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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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(Just so you know I prefer fantasy, but I can do modern too. I'm assuming you mean modern fantasy though with this. Also I pretty much won't do the three things you asked of in your extra notes section, even if asked to, unless the player begged me to.)

Name: Karrie Valsimot
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Description: Shoulder length blonde hair, in-game she has red eyes, out of game she has simple dark blue ones, average height, D-Cup size breasts, she normally wears a white buttoned shirt with the collar undone, a black unzipped jacket, black fingerless gloves, black shorts, simple white socks and black shoes, she normally holsters her sword on her back.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): In-game she is quite headstrong and will always try everything she can, exploring as far as possible and trying to learn as much as possible, this translates to being quite defiant as well, as she often fights till the very end, she isn't afraid to try a bit of "persuading" to get a bit more out of deals she makes.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Time period is preferably modern, so that Karrie's clothing makes sense, up for anything as well except guro, scat and watersports.

Karrie Valsimot had been hearing much about the new hyped Virtual reality machine called the EGG, so she finally broke down and decided to do as a a few of her friends had said and went to sign up to be one of the testers for the thing. She headed out to the facility and once she'd arrived there and went into the lobby she was told by the receptionist to sign in and wait until she called her name.

It took around twenty minutes or so for her name to be called, but when she was called, the receptionist directed her back through the large double doors to the side of her desk and down the hall. “Just follow the hall straight down and go through the third door on the right that you'll see. There you'll be introduced to your tech for the EGG, and then after they explain how it works they'll take you to your machine to start your game up,” the receptionist told Karrie.

Once done as directed, Karrie found her way to the room in question and was greeted by a woman who looked around her early thirties or so. “Ah hello there miss Valsimot. I'll be your tech for the EGG, I'm Miranda. Now any questions you have I'll ask that you allow me to explain the EGG and its controls to you first before you ask, so you'll know what all to do. Now first off...” Miranda said to Karrie, introducing herself, then she got up and gestured for Karrie to follow her and as they walked she began explaining all of the controls and stuff for the EGG that Karrie would need to know. It was a five minute walk or so, because they had to wait for the elevator leading down to where the machines were to come back up and it ended up stopping on every floor it seemed.

By the time they got to the EGG machine room, Miranda was done speaking about the controls and everything else. “I'll leave the rest for you to find out, it makes it much more fun, and honestly we ourselves aren't even sure what this thing is truly capable of yet. So if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them for you,” Miranda said once inside the room.

I do hope that was a good opener post.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie didnt necessarily cave from other people hyping the machine she was just interested in trying it from the start, as the area she lived in barely had anything happen since she already tried most of the amusements nearby, so this new beta test gave her something to do atleast, since Karrie was slightly impatient the waiting time nearly bored her out of her skull but she managed to entertain herself until her name was called, she went through the usual rigmarole of "Go here and wait for someone to tell you how to work this because we dont want you breaking anything", everything seemed to go in fast motion for Karrie as she almost completely forgot about what Miranda told her, only listening about the core attributes and what she would expect, they eventually got to the machine room and Karrie looked around, taking note of the pods around her, she didnt have any questions so she shook her head "Nope, dont really have any questions", following what she had listened to she got herself into a EGG Pod and waited, twiddling her thumbs in anticipation, "Come onn...start already...!"

Yup, anything in italics are Karries thoughts
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Very well then miss Valsimot. In you go, and I'll monitor your progress throughout your play as well, so don't worry about anything and ask me if you get into trouble or anything," Miranda told Karrie as she got into the EGG machine.

Once the system turned itself on, she saw the monitor come on which asked her to input her setting for the game and gave her instructions on how to do so.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Enemies from my own bestiary (From DoD): Y/N (No frequency here, if you choose it, they will be in pretty much when I decide to throw them at you ^_^)
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y/N (Add size and whatnot if Y)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

Extras: (Put whatever extras you want right here, I'll do my best to add it in wherever I can, also add a frequency to whatever you put in if you don't mind, it'd help me out a bit.)

Then Karrie was shown a list of her starting locations:
The Dungeon of Debauchery.
The Citadel of the Succubus.
The Corrupted Temple.
The Ruined City.

After choosing her locations, Karrie was presented the difficulties for her game:

Once she'd input all settings for the EGG, one last menu popped up on the monitor that said, Avatar Creator. This would allow her to create her character and make her look exactly like she wanted her to.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie cracked her knuckles as the options popped up, starting to set her options for the game, deciding to give them all a try...except for a select few "Nothing ventured nothing gained...well apart from the dick option, i dunno how ill react..."

Humans: Y4
Male/Female: Y4
Female/Female: Y4
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y4
Birthing: Y4
Non Consent Sex: Y4
Slavery: Y4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y4
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y4
Enemies from my own bestiary (From DoD): Y
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like):Y4
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y4
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y4
Futa option (You start as a futa): N
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y4
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y2
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y4
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 4

She decided to select the starting area of [The Corrupted Temple], she then set the difficulty to [Normal], noticing the avatar editor, she kept herself as she was, but changed her eye colour to red, feeling satisfied with the options she picked she confirmed her selections.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie input all of her settings, chosen her level, then set her difficulty, then fixed her avatar up right and everything. After making sure everything was set correctly, Karrie hit start and the game began starting up and building around her. It took the better part of a minute or so, but the game was finally done loading up and Karrie found herself standing in the middle of a forest. She was standing on a quite well traveled road that led to the east and west, though she could see up ahead to the east that there was a smaller road that branched off to the north also, with a sign at the fork in the road that upon closer inspection read.

'Ashford town, 12 miles east'
'Ashfield village, 23 miles east'
'Melior city, 10 miles west'
'Temple of the sun, 4 miles north'

A closer inspection of what she had on her would reveal her pack, with two sets of extra clothing inside, several days worth of food rations, a bedroll, two waterskins which were both full, as well as a money pouch that held a total of one hundred gold pieces inside.

Behind her to the west Karrie could see the vaguely see the edge of the forest in that direction. Looking up at the sky through the trees and it looked quite cloudy and about to rain, she'd likely need to find some shelter soon or risk being caught out in the storm. Or then again she could press on to whichever of the locations the sign provided.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie opened up her eyes and looked around "Right first area here we go", looking up at the signs she studied them carefully "Melior city sounds kind of like a happening place", she thought, she then noticed that a storm or rain was coming, she studied the signs again"Well the temple is the closest place..." deciding on going north on the path, Karrie departed for the Temple of the sun, relishing the details of the environment "Nice graphics...wonder how long it took them to build this thing, let alone even get the hardware to run it!"
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

A few minutes after she made her decision and started towards the temple of the sun, Karrie would hear the wind start blowing fairly hard through the trees, blowing the leaves from some of them and she even heard a few tree limbs creaking under the force of the wind.

After half an hour or so it began to rain, though the trees provided some shelter from it thankfully. After hurrying on she'd hear the thunder begin rumbling as lightning flashed in the sky, it looked like a quite bad storm had brewed up. After another half hour of walking, or likely jogging, she found herself outside the temple of the sun.

When she ran up the steps to the door she found it unlocked thankfully, though if she wished to stay outside, the awning hung over the door provided her enough shelter to get her out of the rain. It was her decision whether or not to go on in, though it did look like there were people inside because she could see lights through the windows on her way up to the placce.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After some impromptu jogging to make sure she outran the storm and hopefully not get wet, she ran up some steps and caught her breath, waiting under the awning, after recovering she looked inside, curious, she stepped inside and looked around "Hello?" she called out.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Unfortunately Karrie was unable to prevent herself from getting wet at all, though she wasn't drenched thankfully. When she opened the door and peered inside then called out, she wouldn't see anybody in the entrance area, though there were three doors inside, one leading straight forward that was half open and through it she could see an altar in the distance with someone at it praying it seemed. To the left and right there were closed doors that lead to who know where. It seemed that the person at the altar didn't hear her when she spoke, as they hadn't turned around to look at her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie looked at the doors and stepped through the half open one, "Something interesting better happen soon" Karrie thought, she looked at the altar and called out again "Hi there"
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As Karrie got closer and called out to the person at the altar, the person finally seemed to hear her and turned to look at her. It was a young woman, who barely looked sixteen years of age and dressed in priestess robes, a closer look showed that she had tears in her eyes as if she'd been crying recently.

"W-Who are you? A-Are you one of them? Are you one of those d-demons that took father James?" the scared girl asked, holding what looked to be a religious icon in her hand that Karrie couldn't make out to well which it was.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie noticed the girl was crying, she noticed she must have been a priestess too from her clothing, she shook her head "Nope, not one of them", she tried to calm her down by getting onto her knees "Why whats the matter..? Why are you crying?" she simply asked, intrigued by the situation.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"T-Those demons, they attacked and took father James deep into the catacombs under the temple, and I'm scared of what they'll do to him. He's a very good person and... and I... I don't know what to do. They've been taking all of us temple priests and priestesses down there for some reason and I... I'm the only one left. But I can't just leave them all behind can I? W-Who are you miss? What are you dong here?" the girl replied, starting to cry again when Karrie asked her what was wrong. She looked hysterical to Karrie and she fell to her knees in front of her and the altar, looking full of despair at what had apparently all that had happened around her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie thought for a minute "Demons eh...? Sounds like i got a job to do", Karrie decided to help comfort her, hugging her "There there...i came here because i was seeking shelter from the rain...although now, ill help you with your plight, where are these catacombs?" Karrie asked, letting go of the priestess girl after calming her down suitably enough.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"R-Really you'll help rescue them? C-Come on then I'll take you to them, t-they're downstairs under the cellars. I-I'm Valerie by the way. Who are you?" the girl said, as she suddenly stopped crying, waiting for Karrie to answer yes or no as to whether or not she wanted to her to show her the way, if so then she would grab Karrie's hand and practically drag her with her out the door with her.

If Karrie allowed her to lead her to the catacombs, then a minute or so later, after taking Karrie out through the main doors, then taking the door to the right, which would have been the door to Karrie's left when she first came into the temple, she followed a long hallway and went into a kitchen, then she opened another door leading down some stone steps. Once down them she pulled Karrie over to a door that looked as if had been sealed shut in the past, but now the seals were broken it seemed.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Im Karrie, nice to meet ya, lead the way!" Karrie said, basically being lead by her hand the entire way to the entrance of the catacombs, Karrie got her sword ready, "Right, ill try to be as quick as possible" she said, looking at Valerie and smiling.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Through that door are the catacombs. They've taken all the others down into them, and there were a dozen of us in all, one high priest, father James, two acolyte priests, and the rest were all priestesses in training and the high priestess herself. They're all down there now. They just took father James an hour ago miss Karrie, please help me save them all. I... I don't know how much help I'd be, but I can go with you if you like, I've got some training in healing that might help you. I really don't want to stay by myself, I'm scared," the girl said once she got Karrie to the cellars, still looking a little hysterical about the situation and giving Karrie a pleading look as if begging her not to leave her behind, though that was up to Karrie of course.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie looked at the priestess for a second "Healing would be nice, besides i can just get her back if she gets captured in battle", Karrie nodded in response to her plea "Okay, you can come with me, just stay a fair bit away from the battle, whats your name by the way?" she said, pushing open the door and going into the catacombs with the priestess in tow.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

M-My name...” the priestess girl said, then as if she'd only just remembered she looked a bit startled and continued, “Oh yes, you can call me Shana. And d-don't worry, I'll stay back and let you fight. I'm not much of a fighter myself, so I'd probably just get in your way,” Shana said, nodding her head as Karrie opened the door to the catacombs.

Shana would follow Karrie down the steps and after nearly fifty of them or more they found themselves in an old room with several old yet ornate coffins lining the walls. It seemed that this was the tomb area of the catacombs and ahead down a long wide hallway Karrie could see a large door sitting halfway open, and two smaller hallways to either side around the center of the larger hallway, both shrouded in darkness, while the larger door at the far end of the hall looked modestly lit with light, there were also torches lining the walls in the hallway the two were standing in.

I've never been past this point miss Karrie, so I don't really know which way to go. I'm sorry,” Shana said to Karrie, visibly trembling at the sight of the coffins and the darkness, and likely a few other things too.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie followed Shana down the steps to the catacombs main area, looking around at the coffins, she had to choose between two side doors or a main door thats half open, judging from the door being half open she thought the kidnappers would probably have escaped down there, so she motioned for Shana to follow and went through the large door, keeping her sword ready.