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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Well you've got the look about you like you've seen a thing or two in your time miss. At least I think you've got that kind of look about you. Anyway I can give you most of the specifics, but I suppose you'd like to speak with lord Typherion first about the payment in question. So I'll meet you out here at the main gate when you're done. Don't take too long though you two, remember the longer you take the more likely something will happen to Lara,” the guard said to Susan and lord Typherion, then walked on out towards the gate to await Susan.

I know Brandon, jeez you'd think I don't know what's at stake here,” lord Typherion said to the guard as he walked away, which told Susan what the guard's name was. A moment later lord Typherion turned back to Susan.

Well then miss, you probably already guessed who I am. But before I start talking about payment for this, what is your name? I'm sorry if this sounds rude to you, but I need to at least have you meet my wife before you go out, to let her know someone that looks at least halfway capable is going to find our daughter and bring her back to us. I'm sure you understand,” he told Susan, gesturing for her to follow him inside.

Once they walked on inside, he led her through the manor and into a dining room. Inside Susan would see a middle aged woman sitting at the dining table with a plate of food in front of her... it looked like she had been crying a lot and had only picked lightly at her food. Lord Typherion walked over to the table and whispered something to what Susan could only assume was his wife. She turned in her chair after a moment and looked at Susan with a hopeful expression, while lord Typherion waved at her to come over.

So you're the one going to bring my baby back to me? Thank you miss, I don't know how to thank you,” the woman said, getting up and hugging Susan when she got closer.

After Susan replied to lady Typherion's words, lord Typherion would ask her to sit and they'd talk about her payment. “Now I don't know if Edward told you or not how much of a bounty we put out for this, but we've upped the reward from a thousand gold bounty to a two thousand gold bounty, plus a bonus if you can bring our daughter back unharmed and still pure. The bonus would depend on Lara's condition when you return, but as long as she's alive then you'll get at least a small bonus,” lord Typherion told Susan, looking very seriously at Susan.

After that he told Susan that she should hurry on and get going so she could talk to Brandon outside and get the details on where to head out to to find Lara.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Once again someone notice something on her, she suppose than as she is the player, she should look like a Veteran in these kind of quests, not like she have something against this "bonnus" than the game give her, but more likely she feel the huge weight to have their faith on them and dont be able to fulfill their needs.

It was a pleasure to meet you, Mister Brandom. Said in a polite tone as she follow the Noble to where her is her wife.

Dont worry I understand the hard moment for what your family is passing, lord Typherion. My name is Susan Summers, at your service. The young adventurere only has been close a monstergirl queen and she just dont had been close a noble in her whole last game, so she suppose than this is a good way to talk to someone of his class.

They then go to the dinning room where a woman of maybe 30+ was eating, Susan notice than she looks to be reallt sad what make her suppose than she could be the mother or a familiar of the victim. The noble get close the unknown woman and this just jump on Susan arms when she was close enough. Dont worry My lady, your daughter will be soon with both of you. The adventurer just dont know what more to say or act, she just return the hug trying to confort her, but ending the hug soon if this is look bad for them.

Once the woman get better she get close the Noble man and heard about the real bounty, it was really much for Susan at this moment, but she really was not interested too much in the extra gold. Understood, now i must leave. Said with a little bow to both before walk quickly to where the guard is, ready to heard the information as fast as possible and then run to buy a minor potion before go to where they suppose is the noble girl
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The Typherions both thanked Susan once again as she made to leave the manor and meet up with sir Brandon outside, with lady Typherion going so far as to hug Susan again and kiss her on both cheeks when she told them their daughter would be home soon. Once she was outside, she could make out sir Brandon out by the gate to the manor grounds and he noticed her coming on out and waved her over.

"I suppose you're done here then eh. Well in that case I'll go ahead and tell you what all we know while we walk, I'm sure you're heading off to get some supplies and whatnot before going out. Anyway though you already know my name. So what is yours?" Brandon said as Susan walked up to him, gesturing out towards the markets Susan passed on her way to the Blooming Rose inn earlier.

Once they began walking, Brandon began giving her the run down on what all the city guard knew about the kidnapping so far.

"We know or at least we're pretty sure they're holding her captive at a place in the forest to the northeast called the rat cellar. Thieves sometimes use it as a gathering place around these parts, and every few months we hire and send out a squad of mercs or something to clear it out for us. Here's a map that will lead you to the rat cellar. Now we aren't sure how many there are holding her captive, but we think there are only two or three of them that got away from the place Lara was taken, as one was knocked out by Lara herself and another was actually clumsy enough to fall over and knock himself out on the ground when they tried to make their getaway." Brandon said to Susan as they walked, looking as if he was wracking his brain to see if he'd forgotten anything. This would give Susan time to reply to what all he'd said before they got to the markets.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan return the wave and then get close him ready to heard the last of info needed to save the noble young woman. My name is Susan, said the swordswoman after nod when he ask about the fact than she will buy some potions and then she take the map as she continue hearing more about the thieve hideout. For what the info say about the criminals, this could be a easy task, but is very possible than they have something hidden in that place than could make this harder, maybe some monsters or traps. Thanks for all, can i ask if this band have a leader? Susan said before get ready to end this talk and buy what Eward said than could help her, maybe this could be ended easily with only a pair of potions and her gamer skills.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Well we can't be sure who their leader is, or if they just came up with the plan together, but we're pretty sure they've got traps of some sort set up where they're at. Honestly it seems pretty straight forward to me, go in, kick their asses, come out with Lara in tow. Simple really when you think about it, but they could have monsters of some sort in there as well, we don't know exactly,” Brandon replied, explaining some more to Susan as they walked.

A couple of minutes later they arrived in the markets and Brandon stopped her before she went any further. “Personally, I would get a couple of healing potions or something and maybe some decent armor or a shield, but that's just me. That place over there is a potion and reagents shop where you can of course get potions or supplies to make your own. You seem pretty smart though to me, so I'd say you can find your way around a market well enough without my help, so I'll leave you to it so you can hurry on and get started,” Brandon told her once they had gotten to the markets. Unless she had anything else to ask him, he would bid her farewell and good luck and then head on out, leaving her alone.

Susan would see the shop Brandon pointed her towards and identified as the potions shop up ahead, and there were plenty of blacksmiths around for her to look for armor and weaponry at if she wished, not to mention there was other shops she could explore as well before heading on out.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Indeed, we dont have time to waste trying to suppose what is waiting there. Thanks for all Mr Brandon, Said Susan to the man as she wave to him and then go to buy her potions, she suppose two will be enough and after buy then she will looks the price of the armors and shields, as also what items are needed to create the healing potions.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course miss Susan, I'll leave you to it then. Be careful, and good luck. Also if you want, you could try and find someone to go with you, but I honestly think one person would be enough if they're a good fighter, and you seem to be a quite skilled fighter to me,” Brandon added as he set off, leaving Susan with quite the compliment and suggestion if she wished to take it before setting out.

Once Susan walked inside the potions shop, she heard a little bell ring that was affixed to the door. As soon as it rung, Susan would see someone standing at the counter waving her on over, saying, “Please miss, come on in and don't be shy. The name's Alphonse, and you look like an adventurer with the gear you've got, so I'm quite sure you're here for some healing potions, or something like that eh. Well here is my price board for you right here, I'll have more in at a later time, the army kind of cleaned me out of most everything but these right here, so this here is all I've got in stock right now. Just ask me if you have any questions okay, and I'll tell you what all you need to know.

The man gestured down at his price board and Susan saw several different potions to choose from.

[Alphonse's Shop]

Healing potion – 75 gold a piece [heals drinker to full FP.]
Elixer of speed – 100 gold a piece [grants the drinker +4 to evade rolls, lasts 1d4 turns.]
Sleeping potion – 90 gold a piece [Puts the drinker to sleep for 1d6 turns, can be thrown for half effect.]
Magic replenishment potion – 100 gold a piece [replenishes the drinker's MP by 1d4.]
Potion of monster detection – 125 gold a piece [Lets the drinker know if there are any nearby monsters]
Potion of regeneration – 1000 gold a piece [When drunk, if the drinker reaches 0 FP in battle, they are instantly replenished to half their max FP (rounded down)]
Elixer of accuracy – 150 gold a piece [Gives the drinker +4 to all attack rolls for 1d4 turns.]
Antivenom – 40 gold a piece [Cures almost any poison the drinker has, unless it's an unknown poison.]

Alchemical items:
Blinding bomb – 130 gold a piece [Throw at during battle and if the attack roll hits, it blinds each enemy you're fighting for 1d4 turns.]
Alchemists silver – 100 gold a piece [Coat your weapon with this and deal 1 FP dmg extra to all werecreatures (i.e werewolves etc....)]
Ghoststrike oil – 125 gold a piece [Coat your weapon with this and deal 1 FP dmg extra to all undead creatures.]
Clearwater solution – 25 gold a piece [Drop this ball of white jelly into any source of water, it will then cleanse the water of any poisons or diseases and make it drinkable.]
Bloodstinger poison – 100 gold a piece [Coat your weapon with this poison and upon your next hit on an enemy, that enemy will take 1 FP dmg a turn until they save against it.]


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The guard last sugestion looks to be a really good way to reduce the danger on her first mission, but Susan dont have the time to find someone and she just suppose than she could find someone in the future, like what happened in her first game.

She just said goodbye to him and get inside the shop where a man named Alphonse give her the welcome to his bussines.

Nice to meet you Alphonse, you are right, this time i will only buy two healing potions. But you really have a lot of usefull things here, no doubt than i will come back soon to buy some of them.

With the high costs of all these items, Susan suppose than she will be unable to buy an armor or a shield, she just pay and give a friendly goodbye to the potion seller. Once outside she will give a peek to the armor shop to know the armors and shield costs, just then she will decide if she should use her remaining money or just go to the hideout. All this has to be as faster as possible.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Just two healing potions then? Alrighty then here you go lass, be careful out there and come back in one piece. And sorry for the high prices but everything is in demand right now, I'm sure you understand, here in a couple of week or so they'll be back down to the average, or possibly dirt cheap it depends on how the fighting goes off to the east,” Alphonse told her and handed her the two healing potions and took her money.

With her money purse a bit lighter, Susan headed on back out with her three hundred and fifty or so gold she had left and her two new healing potions, which Alphonse placed in a small sack for her. After leaving Alphonse's shop, Susan started towards the blacksmith to see if there was anything she could afford before heading on out.

When she opened the door to the shop part of the blacksmith, she heard a little jingle of a bell again. Inside, Susan would see a few other people looking at different armors and weapons that were displayed either on the walls or on the stands and racks set all around the room. The shopkeeper was busy with another customer at the moment, however Susan would see that there was a girl at the counter that was waving her over.

Hello there miss. Is there anything in particular that you're looking for that I can help you find? You look like you've already got a pretty nice sword there, but we could enchant it for you if you like. Or are you maybe looking for some armor of some sort? We've got some nice armors for sale, and some would say we sale the best in the city. Or might I interest you in an enchanted suit of armor?” the girl asked Susan, making her sales pitches to her to attempt to persuade her to buy something. However it was up to Susan if she even wanted anything of course.

I'm keeping track of Susan's inventory myself. But if you want to as well so you'll know what all you've got then go ahead.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Thanks and dont worry, im sure than we will see again soon Said Susan to Alphonse, as she take her back and her money, the man just like a good guy and she suppose than she dont had to worry for that war at the moment.

Just a moment later after leave the alchemist shop, she get inside the blacksmith, her eyes tried to see quickly the prices and equipment, not really sure what she could find in a so open mind city. She has only had meet a town who looks like nothing at the side of this great city and that time she dont have even a coin, even when she had a backpack full of gemstones and a living gold armor.

Her ears soon notice the voice of a girl than looks to work here, Susan heard her and feels bad by how this girl tried to sell her something even in her actual state.

Im a little out of time and i suppose than enchant my sword could take more than some minutes. But i will be glad if you show me some armors. Susan said with a smile, maybe a little worried than this could take too much time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Yes I suppose that enchanting your weapon would take a little while. Very well then, I'll show you some armors. Come on and let me show you our price board and what few armors we do have,” the girl said to Susan, coming out from behind the counter and leading Susan over to one of the aisles where there was lots of different armors.

Susan would see a few different suits of armor on different armor stands after the girl stopped.

Battle robe – 100 gold (gives the wearer +1 to evade attacks.)
Leather armor – 100 gold (gives the wearer a 10% chance of not taking any FP dmg from an attack.)
Chainmail – 175 gold (gives the wearer a 20% chance of not taking any FP dmg from an attack.)
Scalemail – 300 gold (gives the wearer -1 evade, but they get a 35% chance of not taking any FP dmg from an attack.)
Platemail – 500 gold (wearer takes -2 to evade, but gets a 50% chance of not taking any FP dmg from an attack.)
Studded leather – 250 gold (gives the wearer +1 evade and a 10% chance of not taking any FP dmg from an attack.)

I'm really sorry, but this is all we've got to offer right now miss, because the soldiers that went off to fight bought up a lot of our magic items and stuff before they went. We should start getting some magic items and the like back in a fortnight or so. So if you want to come back then and get some stuff, then we'll have much more to offer you. Do you like any of these miss?” the girl said to Susan, showing her the armors one by one.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan follow the armor seller, worried than this could take too much time, but she suppose than she need all the help needed in order to dont fail in her mission, that noble girl should be scared and crying asking for help, only thinking in this make the swordswoman to walk faster and dont take too much in decide her armor.

Even when the platemail looks really good, she cant buy it and the scale mail could be a little heavy, Susan suppose than these heavy armors would get on her way if she need to move fast, so after only take a minute she decide to buy the Studded leather armor.

I will take this armor, it has been a long time since i wear one, so it bring me back some memories, no doubt than i will come again to check your new items. Said Susan as she give the money to the girl and prepare herself to dress her new armor before say good bye to the seller and then go to look for the thief hideout using the map than the guard give her a moment ago.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"The studded leather? Excellent choice miss, I was going to recommend it myself, but I wasn't sure. If that'll be all, then come on and I'll get you all set," the girl said, leading Susan back to the counter to get her money.

After paying the two hundred and fifty gold for the armor, the girl asked Susan if she wanted her to help her put it on before leaving and if so she would help her. Once she was done in the armor shop, Susan would feel her money purse was considerably lighter, but if she managed to get the job done and rescued Lara with her purity intact, then she was looking to increase her original purse by nearly four times.

Now that she was back outside again, she could actually see her map that the guard captain had given to her. From what she could tell it would be a trek out to the woods not far from the city, but it would likely take her until nightfall to get there and back, and that was only if she didn't run into a lot of trouble along the way. On the map she saw the location marked with the name 'Rat Cellar' just to the northeast of Nevassa. It looked on the map to be about four miles or so from the city, with a trek through around a couple of miles or so of forest.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The seller words caused a smile on Susan, certainly she would said the same no mather what armor she would choice, exept maybe the expensive one. Thanks for your help Said after nod and accept the help to dress her armor. In some way all the people than she had meet are kind and all of them were giving her more excuses to live at this city for a long time.

Susan then leave the smith shop dressing her new armor and giving a last wave. She then read the map and sigh a little by how this could take her all the day, at least she has not wasted too much money at the inn. Not wasting more time she follow the map instructions, a little worried to walk alone in the forest, but she has passed by many tast, even when nearly all had been with Tess, except her first fight and the battles against the thieves and wolf, all ended in a close loss battle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

After leaving the blacksmith and checking her map, Susan headed on out to the forest area to the northeast of the city, with a short stop at the gates so the guards could open them up, saying they had to be careful and all what with the orcish army attacking the country and all. After she was let out the gates, Susan began her journey towards the forest, which she could see looming in the distance.

Along the road to the forest, Susan saw some people coming back and forth between the city and a small town on the outskirts of the forest, which she passed through along the way. There wasn't much to see in the town other than what looked like a full regiment of soldiers guarding it, and all of the people going about their daily business. Nobody stopped Susan as she ventured into the forest save a couple of the guards, but they only asked where she was going and as soon as she told them what she was going to do in the forest, they merely told her to be careful.

A little ways into the forest Susan would see the road fork in two with one leading off to the northwest from there, and the other leading off to the east. There was also a sign that read.

'Nevassa city 2 miles southwest'
'Biyong city 9 miles west northwest'
'Ashfield city 18 miles west northwest'
'Typher city 32 miles east'

From what Susan could tell with her own map, the 'Rat Cellar' as captain Brandon had named it was about two miles east from where she was now.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The young adventurer walk toward the end of the huge city, even whe she get worried when the guard stop her, she take the word and inform him about why she was leaving the town, soon the guard advise her about the orcs, but she just cant than that stop her and just nod before leave. The path take some hours and she was glad than she was not wearing a platinium armor or other heavy armor tahn could make this path even harder to end, her steps soon take her to a town turned into an advanced place for the army at their war against the orc menace. There was not comparation point between this small town and the huge city, so she dont take even a moment to look around, she was out of time and just thinking in the poor girl make her increase the speed. A last group of soldiers stop her in her way when she was leaving, but once again she inform them about her work and soon they leave her continue, she was not sure why they dont decide to support her even when she never ask for help, maybe this was really an easy job after all.

After a time she reach a post signal where she notice many town names, it was a really huge change from her last game where she was more than lost in the world after leave the monster breeding cave. Susan see her map again and take the path toward the 'Rat Cellar' at the east, this time she as sure than she will succeed in her mission.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As Susan continued into the forest down the eastern path, she would hear the birds chirping and bugs buzzing around, pretty much all you'd hear in a forest really. Along the way she'd even see a few deer grazing, a couple of little baby deer that looked as if they had just been born not long ago. The thoughts of what the poor noble girl might be going through running through her mind urged Susan to hurry along though. After a mile down the eastern path she saw a small dirt trail that when she checked her map, she'd see that it was the path to the 'Rat Cellar'.

(Perception roll passed)

Only about 100 meters down the dirt path she would see an obvious trip wire trap connecting to two trees. On the other side of the trip wire it looked as if there had been a hole dug and leaves scattered over it to cover it up for unsuspecting people to fall into, though it would be easy enough to move around it to the other side. It looked like it had been dug recently, probably in the last day or two, and other than that there was nothing else noteworthy around her other than the dirt path in front of her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As she was walking, the young adventured dont wasted the chance to see the fauna around her, she even was close to stay a while looking the baby deers, but she just smiled and decide to continue her path, as it was not the moment to take a break. Her long peacefull walk nearly make her fall in a very obvious trap, Susan just sigh and shacke her headdissapointed by the possibility than she will see more of these traps.

In an attemp to evade these easy traps, she decide to walk awat of the road as she follow her path toward the hideout.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan managed to safely make her way around the trap rather quickly without any trouble, though she didn't notice that her foot was so close to the edge of the pit that was covered there and it caused the leaves and sticks covering it to collapse through. This allowed her to see what she nearly fell into, and it turned out to be a deep pit filled with around a dozen or more tentacles that all connected to what looked to be a large mass of pink colored flesh.

After moving onward past the trap, Susan stayed off to the side of the road, which proved to be for the better even though it made for a slightly rougher trail to follow, she ended up spotting at least three more trip wires like the one earlier before she finally made her way to a large cave entrance. Susan wasn't able to see how deep the cavern went, but it had carved into the rock face beside the entrance the words 'Rat Cellar' indicating to Susan where she now was. She could hear strange sounds from within that may remind her of her previous game as it sounded somewhat like moaning, though she couldn't tell what it was coming from. But surely that wouldn't deter her from going on in to rescue Lara Typherion from whoever had her.

Hope I'm doing good so far for you plm.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Just when Susan was leaving the road, her lucky little mistake make her see the monster at the bottom of the hole, at the instant she sigh glad to had notice the trap as this at least could had make her lost a lot of time, with this her throughts about the thieves changed, this mission could be more dangerous than what all expect. With her fear to fall on this kind of traps, she dont complain at all for the hard walk out of the path. After some minutes she reach a cave, her worries for the young lady increase when she heard the moans and soon dirty images of what could be happening appear behind her eyes. Without doubts she get inside as fast as she can with her sword ready to be used at the instant, Susan tried to dont fall at a trap as she get deep inside the hideout not worried for the virginity of the girl, more likely worried for the noble health.

Yes, you are doing a great job