at her from where she stood near to her, looking rather thoughtful about something. "I've taken care and rehabilitated more succubi than you could imagine. Easily in the thousands or more. And I've gotta say you remind me a lot of myself Susan, wanting to help someone and not caring about them being a succubus. I was and still am the same as I was a couple of hundred years ago, always trying to help anyone I can, especially if they're succubi," Elise said, looking like she was lost in thought as they waited.

"That's because you've got such a big heart Elise. You show so much love for everyone that it kind of makes me jealous at times. But of course I've told you this plenty of times," Elia said, probably surprising Susan a little bit as she hadn't spoken even a word yet, at least not around her. But she had seen the dark elf woman giving orders to some of the soldiers earlier.


After nearly an hour of waiting, they heard rustling coming from the path leading to the cave mouth, and then suddenly four figures came up from the path, two men and two women, one who looked like the leader was wearing a black robe flowing behind him and looked to have a rapier on his hip, the other male was wearing heavy plate armor and had a large halberd for a weapon, one of the women was wearing a green cloak over some ranger clothing and gear and had a bow with many arrows in the quiver, and the other woman wore a set of witches clothing and had a hat while wielding a wand in one hand and a staff in the other. The man that sported the rapier seemed to be human, the heavily armored one was too heavily armored to tell what he was exactly, the ranger woman looked to be a dark elf, while the witch looking woman it was easy to tell was some sort of demoness, as she sported red skin, a pair of red horns, long claws on the end of each finger and Susan could also see she carried several collars on her belt that looked like the one she wore. In the distance behind the four of them on the path, Susan could tell that they had help behind and she couldn't be sure of how many there were.

"So you have what was asked for?" the robed man said, eying Susan with a rather possessive gleam in his eye.

"But of course. Would you like a closer look? The rest are inside and ready for buying," Elise said, keeping her hood pulled down a bit.

"Yes yes I would love to get a closer look. But I was also told in your message that you had a princess of Crimea here by some stroke of good luck. Might we see her? If she truly is princess Allie like you say then you'll be richer than your wildest dreams. Of course I'll inspect this one a little better first off," the robed man said as he started closer, apparently none the wiser of their ruse.

"Not yet Susan, don't do anything just yet. Let them all get closer to us before you do anything, and don't look him in the eye whatever you do, he'll hit you if you do," Susan suddenly heard Hazel's voice tell her, though apparently nobody else could hear it as it had been through a mental connection between them both.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

A little affected by had the matrirch silent and looking at her, Susan was starting to wonder if Elise has been ofended in some way, so when the woman show her throughts, Susan could not stop to feel surprised and after a little silent moment she shake her head, before answer. I apreciate your words Miss Elise, but the truth is than i come from a far land devastated and filled with different problems, there you will only find humans and a few different races, so when i meet Andrea, i was more worried about her healt and find a way to free them all, so im not certainly so good and kind like you, as what i do then and now is just normal, in change you had giving your long live to help others

The silver haired cat girl started to think than she maybe would had stay silent, so she tried to change the topic. you had helped more of a thousand of succubi? That sound like they are many and are or were in the past ussually harrased. Slavery is common at these lands?

After their talk, four persons start to get inside the cave, each of them looks to be dangerous and in more of a way corrupted, the outside looks to be filled with more men and even now Susan start to think than this will be a difficult moment. Suddenly she remember than she has never been in front of a slave until now, so she have only some ideas how she would act, she frozen and shiver cold when she heard than the man will make a close look at her, the warrior wonder if she should start fighting but then Elise voice advise her than she should wait and dont see the man eyes. Without time she decide to act sumise like she had found Andrea, not talking without was needed and follow orders until she could take her sword, but after all she must avoid any visual contact or Andrea will get sad when she return hurted by this evil man who should be like or even more terrible than the thieves.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well slavery is forbidden here in Crimea, it has been ever since I founded the country over two hundred years ago, and it's pretty much forbidden in every other country here in Midgar as well. But there are still those fools that wish to enslave people, like those of the country Adravan, and it's succubi most of the time tat are enslaved, who if you beat them down that much they'll become very submissive. It's a sad thing really, because most succubi, at least here in our world, are very kind and loving. They wouldn't hurt a fly unless provoked and had to," Elise said, giving Susan a bit of history of Crimea in the process.


The man came closer to the three of them along with the demoness woman, where she then looked over Susan carefully, inspecting her body. She poked her side a time or two to see her reaction, then lightly pinched one of her ears and pulled on it a little. "Mmm... she's good. Nice large breasts, those will bring lots of milk. Nice hips as well, that'll be easy on giving birth, she'll make an excellent breeder," the demoness said in a lusty purring voice, tickling Susan under her chin before turning to nod at the robed man.

"Well give you nine thousand for her, now take us to see the princess, if she is indeed truly the princess, then you're looking at about a million gold for her," the robed man said, expressing his want to see Allie who was further inside.

"Very well then, right this way," Elise said, gesturing them towards the interior of the cavern and not sounding or looking angry for them talking about buying her daughter in any way, maintaining a cool calm demeanor.

Their four foes moved closer and Susan could see in the clearing just outside of the cavern around thirty people or so setting up a small perimeter around the cave mouth. Then suddenly, just as the robed man and his three cohorts got close to Elise and her wife Elia, the matriarch and her dark elf wife both threw their hoods back as Elise swung her rapier out of its sheath, aiming straight at the demoness, the tip of her blade cutting right across the demon woman's chest, even as Elia thrust her spear out where it pierced the heavily armored man's armor through his shoulder a bit. "Now Susan," Elise cried as she swung her weapon, letting Susan know she could attack.

Susan - 14 vs 8 demoness, hit

Then chaos erupted around Susan as she took her sword up and swung it at the demoness, as she was the closest. Susan's sword swing connected as it cut the woman's leg with her attack. All of the Crimean soldiers sprang from cover and attacked the enemy troops outside the cavern, then Susan would see Hazel stepping out of the cavern, making straight for the demoness and gently pushing Susan out of her way, saying in a low voice, looking obviously angered, "Don't worry about this one, she's mine. Go and deal with the dark elf over there or go help the soldiers out okay it's your choice... I hate demons so I'll take care of this." Now that Susan could now see her more clearly, she'd notice that Hazel had horns on her head, different than the demon woman's horns, but no less menacing looking.

Suddenly, Susan would hear a gunshot from above in the trees, and if she glanced up she would see Elise's gnome wife Tana aiming her gun at a random enemy soldier, who had just taken her bullet straight through the back of the head. The Crimean soldiers clashed with the enemy soldiers, a couple of casualties on both sides so far, though the Crimean soldiers obviously had the advantage in numbers. Susan could also see that Elia had knocked the helmet off of their heavy armored foe, revealing his face. He had red skin and horns growing from his head, likely frightening Susan a bit in the process. Allie came flying out of the cavern and landed next to Susan a moment later.

"Susan, are you alright? If you don't think you can handle the dark elf there I'll handle her while you go help the soldiers," Allie asked, giving Susan the choice of where she wanted to go to help out.

Susan - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10

Elise - FP: ?/?
Elia - FP: ?/?
Hazel - FP: ?/?, MP: ?/?
Allie - FP: 8/8, MP: 5/5, AP: 0/10

Crimean soldiers - FP: 48/50 (one for every soldier)

Robed human man - FP: 26/30
Demoness - FP: 19/20
Heavy knight - FP: 23/26
Dark elf ranger - FP: 12/12

Enemy soldiers - FP: 28/30 (again one for every soldier)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan heard the answer of the matriarch, reaching to understand her and these lands a little more, as also taking away nearly any doubr about the succubi race, looking them just as lovely cute humans with different needs, but as humans there must be some spoilet fruits among them.


As the two vile persons get close, the silver catgirl tried to look as a good slave, thinking how baddly Andrea and the others were damaged to be just sold to them, she tried to endure the demoness touch and sight as her body is inspected. Susan started to feel ashamed of her new shape again, as the vile woman said than she will be a good breeder, even then Susan remain in submission, leaving the woman pinch and pull her ear as also caress her chin, moving her tail like reacting happily by the pet and ears than tried to get free of the woman hand, as she remain looking down.

Then all started, the matriarch family show themselves, fighting the four evil entities who should be surprised to meet all of them. Susan dont take any moment to react as her body nearly move by itself to take the hidden sword and cause a minnor wound on the demoness, looking how her oponent nearly dont react and instead focused completely at Hazel, made Susan understand than she could not help them too much at this fight, Allie afirmate that giving to Susan the option on leave her the night elf and then go to aid the soldiers.

I cant leave a friend fight alone, even if i cant be of much help Susan prepare herself to face her respective opponent, even when it looks to be really hard to beat him even with Allie help, the swordswoman will try to attack him so the princess could have a free shot.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

the rolls:
Susan - 19 vs 3 Dark elf ranger, crit hit for 2 FP dmg

Elise - 14 vs 7 Robed human man, hit for 4 FP dmg
Elia - 16 vs 12 Heavy knight, hit for 3 FP dmg
Hazel - 16 vs 9 Demoness, hit with magic for 5 FP dmg
Allie - 7 vs 10 Dark elf ranger, miss

Robed human man - 17 vs 6 Elise, hit
Demoness - 13 vs 18 Hazel, missed with magic
Heavy knight - 12 vs 20 Elia, missed
Dark elf ranger - 17 vs 13 Susan, hit

Soldiers - Crimean soldiers have the upper hand at the moment, taking out 6 more enemy soldiers, while taking no more casualties of their own.

Susan - 14 vs 20 Dark elf ranger, miss

Elise - 18 vs 17 Robed human man, hit for 3 FP dmg
Elia - 11 vs 5 Heavy knight, hit for 3 FP dmg
Hazel - 20 vs 3 Demoness, crit hit with magic for 7 FP dmg
Allie - 13 vs 9 Dark elf ranger, hit with magic for 3 FP dmg

Robed human man - 12 vs 7 Elise, hit
Demoness - 20 vs 10 Hazel, hit with magic for 4 FP dmg
Heavy knight - 6 vs 1 Elia, hit
Dark elf ranger - 19 vs 5 Allie, hit for 2 FP dmg

Soldiers - The Crimean soldiers still have the upper hand, taking out 4 more enemy soldiers, but taking 8 casualties

As Susan moved forward with Allie towards the dark elf, Susan was able to get the initiative and before the elf could draw her short sword from its sheath she managed to stab her foe's leg, slipping it right through the armored area of the dark elf's legs. Elise quickly darted in while Susan was busy, slashing her foe with a mighty swing of her rapier, cutting through his robes like a hot knife through butter. Then Elia swung her spear around, bringing the tip of the blade on it right across his unarmored face, cutting the side of his head a bit and bringing a bit of blood from the wound. Hazel blasted a large arrow of pure fire straight out of her hand at the demoness, the flaming arrow exploding and burning her quite badly, singing her hair.

Susan would notice Elise being hit by her foe, who swung his rapier so fast that the young silver haired girl could barely see it, and the matriarch seemed taken off guard by it as well. Hazel and Elia both managed to avoid the attacks from their two foes, with Hazel flapping her wings and going over the magic blast from the demoness, and Elia ducking underneath the swing from the knight's swing. However as Susan marveled at the fighting taking place near her and Allie, the dark elf ranger managed to get her short sword out and slash Susan's leg, causing her to yelp in pain as the fighting raged around her, the Crimean soldiers seeming to have the upper hand as they took out a half a dozen enemy soldiers with relative ease.

After recovering from her slight wound, Susan was able to bring her weapon back around for another swing, however the dark elf managed to jump out of the way in time to avoid being hit. Elise hit the enemy leader again with her rapier, her swing looking to be even faster and more powerful than his previous one on her, the strike cutting away his robes a bit more to reveal the two gashes on his body left by the matriarch's blade. Elia spun around after ducking under the knight's weapon, stabbing her spear into his leg and twisting the barbed blade a little before wrenching it loose, bringing with it a gush of blood, yet the knight didn't look deterred any and managed to get back to his feet. Hazel again blasted another flaming arrow out of her hand at the demoness, yet this one was much bigger than the first, and this one actually pierced her skin before exploding, nearly destroying her right arm in the process and leaving third degree burns up and down the length of it. Allie also blasted an arrow of fire, only her's was directed at the dark elf they were fighting, which hi her target and burned her clothing and armor a little before her target patted the fire out, though it had burned her a good deal, her left leg having been where the arrow hit and exploded upon impact.

The enemy leader moved in at Elise again and cut the matriarch's shoulder a bit as his obviously magical blade cut through her armor some, their fast paced battle getting even faster as the two started fighting harder, being more and more amazed that the other was able to keep up. Elia wasn't able to evade her foe as he swung his large halberd at her and slammed it into her side, denting the armor up against her skin, but holding against the massive weapon. Hazel was also hit by her foe, the demoness shrieking as she threw a massive fire bolt at the obviously powerful succubus, the blast catching her full in her exposed stomach, yet it didn't burn quite as much as Susan probably thought it would, leaving the succubus' waist very red, yet not truly burned. Then the dark elf that Susan was fighting came at her and Allie again, going for the succubus this time around and quickly bringing her bow up and firing an arrow at the princess, hitting her in the leg with it and causing Allie to yelp in pain as a small bit of blood started dripping down her leg. The enemy soldiers seemed to have recovered from the surprise attack now and managed to start repelling the Crimean soldiers, yet they still lost a few of their own in the process as well.

Susan - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10

Elise - FP: ?/?
Elia - FP: ?/?
Hazel - FP: ?/?, MP: ?/?
Allie - FP: 6/8, MP: 4/5, AP: 0/10

Crimean soldiers - FP: 40/50 (one for every soldier)

Robed human man - FP: 19/30
Demoness - FP: 7/20
Heavy knight - FP: 17/26
Dark elf ranger - FP: 7/12

Enemy soldiers - FP: 18/30 (again one for every soldier)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan tried to do her part in this big battle, her sudden attack looks to had cused some damage on the night elf, leaving her opened for Allie first attack, giving a feeling to the swordswoman than this fight could be more easy from what she expected, however their foe was pretty far of be beaten. The others combats soon call the young warrior attention, each of them were in a big different level hurting the corrupted soldiers nearly without receive damage and the city guards were also doing a good job.

All this distract Susan who receive a sudden damage on her leg after see how the dark elf dodge her next slice with a sudden move. The royal family receive some minors wounds too, but Hazel and Elise were just amazing in each attack, nearly destroying theirs foes with each attack. Even then Susan push herself more, once Allie was wound by their opponent, in an attempt to stop this, Susan tried to move faster, trying to wound her foe's hand, so she could only attack in a close distance with her sword, then Susan could try to cut the dark elf leg until she could attack the vile woman at the distance witout the worrie of being counterattacked.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 10 vs 9 Dark elf ranger, hit

Elise - 9 vs 5 Robed human man, hit for 3 FP dmg
Elia - 20 vs 19 Heavy knight, hit for 3 FP dmg
Hazel - 18 vs 1 Demoness, critical hit for 8 FP dmg and killing the demoness
Allie - 7 vs 7 Dark elf ranger, hit

Robed human man - 20 vs 6 Elise, hit
Heavy knight - 14 vs 17 Elia, miss
Dark elf ranger - 8 vs 14 Susan, miss

Soldiers - Crimean soldiers take 8 casualties and the enemy soldiers take 4

Susan - 15 vs 7 Dark elf ranger, hit

Elise - 22 vs 1 Robed human man, crit hit for 5 FP dmg, also takes 1 FP bleed dmg per turn until he makes a save against it
Elia - 17 vs 15 Heavy knight, hit for 3 FP dmg
Hazel - 18 vs 10, moved to help the Crimean soldiers and blasted some of the enemy soldiers, taking 5 out
Allie - 19 vs 16 Dark elf ranger, hit with magic for only 1 FP dmg

Robed human man - 17 vs 10 Elise, hit, but missed his saving throw
Heavy knight - 4 vs 7 Elia, miss
Dark elf ranger - 7 vs 1 Susan, hit for 2 FP dmg

Soldiers - The Crimean soldiers morale was bolstered by Hazel's help, they took out another 6 while only losing 2 themselves

Susan's determination brought her success as she swung her sword low, slashing the dark elf's right leg up a bit with her blade, a trickle of blood flowing from the wound. Then Elise moved in and swung her rapier, catching the robed man right across the back as she spun around him. Elia jumped into the air, thrusting her spear out at the red skinned knight, the tip piercing his armor and going into his side a ways, a gush of blood coming out from the wound made by the blow. Hazel flapped her wings and jumped into the air, where she then called upon some other form of magic as she took a knife out and sliced her hand open, though her blood was being pulled from the wound and into a ball of energy forming in Hazel's other hand, then suddenly a bolt of lightning shot out from her extended hand and the bolt struck the demoness, piercing Hazel's foe straight through her heart and killing her dead. Princess Allie was able to use Susan's strike against the dark elf to move in and stab at her as well, stabbing into her shoulder and wounding her some more.

The robed man swung his own rapier at Elise, catching the matriarch across her cheek and leaving a rather deep cut there, but Elise managed to shrug off the pain and stay in the fight. The enemy knight was able to shrug off the pain from Elia's repeated blows and swung his halberd at Elia, who was easily able to bring her large shield up in time to catch the blow and deflect it, preventing herself from coming to any more harm. The dark elf dove and rolled away from Susan and Allie, where she strung an arrow and fired at Susan, who was just able to dodge in the nick of time. The Crimean soldiers weren't able to make any real headway against the enemy soldiers, losing a few more but still managing to take out a couple or so in the process and maintaining numbers on them. The din of battle around them all being momentarily silenced by the gunshots from Tana up in the trees as she picked out another target.

After that, Susan was able to follow up her first attack with a successful second strike, slashing the dark elf's legs again and cutting them up a bit more in the process. Elise continued her duel with the enemy leader as she quickly stepped in and rammed her rapier through him, her blade going through his shoulder left and going out the other side, a small gush of blood following the blade and running down both his chest and back, leaving him bleeding quite badly from the attack. Elia swung her spear low at the enemy knight, slamming it into his legs and causing his knees to buckle where she then slammed her shield right into his unprotected face, breaking his nose and busting his lip open. Hazel, still in the air, glanced over to the soldiers fighting and flew over that way after deciding that Elise and the others had this fight well in hand, and when she got close enough, she blasted another fiery arrow at a small group of them, the resulting blast taking out five of them and leaving them burning corpses. Allie blasted her magic again, firing yet another smaller fiery arrow like Hazel's at the dark elf she and Susan were fighting, the thing exploding next to her target but not damaging her quite as much as hoped.

Elise was taken a little off guard as the robed man managed to swing his own rapier around again after she'd pulled her own from his shoulder, catching her right across the neck, but thankfully only on the side and not deep enough to hit her jugular. The knight Elia was fighting simply couldn't manage to get his halberd around quickly enough to hit the dark elf warrioress, Elia bringing her shield up yet again and blocking his attack as he got back to his feet, his knees wobbling badly. The dark elf Susan and Allie was fighting though managed to string another arrow and fire it at Susan again, this one catching the silver haired girl right in her left shoulder, wounding her quite badly, but nothing life threatening just yet, however it would be if she didn't get it tended to later of course. The Crimean soldiers, now having one of the royal family aiding them, surged into their foes and took out a few more, taking only a couple of losses this time themselves, now regaining the upper hand quite a bit as there were only a trio of soldiers remaining to fight them, while the thirty or so Crimean soldiers moved in to surround them.

Susan - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10

Elise - FP: ?/?
Elia - FP: ?/?
Hazel - FP: ?/?, MP: ?/?
Allie - FP: 6/8, MP: 3/5, AP: 0/10

Crimean soldiers - FP: 30/50 (one for every soldier)

Robed human man - FP: 10/30, bleeding at 1 FP per turn until making a save
Demoness - FP: 0/20, dead
Heavy knight - FP: 11/26
Dark elf ranger - FP: 3/12

Enemy soldiers - FP: 3/30 (again one for every soldier)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With all her mind focused on give a chance to Allie, the young swordswoman manage to slash her foe, giving another wound on the night elf leg, then she move at tume to see all the action around her, the attacks and magics causing a great echoe at the catgirl ears, making her feel than this fight could be earned easily, she continue her attacks after see one of the evil humanoids die at hands of the powerful succubi, she had a throught about maybe defeat this other woman without kill her if all goes right, as she dont want any more blood at her hands if she could avoid it, just then she move at the right time when she notice the evil woman shoot at her.

Susan was glad to had spot it at the right instant and she tried to incapacitate her foe, giving anoter wound on her quickly foe, but then this one shoot at Susan's shoulder who move the enough to avoid any deadly impact at her chest. The pain increased and she start to breath heavily as she touch her wound at her bared body, she then understand than she was not only the more weak of all but also she dont have any armor or protection at her body, her skimppy pink underwear and leash were not more than lewd accesories than she wears without need after had success in her job of ambush these vile creatures.Now close to be defeated, she could suppose than this elf was better than her and she maybe could not defeat her if she dont try her best, kill her or not was not one of her choice, just fight and hope than she could not receive another arrow, her fears to see Andrea sad again make her move faster and try to defeat this woman as faster as possible before this get worse, then she will do her best to stay in a good stance to dodge her foe attack wishing than Allie put an end to this at time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 7 vs 15 dark elf ranger, miss

Elise - 18 vs 15 Robed human man, hit for 4 FP dmg
Elia - 17 vs 15 Heavy knight, hit for 3 FP dmg
Hazel - 15 vs 3 Heavy knight, hit with magic for 5 FP dmg
Allie - 14 vs 2 Dark elf ranger, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg

Robed human man - 18 vs 4 Elise, hit
Heavy knight - 6 vs 12 Elia, miss
Dark elf ranger - 6 vs 18 Allie, miss

Soldiers - The Crimean soldiers take out the last of the enemy soldiers, capturing a few that surrendered and killing the rest, securing victory over the enemy forces.

Susan - 10 vs 9 Dark elf ranger, hit and defeated

Elise - 17 vs 1 Robed human man, crit hit for 5 FP dmg, taking him out but not killing him as Elise decided to keep him alive for now
Elia - 7 vs 3 Heavy knight, hit for 3 FP dmg, killing him and ending the battle in victory....

Susan jumped back into the fight, swinging her sword at the dark elf, but she ended up missing her foe who nimbly leaned back and avoided the blow. Elise continued her duel with her opponent, slashing her rapier at his chest again and catching him once more before he could get his own rapier up to guard. Then Elia rammed her spear into the leg of the knight, bringing him to one knee again before she yanked her weapon free, as Hazel then flapped her wings again and came back over to blast the knight with some of her powerful magics, conjuring an icy arrow much like her fire ones earlier and firing it at him, piercing his armor right through the gut, pinning him to the ground. Allie shot another fiery arrow at the dark elf after Susan missed her attack, catching the dark elf in the leg and forcing her to one knee as well.

All of their enemies looked to be on their last legs now as the robed man panted while stabbing his rapier at Elise, catching the matriarch in the arm with his weapon, making her grunt in pain but she merely yanked the blade out and pushed the man back. The knight tried to stab his halberd out at Elia to force her back while he tried to get up, but she wouldn't budge and dug in her heels as she set the bottom of her shield on the ground, preventing him from pushing her back any. The dark elf strung another arrow and fired at Allie, missing the succubus princess as it soared past her and into a tree. While this went on, the remaining enemy soldiers threw down their arms, seeing that they were heavily outnumbered to the point there was no way they could win.

Susan saw an opportunity when the dark elf shot her arrow at Allie to get in close and finish her off, stabbing her sword down into the dark elf's back, which ended her fighting as Susan wrenched her sword free and her foe fell forward, dead. Elise then cried out and rushed in at the enemy leader, who was pretty much the last one standing, where she then stabbed out at him, only to fake him out as she spun around, bringing the hilt of her rapier into the back of his head, knocking him out cold, though he was still bleeding quite badly. Elia stepped down onto the halberd of the knight, holding it down so he couldn't do anything at all, where she then brought her spear down into his chest, finishing him off and killing him, ending the battle.

Around her Susan could see wounded soldiers of both sides laying on the ground, as well as the dead enemies and allied soldiers, though thankfully there weren't a whole lot of those. Susan's legs would finally give out as soon as she knew the battle was over, where Allie rushed over to her side and caught her before she hit the ground, gently laying her down and placing her head in her lap while Elise rushed over to the soldiers to help all of those she could. Tana hopped out of the trees she'd been firing her rifle from and rushed over to Susan tossing a satchel onto the ground where she began digging what looked like bandages and such out. Elia moved with Elise over to the soldiers, while Hazel began using her magic to seal the enemy leader's wounds momentarily and then went into the cave to get Astra to come and help heal as many a she could.

"Hang on Susan, Astra will be out here in a minute okay, and then she can heal you right up okay," Allie said to Susan as she cradled her wounded friend, waiting for Astra or one of the other healers to get there. Tana pulled the arrow out of Susan which caused quite a bit of pain, but when she applied the disinfectant she'd pulled out of her satchel, Susan's left shoulder felt like it had just been set on fire.

"Here cutie, drink this. It'll help with the pain," Tana said to Susan, offering her a vial of some liquid that looked different than the potion they'd given her earlier. Once Susan drank the potion, she would feel the pain in her body lessen a great deal, though she was still wounded it didn't hurt near as much as it did while she lay there in Allie's lap, waiting for Astra to get to her and heal her after she'd taken care of all of the most critically wounded.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The tireness started to affect Susan moves and this time once again the dark elf manage to dodge her swing, but fortunately Susan was not the target of the night elf arrow, as Allie shoot a fire arrow toward the evil woman andthried to return the favor failing this time. From that moment Susan was just a partial expectator as the others battesl started to end suddenly, easily all the "queens" were killing each of the dark humanoids and the soldiers from the dark forces decide to give up as their numbers were reduced to just three. However The silver haired girl dont have the time to stay looking each show of power as her live was in danger, so instead she get fully focused on the night elf as this fall at her kness by the princess magic, with a sudden stab the young swordswoman pierce the foe's chest from the back, giving an end to her evil attempts against the poor women of Crimea and others cities.

Just after the final blow, Susan could have the time to feel the arrow still struck at her armshoulder, her body just start to go down slowly without control, but the succubus princess stop her fall and place her in her lap.

Im fine ... check the soldiers, i can endure it. The swordswoman said as she see how many soldiers were loosing theirs lives in front of her, she even start to feel bad for how she was unable to beat her foe without killing it, but she tried to take it out remembering than this was just a game, yet she maybe would think about this once she get better and looks for the others

She remain there for a while looking how the soldiers were having some heal spells and potions frm the royal family, yet she wonder if Astra would have enough magic to cure them all. Then once again her pain increase as the arrow was removed from her in a quick yet painfull move, she was unable to stop a groan and the intense pain increased until finally Tana bring a strange potion, who Susan drink as she dont looks to have other option and after all what happened it could be strange than these girls could hide any evil intention.

After that Susan remain resting on the princess lap, expecting than all would be great at the moment, now without the pain it was really a relaxing moment, so great than she could purr by mistake if she is caresed by Allie.

Are Ellse and the others fine? I guess than we can leave this cave soon after all the soldiers are healed, if help you, i have a healing potion at my backpack
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Yes my papa is fine, so don't worry about her, she can take a lot more punishment than you might think, and keep your potion okay, you might need it some other time," Allie told Susan, holding her while Tana tended to her wound.

After a minute or so, Tana was finished up with Susan and moved on to another, doing her best to stop the bleeding of the soldiers wounds while Astra and a couple of the soldier healers moved amongst them. After a few short minutes of laying there, with princess Allie holding her, keeping pressure on her shoulder, Susan would see Astra make her way over to her, where she lay her hands on her shoulder and Susan felt her skin mending back together ever so slightly for a minute or so until it finally sealed itself enough to keep her from bleeding, where Astra then moved on to another of the wounded.

A little while later, nearly an hour or so, Susan would see that the soldiers had all been tended to and there were carts and carriages being brought in and the wounded were being loaded into them all, while the unwounded soldiers were mounting up onto horseback. Elise came over to where Allie was still holding Susan as Hazel brought the ex-slaves out of the cave and Andrea rushed over to Susan and pulled her into a tight hug, causing her a little bit of pain in the process.

"Hey there you. Are you feeling alright now? Come on now Andrea, let her go so you don't hurt her okay," Elise said as she knelt beside them, gently pulling Andrea loose from Susan and lifting Susan in her arms where she set her into one of the carriages, one that looked fit for a queen, which meant it was likely the matriarch's own royal carriage.

Once Susan was up into the carriage, Elise helped Hazel, Elia, and then Tana up into the thing before getting up into it as well, where she pulled Allie up into it also, and then the carriage began moving. Hazel helped Andrea up into the carriage from the other door where she sat beside Susan and leaned against her. As the carriage was going on, Susan would feel her body succumbing to exhaustion as her eyes started closing once again, too tired to go on without rest any longer.

"Don't you worry about anything else okay, we'll take care of everything else from here on out, just get you some rest. I'll make certain you're paid and everything okay," Elise told Susan as her consciousness slipped away from her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver cat girl made a sight of relief once Allie answer her. Indeed, for what i notice, it was an easy battle for many of you. Susan looks to had lost a lot of blood in the last fight, for some reason she really was really great resting on Allie lap, she stay looking everywhere yawning and moving her tail from time to time, looking the view and stoping as she turn to see what was doing Tana, she really wanted to get up and pass more time with Andrea but the poor girl will get worried once she notice her wound. After a while Astra get close and heal the remain of Susan's wounds, yet Susan still was holded by Allie and looks like the princess will not leave her move for a while, Susan resign herself and just tried to rest still a little worried for the city soldiers, until the point than she forgot than she still have the leather slave collar and the skimpy pink underwear, the warm Princess touch was really pleasant and maybe she would had acted more as a lusty catgirl if not were by the potion than calmed her libido.

After a while the ex slaves come and the silver haired girl tried to tturn and looks for Andrea yet she looks to be very grappled by the princess to try that without hurt herself. Suddenly Andrea come and hug her thigh, making nearly than Susan groan yet she bite her lips and closed her eyes before open them and smile to the young girl and the Matriarch.

Yes, im really fine and dont worry Andrea, is just a little wound... Ehhh!? Wait Susan blushed and turn to Elise as this lift her after move Andrea away, she was not sure what to say and really she supposed than she could still walk after be healed, even then she get stunned and let Elise carry her to the carriage as if she were a pet or some kind, just then she turn down and notice her clothes, worried than all were looking she tried to turn away of any soldier looking to them until she get inside the carriage, it was a so uxury car and she has been raped and resting on the floor, but she just placed her hand on her collar as she looks speecheless every part of the transport, slowly all the royal family get inside with their fine clothes, it was nearly as if she has been selled to then and now they were taken them to the palace as a new slave, even the ex slaves were better dressed and there was not sign of the abuse against them. Her ashamed throughts were stoped once Andrea come an rest on her side, the sudden feelings and moves looks to had mixed with her reduced blood and the comfortable carriage, making her get sleep not before kiss Andrea's cheek and hug her before sleep close her, some finals words were heared before she fall sleep, trying to nod as an answer but not sure if she do it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Some time later, Susan would feel her consciousness coming back to her as she awakened. She could tell she was laying in a bed as she came to, and she could tell she was inside somewhere. Her body slowly woke up with her, her arms and legs still numb as she opened her eyes, which were working just fine at the moment. When she opened her eyes, she would see Andrea laying next to the bed she was on asleep on a small sofa, dressed in a cute little dress. Astra was also sitting near her on a cushioned chair, and when she noticed Susan waking up she sat up straighter in her chair.

"Ah Susan, you're awake. I'm glad that you woke up, because you've been asleep for nearly two days. Everyone is okay though, save for a handful of soldiers that were killed in the fighting. The matriarch was very worried about you and your wounds, so she had you brought here to the castle and tended to by her best healers. She also said that as soon as you awakened that she would like to see you, and Lara got back to her family safe and sound, so don't worry about that," Astra told Susan, standing up from her seat and moving over to the bed, where she gently caressed Susan's cheek.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver haired girl wake up, she just feel like it havent passed too much time and soon her blue eyes turn around to see where she is now. It was a new place so she wonder if it was one of the palace rooms or a room hotel. Her sight then make her see a young girl resting at a sofa, easily she identify her as Andrea and she really looks to cute on that pink dress, Susan tried to get up and then place the girl on the bed so she could rest better, but then she manage to see than Astra was also there and the angel get closer. The young warrior nod when the angel ask if she was awake but the next words surprise her, Two days? The words remain on her head not belive in them, she was sure than the wounds received on the battlefield werent so big, she wonder if it was fault of something on the arrow or a side effect from the were cat curse. She let the angel caress her but nearly as an instintively move, she move her hand toward where must be her cat ear, then she tried to look down her blankets and see if she had a tail or what clothes she have. She could live with her ears or tail, yet she fear than slowly she could turn into one of these strange were cats.

Im glad to know than all are fine. How has been Andrea? is she better now? Ended to say Susan before try to get up, if she were in underclothes she would looks for something to dress, maybe looking for her armor and clothes, then if she have the streng, she will try to lift Andrea and place her in the bed trying to dont awake her, before try to go to see the Matriarch. Is fine if we go now to see the Elise, i dont know if its already late to talk with her, can i ask wich time is it?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When Susan tried to move her hand up to her head, she found that she had feeling enough in her arms to manage to lift them up, where she touched her head where her cat ears were. However when she touched her head, she felt that the cat ears were completely gone... not a trace of them remained at all, nor did her tail remain. When Astra noticed Susan touching her head and just above her butt where her cat ears and tail had been, she smiled softly.

"That's kind of the reason you've been out for two whole days, or close enough to two days anyway. The matriarch had her best healers fix you up a drought that would cure the curse on you that those werecats gave you, which kind of knocks you out for a while as it does its work. Anyway though, you should be all cured now of it and a normal human again, but the matriarch said that she'd like to talk with you one you were able to get up and about again," Astra said, explaining a little of what happened while she was out.

When Susan made to get up and go get Andrea and put her on the bed, she'd find her legs very wobbly, making her unable to do so easily, and her shoulder was still bandaged up as well, which also made it tough to manage, so Astra stopped her from doing so, saying in a kind tone, "Don't worry about her miss Susan, she's just fine okay, and since we all got back, living here has done wonders for her, especially with queens Hazel and Alluria helping to take care of her and teach her a lot of stuff she's forgotten in her time of captivity. But don't worry about that, they said they're confident that she'd make a full recovery with time. So here, let me help you put this on. I'm not sure how much you like dresses, but that's what the matriarch sent for you to wear."

Sure enough, when Susan looked back to Astra she would see a pretty, yet simple silver colored dress, with a knee length skirt on it. It was loose looking, yet after Astra helped her into it she noticed that despite looking like it would be rather loose, it fit her quite well. "This is cloth of silver from what the matriarch said when she brought it in here for you yesterday, a very expensive cloth, and she said she hoped you'd be awake and able to join them all in the great hall for breakfast today if possible, and it's near time for breakfast. I'll take you to the great hall when you're ready okay, just let me know, I'll be waiting over here," Astra told Susan once she was dressed, heading over to the window where she pulled the curtains open to reveal the still rising sun into the room, then she headed back over to the chair she'd been sitting in where she pulled a book up and started reading again. This gave Susan the chance to say or do anything she wished to the angel that she hadn't already gotten the answer for. It was really up to Susan what to do at this point.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan give a sigh of relief after see her body return to be as normal as before that curse change her, she was scared to find herself turned into a blonde futa werecat exactly like the one than she had faced and even her high libido looks to had been also returned to the normal, so this time she had dodge the bullet, maybe she should be more careful the next time.

Im in debt with all of you, but over all with the Matriarch, not only for cure the curse but for take care of Andrea and the others. Susan said before get up yet just when she was close to lift the young succubus, she noticed than her body still was weak, maybe she should take all with calm, as the potion looks to still cause her some side effects. Im glad to heard than she is better now, sha has already eated her breakfast? Susan said before kiss Andrea in her forehead after look her for a moment and then turn to see Astra after heard something about a dress. A dress? Well sometimes in rare ocasions i use them, but is really rare. The silver haired girl said looking to the dress than the angel have and blushing when she heard than it was really expensive and the matriarch buy it only for her. S...silver clothes!? Susan whimper and sweat cold, she was scared to think how would be the breakfast if she should wear something so expensive like that, she had take some manners classes, but she was not sure if that would be enough for what she will face now, maybe she would by mistake ruin the clothes if something fall on it, maybe she should take care and eat just water and bread for avoid any stain. I dont deserve it... is really so cute. with caution she start to dress it helped by Astra and expecting to only dress it inside this castle.

Once dressed Susan take a moment to see herself, giving a sigh of relief after see her normal breast size again, the dress fit her so well, yet she wonder what kind of surprise she will find now. Miss Astra, will Andrea come with us? Also can i ask about the others girls, are they at theirs towns now?

Susan had more questions, yet she say them once they were at their way to the dinner room. Can i ask you what will you do now, miss Astra? where do you live? As she ask the adventurer take her time looking each part of the castle as they walk, amazed to know this great place.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Of course Susan, you don't have to thank us, we did it because it's the right thing to do. And no she hasn't already eaten, but someone will come and get her shortly after she awakens and bring her something if she doesn't wish to join us," Astra said in a soothing tone, smiling when Susan kissed Andrea on the forehead. When she was ready and everything, Astra helped her into the dress, noticing the young silver haired human girl in a cold sweat about wearing such fine clothing as this and placing a calming hand on her shoulder, saying, "It's quite alright miss Susan, don't worry about if anything happens to the dress, if it does, then the matriarch will just get you another one, or have this one repaired. And don't say you don't deserve it, after everything that you did you deserve just about anything. Which is one of the things the matriarch is wanting to talk to you about, you're reward from her for all the help you provided us."

Once Susan was dressed and everything and then went on to ask Astra about if Andrea was to join them, and about the other captives in that horrible place, Astra smiled once more and pulled her into a hug. "Oh Susan, you're so kind. But Andrea didn't finally go to sleep until sometime around midnight, so let her sleep a little while longer okay. And as for the other girls, well they've all been taken home for the most part, though some were deemed to fragile to send home just yet because of their wounds and state of mind. But don't worry about anything miss Susan, they're all being taken care of as best they can be," Astra said while hugging Susan, assuring her that everyone was being well taken care of and telling her not to worry about them.

Once Astra released her from her hug, they went on, heading towards the great hall. Along the way, Astra pointed out a few other areas, the indoor training area, the corridor leading to the matriarch's bedroom and personal study, the path leading towards the rear gardens where she told Susan the matriarch frequents when she has nothing to do, and the portal room also, as well as a few other areas besides.

"Well... I'm not very sure what I'll do to be honest miss Susan. And I live here in Nevassa, so I'm already home really. I suppose I can go back to being a priestess if nothing else comes up that's interesting," Astra said in response to Susan's questions, shrugging her shoulders as if she didn't really know what else she might do.

Moments later, the two of them entered the great hall, where Susan saw a large long table nearly 10 feet long set up in front of a throne made of silver, which was made into the shape of a crescent moon. On the throne sat matriarch Elise, and Hazel sat directly to her left. Directly to her right sat another voluptuous succubus who had brunette colored hair, beautiful crimson red eyes that were as beautiful as the shiniest rubies, she had quite large breasts, though not so large as Hazel's were, but still larger than Elise's by far, being large FF-cups, and the most different thing about her than Hazel, Tana, and Elia was she wore a beautiful dress made of the finest silks, and she also had an air of nobility around her, as if she were born into it and meant for it.

There was also a silver winged, silver haired angel, that was very beautiful to behold, she was even more beautiful than Astra was when it came to angels, and her breasts were just smaller than the other succubus' was, being only F-cups. Also now that she had a chance to see her without her leather armor on, she noticed that Tana had rather large breasts for being a gnome girl, her's being D-cups in proportion to her size, and she was rather tall for a gnome as well, standing at 4 feet tall. Also in the great hall with them were several other people, one red skinned man with horns on his head, wearing some officers armor.

"Ah Susan, it's about time you woke up dear, please come and eat with us," Elise said when she noticed Susan and Astra, beckoning them both over to her table to eat with them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan receive Astra words shyly, she was just not so used to have someone who would give so precious present for her and she really would protect it as best as she could, now than she know than all the girls were save a great weight has been taken from her shoulders. The silver haired girl return the hug and feel the holy body of the angel a little more to calm herself. Im so happy to heard than all are fine and i guess than Andrea has been so happy here, just hope than she had dont been so worried for me these days.

Susan turn to see her dress again and shaked her head. I dont want to bother the matriarch if the dress get damage, i will take care of it as best as i can and will repair it if needed. The warrior just resign herself and decide to accept the dress as also the feelings than the Mistress should had placed on it, even if it was not so expensive for the Matriarch and Susan dont feel that she had made something extraordinary to get it.

The two soo leave the room and Susan was amazed with every room and place than they manage to saw in their way to the great hall. So you will worked as a priestess, that sound really interesting, maybe i could visit you before my next job and then we could talk for a while. Susan was close to invite her to help her to make missions but she was not sure of that, she would never forgive herself if something bad happen to Astra in her journeys, maybe once she get stronger maybe would ask her for help.

A portal room? is some kind of magical device? Susan ask, not sure of what could be, but wondering how a portal could be of use for Elise. Soon they reach the door toward the great hall and Susan take a breath to prepare herself, maybe this would be harder than the last mission, she dont want to embarrass the Matriarch or anyone else so she take the angel hand and smile her with a nod before get inside more saying to herself than she was ready now than to Astra.

Inside all was even better than what Susan expected, the throne, the big desk, even the persons around, all together make this something so irreal and fantastic, angels and others races together in a bizarre metting, she just then feel than she was out of place, she havent economical problems and her family have enough money to live happily yet this was a irreal level of luxury. The silver haired girl wave and smile shyly to all before place her hand at her side and trying to get closer until the Matriarch notice them, just when Susan was stunned looking the so beautiful new women, just thinking in them and in part wondering if they have back problems or any other illiness by theirs big breasts.

Good Morning. Elise

Sorry for worry all of you

She sit at a side of Astra or where Elise point her to sit, but if that dont happen close any family member would be right, yet she tried to dont place herself in a good place than could belong to anyone else. For a moment she remain silent looking and asking herself what she should do now or if it was right to had said the Matriarch name. She tried to dont look too much at the red man, as she suppose than he could be a guess or some important person in the army, maybe he looks disturbing with the horns but this was a game and if she dont have any problems with the known races this was not the exception, instead she turn to look to the two new women at Elise said, certainly they were the two wifes than she miss to know after the battle.

She tried hard to use as many manners than she know, but they could not be right in this world so she focused on the others as she tried to act normal.

Thanks Elise, for take care of Andrea and the others women, also for all than you had made for us. Susan stop and wonder if she should let Elise
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Yes she's pretty happy to be here, at least that's how she's acting anyway. And don't worry about the dress Susan, it's no bother to the matriarch," Astra said as they left the bedroom and on down.

"I suppose I'll work as a priestess unless something better comes along, what that might be I don't know, but even though I don't like fighting, I wouldn't mind working as an adventurer through the guild from time to time, it seems like fun all things considered," Astra replied to Susan about her maybe working as a priestess later on.

"Yeah that's the portal room, where Nevassa's portal is. The portals lead to other portals, or you can use a ritual of some sort to create a teleportation circle and connect the portal to it, though it costs a bit of money to do each time. This portal here was built by an old elven archmage a long time ago from the kingdom of Eldana to the north of here, his name was Merrick Greenleaf. There's a portal in every capital of Midgar and many of the larger cities as well, this portal can connect to at least a dozen cities or so that are inside of the country alone, and about twenty five or so around the world and on the other planes, like the fey realm, Celestia, and placed like those. It's also used for trading purposes, as it's easier to send supplies from place to place this way," Astra explained the significance of the portal to the matriarch to Susan and what it meant to pretty much every country in the world, and apparently other worlds as well.


Elise whispered something to Hazel and the large breasted succubus scooted down a little away from her, where another chair was brought in between the two, which Elise patted and motioned for Susan to come sit in beside her. "Oh Susan dear it's no worry, please come and sit beside me here, I insist. I'd also like to introduce you to my family properly now, as well as some of my vassals and subordinates," Elise said to Susan, apparently not caring she'd called her by her name rather than addressing her by her title, she took a deep breath and continued, "This lovely lady to your right is of course Hazel, she is my second wife, to her right is Sera, my third wife, she's an angel of the goddess of love by the way. Then to my left is my first wife Alluria, and to her left is Tana as you already know, and then Elia, again as you already know. Let's see here... the red skinned devil there past Elia is Malek, he's one of my marshals under Elia, who is the high marshal. All of our children that are here aren't down here just yet unfortunately, nor the rest of my wives as they are on diplomatic missions for the country. But enough about that, let's eat. Everyone else that is coming will get here shortly."

With that, they would begin eating breakfast. There was many different kinds of food to eat, all of the meats included bacon, ham, porkchops, and steaks, and the rest of the food was may different kinds of vegetables made in different ways, so Susan would pretty much be able to pick whatever she wanted out of the food.

After a few minutes into their meal, Susan would see princess Allie enter the room, along with several other women. One a succubus that had red hair, around F-cup breasts, the same infernal red eyes that Hazel and Alluria had, and she had quite literally a perfect looking body and she was wearing a tight yet simple pink dress that fit to her curves perfectly. Then there was another succubus which had pink hair that was brighter than Hazel's, more bubblegum pink instead of the darker pink of Hazel's, and her breasts were E-cups. After her was a dark elf that looked remarkably like Elia, almost exactly in fact save that her hair was shorter instead of the mid back length snowy white hair that Elia had, with her own being shoulder length, with dark forest green eyes, DD-cup breasts that were only slightly smaller than Elia's own E-cups. Behind the first three came a pair of gnome girls, or at least they looked like gnome girls, in fact they were twins, yet both of them looked a little taller than Tana by about 3 or 4 inches or possibly more. After that came a beautiful silver haired angel much like Sera, looking just as beautiful as she was, though with not as large of breasts as the Sera had, with her's only being D-cups. After they all came in yet another succubus came in behind them, this one with black hair that hung to her butt and having a voluptuous body just like all of the other succubi had seen so far, her breasts around the same size as the red haired one, her eyes hazel colored.

"Well Susan, these are some of my children. The red haired succubus is Leah, the pink one is Marigold, just call her Mari, the black haired succubus is Ivy, the dark elf there is Adriel, the two gnomes are Ayla and Lalah, and the other silver haired angel there is Hope. Hazel is Leah's, Mari's, and Ivy's mother, while Alluria is of course Allie's mother as you already know, Elia is Adriel's mother, Sera is Hope's, and Tana is Ayla's and Lalah's. I have another couple of daughters in Crimea at the moment, but they seem to be out right now," Elise said to Susan, gesturing to each of the children in turn and introducing them all to Susan, where each of them smiled at her and bowed their heads slightly to her. After that, they sat down and began eating along with them all, apparently not caring that Susan was low born and sitting right next to their father... or papa as princess Allie said they preferred to call Elise.

"Well papa, Faye and Nimisa aren't here right now because they had dates last night and didn't come back," Hope said to Elise, shaking her head a little from side to side.

"Oh well then, I guess we'll have to wait to introduce them to you at a later time Susan, so just enjoy yourself for now cutie and eat to your hearts content," Elise said, also starting to shake her head along with her angel daughter.