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Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

You have a combined total of 8 days of food to go with, taking 3 days worth of food with you on your expedition and leaving the rest at home. Leaving everything in one place is risky, and Julia likes to be prepared.

Essentially this means you can run around for 3 days without having to return or find food, or if your base gets looted you will have at least 3 days of food instead of losing everything.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

You have a combined total of 8 days of food to go with, taking 3 days worth of food with you on your expedition and leaving the rest at home. Leaving everything in one place is risky, and Julia likes to be prepared.

Essentially this means you can run around for 3 days without having to return or find food, or if your base gets looted you will have at least 3 days of food instead of losing everything.

Good point, thank you for clearing that up for me :)
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Cause traps are fun!
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

1A any food left is rotten most good equipment taken why not attempt to learn about the enemy when they are at their weakest (establishing control) it maybe our only chance
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Alchemical Compendium: Chapter five
Alchemical categories: Potions

The cost commonly known and used category of alchemy, potions are classified by their beneficial ability to the imbiber. The effects of potions range are limited to enhancing bodily functions to their full potential, but are incapable of causing the body to surpass its normal limits *a note here refers to mutagen for that purpose*. Potions will not affect the dead, though experimentation has proven it to aid in the process of revival, further kick-starting the body if applied prior to reanimation. Potions work best on healthy bodies, applied prior to injury or activity, as damage to the body can destabilize it's effects. While a main focus of potions is the treatment of injuries it should be noted that a potion will not actually heal wounds, rather accelerating the body's own recovery. While accelerating bodily functions can be extremely beneficial in a large variety of activities, it should be noted that potions do carry their toll on the body, along with other potential side effects.
Healing potions most notably will quickly use up the body's reserves of energy and can quickly starve the imbiber based on the magnitude of the potion, while potions will trigger improvements to your abilities your body will still need energy to function. Other side effects have been known to include physical addiction, nausea, headaches, exhaustion and minor delusional episodes.

Potions are separated in three major categories, depending on how they affect the body. A potion is classified as either a Healing potion, an Enhancement potion or a Tranquilizer. The first category, healing potions, is the most commonly known, minor healing potions are used in almost all social circles and regular healing potions are well known for their application on the battlefield. Major healing potions are less common, mostly due to their heavy strain on the body their use is very situational, but on a full stomach can quickly return even the most injured soldier back to the battle. The second category, enhancement potions, also knows a wide range of applications. Enhancement potions can temporarily increase any of the main human attributes, but due to the side effects extended or regular use is ill advised. The main problem of enhancement potions is they're both difficult to produce and generally have several side effects, most notably addiction, your own natural ability decreasing as your body starts to rely on the enhancement *a note here points out that occasional, sporadic use causes no known long term side effects*. The last category, tranquilizers, are mostly used in medical facilities, though minor tranquilizers are frequently purchased by artisans. Tranquilizers serve to dull the nerves and help the imbiber deal with pain that would otherwise hinder or incapacitate them. Tranquilizers are also the most dangerous type of potions, some have been known to be extremely addictive, and the body might be too late to realize injuries or other damage to itself.

A brief history of potion research
The focus on potion research has always dwindled over the years, having apparently reached the limits of its potential, potion research now focusses mostly on reducing side effects and strain on the body, most of the alchemists have since moved on to mutagen research due to its untapped potential.

Initially, potions were seen as the main goal of alchemy, allowing the treatment of the most terrible wounds, enhancing the body beyond it's own ability and allowing soldiers to keep fighting with fatal wounds. As research progressed the limits of potions soon became apparent, as the side effects and costs started piling up and the benefit being relatively minor and temporary, potions stopped being the main focus in alchemy and was mainly used as merchandise to maintain workshops.

In recent years, potion research is mainly done by apprentices as an introduction into advanced fields of study, minor alchemists also rely on the creation and distribution of potions to sustain their daily lives.

There is also a darker side to potion distribution, due to it's early popularity there are still a lot of people addicted to them, causing a criminal black market in bootlegged potions, addled addicts are also known to try and steal what they need, and addicted slaves can be more of a burden than a boon. A rather creative uprising among addicted civilians had them demanding products from the alchemists that caused their addiction, and due to the surprising number of participants the distribution of several more addicting concoctions had been forbidden after the unrest had been subdued.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man


As we have enough food (for now), we should concentrate on consolidating our base. And the artisan's quarter is the best place to do that
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

2, C

Setting out toward the workshops below, you decide to concentrate on finding supplies and materials to better secure yourself and your possessions. The pulley you used to bring large burdens up into the tower was currently broken, the rope probably got stuck onto something during the flood and got the entire mechanism dragged to ruin, it looked like you were going to have to climb down the moist wall up and down. While a great defensive measure, the wet stone meant you had to be in okay condition before you tried to scale it, better be careful out there. You had some potions in case something inevitably went wrong, but due to the toll they had on your nourishment you wanted to avoid relying on them if you could.

You planned to go out as far as you could this expedition and mark potential salvage quarry's for later use, you currently had a reasonable amount of supplies so it was best to go as far as possible while you still could. You reasoned that it was best to search for materials, as most of the food would have either been looted or spoiled by now, while you could purify wasted food using relatively simple alchemy you would need the materials to do so. Foolish looters would have taken mostly food and hopefully left useful supplies and materials.

You had made a mental checklist of things in particular you were after, good rope being the focal point of this expedition, followed by alchemical reagents, dry wood, metal and weapons. You've seen what the survivors did to each other and knew you would have to be prepared for the worst, not to mention the odd monstrosities you managed to spot several times since the disaster.

While the unknown, but clearly hostile, creatures concerned you, it wasn't a direct problem yet and you hoped to avoid them if at all possible. Best case scenario you could hunt them for food, worst case scenario they would drag you off like you've seen them do to others, probably to be killed in some way, best not to dwell on it too much and focus on the task at hand.

Slowly descending the slick stone walls of your tower you managed to get down unscathed despite its poor condition. Listening closely for movement in the area, you were satisfied by the quiet and started slowly making your way toward the larger workshops bordering the royal quarter. You figured that with most survivors gathering there any salvage remaining there would soon be stripped and you hoped to slowly work your way back toward your base, the trail of salvaged buildings encouraging looters to go in another direction.

You were moving slowly to avoid unwanted attention, and it was nearing dusk by the time you were about halfway to your destination. You had taken care to obscure or block the entrances to exposed buildings that you had found usable materials in, leaving their contents for later and taking only particularly light of valuable objects. There was still plenty to be found at this point, and you figured it was more important to find as much as possible, secure as much as possible, and plan on what to bring back once you had taken inventory.

Taking a brief break in a small house after pushing over a partially collapsed wall to block entrance to one of the intact workshops you were starting to get tired, you would need to find a place to rest up soon before fatigue would start to become impairing. You considered yourself fortunate to not have run into other survivors or any of the unknown creatures, though the lack of life in the area was also slightly unsettling. Another disturbing discovery was the absence of bodies, while some would have surely drifted away with the flood or picked apart by scavengers, the lack of both life and death felt unnatural. Tracking proved difficult due to the water still covering nearly the entire area.

You still felt tired after resting a few minutes and decided it was time to find a place to recover for tomorrow, you had found several relatively safe area's throughout your expedition but you wanted to keep moving forward. Climbing up to the top of the ruined house you glanced over the edge of the wall and tried to spot your next destination, preferably a large and intact workshop with a holding cell. With the conditions being what they were, camouflage was the best option for safety, and a locked cell would prevent your disguise from being disturbed.

Finally arriving at a building you had spotted earlier you were surprised to find it mostly undisturbed, intact and dry, immediately on guard due to the unusual circumstances you noted the heavy door was still in one piece with the lock still in place. Trying to make sense of your surroundings you carefully investigated every room and made sure you were alone, unable to find any signs of life you firmly shut the only entrance, the windows being sealed by thick iron bars. You quickly fiddled with the lock, shutting it in place, and proceeded to take inventory of the building, still weary of your surroundings. The building showed clear signs of being flooded at some point, but every bit of the interior was completely dry, you had no idea what could have caused this, and with what you knew you simply couldn't piece together an answer. Resigning yourself to your inability to figure it out, you started digging through broken remains of this place's interior, finding several more supplies in the process, as well as a cask of dry wheat. After making your way through most of the cellar, you found what appeared to be human remains tucked away in the back, though not the first remains you had found, they were uncharacteristically rare and might have something of value. As you moved closer to investigate, you backed away a bit on noticing roughly half of it had been consumed by an unknown fleshy growth. Usually caused by some sort mutagen exposure these effects were not uncommon, if not for the fact that it showed signs of being alive, slow movement visible along the surface. You kept your distance, considering what to do, when suddenly you started hearing noise up near the ground floor.

You quickly but silently hurried back up and figure out what was going on and could hear loud splashing noises outside.

"Hurry up damnit! It's still moving! Get that door open!" You heard a loud, commanding voice call out.

"I'm trying! I'm trying! The door is stuck! It won't open!" A panicked male voice cried from the outside of the door.

"Damnit move aside!" Clearly other survivors were fleeing from something outside and one of them was now trying to break down the door, loud crashing noises resounding off its surface. You readied your crossbow at the door, not expecting pleasant company you had no idea what they were capable of in their panic.

"Claude it's no use, we have to run! It's almo-hrrrllk" The panicked voice was suddenly cut off by a strangled noise and from the sound of it a fight erupted, you kept yourself hidden behind an upturned cabinet, crossbow aimed at the door ready to congratulate the victor should they decide to force their way inside.

The fight was over quickly, and much to your relief the noise was disappearing into the distance, it seemed you were safe here for now but you didn't want to leave before you made sure whatever that was had left the area. You waited in position for a while longer, making sure the presence at the door was gone. After calming your nerves you started to quietly barricade the entrance some more and checked the ground floor to make sure there were no other entrances.

Finally feeling secure, it was time to plan your next move. While this location was fairly defensible with only one real entrance, it also meant it only had one exit, and you had no way of finding out what was going on outside unless it made a lot of noise.

1: Spend the night here, it would be best to be rested before we face whatever was outside, and leaving now could be very risky considering how little you know.
2: Leave immediately and continue toward our destination, finding someplace high up to sleep so we can spot our surroundings.
3: Leave immediately and retreat to our base, our current results would have to do until we figure out what we're up against.

There was also the issue of the unknown entity down in the cellar.

A: Investigate the entity in the cellar, it seems harmless enough and we might learn something useful.
B: Kill it with fire. (costs one vial of adhesive) will probably ruin any chance of figuring out what it is.
C: Seal of the cellar and the entity along with it.
D: Ignore it.

You found a good amount of supplies during your expedition and decided to bring along some of the more valuable discoveries:
+5 iron ingots (heavy, but unprocessed metal is valuable and has many applications)
+Imbued rope (light, thin and alchemically imbued rope, this was a rare treasure even before the disaster)
+Satchel of alchemy supplies (a rather large satchel of alchemy supplies, its contents allowing the crafting of a large variety of concoctions)
+Shaky lantern (a rather low quality lantern, you at least fixed the jingling noise it made but it won't survive rough handling, hangs from your belt)

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 11
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 11
Charisma: 6
Sensitivity: 2

Educated: Can read and write.
Alchemy(Basic): Can understand basic alchemy and perform minor alchemy.
Animal affinity(Basic): You can calm most animals, and know a bit about interacting with them.
Free-running: You can quickly make your way through uneven/cluttered terrain and climb almost any surface within human capacity.
Panic prone: Unsettling events are more likely to invoke panic than anger/horror.
Finesse combatant: Capable of knocking over all but the most stable foe, despite not being very strong, and can use your surroundings effectively, also increases your chances to identify and hit an opponents vitals.
Swimming(Clumsy): Your finesse allows you to clumsily swim through normal water.
Weapon proficiency; Crossbow(Basic): Capable of operating a crossbow, proficient in its regular use.
Stealth(Advanced): Capable of hiding yourself from other humans in all but the most extreme circumstances, capable of hiding from animals and unidentified entities under normal circumstances.
Tinkering(Clumsy): Can make extremely basic contraptions such as minor traps, also allows you to repair minor damage to simple constructions.

Artisan's gloves: Near indestructible, these sturdy gloves are very difficult to cut and can withstand very high temperatures and minor acidic substances, resistant to strong acid.
Simple clothes: A simple cloth tunic and flexible leather pants.
Leather satchel: A sturdy satchel tied securely around your waist, there's actually a trick to opening it.
Tool belt: Strapped around your shoulder this belt contains many pockets and straps for holding tools and equipment.
Quality leather boots: Strong and sturdy boots, you "liberated" these when you were still a child, they're no longer too big and fit comfortably on your feet.
Military crossbow(Ammo:24): A high quality crossbow, it can be loaded with bolts or special alchemical vials, very durable.
Concoctions: A small set of alchemical creations including;
+Minor healing potion x4 (cures minor cuts, bruises and aches, makes you slightly hungry)
+Healing potion x1 (cures minor wounds, broken bones recover faster and recovers fatigue, makes you hungry)
+Adhesive liquid x1 (a small canteen of adhesive liquid, can be used to stick nearly any two surfaces together, fades after roughly 12 hours and is highly flammable)
+Adhesive solvent x1 (a small canteen of solvent, negates the effects of most adhesive substances)
+Unstable mutagen x1 (a failed creation, this substance can serve as a poison to other humans or cause unknown effects to other creatures)
Rations: You carry enough rations for three more days.
Iron ingot x5: Heavy, but unprocessed metal is valuable and has many applications.
Imbued rope: Light, thin and alchemically imbued rope, this was a rare treasure even before the disaster.
Satchel of alchemy supplies: A rather large satchel of standard alchemy supplies, its contents allowing the crafting of a large variety of concoctions.
Shaky lantern: A rather low quality lantern, you at least fixed the jingling noise it made but it won't survive rough handling, hangs from your belt.
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

1A yeehaw here comes the band wagon

but seriously check that tentacle thing we don't want to get raped yet or not know potential dangers
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

2A (I'm thinking check the slime thing and then be on our way, I doubt whatever was out there decided to hang around) If it's not possible to select to study the creature and leave then please count my vote as 1A.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

1A Because it's exactly what I would do (not really). But the "kill it with fire" option is so tempting... Killing anything with fire is always tempting in my opinion.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

1, A

You knew there might be more creatures out there, having seen several different ones before, and you figure that if they are somehow mutated animals they would still operate on predatory instinct. Considering you have yet to spot any during the day your safest bet would be to assume they're nocturnal hunters and will be most dangerous during dusk and dawn, and stay active throughout the night. Deciding to take no chances, you start to prepare for staying the night here, observation of activity outside would allow you to hopefully confirm your theory.

You start to set up an area to spend the night, making a barricade of furniture and preparing a simple trap, rigging your crossbow to fire at the door should it be opened while you sleep. You marvel once more at how dry the interior of this building is, even the wood felt like it had never been soaked, if it wasn't for the obvious patterns in which the interior was arranged you'd have thought the flood had never reached inside.

Picking apart some furniture and preparing some of the wood to take with you, both for figuring out how it dried so quickly and dry wood being rare and useful, you figure it would be safe to start a fire here. Drying your soaked boots and warming yourself before going to sleep would help prevent sickness. As you start to unpack some food you recall the wheat you found earlier and decide instead to prepare some bread. While the container itself is too large and heavy to take with you without some means of transportation you can bake some bread out of it and hide the rest. The only problem was a distinct lack of water, and while you carry a good amount of clean water you would need it as it is to last you for your journey. Setting aside the idea for making bread for now, you start a fire under one of the open ovens in the kitchen, workshops like this usually had a well for access to clean water but there was no telling what condition the water was in now. The well would be down in the cellar and you had found it covered by a large lid when you went down earlier.

Before messing around in the cellar though, it would be a good idea to figure out what that odd entity consuming the body there was, and making sure it wasn't a threat. You quickly fashioned a crude torch so you could save the fuel in your lantern for later and went down the softly creaking stairs. Your torch produced significantly more light than the lantern, and you could easily see your surroundings now, including the unmoving entity in the far corner. Thanks to the much brighter light you were able to spot some candles that had been torn off their holdings and scattered around the cellar, picking them up and lighting them, the cellar was now fairly bright.

As you carefully approached for a closer look you discovered that the body it was attached to was completely parched, skin dry and cracked, sticking close to the bone. It didn't seem to be moving much other than slowly shifting its formless flesh within the boundaries of its size. You first tested it for reactions, noting no changes when you agitated it with a variety of objects. Deciding to cut off a small piece for detailed examination, you drew a bit closer, prompting the oddity to seemingly shrink away from your torch as you held it nearby. As the room was well lit at this point, it seemed to be adverse to heat, you heated up another tool and held it close and got the same results.

After several more tests you failed to discover anything meaningful without getting closer, you wanted to see its reaction to water but decide to save that option for last, if this creature was truly responsible for the lack of water in the area then adding any might cause unwanted reactions. You move in closer to try and cut off a piece of its mass, holding your torch away in one hand in case something happened. The mass showed no clear reaction to being severed and you carefully pried loose the cut piece, the fleshy substance was firmly stuck to the human remains and proved difficult to pull loose. Cutting up the mass in several smaller pieces you put them into five neatly arranged jars you had prepared earlier, throwing a last piece back toward the main body. Looking at the reaction, the previously severed piece immediately integrated itself with the larger mass and vanished into its formless structure.

Picking up one of the jars you slowly heated it up over a candle, observing closely how the severed mass reacted, it seemed to slowly move away form the source of the heat, reaching the side of the jar before completely drying up and remaining motionless. Throwing the motionless piece of flesh back to the main body showed no reaction, apparently it couldn't reintegrate a piece that had stopped moving.

Taking the second jar you added a drop of water to it, and surprisingly nothing happened.

To the third jar you added a strip of dried meat you had cut from the human body, only to once again note no change, it didn't even attach itself like the main host did.

Taking a larger piece of the remains, you added them to the contents of the second jar, this time the fleshy substance reacted immediately and violently. Attaching itself to the piece of human flesh while quickly soaking up all the water, growing in mass in proportion to the amount of water absorbed it seemed to consume the human remains in equal amounts, growing rapidly and expanding to several times its original size. Throwing this piece back at the main host caused it to once more quickly merge together.

This discovery was most distressing, it seemed this creature expanded and grew off a reaction between water and carrion. Considering the abundance of water and the disturbing absence of bodies, this could mean the city was filled with these things and would only increase in number.

Calming yourself after this shocking discovery, you at least knew how to keep them away from you as they seem to avoid heat.

You conduct a few more experiments and make some more discoveries, it seems the mass will only consume cold meat, ignoring even warm meat, it can also move around toward food at a surprisingly quick pace, moving along a surface by shifting its formless mass. It shows no sign of intelligent behavior, completely ignoring nourishment if there is no straightforward route or the route is somehow obstructed. It seems this particular mass can squeeze itself through small cracks and move at the rate of a slowly walking human, it appears to notice nourishment over a distance roughly five times its mass, its range growing with its mass. The mass can be lightly adhesive and can move vertically along coarse surfaces, it sticks to its nourishment much more strongly due to it partially integrating itself with the object it devours.

Exhausting this line of examination, you proceed to grab another one of the jars and add a few drops of healing potion to it. The potion itself showed no effect, but adding a piece of the remains made it change in a slightly altered fashion, conducting a few more experiments seemed to indicate changes in its viscosity, this sample being thicker and slower.

Cutting off a few more pieces you experiment with different liquids and combinations of liquids. It seems once the substance takes in a liquid other than water it will no longer react to water or other liquids, only expanding upon exposure to the same liquid. The substance changes texture and behavior depending on the liquid it is exposed to, seemingly changing in accordance to the alchemical effect on the human body in some way. The first experiment with the healing potion resulted in the mass growing much more slowly, but it became resilient to damage to its surface and quickly restored itself afterward, exposure to adhesive made a very thick and sticky substance that melted completely when heated, but didn't function after melting. Similar results occurred with all the liquids you attempted, and the discovery once more left you disturbed, there's no telling what kinds of liquids these things had been feeding on.

Dejectedly picking up the last jar, your disturbing discoveries so far leaving you drained, you had one last experiment to perform. As you spit into the last jar you nearly drop it in excitement as you see the mass grow steadily, absorbing your saliva in the same manner it had required a combination of liquid and carrion before. Your mind reeled with possibilities, the entity behaved in every way like an alchemical mutagen, but this one didn't only react specifically to humans, it did so in a controllable fashion. This particular creature could be cultivated in a myriad of ways, you could make a fortune off of this once you got out of here....

Calming your excitement with that last realization, you still had to get out. In that regard, your discovery was positive in the sense that this meant the entity didn't have to kill in order to feed, which was positive for your chances of survival at least. The last thing you figured is that while it wouldn't consume warm flesh it didn't completely avoid it either, moving over an obstruction you warmed up to body temperature in order to feed. Thinking of what that meant, you figure you should avoid drinking cold liquid when fighting off something like this, it could attempt to retrieve the liquid in a potentially fatal manner.

Done with examining the entity there was one thing left to do, name it. (Just add what you think this should be called to your vote and I'll pick one of them, I'm awful at naming things so I'm leaving this to you)

You take a small sample of it and seal it firmly in a safe container and then, having no further interest in it, you decide its best to be rid of what remains of it and throw a bundle of cloth over it before setting it ablaze. After a few moments you inspect the remains and, satisfied with the results, turn toward the covered well in the middle of the cellar.

Taking no chances, you hold your torch close to the lid as you slightly push it aside, glancing down you notice a clear liquid at the bottom of the well and no sign of discoloration or movement down below. Grabbing a bucket you quickly lower it down and fill it with water, testing the water for impurities with the tools present in the workshop above revealed it was clear and untainted water. Having nothing available to test the water on you decide to trust your examination and proceed to prepare a meal of bread.

After sampling some of the water to your satisfaction, you use what you have to refill your rations and prepare as much food and water as you can carry. (You manage to bring rations for 8 more days, you now carry rations for 11 days)

It was probably very late at night by now, but you wanted to decide how to proceed from here before going to sleep.

A: Hide our valuables and continue toward our original goal.
B: Take everything of value from this place and return home.
C: Take this opportunity to capture or kill one of the larger creatures, the physique of the larger creatures was still a mystery.
D: Wait here for a few days and observe your surroundings.

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 11
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 11
Charisma: 6
Sensitivity: 2

Educated: Can read and write.
Alchemy(Basic): Can understand basic alchemy and perform minor alchemy.
Animal affinity(Basic): You can calm most animals, and know a bit about interacting with them.
Free-running: You can quickly make your way through uneven/cluttered terrain and climb almost any surface within human capacity.
Panic prone: Unsettling events are more likely to invoke panic than anger/horror.
Finesse combatant: Capable of knocking over all but the most stable foe, despite not being very strong, and can use your surroundings effectively, also increases your chances to identify and hit an opponents vitals.
Swimming(Clumsy): Your finesse allows you to clumsily swim through normal water.
Weapon proficiency; Crossbow(Basic): Capable of operating a crossbow, proficient in its regular use.
Stealth(Advanced): Capable of hiding yourself from other humans in all but the most extreme circumstances, capable of hiding from animals and unidentified entities under normal circumstances.
Tinkering(Clumsy): Can make extremely basic contraptions such as minor traps, also allows you to repair minor damage to simple constructions.
Examination results (Unnamed entity): You know the ins and outs of your foe and can easily recognize it and abuse its weaknesses.

Artisan's gloves: Near indestructible, these sturdy gloves are very difficult to cut and can withstand very high temperatures and minor acidic substances, resistant to strong acid.
Simple clothes: A simple cloth tunic and flexible leather pants.
Leather satchel: A sturdy satchel tied securely around your waist, there's actually a trick to opening it.
Tool belt: Strapped around your shoulder this belt contains many pockets and straps for holding tools and equipment.
Quality leather boots: Strong and sturdy boots, you "liberated" these when you were still a child, they're no longer too big and fit comfortably on your feet.
Military crossbow(Ammo:24): A high quality crossbow, it can be loaded with bolts or special alchemical vials, very durable.
Concoctions: A small set of alchemical creations including;
+Minor healing potion x4 (cures minor cuts, bruises and aches, makes you slightly hungry)
+Healing potion x1 (cures minor wounds, broken bones recover faster and recovers fatigue, makes you hungry)
+Adhesive liquid x1 (a small canteen of adhesive liquid, can be used to stick nearly any two surfaces together, fades after roughly 12 hours and is highly flammable)
+Adhesive solvent x1 (a small canteen of solvent, negates the effects of most adhesive substances)
+Unstable mutagen x1 (a failed creation, this substance can serve as a poison to other humans or cause unknown effects to other creatures)
Rations: You carry enough rations for 11 more days.
Iron ingot x5: Heavy, but unprocessed metal is valuable and has many applications.
Imbued rope: Light, thin and alchemically imbued rope, this was a rare treasure even before the disaster.
Satchel of alchemy supplies: A rather large satchel of standard alchemy supplies, its contents allowing the crafting of a large variety of concoctions.
Shaky lantern: A rather low quality lantern, you at least fixed the jingling noise it made but it won't survive rough handling, hangs from your belt.
Dry wood: A variety of dry bits of wood that you can use in making traps.
Unnamed entity in a jar: A yet unnamed life-form that you stuck inside a jar.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Also a minor note for people who were wondering how this is different from choosing "find food" or "hunt creatures" on the first choice, this was pretty much the only path that let you find rare salvage and your last choice led to both food and information (staying = food, examining = information).

Also note that the creature Julia examined just now is essentially mutated mutagen, there might still other mutated monstrosities out there, and Julia is cautious of this.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

B we collected lots of nice stuff lets run back home to go ahead and dump it all off and start brewing.

Entity Name: Mutagenesis Slime [Gene Slime (nice nickname)] (in layman terms "Slime in the process of mutating")

Mutagenesis: is a process by which the genetic information of an organism is changed in a stable manner, resulting in a mutation. (fits perfectly though is a handful to say)
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

A, someone could see us and attack us to steal our suff ...

"Dirty slimy fucking little odd bastard" ? Good name, ain't it ? But not really scientist >< ! I'll pass ^^
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

IT'S A SLIME! KILL IT FOR XP ORBS! [More seriously, it's probably wise to keep moving for a bit now she has an abundance of foodz (A). Sealing the slime-thing off would also be a good idea before sleeping, just in case it gets the munchies]