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Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

D (climb all the things)

Most of the walls surrounding the Artisans' Quarter had been around since before the reconstruction, this part of the city having been around for centuries, even before war had torn it apart several times. These old walls were now barely functional, serving only as a crude barricade to keep unwanted visitors raiding the cities prized workshops. The bottom parts of the walls had been reinforced to keep them from collapsing, but the higher parts were still cracked and crumbling, no guards even patrolled there.

Other children in the neighborhood used to pick on you due to being favored by an alchemist. Having beat many of them in master Fizban's tests, they carried a grudge over having lost what they thought was their chance to get ahead in life. As they would gang up on you, you had sought refuge in the tops of trees and buildings, climbing out of their reach (and pelting them with whatever you could find to throw at them for good measure) Having an affinity for climbing you had quickly resorted to scaling the old crumbling walls in order to avoid dealing with the city guards.

Today, you once more made your way toward one of the safer, easier routes that you had found in your many attempts at scaling the walls. Your leg was still sore from last night and you didn't want to put too much strain on it. You quickly tied your skirt tightly around your thighs to avoid tearing them while climbing, the added pressure uncomfortable around your sore leg, but you couldn't come home with damaged clothing. Taking a pair of thin leather gloves from a satchel you carried on your hip you put quickly put them on, the crumbling walls had many sharp edges and climbing with bare hands was tantamount to horrible cuts. One of the few gifts from your mentor, the gloves were a common alchemically enhanced leather, it was flexible enough to fit your hands after all these years, delicate enough for carefully handling dangerous alchemical fluids and sturdy enough to protect your hands from the dangers of the trade, they also made a damn useful climbing tool.

Briefly checking the area to see no one was watching, you grabbed a fixture and started climbing. Guards would occasionally watch the walls from either side, as you weren't the only one to use this means to sneak into a workshop, so you had to be careful about being spotted. You had been spotted on several occasions before, and although the guards weren't really able to climb in their gear they were hard to avoid once they knew where you were, at one time having to hide in a crumbled piece of wall for more than a full day before you were able to escape. You grit your teeth as you were forced to put weight on your leg, this wasn't the first time you've climbed after an injury, but that didn't make it any less painful.

After a few minutes of crossing the roofs of several buildings you found a familiar indent in the wall that allowed you to quickly scale the upper parts, this section being relatively solid still. You quickly slid down the other side of the wall, catching yourself several times to mitigate the fall.

Turning to run toward master Fizban's workshop, you are met by a low growl and a large hound looking straight at you, while not directly blocking your path he is clearly interested in you and seems hostile. On quick inspection the dog, while large, looked rather mangy, it might be a starving stray or an escaped test animal and it looks like you could possibly run or even fight it...

A: Run away, you're in a hurry.
B: Attack it preemptively.
C: Stare back.
D: Approach the animal and try to calm it.

Current attributes *updated*
Strength: 6 (5+1, climbing takes some strength)
Dexterity: 7 (5+2, climbing requires you to freely move your body)
Endurance: 8 (7+1, you endured your injuries and)
Intelligence: 8
Charisma: 3 (5-2, rarely had pleasant interactions with people)
Sensitivity: 3

Proficiencies: Educated (can read, write and perform/understand minor alchemy)
Free-climbing (Being your main activity in your free time, you've learned to climb almost any surface within human capacity)

Current items
Artisan's gloves (near indestructible, these gloves are a rare and expensive gift from your master that you have treasured and hidden for many years, it helps that they look like common gloves)
Commoner's clothes (a simple shirt and skirt combination, too small for your size, it only barely fits)
Leather satchel (a sturdy satchel tied securely around your waist, there's actually a trick to opening it)

(To give a brief example of how choices work in this, had you chosen to steal food in the first option and manage to encounter the dog afterward you would have had a choice to feed it. your low charisma doesn't mean you can't calm the dog, for attempt like this ultimate success or failure is based mostly on circumstances, similarly high attributes don't always guarantee success, sometimes being clumsy saves the day. Success or failure comes from attributes + circumstances, sometimes high attributes can overcome bad conditions and sometimes bad conditions counteract high attributes and dumb luck could also intervene (though this will only happen VERY rarely, I'm no fan of "hand of god" interfering with poor results, I might use this to stave off a "bad end" *once*). High attributes usually allow you more options to choose from in the main story, for example high charisma gives you more options in convincing someone to side with you, or might be a requirement for your character to even consider that option in the first place)
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

B. Who needs charisma when you can kick all of your problems in the crotch and run away giggling?
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C and A. Try to lure it out to an edge of the building and jump out of the way as It comes after you bullfighter style, then run.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Hmmm not a fan of fighting a dog with a hurt leg... or running actually. *flips coin* A it is then.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

D. (C in case of an impasse).
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

D - Calm the dog
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

A, "Run Forrest !"
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

So far we have ignored our leg but I wouldn't put it past them to troll us while running punch that mutt A
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Your leg isn't cut or broken, merely concussed, I'm sure you've been kicked on your thigh at some point in your life, or had something collide with it (it's sort of like that). While it doesn't incapacitate you it's uncomfortable to walk on and painful to put any significant strain on it, but shouldn't hamper your movement as long as you can endure the pain.

Keep in mind your choices now decide not only your characters attributes but also influence your characters personality (and with it the options she considers when confronted with a problem) Running now will make your character more likely to consider running in the future, fighting now will have a similar effect.

This is to ensure you don't have a character with no personality, that can choose to run away from an insignificant threat only to choose and fight an indomitable foe further along the line. A coward one moment, a glorious hero the next, such changes can occur, but they're meaningless when they just happen "all of a sudden". Your character will need to work to overcome her cowardice rather than simply choosing to suddenly not have it. Choices make early on can suddenly come back to haunt you and can have long term consequences.
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

D - Pet the dawgy, everyone needs a friend.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

DRAW (A+D) (I was hoping this would happen at least once so I could demonstrate what happens if there was ever a draw, in this case I can interpret one of the votes as being either A and/or C and having it A would tie it with D, in which case Dorl would change his vote of D into C. Rather than playing favorites one way or the other I might as well demonstrate what happens when a draw occurs in the voting)

Momentarily hesitating, caught between wanting to calm the beast and running away quickly, your thoughts are interrupted by the hound's growl steadily growing louder. The hound is maintaining its distance, crouching low and staring you down.

You nervously crouch down, still not entirely sure that you shouldn't just be running away, and try to make soft, calm noises and try to appear as harmless and friendly as you can, slowly inching closer. The hound still appears to gauge your behavior, slowly backing up while you inch closer. The animal seems sensible enough, a rabid dog would have already been attacking you, but you can't seem to calm down due to the dog's appearance and threatening demeanor. Your leg starts to ache from the strain of crouching down on it, as you're looking at the ground in front of the animal, not challenging it by looking directly at it, the sore muscles in your leg suddenly spasm under the pressure and you lose balance, catching yourself with one hand to prevent yourself from toppling over.

The hound, startled by your sudden movement, erupted in loud barking and started aggressively moving toward you, slowly picking up speed as it no longer considered the weak and shaken prey in front of it as a threat. Quickly reacting to this new development, you spring up and start running away at full speed. Dodging through the narrow alley's the hound is barreling through the scattered refuge littering the area, barely hampering its movement it does keep it from catching up. Taking a quick turn you desperately try to get away, the sudden turn of events and threatening rampage of the animal having caused you to panic. Not paying attention to where you were going and simply trying to get away as fast as possible you stumble upon a dead end, the alley here is covered in debris from a partially collapsed building and you lack the composure to try and climb over. You desperately look for a way out and the hound rushes closer to you, and in your desperation you try to crawl into a small niche between the crumbled stone. Barely fitting yourself in the small crevice between the stones hound's maw grazes your leg as you pull it away. The dog fortunately seems to be too enraged to figure out how to follow you and is snapping viciously at the crack in the debris, still in a panic you desperately try to get away from it, but you are now stuck, the only way out blocked.

Slowly, you begin to regain your composure, cursing yourself for losing control and angry at your current predicament, you had no way of getting out of here with that damn hound still out there. The hound, having tired itself out somewhat during the chase, had started pawing at the stone, occasionally barking loudly. Having no means of getting rid of the hound, you were stuck here until it gave up and left, so you decided to get as comfortable as possible, giving up on the notion of getting to master Fizban on time. The shadows on the ground had shifted by the time you heard commotion outside other than the dog, apparently its constant barking and howling had caused enough of a disturbance to alert the guard, while you couldn't get a clear view of what was going on, you could discern the identity of the new arrivals largely from the sounds of heavy boots and soft jingle of ringmail armor. After the sounds of a scuffle, followed by a loud yip, you hear two men discussing the situation.

"Take it with you, one of the alchemists'll probably want it."

"Better fetch us some coin, damn mongrel ripped my shirt."

"You see anything that the beast might have been so riled up about?"

Trying to keep as still as possible, you hope they don't discover you hiding here, in your current condition you would surely be taken for a thief. Holding your breath and trying not to make a sound, relief overcomes you once you hear the sound of boots fading into the distance.

"Naw, probably just chased some rats where it couldn't reach 'em, dumb mutt."

After waiting to make sure you could no longer hear their footsteps, you sneak a peek at the alley outside your hiding place, relieved to find it now completely abandoned. Slowly crawling out of the hole, joints stiff from being cramped up in such a small space, you stretch yourself briefly and try to figure out the time. The sun had started to set, the day was nearing its end and your stomach complained about you not having anything to eat for most of it. Glancing at your clothing, hoping nothing had been damaged during the events of the day, you sigh deeply at finding a large tear along your skirt, resigning yourself to what that meant. Your father considered you and everything you owned as his own property, and returning home with damaged clothing was unacceptable. You were usually able to mend your own clothing whenever it got damaged, but with the sun already setting you wouldn't be able to get home before him.

What do you do:
A: Return home right away, facing the consequences of coming home with torn clothing.
B: Return home after dark, mending your clothes after your father falls asleep.
C: Find(steal) something to eat, worry about getting home after you've filled your stomach.
D: You're still upset about what happened earlier, go vent your frustration on some rats in the sewers.

Current attributes: *updated*
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 9 (7+2 quick to maneuver, almost by instinct)
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 9 (8+1 you're able to analyze a situation with limited information)
Charisma: 4 (3+1 you know how to deal with animals)
Sensitivity: 4 (3+1 your uncertainty weakens your resolve)

Proficiencies: Educated (can read, write and perform/understand minor alchemy)
Animal affinity (You can usually calm most animals, and know a bit about interacting with them)
Free-running *free climbing upgrade* (You can quickly make your way through uneven/cluttered terrain and climb almost any surface within human capacity)
Panic prone (unsettling events are more likely to invoke panic than anger/horror)

Current items: *updated*
Artisan's gloves (near indestructible, these gloves are a rare and expensive gift from your master that you have treasured and hidden for many years, it helps that they look like common gloves)
Commoner's clothes (a simple shirt and skirt combination, too small for your size, it only barely fits. The skirt is currently torn, but functional)
Leather satchel (a sturdy satchel tied securely around your waist, there's actually a trick to opening it)

(A quick note on sensitivity triggered status conditions; Sensitivity is your likelihood of becoming mentally shaken, causing you to temporarily lose your intelligence score and invoking a primal reaction, though the rush of adrenaline will make pain easier to endure. Either panicking and running away, becoming enraged and becoming aggressive or becoming horrified and incapacitated. Panic will cause your character to ignore surroundings and flee, often less efficient than a controlled escape, makes enemies more likely to chase. Enraged causes you to blindly attack objects and entities that you find provocative with no regards for the consequences, makes enemies more likely to flee. Terrified is a status condition with the shortest duration, but fully incapacitates you, causing you to drop whatever you're holding and making enemies more likely to attack.)
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Due to your high intelligence, you get a little more insight in your options (this sort of thing also allows me to summarize relevant information so people don't have to read back pages of text):

You're set for a marriage by which your father has a lot to gain, he might not want to "damage the goods" too much?

You consider your current injury very minor, only being so due to your father being heavily intoxicated with booze, and you suffered it for merely getting in his way.

You've had nothing to eat all day save for a bit of bread in the morning, and before that you had missed the previous day's dinner, you plan to take anything you can find to eat before getting home, but also consider actively looking for food first.

Instead of retracing your steps you can head down to the sewer and get some confidence back after your performance today, you might also find something to eat down there, but that might be risky...

(If this sort of thing is unnecessary let me know)
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

B. Sneak in through window at night, after dad falls asleep possibly if we can.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C - The time it takes to "obtain" food should get us home late enough to sneak in as well. Grind up that sneak!
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C, before B.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C b
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C Food first