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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Ha, looks like I win girls. Now the lowest hand loses some clothes, so come on Kagari, off with the shirt," Haruka said, telling the blonde futa okami to accept her loss and strip her shirt off. Kagari sighed and pulled her shirt off after that, with Haruka shuffling the cards again as she did so.

"Well, looks like the new mate didn't lose first after all, looks like you win the bet Kagari," Hikari said while Haruka shuffled the cards.

After a minute of shuffling, Haruka dealt the cards again. As soon as the cards were all dealt out and Karrie took hers up, she would see that she had a 6, 7, and 10 of hearts, a 3 of clubs, and a king of spades, giving her a not so good hand to start off the second hand with.

"Hmm... give me three this time," Hikari said after looking at her cards, seeming a bit pleased with her hand as she laid down 3 of hers.

"One for me Haruka, but make it a good one please," Kagari said with a sigh, looking hopeful as she set down 1 card.

"Well now let's see what I'll be taking and... fuck me... well I guess I'll be taking the next bit of clothing off after this one," Haruka said, not looking pleased with her hand at all as she laid down 3 cards, which may give Karrie some hope as to her own shitty hand.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Sighing, Karrie was dealt a not very good hand, she decided to put down her 10, 3 and king hoping she could get something better out of this.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie set her cards down, then Hikari set down three cards as well, Kagari set down only one, with Hikari laughing and saying, "Ha, Kagari's going for either a straight or a flush, I guarantee it."

After that Haruka sighed and set down three cards, muttering something about bullshit hands and that she was already regretting agreeing to play cards with Karrie and the others. Moments later, Karrie was given three more cards to replace those she set down. Not that any of them really went with what she had or anything, seeing that she had just been dealt a jack and queen of spades, and a queen of diamonds, giving her a pair of queens. Hikari didn't look very pleased with what she'd just drawn apparently, at least from the look on her face she didn't. Kagari sighed, though didn't look totally pissed about her one card.

Haruka dealt herself her own three cards and just rolled her eyes, sighing as she flipped her cards over to show that she had pretty much nothing at all. Hikari flipped over a pair of nines, while Kagari showed that she'd gotten a pair of fives, leaving Karrie as the full victor with this hand. "Hey I've got an idea Haruka. How about the winner of every hand strips a piece of clothing from the one who loses and strips. Sound like fun to you?" Hikari said as she saw Karrie's pair of queens, smiling at the alpha kitsune herm.

"Sure why not," Haruka said, shaking her head a little and then she glanced over at Karrie, saying, "Come now my mate. Strip me of whatever piece of clothing you wish. And then I'll deal the next hand."
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was slightly surprised that she had managed to win this hand, and a new rule was set in place, blushing slightly Karrie said "U-Um...y-your shirt?" rather shyly.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka smiled at Karrie's shyness and after she'd taken her shirt off she pulled Karrie down into her lap for a moment, then kissed her deeply, her tongue invading Karrie's mouth and wrestling her tongue down easily. "Come now my mate, don't be so shy. You're among friends here, and we won't be mean to you, or hurt you any," Haruka said to Karrie after breaking the kiss, assuring her by gently stoking her cheek, while Hikari and Kagari both agreed with their alpha.

After that Haruka kissed Karrie again and then took the cards up after she helped Karrie back up and over into her seat. Once Karrie was ready again to play the game, Haruka would deal the cards after shuffling them a bit. When Karrie looked at her cards, she'd see that she had a 4 and 6 of clubs, a 7 of spades, and an 8 and ace of diamonds, giving her relatively nothing at all to work with. Karrie would see that Haruka and Hikari neither one looked too happy with their hands, leaving her to think they weren't doing any better than she was, while Kagari was looking a little happier with her hand after she saw how that they didn't look pleased at all.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Slightly surprised as she was pulled into a deep kiss by Haruka, her tongue was invaded and wrestle down easily as Haruka explained they were all friends here, she helped Karrie back to her chair and continued the game they were playing, being dealt a bad hand, karrie put down the 4 and the ace to hopefully improve her hand.
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was handed 2 more cards by Haruka and after she looked at them, she saw that she'd been given a 5 and 6 of diamonds, giving her a pair of 6's. Hikari set down 3 cards and was given apparently something that she didn't like in the least bit as she sighed sadly, already getting ready to lose a piece of clothing. Kagari wanted 2 cards and didn't look to have improved her hand any by the way she looked.

"Dammit, figures I'd get that much and not the rest," Haruka cursed, looking a bit pissed off about her hand.

As soon as she had her cards and looked at them for a moment, Haruka set her cards down and sighed, however Hikari sighed even more so as she set her cards down, showing her hand being lower than Haruka's, with Haruka laughing and tilting her head back. Then Kagari set down her own and showed a pair of 5's, while Haruka had an ace high, though Hikari only had a queen high, making hers the lowest after Karrie showed her hand.

"Aw jeez, it figures. And the new mate hasn't even lost anything yet, and she's stripped two of us now," Hikari said as she stood up and came over to Karrie for the human girl to undress a piece of clothing from her of her choice.

(If you want, I'll just make rolls or something for the rest of the hands until none of them have any clothes left. Then by the end of their game it'd be time for Karrie to give birth. Unless you want to play a couple of more games first that is.)
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

-First option then-

Smirking as she had one another hand, Karrie walked over and stripped Hikari of her shirt also, sitting back down for the next round and hoping she can continue this streak.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(I'm going to make a few rolls and just post up the ending of their game then, if that's alright.)

As their game progressed, the winners flipped back and forth, with Karrie managing to keep her clothing whilst Kagari was put out of the game, losing all of her clothing, then Haruka was taken out not long after that, losing all of her's as well. Then it came down to Karrie and Hikari, which had Karrie at a very great advantage, as Hikari had lost another piece of her clothing during the other hands, to Haruka that time though instead of Karrie.

Haruka dealt the cards for them while she sat there butt naked, sitting next to Karrie. Karrie ended up losing the next two hands before she finally took Hikari out, winning their game of strip poker. "Aw dammit... really? The new mate beat all three of us, I can't believe it," Hikari said as she banged the table with her fist, apparently not liking the fact that she lost.

"Now now Hikari, she didn't cheat any and won fair and square..." Haruka said to the black haired okami herm, then she turned to Karrie and kissed her on the cheek, saying, "Now my mate, you won our game, so you may ask one favor of any of the three of us here. Of course you don't have to just yet or anything, so you can hold onto your favor for now and we'll honor it whenever you decide to use it."

"Congratulations Karrie, I'm glad you won that after me and Haruka went out, because I didn't want Hikari to win," Kagari said, coming over and petting Karrie's head and ruffling her hair a little, while sticking her tongue out at Hikari.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Thankfully as the game went on Karrie managed to keep herself clothed throughout all the different hands, only really losing any clothing near the end, but despite that she still one, supposedly earning a favor from the pack, smiling she said "I-I think ill k-keep it for later..." referring to the favor she could ask, she decided to save it until after the birth of the child in her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Very well then my mate, keep it for as long as you wish, and use it whenever you feel the need to do so," Haruka said, petting Karrie's head and smiling at her. Hikari stormed off and started out of the room, looking a bit pissed about losing like she did, yet there was nothing she could really do about it at this point. Kagari followed her, still laughing at the black haired okami herm.

Once they were gone, Haruka looked back over at Karrie as she redressed herself, looking like she wanted to ask something, yet feared the answer. Finally she seemed to work up the courage to ask what was on her mind, though it took her a minute or two of thinking it over. "Karrie my mate... do you like me? Did you enjoy our time together when we took you and your companions like we did? I know it was against your will, but you must understand that it's the only way we know to live and survive," Haruka asked Karrie, looking as if she were dreading Karrie's answer to her questions and regretting even asking them.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Getting asked a question by Haruka about how she got here, Karrie smiled and hugged Haruka tightly saying "I did come willingly didnt i~?"
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Yes you kind of did. But your friends... well after we got them here they weren't so against us, but they did resist an awful lot when we first found you all. But I take it with the way you're hugging me that you do like me, and the rest of us," Haruka said, returning Karrie's hug, groping Karrie's butt as she did.

With that, Haruka sat down on one of the sofas in the den room, bringing Karrie with her, and sitting her in her lap, holding her lovingly while they reclined back and relaxed for a little while. While they relaxed, Haruka idly caressed Karrie's belly, while raining kisses down on Karrie's face and neck, expressing her love to her mate.

"Karrie... might I ask what you are doing here in this place? And why were Shana and Vanessa with you as well?" Haruka asked her while they relaxed on the sofa, Haruka seemingly wanting to know more about Karrie.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Sitting with Haruka as she kissed her neck and face, Karrie responded to her question by saying "We came down here to save some of Shanas friends, shes a priest and all the other priests had pretty much gone missing" to Haruka, squirming slightly as she felt the newborn in her belly kick again.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"I see... so is that what you'll ask of the pack? To help you save them all?" Haruka asked Karrie after a moment of contemplating what she'd said, giggling softly as she felt the baby kicking in Karrie's belly.

"I merely wish to know, as we'll need as many that can to stay here to protect the pack while we make it larger. I would ask that you take only two with you at a time, whether it's myself and another of the pack, or your two friends that we found you with, Shana and Vanessa," Haruka added after a few moments, kissing Karrie's neck again and leaving a hickey on her, as if marking her as only her mate.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling, Karrie said "We`ve been managing pretty well right now, do you think you could come along Haruka?" Karrie asked the fox girl,squirming somewhat as haruka left another hickey on her neck.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Yes if you wish, I will come along, it's one reason we have two alphas so that one of us can go out while the other stays here to protect the place. But if I do then Vanessa or Shana will need to stay here in order to keep our sanctuary protected. I suggest Vanessa, as she's strong and can defend well, she showed us all as much during the fighting and while you were asleep she sparred with Hikari and Kagari and was able to overpower both of them in sheer strength," Haruka replied, petting Karrie on the head and pecking her on the cheek. After a moment Haruka added softly, almost as if she were talking to herself more than anything, "I wish you were more like us shifters, because you'd make a beautiful kitsune, or any of the others really."
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling as Haruka explained, she was complimented by Haruka again that she would make a good shifter, which made karrie remember she wanted to ask another question "How would you become a shifter anyway? Is it something you only get at birth?" she asked curiously.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Hmm... well as far as I know they're only born that way, but I'm sure there is some way to do so if you'd like to look for it. I'd help you find out how," Haruka replied, petting Karrie some more and nuzzling her neck lovingly.

Before Karrie would be able to ask where she may be able to find out where she could do so, she'd feel a sudden kick in her belly, telling her that it was time for the baby to come out. As soon as Haruka heard Karrie's gasp or cry of pain, she would ask her what was wrong and once she found out she would get up, lifting Karrie with her in her strong arms, where she would carry her off and out of the room.

Karrie would find herself being carried down the hall towards the room next to their large bedroom on the opposite side from the way they'd come, calling out for help along the way as they did. Soon enough, Haruka laid Karrie down onto a soft bed where Karrie would see Shizune and Kagari come into the room right behind Haruka. "I can't believe it's time already, she's a good mate to already be giving birth. It usually takes about two days normally," Kagari said as they came in.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Giving out a gasp of pain after Haruka answered her, Karrie knew she was starting to go into labour, she was brought out of the room and laid on a bed, giving a little squeak of pain as she saw the others come into the room.