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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

It's quite alright Susan, just as long as you can still fight then it'll be okay I believe. But you're right, let us go now, but carefully,” Astra said, grabbing the whip that the slaver had from before to use as a weapon.

Once they were ready to head onwards, Astra and Maya both followed Susan through the door opposite the one she came in from, while the others huddled over in a dark corner of the room to hide from anyone that may come through. They followed the winding corridor down at least a good hundred feet or so where they began hearing what sounded like a woman talking loudly in the distance. “As soon as the buyers get here your ass is going to make us at least ten thousand gold or so. But anymore backtalk like that and I'll make sure you can't talk again... by taking that tongue. Your new masters that wish to buy a young noble girl like yourself don't like backtalk,” the woman's voice said loudly.

Astra glanced over at Susan and Maya with a concerned look on her face. “I believe the girl you've come to save is up ahead, as she wasn't back in the previous room with the rest of us,” Astra whispered to Susan.

They eventually found their way to the room that was ahead of them, which was even larger than the last one. Inside the room they saw four more people dressed like the two previous slavers, three of them women and one man, two of the woman were human, one was an elf, and the man was dressed in heavy armor so they couldn't tell what race he was exactly. Also they saw there were even more cells than in the previous room, there were six cells with people in them from what they could see.

One of the cells had a young human girl with brown hair that looked around sixteen years old or so. Another cell had two quite small girls that looked only about four feet tall if that much though they looked like their bodies were quite mature for girls so small and were around eighteen years old, one of which had autumnal orange hair and the other had forest green hair and both of them were held by chains attached to the top of their cell to keep them from using their arms, both of them had slightly pointed ears like an elf, and both of them looked in pretty bad shape with several cuts and bruises all over them like they had been beaten quite badly recently as they hung limply from the top of their cell by their arms, their legs not reaching the floor to take the weight off of them as if they were left that way to torture them as blood slowly dripped from their various wounds to the floor. The third cell had a drow girl with snowy white hair in it, her arms and legs bound tightly to the bars of her cell to keep her from moving unless the three slavers in the room wanted her to do so.

The fourth cell had a silver haired succubus in it, though she looked much more mature than Andrea did and from the way she was bound and gagged she was much stronger as well, she had large horns growing from her head that curved around. The fifth cell had two girls both with blonde hair and both with little horns growing from the just around their hairline and they had cows ears instead of human ears and cow tails, but their most prominent feature was their enormous breasts... they were easily G-cup sized breasts. Both of the cow girls had their arms chained up above their heads to the cell bars while they had some sort of machines with suction cups attached to both of their breasts sucking milk out of them and into large vats, both of them looked like they didn't like that fact they were in the situation and were pulling against the chains holding them, but they couldn't help but sigh in relief as the milk was being drained from their heavy breasts.

The last cell that had a lighter skinned elf with long pointed elf ears that stuck out. Susan would be able to tell was a high elf that had golden blonde hair on her head, her cell however was open and the elven slaver woman was in the cell with the high elf. Susan would be able to see the high elf girl was a futanari and had a quite erect ten inch penis between her legs, and the elven slaver woman in her cell was feverishly riding her while the high elven girl was chained to her cot in her cell so she couldn't move at all except to thrust her hips upwards, which she was doing a lot of as she looked like she was in a lot of pleasure, or rather she probably couldn't help herself.

One of the slaver women was standing near the brown haired human girl and holding her by the hair of the head through the cell bars of her cell, the third slaver woman was standing in the cell with the cow girls, apparently making sure they were being milked properly from the looks of it, while the man was standing around as if guarding them all carefully while his superiors did most of the work.

Miss Susan, we must strike now and save these girls, this... this... this atrocious deed must not go unpunished,” Astra muttered from where they were at in the doorway looking into the room.

The decision to attack however was really taken out of their hands as the heavily armored man looked over at Astra's words and called out to the three slaver women, alerting them all that they were under attack. The armored man, the woman that had been pulling the hair of the only human girl captive, and the one in the cell with the cow girls started towards Susan, Astra, and Maya, while the elven slaver woman continued raping the futanari high elf she was in the cell with.

They failed their stealth rolls in case you couldn't tell. Also I do hope the way I wrote this is okay with you.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The angel words looks to be an attempt to calm the young warrior, but maybe Susan could regreit her choice in the battle, she was not sure if she could do all this easily, but there is not another choice, outside is filled with traps and all the girls were just so weak to try to look for help, at least she have Astra and Maya at her side to support her and that could be enough this time.

They soon walk and return from where Susan has come, her ears start to receive what looks like a female slaver talking with maybe a poor girl, for the talk the kidnaped girl is a noble and Susan suppose than it was the one than she was looking. Only some minutes later she find herself in a disgusting view, more girls in cells, many of them wounded and between then she notice a human girl without any shackle and a succubi who looks more powerfull than Andrea, both could be helpful in the fight if only Susan could find a way to free them, however one of the captors notice her and call the attention of the others, all looks really hard and this fight could end badly for Susan team, the full armored guy looks very tough and Susan was not expecting fight against others women, even then she must move faster and not fear anything as she focus at the battle.

Lets protect each other and focus on one of them whisper Susan to her allies, she will go for one of the women, then as she fight, she will looks for a chance to free the noble girl or the succubus.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan – 9 vs 4 Hsl, hit
Astra – 14 vs 11 Hsg, magic attack for 2 FP dmg
Maya – 20 vs 18 Hsg, hit

Human slaver captain – 16 vs 3 Astra, hit
Human slaver lieutenant – 6 vs 13 Susan, miss
Human slaver guard – 20 vs 7 Maya, hit for 2 FP dmg

Susan – 17 vs 1 Hsl, crit hit for 2 FP dmg
Astra – 16 vs 15 Hsg, magic attack for 2 FP dmg
Maya – forfeited turn to go and attempt to free the succubus

Human slaver captain – 16 vs 16 Astra, miss
Human slaver lieutenant – 18 vs 16 Susan, hit
Human slaver guard – 13 vs 11 Astra, hit for 2 FP dmg

As their foes closed in on them, Susan saw the human slaver woman that had been watching the cow girls being milked came at her. Susan easily caught her off guard by swinging her blade at her as she charged closer and cut her waist with her blade. Astra lifted her hand towards the heavily armored man and an arrow of pure holy energy formed and shot out at him, piercing through his armor like it was butter and going through his shoulder before fading out of existence. Maya used his recoiling from Astra's attack to slash her sword across the back of one of his legs, which wasn't as heavily armored as the rest of him, then she darted back to take up a defensive position.

The slaver woman that had been shouting at the human girl in the cell moved in at Astra and before the matronly angel could recover from her magic attack on the heavily armored man, the slaver woman swung the riding crop in her left hand at the angel, striking her across her naked but with it and leaving a red welt upon it. The slaver woman that Susan was fighting swung her sword at Susan, but Susan was able to parry the attack and keep it from hitting her. The armored man swung his large warhammer at Maya, and the young neko wasn't able to evade quickly enough and was knocked back into the wall near the door they'd come in, though she wasn't down and out just quite yet.

"You damn angel, I told you if I had any more lip from you then I'd cut off your wings didn't I. I'll make you think fight back," the lead slaver woman said to Astra after she hit the angel, then she glanced over at Susan and continued, saying, "And you... I don't know you so I'm assuming you're the one that set these two free. I'll make you my personal bitch after I beat the shit out of you."

As the fighting raged on, Susan was able to fake out her opponent enough to trip her to the floor where she banged her head against the ground as Susan gave her a swift kick in the side. Astra managed to maneuver around so she could get a good shot at the armored slaver again, and shot another holy arrow at him, this one catching him in the side and bringing him to his knees, though he didn't look to be totally out of the fight just yet.

"Keep them busy for me," Maya called out to Susan and Astra, the latter of whom nodded to the black haired neko after blasting her magic at their armored foe.

Maya took this opportunity to rush over to the cells where she jammed her blade into the lock and slammed the pommel of her sword, breaking the lock and forcing the cell door open where she went in and began cutting the ropes binding the succubus.

Hang on, I'll let you free,” they would hear Maya say to the succubus, who nodded her head.

The slaver woman attacking Astra swung at the angel again, though this time with her sword, but the angel managed to evade her attack this time around. Susan's opponent however managed to get back up and swung her sword around, catching Susan's left leg with her blade and causing a bit of blood to trickle down Susan's thigh. The heavily armored slaver man managed to regain his footing and charged Astra, where he slammed his large warhammer into her side, knocking her across the room and into the cell holding the human girl as she cried out in pain. This left Susan right next to all three of their opponents with no support unless Astra managed to use her magic again to aid her, though the angel looked a little dazed from the blow against her.

Susan – FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Astra – FP: 3/6, MP: 2/4, AP: 1/10
Maya – FP: 2/4, AP: 0/10

Human slaver captain – FP: 7/7
Human slaver lieutenant – FP: 2/5
Human slaver guard – FP: 2/7


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The slavers just looks to be fully corrupted with the idea of use any mean to do acomplish their goals, even the evil female leader of the thieves only make Susan burn in the need of make them pay and see their mistake for place these poor girls in this condition.

However even when the young silver swordswoman had a great moment making the thieves feel the pain at their bodies, she just cant do more than see her team get wounded and nearly be defeated by these evil humans. With the angel nearly defeated on the floor and the neko wounded girl trying to free one of the kidnaped girl, Susan decide to risk all and do her best to protect all these girls, at least giving them a moment to recover themselves and increase their number to have advantage at this battle.

She placed herself in a defensive stance and try her best to stop the three vile villains, if she need it she could use a healing potion from her equipment as they were ready to be used in a dangerous moment.


full defense against the three slavers and use healing potion if she reach 2 or 1 of hp
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - Forfeits turn for +5 defense on all defensive rolls
Astra - 21 vs 12 Hsg, hit with magic, nearly taking him out
Maya - fully released the succubus and moving back out to support Susan

Human slaver captain - 16 vs 23 Susan, miss
Human slaver lieutenant - 5 vs 25 Susan, miss and crit counter for Susan, 2 FP dmg to the lieutenant which knocks her out
Human slaver guard - 10 vs 9 Susan, hit for 2 FP
Elven slaver fighter - 7 vs 17 Astra, miss

Susan - Uses one of her healing potions to heal back to full FP, but doesn't get her defensive bonus this turn
Astra - 7 vs 19 Hsg, miss with magic and now has no more MP
Maya - 11 vs 3 Hsg, hit him and knocked him out of the battle
Succubus - 15 vs 8 Hsc, hit with heavy magic for 3 FP, but spent 2 of her 5 MP

Human slaver captain - 14 vs 6 Susan, hit
Elven slaver fighter - 20 vs 3 Astra, crit hit for 2 FP dmg

Susan saw how surrounded she was at the moment and pulled her sword up into a defensive stance, knowing that it would be hard to try and take on all three of their enemies by herself like she was. While she readied herself for the oncoming attacks, Astra fired another arrow of her holy energy, this one directed at the heavily armored guard. Her arrow of holy energy hit him in the gut, piercing his armor slightly, but not a whole lot, so it didn't take him out of the battle, but he was on his last legs now they could see. Maya finally finished cutting the ropes tying the succubus' arms and legs together to keep her from breaking free, then she came rushing back out to Susan's aid.

Maya however wasn't going to be able to make it to Susan's side to support her before the three they were fighting came at the young swordswoman. The slaver captain woman swung her sword that she had in her right hand at Susan, who managed to parry the attack before it hit her. When the other human slaver came at her, Susan was able to swiftly evade, then spun around, bringing the hilt of her sword around into the back of her opponent's head, knocking her out cold. The heavily armored guard however came at her, his large warhammer ready to swing, and when he swung, Susan simply couldn't stop such a large weapon, and she didn't have the time to evade, and as such she was struck right in the gut with it, which sent her flying across the room and into the cell holding the two badly hurt gnomes, breaking the cell door off its hinges she struck it so hard. The elven slaver woman that was raping the high elf looked around at what was going on, having previously been lost in her own world and all, but now she saw what was going on and moved to aid her companions, swinging the mace she had at Astra from her left, though the angel saw her coming before she got to her and managed to evade the attack.

Susan was in a good deal of pain from the blow by the heavily armored slaver guard, though her armor saved her from taking any serious injuries that were life threatening or anything, it still hurt. She reached into her pack quickly and brought out one of her potions she'd gotten, then quaffed it down as quickly as she could. She immediately felt her pain easing until it pretty much vanished altogether, with only residual aching left in its place.

Astra took aim at the heavily armored guard again, sending another of her holy arrows at him again, though this time she missed, expending the last of her magics with which to fight. Maya however quickly moved in and finished the slaver guy off, bashing her sword across his heavy helm and knocking him out cold and taking another foe out of the fight. The silver haired succubus stepped out of the cell she was in and Astra's head turned over to her as she felt the magical power of the succubus brimming and ready to explode out at their enemies, From where Susan was sitting, she could see that Astra's eyes were wide as she stared at the silver haired succubus, looking actually kind of scared.

The succubus, with a very serious and angry look, then raised her left hand and aimed it at the slaver captain woman where a beam of silvery energy erupted from her hand, catching the slaver captain dead center and throwing her across the room into the wall next to the cell Susan was at, thought the slaver captain woman was able to recover quickly and scramble back to her feet after she hit.

The slaver captain saw Susan getting back to her feet by the cell holding the wounded gnomes and came at her, swinging her sword at Susan in a fury, and Susan couldn't bring her sword up quick enough and took a slash to her right hip, cutting it a bit as she spun around to face her foe. The elven slaver woman charged in at Astra and tackled her, pushing her into the rock wall of the cavern and slamming her head against it, nearly knocking the angel out cold, though Astra managed to hold onto her consciousness for the moment, though she was being held against the wall by the elven slaver and was struggling to get free.

Susan - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Astra - FP: 1/6, MP: 0/4, AP: 1/10
Maya - FP: 2/4, AP: 0/10

Succubus - FP: 4/8, MP 3/5, AP: 0/10

Human slaver captain - FP: 4/7
Elven slaver fighter - FP: 6/6


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Surrounded by foes, Susan weild her weapon in a defensive stance, making her eyes dont lose any of her foes as these get close and attack her. Her quick body easily dodge the first and with a sudden strike take down a second foe, however this reduce her chances to dodge a third foe and soon she is taken away toward a cell, as she just try to endure the pain of the weapon impact. It take her a moment to recover herself from the high impact of the heavy sword man, making a glad sigh once she notice than she has dont receive a serious wound thanks to her armor, she soon turn to the gnomes and then to her friends, she know than she will lost if she dont take a moment to drink a potion, as she do it the fight continue in a very close result for both forces.

Then the succubi get free and Susan could see the angel fear expression, no doubt this capture woman could help them a lot at this fight, her potent spell make Susan get amazed by the potence of the impact, however she dont have too much time to waste as the slaver leader get recovered soon and attack her, Susan tried to prepare her sword but she was not so fast and receive a little wound at her side, her attention was also focused on the poor angel who is close to be taken down, Susan would love to help her, but at the moment she is facing a possible dangerous foe, unable to do more than wish than someone save the celestial, the silver haired swordswoman focused herself in face this evil human.

At the instant she try to answer the last attack with a blow against a not vital zone at her foe, trying to make her get tired the enough to let the succubus end the job then she hope than between all they will end the battle.

(use potion if Susan is close to faint)
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan – 18 vs 2 Hsc, crit hit for 2 FP dmg.
Astra – 15 vs 7 Esf, hit for 1 FP dmg and broke free of the grapple
Maya – 13 vs 3 Esf, hit for 1 FP dmg

Succubus – 15 vs 3 Hsc, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg

Human slaver captain – 14 vs 1 Susan, hit for 2 FP dmg
Elven slaver fighter – 9 vs 17 Astra, miss

Susan – 16 vs 7 Hsc, hit and knocked the the enemy leader out
Astra – 14 vs 13 Esf, hit
Maya – 8 vs 9 Esf, miss

Succubus – 7 vs 18 Esf, missed her magic attack

Elven slaver fighter – 3 vs 20 Astra, miss and crit counter for 2 FP dmg on her

Susan – 13 vs 11 Esf, hit and knocked her out to win the fight, taking all four of their foes captive after finishing the fight.

Susan wanted to go and help Astra out, but she was in the middle of her own fight, and her foe demanded every bit of her attention or she may end up getting knocked out, leaving the others to continue on without her. Susan managed to get a good hit in on the slaver captain, cutting her opponent's shoulder with her swing and forcing her back a bit. Astra meanwhile managed to get her foot up where she then pushed the elven slaver off of her as she swung her fist at her face, connecting with her opponent's cheek and causing her to stumble back as she fell back into the cage holding the two terribly hurt gnome girls. Maya followed up Astra's shove and slashed her sword at the elven slaver, cutting her across the back before she could defend herself.

The succubus raised her hand up and aimed towards the slaver captain woman that Susan was busy fighting, where she then muttered an incantation and another blast the same as her last erupted out of her hand, slamming into the slaver captain woman's gut and knocking her to the cavern floor, though she managed to quickly get back up.

The slaver captain rushed at Susan after getting back up, as Susan was the closest to her, then she slammed the hilt of her sword into Susan's gut and knocked the breath out of her, then when Susan bent over a bit from the hit on her, the slaver captain smacked her in the face with the hilt of her sword, causing her to see stars in her eyes. Then the elven slaver attempted to finish Astra off with a kick to the gut, but Astra managed to jump back.

Susan managed to recover enough from the blow to her gut, finally catching her breath enough to stand. She then saw an opening on the slaver captain woman, who was staring daggers at the succubus and looked to be about to charge at her. Upon seeing her opening, Susan jumped up and swung her sword at her, the flat of her blade catching the slaver woman in the back of her head and knocking her out cold as she fell to the floor, leaving only the elven slaver woman to fight against them all. Astra threw another punch at the elven slaver woman, catching her in the face again with her fist and forcing her back some more as the four began surrounding her. Then Maya came in and swung her blade, only for it to be parried away and blocked. The succubus targeted her with another of her magic spells, though she too missed just like Maya.

The elven slaver was now completely surrounded pretty much and trapped in the corner. She attempted to break out of the surround and charged at Astra, who was at the moment the weakest from the battle. Astra however was ready for her and as soon as the elven slaver rushed her, Astra swiftly spun out of the way and grabbed the elven slaver's wrist, then spun her around and slammed her face directly into the wall, busting her lips open as they heard a audible crunch from her nose breaking.

After that it was a simple task for Susan to slam the hilt of her sword into the back of the elven slaver's head to knock her out, and as soon as she bonked her on the head the elven slaver fell to the floor, out cold.

Hah... hah... hah... we did it... somehow... we defeated them,” Astra panted, as if she was amazed that they managed to win their fight.

Yeah we did, it's hard to believe that we managed to win against them,” Maya said as she sheathed her sword after cleaning the blade some.

The succubus looked from Susan, to Astra, then over to Maya and back again. “Thank you... all of you. They were about to sell us off to someone, we don't know who. But he or she is supposed to be here in a few hours. If we hurry, we'll be able to capture whoever it is, but we'll need some help to do so... we'll need my papa for this one I believe, because whoever it is was supposed to be very powerful, and they've taken other girls before this, so my papa must know of this,” the succubus said after seeming to size the girls up a bit.

W-Who are you exactly miss? And who's your papa?” Astra asked the beautiful silver haired succubus.

Me? My name is Allie, Allie Lunette Crimea, I'm the firstborn daughter of matriarch Elise Crimea and her first wife Alluria Neris Crimea, though I'm not the eldest of my papa's children, because the goddess of love Sehanine decided that my momma Hazel would have Mari first, so I'm the second oldest of papa's blood children, though not the oldest of all of them, because she's adopted some others... but I'll explain about all that later, for now you girls help me tie these ones here up,” the succubus said, introducing herself as one of the royal family of Crimea to the others.

As soon as they heard her, Astra and Maya both bowed their heads and curtsied to her. “Princess Allie, how did you get here? I hadn't heard anything about one of the royal family being captured recently,” Maya said from where she curtsying to Allie.

First off please stand, you don't need to bother bowing to me, I won't hold you all to ceremony or anything like that, at least not here. Secondly... I allowed myself to be captured only a couple of weeks ago, after letting them know who I was and everything. So that we all could try and figure out who was behind the slavery, and now we've got the one right where we want them, my papa approved of the plan, though my mother was very reluctant to allow us to go through with it. But my papa assured her that I'd be okay, and not to worry so much, and now our hard work has paid off for us. But come, let us tie them up so I can go and get them to prepare for our trap,” Allie said, kind of expressing her authority of being a member of the royal family for Crimea to Susan and the others.

(Looks like Susan got some lucky rolls this time around. :))


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The fight looks to dont have a winner yet, as Susan cant even dodge the slave leader attacks, she was close to faint when suddenly she got her chance in a mistake of her foe. With a sudden move she manage to beat her and then turn her attention to the other vile woman, the others were doing their best to defeat the last of the slavers and it take her a moment to go there, so she was able to see how the angel nearly take her foe out after the slaver dodge the others attacks, soon Susan give a last hit at the last foe making the end of the battle.

With all done, she take a moment to recover her breath before start to free the others as she heard the talk between her allies, not so amzed to heard who the succubus was until she understand than she was one of the daughters of the Matriarch, not doubt than this was the reason of such power, even then Susan get focused first in free alls and then try to talk to the noble girl.

My name is Susan Summer, a new member of the city guild, i have the job of take you to your parents. Said before completely free her, then if she allow her, Susan will sescort her outside the jail and close the others to decide what to do next.

As she was taking free the kidnaped girls, she manage to heard than the succubus was the daughter of two girls, for Susan it was the first time to heard that and she just dont understand how can be this possible. Even then she stop to ask and only focused on the main problem of take all out of here. Fine, but we also need to take all these girls to a safe place, many of them looks to be very blady hurted to defend themselves. Also, i saw some soldiers in a close town before come here, are they the ones than you will inform or you will go all the way until the capital. Said Susan worried than they could be wasting precious time, she then help the others to end to tie the others, the swords woman dont take any risk and do her best to check for any hidden weapon, even taking away their foes armors and then tie them very well using even the shackles of the place as also some rope.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

T-Thank you miss Susan, I honestly didn't think we'd be able to make it out of this horrible place. M-My parents, they hired you through the guild? You must be very strong to be able to take on all of these horrible people,” Lara replied to Susan, looking thankful at her rescue while her bonds were being undone. Once Lara was completely freed, she threw her arms around Susan in a tight hug.

And that is one reason I'm going to hurry on now, so that I can bring healers for these girls, and though I am powerful, I can't carry them all. I'd rather not leave these ones here without someone watching them though is why I'm asking if you all will stay here. Plus I can fly and get out quicker alone,” Allie said to Susan, looking serious about what she was saying, though at the same time looking like she didn't like having to leave them if it came to it.

After that, Allie, Maya, and Astra all helped Susan to tie up their unconscious foes one by one and haul them into the corner out of the way, using some ropes and some of the shackles found in the room, and taking all of their armor and weapons before tying them up. After they had them all bound and gagged, as per Allie's orders, the young yet mature looking succubus had the others help her in getting the ones still in the cells out, having Astra help her with the two quite hurt gnome girls, as Astra had the only true healing powers of their group. Maya released the drow woman from her cell after undoing all the ropes and shackles holding her, then helped her up and out of the cell to check her for wounds. It appeared that she wasn't as badly hurt as everyone else, save her pride being a little hurt.

"Alright lady Astra, just get them stabilized and everything unless you can do more for them before I get back. Alright, if you girls could once I leave. Treat these girls of any hurts and everything, then take them to the mouth of the cave and wait for my return, I'll be bringing my papa, my momma Hazel, my momma Tana, and my momma Elia back, because they're all really strong. But I must hurry on now, or I won't be able to get them here fast enough. I swear I'll return to you all as quickly as I can, just take care of the hurt ones while I'm gone, I'll stop and send some of the soldiers of the village on the edge of the forest here along the way," Allie said, giving a few orders to them all before getting up and extending her wings, where she then flaps them and flew out of the cavern, assuring them she'd be back shortly.

After that, Maya told Susan to go over and release the futanari high elf from her cell while she went and released the cow girls from theirs, while Astra healed the two gnome girls of what seemed to be a quite brutal beating.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver haired swordswoman let drop the keys and shackles than were on the naked young girl once this take her of guard with a sudden hug, Susan give her a warm hug, trying to confort the noble young woman after all what she passed at this time. Dont worry, you are safe now, Miss Lara. Soon we will take you out of this place.. From that moment, Susan let her walk close her as she continue taking the girls out of their cells. Even then the large quantity of the soccubus parents make her frown and shiver, amazed by how that mathriarch have a big harem filled with strong mates, it must be a really though and important battle to bring so much strong people.

We will cure all and prepare them in case of a battle, please take care Said to the demon girl who soon fly away, the swordswoman decide to continue, taking the keys to free the futa elf, at the instant Susan blushed and turn to a side when her eyes noticed the used dick. Are you fine?... if you need it, rest until Miss Astra can heal your... wounds Once she free the high elf, Susan tried to look for food and clothes for the girls, placing the slavers armors and weapons in a safe place where any of the girls could take them to protect themselves, if there was not food, Susan will give some to her rations starting with Lara

We must inform the others than the slavers are defeated, so we can prepare all in case than Miss Allie dont return at time
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"T-Thank you miss Susan, I don't know how to repay you other than whatever my parents already offered you," Lara said to her as she followed her out of her cell and went over to Astra's side and began helping her tend to the two gnome girls, apparently having more than enough of being in a cell and not wanting to follow Susan into another one.

After Susan went into the high elf's cell and began undoing the shackles holding her to her cot, she'd see her whimpering slightly and shifting her legs around. Susan would see that the high elf's futa cock was still fully erect and ready for action.

"Y-Yes... I'm fine, but... it burns so badly," the high elf responded to Susan in a whimper, continuing to lay there for a moment.

Before Susan could go out to look for all she intended on looking for, the high elf shot up and grabbed Susan from behind, holding her not too tightly against her, her erect member pressing at the small of Susan's back as she was a bit taller than Susan. "I-'m sorry, but I can't help myself. P-Please help get rid of the burning in it... they... injected me full of... aphrodisiacs."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Leaving Lara close the angel, maybe expecting than take care of others will show the noble than all the girls will do their best to protect her, Susan focus on the high elf's ties. The swordswoman tried her best to dont see too much the woman phallus, this was her first time close a futa and she cant stop to blush and wonder if that kind of things is normal at this world, trying to leave to find something usefull, she get stoped and soon feel the hard rod pressing against her armor.

...Help you? at the other cave road there is a needed succubus who could help you better, but if you cant endure it...

It would be my first time...

Susan nearly whisper thinking at how she and Tess pleasure each other nearly like sex mindless animals at the mushroom kingdown, until they could endure the aphrodisiac spores.

If the high elf cant endure it, Susan will try to turn and make her rest on the floor, as she start to stroke the warm member, this is her first human apendage, as she only had sex with monsters and Tess at her first game, her soft hands continued trying to make the woman cum, her little experience could help her, as she rest over the woman and give a french before kiss the woman neck, repeating at her skin as she goes lower, if this is dont enough she will decide to use her mouth on the elf cock, as her hands pleasure the base and lower lips, wishing than the high elf had enough with only this.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

(I'm assuming Susan will lead her on back to where the others were so she can have some fun with that succubus. Just tell me if you didn't want me to do it this way and I can change it.)

"A... A succubus you say? I-If she doesn't mind helping me get some relief then please, take me to her. But you'll have to hurry... I c-can't hold myself back for long," the high elf said, giving Susan a pleading look that told her she needed to hurry. Apparently Susan wouldn't need to pleasure this poor girl herself, unless she just wished to of course.

With that, Susan led the high elf on back through the tunnels, with Astra telling her to hurry on and back so that they could drag the unconscious foes to somewhere out of the way up at the front of the cave to make it easy to haul them out when Allie got back. Once she had her in the earlier cavern, Susan would see Andrea now sitting up against the wall, though she still looked a little weak, but not severely so. As soon as Andrea noticed Susan returning, and with the futanari high elf in tow, she perked up quite a bit and licked her lips, looking half starved.

"M-Mistress Susan, you've returned... and... you've brought someone else. M-May I feed some more please? I'm still so hungry," Andrea said in a pleading voice, looking hopeful at Susan and glancing over at the high elf every few seconds.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Im sure than she will be happy to help you say Susan

Glad to know than her services could not be required, Susan nod and help the high elf to walk to where the other female group wait them.

Dont worry, it will dont take us too much time Answer Susan to the angel, helping the nude futa to walk through the tunnels until they find the others. There what could be named servant welcome them with a really needed happy look. The silver haired swordswoman smiled before nod slighty.

Very well, i will let you pleasure her, but please control yourself and stop when this woman had finded her release, if you do it right, i will give you another one Susan was ready to stop the young succubus if this goes too far, after all, she expect than her servant could feed herself with her defeated foes, so they dont have a chance to recover their energy
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"O-Okay mistress, I promise I won't take more than she can handle," Andrea said, looking very happy that she was about to be fed some more it seemed.

With that, Andrea all but jumped to her feet, her weakened state apparently not effecting her as much with the prospect of feeding. She took the high elf's hand and pulled her over behind one of the larger pillars out of the way so that the young elf girl from earlier didn't see them. If Susan followed them to ensure Andrea didn't go too far, as soon as she was around the pillar she would see Andrea already had her companion laying on the floor on her back and guiding her cock into her magnificent succubus pussy.

After that, Andrea quickly began happily impaling herself upon the high elf girl's cock, moaning softly as she did so, with the high elf looking like she was enjoying it as well. Andrea's bouncing soon became more and more rapid, with the young succubus throwing her head this way and that, her hair swinging wildly. Soon the high elf futa girl raised up and wrapped her arms around Andrea, starting to thrust up to meet every one of Andrea's bounces, then suddenly, she rather roughly flipped Andrea over so that she was on top now, where she began thrusting in and out as fast and hard as she could, desperately seeking release. This was soon granted to her as Andrea's legs locked around the high elf's waist as her entire body tensed up, her lower lips milking the seed right out of her partner as they reached their mutual climaxes, their lusty moans filling the cavern.

After they finished up the high elf all but collapsed over on top of Andrea, who kissed her on the lips and slowly rolled her over so that she was on top again, where she began bouncing some more, the futa high elf now looking quite exhausted after being drained of some of her spirit energies, though not so much that she couldn't keep going. Andrea though looked far from satiated as she continued going, though her face and eyes looked much brighter than they did earlier when she'd first found her. It was easy to see that the high elf likely wouldn't outlast Andrea's almost insatiable appetite for not only feeding, but sex as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan sigh and lend the elf to her servant, giving her another chance to control herself, then she follow them not sure if they should do this without the others know. Then the coito start, turning this into a really bad experience for Susan until she decide to act after see the elf cum for second time

is enough, stop please, she is only an apetizer to help you walk toward your real dinner


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

if the succubus stop, susan will leave the elf rest and gide her servant to where the slavers are, so she could help them to carry them and maybe feed of them
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Andrea simply continued shaking her head this way and that, almost looking as if she were ignoring Susan altogether. While she watched the two keep going at it fast and hard, Susan would start to smell a nice and sweet fragrance wafting into her nostrils, and within seconds she would feel her body beginning to heat up slightly as lustful thoughts began to cloud her mind, though it wasn't anything she couldn't handle by any means for the moment, it was apparent though that something was effecting her.

Soon after that, Andrea and the high elf both cried out in bliss again as Andrea's pussy wrung every drop of cum out of her partner's cock for their second mutual orgasms. Andrea however still wasn't finished and when Susan got closer to attempt stopping her, she would suddenly smell the sweet fragrance again, dulling her mind and causing her to stop for the moment while Andrea continued, Susan's body also began heating up again and she was feeling a bit aroused to the point her lower lips were starting to get moist. Andrea soon finished up just as Susan recovered from that blast of the sweet essence, the young succubus lifting off of the high elf laying there and a river of seed flowing out of her pussy, the high elf looking totally exhausted yet happy and satisfied now.

"Thank you mistress Susan, that was so great. And you promise to feed me more later? I can make you feel really good in return," Andrea said in an enticing voice, the sweet fragrance still in the air, though not as heavily as earlier when she was blasted with it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Just when Susan tried to get close and stop her servant, a sudden sweet smell started to grow in a intense way, nearly she could bet than Andrea was trying to stop her, each step cause a great effort to Susan until a big potent shoot of the sweet scent make her body get stunned completely, aroused and feeling the need of join them, Susan just stay there looking them end, closing her arms in an attemp to dont try to masturbate herself, then the swordswoman saw Andrea get up and send more of her scent toward her, maybe trying to use her mistress to get more power, blushed Susan take a moment to order her mind and then shake her head to awake of this arousal.

Yes sweet heart, i will feed you again until you will be completely sattled, but once we reach the capital. Soon we will leave this place and i need my full streng to protect each of you at the road.

Anyway, i need than you help me to carry this girl to where Miss Astra is waiting for us... Can you control this scent? It could get at our way and reduce our chances to win if we need to fight again.
Susan tried to talk normaly, as her body was burning with the needs of just jump at the succubus's arms and let her use her until pass out.

If all goes right, she will try to carry the futa elf with Andrea help to the place where andrea is, then she will move the slavers to a better place, where they dont have the chance of do anything..
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With a look of joy, Andrea jumped over into Susan's arms, throwing her own arms around the silver haired girl in a tight hug, her rather large breasts pressing against Susan's chest. "Yes mistress Susan, I'll help. And yes I'm sorry about my essence, I'm still pretty young so its hard to control sometimes, especially if I'm having sex. It'll just start wafting out on its own when I feel really good, I'm sorry mistress Susan, please don't hit me or anything," Andrea replied, ending with an apologetic and slightly scared face.

With that, Andrea went and helped Susan lift the near unconscious futa high elf and get her back to all the others. She was able to walk, though it was obvious that she'd need their help to do so, so they supported her between the two of them as they helped her to where the others all were. As they went, Susan would see the high elf's cock bobbing up and down, still hard as hell and almost mesmerizing to her, the thing bumping up against her leg several times before they got her back to where Astra and the others were.

When they arrived there, they would see the slavers had all been put into those cages where the girls had all been held, and the girls they rescued out front were there now as well, with the younger elf girl blushing red as a beet when she saw Susan, Andrea, and the futa high elf coming into the room, mainly because of the rather large member uncovered between the high elf's legs.

"Ah Susan, you're alright. I was beginning to worry when Tia told me what was taking place. I'm glad to see you all alright. Now all we must do is wait for princess Allie to get back with the reinforcements. As you can see we moved all of the still living slavers here into the cages, letting them see how it feels," Astra said as they came back in and she noticed them.