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Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA


Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Huh. There’s a first time for everything they say. And so, this will be my first attempt at a CYOA. But first, some organization thingies.

: Unfortunately, English is not my primary language. I hope that my writing will be understandable, but feel free to correct me whenever I butcher this beautiful language. One can never stop learning ^^.

Updates: Hopefully, they will be at least somewhat constant… but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Most certainly they’ll be erratic; sometimes I’ll update daily and sometimes a week will pass without anything. It depends on my mood, work, health and arrangement of the stars. I’ll try to inform you if there is a longer interruption in sight and generally try to not be a dick about it :p. Not every update will be a “Choose your action”, some might be “Intermissions” (vide Serifyn’s “Tentacle Lair Series”) or “Lore” that your character possess. I also reserve a right to end this CYOA even when the scenario isn’t quite finished (reasons be damned), hopefully it won’t come to it.

Sex: Well..umm… I hopefully won’t suck at it (no pun intended), because I have little experience with writing sex scenes. Nevertheless, I don’t intend to make this CYOA into an “every-post-is-an-orgy Adventure” (At least, not at first XD). Anyway sex scenes, especially at the beginning will be dosed carefully. My plan is that this CYOA will be as much adventure RPG as hentai game.

Topic: A fantasy setting, technologically more or less situated in late renaissance with a bit of steampunk). Regions vary in technological advancement. In terms of races, they’re pretty run-of-the-mill: from humans, through elves, dwarfs, goblins, orcs to dragons, angels and demons etc. Some rarer breeds may occur as well.

Fetishes: It would be easier to say what definitely you won’t find here: vore, guro, mutilation, furry, yaoi, *really* dark themes and *very heavy* rape/ryona, bizzare body altercations (CoC style triple breast row for example or basketball testicles). To name a few that will occur – yuri, bukkake, forced sex, egg laying, monsters, vanilla, bdsm, tentacles, ahegao and more~. Futa is achievable by magic or pacts with demons (the fastests and easiest way, usually permanent or "on command"), alchemy (usually temporary, i.e. you have to gulp potions... but the demon pacts are tricky and the magic of Aether is hard to master), and such – there are no natural futanari... but those that are futa, certainly enjoy themselves XD The lists may either shrink or expand.

Mechanics: I’ll start with the easy D20 system (a.k.a. dnd like). Maybe I’ll modify it later or create a new one entirely. Some rolls will be hidden (for example stealth or search).

I think I conveyed most of the important things. If you have any questions regarding any detail of this CYOA send me a PM or just write it here (though you might most of your questions regarding lore, because they will be answered by updates/gameplay).

After such a grim and unappealing introduction (not to say long) it would be a miracle that someone would be interested in participating. Nevertheless, for those patient enough…

…Let the character creation commence!

A. An elven wizard

“I’ll take this book. And this one. And this one too. Hm? Of course I’ll return them tomorrow! It’s plenty of time to read them all, isn’t it?”

Name: Aenari Vor’thais of House Sunburst
Race: High elf
Age: 38
Sex: Female
Class: Wizard
Skills: Magic (Elemental magic, Support magic, Attribute enhancing, Aether bending, Arcane Magic etc.), Arcane Knowledge, Sigil Knowledge, Diplomacy and etiquette.
Motivation: Knowledge, magical relics.
Personality main trait: Curious.

Few words: Aeanari is your nerdy bookworm girl. The only thing she lacks is a pair of thick glasses. She loves to study, loves reading and loves magic experiments. Her family is one of the most respectable, powerful and wealthy noble Houses in the capitol so little Aeanari got everything she wanted… beside actual freedom. Even though she was shaped into a peerless noble diplomat and magic wielder from her birth the elven girl actually didn’t quite met the harsh expectations of her House – being more interested in studies per se than the power and influence race.

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Aenari might become the wise Arcanist, bending the pure energies of Aether to her will or a Sorceress – a magic wielder even more open to the magical Vortex allowing her to cast spells with unrivaled quickness.

Her looks (Cup size - D) :

B. A human rogue

“Me? A thief? You’re mistaken kind sir. That thing with consul Thurriel was a misunderstanding. The Cathedral Incident? I don’t know what are you talking about, but surely it had to be a misunderstanding as well. I’m an honest citizen and I don’t know how that stuff got here.”

Name: Shira Raderdt
Race: Human with a mother from the Nerrkari Tribe (Cat people)
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Class: Thief
Skills: Ranged combat (Pistol); Lock picking; Stealth; Pickpocketing; Lying, bluffing and deceiving; Speed and agility.
Motivation: Money, rare items or works of art.
Personality main trait: Shrewd.

Few words: Shira is a crafty thief, a city girl helping the rich get rid of their treasures. She always has something witty to say, always has the last word and always breaks even. She’s somewhat of a half breed, a half cat-girl if you will. Usually, when talking about half breeds, the signs of the Nerrkari heritage show – if they show at all – from their early teens to mid-twenties. At the moment, the only thing that discerns her from other humans are catlike eyes.

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Aenari might become a Master Thief – an expert burglar capable of picking any lock and silently leave even the most guarded residence or an Assassin, a shadow that kills her unsuspecting victims.

Her looks (Cup size - C) :

C. A human dark mage

“My, my… Who would have thought the mayor’s daughter would be in possession of such an interesting ritual. Too bad she isn’t going to live through it when I “demonstrate” it. Well, at least we’re both going to taste some pleasure before her unfortunate… demise.”

Name: Elyria Kharivael from Blackrock
Race: Human with a drop of demonic heritage
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Class: Dark mage
Skills: Dark magic (Curses; Undead summons; Life, soul, essence stealing; Mind warping etc.), Unholy rituals, Arcane Knowledge (focused on dark arts), Willpower and resolve.
Motivation: Power, immortality, forbidden knowledge.
Personality main trait: Devious

Few words: Elyria is obsessed with immortality and power. She has no ethics when this subject comes into question. That doesn’t mean she’s inherently evil – she’s not a sociopath after all, she likes to have fun, to smile, to laugh just like everyone. Her demonic heritage has no effect (…at the moment?) whatsoever. Elyria prefers to perceive herself as a true scientist, willing to cross any boundaries in order to achieve her goals.

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Elyria can become a powerful Chaos Mage, granting her a greater understanding of demonic nature and possibility to tap into the wild power of Chaos Vortex. The other choice is to delve deeper into the secrets of the Undeath and becoming a Necromancer – a path that allows one to command undead minions, play with life and death as if it were simple blocks or even further pursue the path to immortality.

Her looks (Cup size DD) :

D. An elven warrior

“Don’t worry, your death will be swift and clean. I always strike true.”
Name: Iriel Na’aathi of Clan Silverstreams

Race: Elf
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Class: Warrior
Skills: Close combat (Rapier, Epee, Dagger); Dual wielding; Ranged combat (Bow, throwing knives); Trapping; Hunting; Speed and agility.
Motivation: Adventure, clan quest.
Personality main trait: Prideful.

Few words: Iriel is a young elf that just started her traditional Ranger Rites. She’s prideful, arrogant and above all convinced that she’s already a master tracker, warrior and archer. The fact she exceled at every test given her by the Clan Elders boosts her confidence even more. It’s not that she thinks she’s the best – there’s always room to improve – but she’s certain that she’s one of the best, and with time there won’t be any better than her. Time will tell if adventuring will temper the brash maiden, sharpen her even further or break her completely.

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Iriel can become a master of close combat, an impossibly acrobatic Fencer capable of delivering a flurry of lighting fast blows or a Hunter – the lord of bow, arrows and forest, follower of the true elven ways, blending the powers of Aether and the ways of archer.

Her looks (Cup size - B, yes I know about her picture on the left, thank you very much XD Use your imaginations:

E. A human warrior

“You’re telling me I can’t best you in combat? Perhaps the reason is I’m a woman?! Let me prove you wrong then!”

Name: Nathia Charden
Race: Human
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Class: Warrior
Skills: Close combat (Swords, maces, axes, hammers, two handed weaponry, shields); Strength, Resolve, Endurance, Athletics.
Motivation: Adventure, proving herself
Personality main trait: Innocent.

Few words: Nathia always wanted to be an adventurer! Unlike other girls in her age, she grew up listening to stories of warfare, monsters and brave heroes. She took every opportunity to hone her skills, be it helping at the smithy or begging her father – a sergeant in the king’s army – to teach her how to wield a blade. And when she finally came of age, right after buying equipment and saying her farewells, she hit the road with nothing more than a few pieces of silver, her father’s sword and a head full of stories.

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Nathia may become the very person from her stories – a heroic Paladin, the stalwart shield of everything that’s good and just. Paladins are truly a mortal enemy of everything that’s twisted and evil, possessing the support of mythical Angels themselves. But maybe Nathia’s path will be darker and she’ll become the Dark Knight, a warrior with almost otherworldly capabilities of destruction, wielding powerful two handed weaponry. Because every good story needs a villain…

Her looks (Cup size - C) :
F. A half-elven alchemist

“Umm… You’re sure you’re looking for me? Just so you know I’ve had nothing to do with that explosion in Kriemhild. It was an accident I heard. But if you want to buy something…”

Name: Thisha Ther’tallis
Race: Half-elf
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Class: Alchemist
Skills: Alchemy; First Aid; Potion Making; Barter; Diplomacy; Charisma.
Motivation: Money, influence and attaining the status of Guild Master… by any means necessary
Personality main trait: Cunning.

Few words: Well Tisha is just unlucky. She isn’t particularly fond of things that blow up, honestly! Well, maybe a little. Truth to be told, she might even like it… Okay, she loves to blow stuff to smithereens. Brimstone, coal, niter and voila – she’s all happy suddenly. But even if she has a real knack for destruction, the potions she’s capable of brewing can heal wounds, overcome diseases, enhance both body and soul… well, if they work. But they mostly work, honestly! She wouldn’t lie to you, she’s a member of the Merchant’s Guild after all!

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Tisha can pursue either the path of healing or destruction. With the former she’ll became a Medic, helping people (and her purse) with her medicine, potions and skills. With the latter she’ll became a Firemaster – and help us Gods, because basically every reagent will become deadly, flammable and explosive in her hands.

Her looks (Cup size: B) :

G. A dwarven bounty hunter

Last, but not least a male. And a dwarf at that. There’s never enough dwarves.

“And then, after I got him his beer I punched him. For what you ask? No, it wasn’t about the mead he spilled – though it could be, it was Ylgver’s Special after all – he said that I won’t hit that target with my eyes closed.”

Name: Gunnar Vidarson
Race: Dwarf
Age: 66
Sex: Male
Class: Mercenary
Skills: Ranged combat (Rifles); Brawls; Grapples; Endurance; Drinking; Physical strength
Motivation: Gold, plunder and booty!
Personality main trait: Honorable.

Few words: Gunnar is a simple man, of simple pleasures. A mercenary to the bone, he’ll do what needs to be done, no questions asked *if* the price is right. It would be hard to name a battlefield he didn’t fight in, a land he didn’t visit. The horrors of battle would broken lesser man, but this dog of war, in spite of all he has seen and done, continues to be happy, jovial and content with his life. And he craves for more fight, the madman!

Future: With experience and depending on your actions Gunnar can improve his deadly accuracy even further, becoming a Sniper – the bane of every significant target on the battlefield. Or maybe he’ll pillage on his own, becoming a Pirate – or maybe even a Captain while we’re at it?

His looks (Cup size - Hard as steel manly dwarven torso) :

And these are your choices. There can be only one hero (…OR CAN IT?) so choose wisely.

Note on the elven age:

Elven pregnancy lasts about 14 months; young elves grow up and mature roughly half the time longer than their human counterparts. After they reach maturity, they stop aging – so there’s almost no physical difference between an elf that’s 50 years old and 500 years old. They stop aging roughly after 27 years (18+9), and traditionally enter adulthood at their 30 birthday. So a 20 year old elf would physically and mentally be roughly at a level of a 13 year old child.

By the way, at the start characters are more or less neutral – neither good nor evil. Even the most obvious “villain”, Ellyria isn’t necessarily evil – more like her ethics are somewhat merciless. You actions will shape the character into a person of “good” or “evil”. And if you’re *really* good maybe you’ll manage to create a Dark Knight’s story to redemption… Or the fall of a Paladin.

None of the characters start with any particular kink or fetish - these will come in during the gameplay (they will be similiar in effect to those from Tassadar's Dark Gate).

What will happen with the characters that aren't chosen? Most likely they'll become NPC's, they'll live their life, possibly interacting with The Chosen One. Maybe some of them will become alt characters, sometimes their actions will be voted on, but they won't overshadow The Chosen One. To be honest, I don't know yet ^^. Although it would be a shame to just forget them...

The character's skills is a rough sketch what she/he is good at. When the main hero is chosen I'll make a more specific, detailed "character sheet". For now you must take my word that they are pretty balanced (even if the number of skills is different). By the way, even if the skill isn't on a character's list it's not that they can't use it (for example, Shira can fight with a dagger but she isn't that good with it to count it towards her skills). There's nothing stopping you to teach The Chosen one new skills altogether.

Gods, I'm fucking tired. That CYOA business is lot of work you know. And I only started >:|
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Ahem. E. E. E. Please let the Knight Girl be the main character!

Yeah... she presses my buttons.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Going with B on this one.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B, but in the event of a tie, change mine to E

EDIT: Changed to E
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

After such a grim and unappealing introduction (not to say long) it would be a miracle that someone would be interested in participating. Nevertheless, for those patient enough…

Are you kidding ?

A. Finally, D. Actually, I'll stay for A.
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Seems like the most amusing choice
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

F. In the words of Ralph Wiggum; "A leprechaun told me to burn things"
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Edit: For pretty much all of the same reasons I've already said, I choose C now for the largest breasts, so when she eventually somehow gets turned into a futa *Crosses fingers* she'll be able to use he magic to knock female enemies to the ground and smex them into submission. There are other reasons however, but too many to describe them all here.

Also I believe you'll do good dorl, have confidence in yourself. ;)
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Let's see... while I admit I'd love to see any of them getting done from behind by an energetic alaukune (except the dwarf- not my cup of tea, thank you very much), I have to admit- this choice is really, really hard. I'm rather partial to elves, especially those in rather... sticky situations. I'd go for either A or D.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Not to sway anyone to anything (CHOOSE THE DWARF XD ... Okay, I'm joking of course. SOMEHOW I knew the dwarf wouldn't be the most popular choice - but just to be clear here - the dwarf would be doing the sexing on females/demons/monstergirls not the...ummm BACKDOOR way around (Need... to... get... that... image out of my mind. THANKS a lot Green Jay, now it's stuck >:|) but: The easiest way to become a futanari is by magic and after that - creepy alchemy concoctions (but this kind of change is usually on duration). As for the boobs, the pictures might be confusing, so I'll write their cup size (the difference between game and picture is especially visible with the elven warrior girl).

Edit: Thread updated with futanari and boob info. As you may have noticed, they are pretty mediocre... but this is a fantasy world after all, so there's magic... alchemy... Many ways to change The Chosen One _^_
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

sounds good to me
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

My vote is B, E, or F. Can't decide so I will let dorl pick one when it comes to counting thus allowing him to pick what he would prefer more.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

E is the best for me.

Go Dark Knight
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Screwed Up Vote.
F - Dwarf time! Dwarf dwarf dwarf!

Or the necro chick. Hot Necromancer that will have many a Zombies.

Edit: G! I read for the dwarf as being F. Anyhow, Dwarf!

Or C if there are more votes for the necro chick then dwarf or to break vote lock.
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

C necromancer because everyone love a good corpse
necromancer is the only one able to summon minions the possibilities that await us.
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA



Or the Necromancer chick, since I'm fairly certain there's no way in hell the Dorf will ever win. My reasoning is as Illithid's; she's got nice tits. Also a monocle.

Mayhap at some point we can get her a one-eyed monster, and she can pass it the monocle and get some spectacles for both her eyes ugh this pun feels bad even as I write it
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Umm... Okay. What the hell I'm supposed to make from this:

E 3 Votes(NorthernCross, xgkf, kikun)
B 3 Votes(aguy, Genius700, 4acces69)
A 3 Votes(Minerve, zchaos, Green Jay)
F 3 Votes(MoT, Dracador, Kln)
C 3 Votes(Mind Flayer, Bloodshifter, GargantuaBlarg)

So basically, at the moment we know who you DON'T wanna play XD (the elven warrior and the dwarf - HOW COULD YOU?)

When faced with multiple choices (such as 4acces69) I chosen the first one, no matter what was written afterwards.

Diagasvesle said:
F - Dwarf time! Dwarf dwarf dwarf!

Or the necro chick. Hot Necromancer that will have many a Zombies.

(F - the Alchemist, G - the Dwarf...so. A joke or a mistake?)

Even if I count Diagasvesle's vote into either pool, one vote over isn't exactly enough for such a major decision like who're going to play.

...Any suggestions? Maybe I'll choose two main heroes and the rest will become minor characters >:|

In the meantime, I'll write some lore update. Maybe this will change anything? XD
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA
