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Mitsuko X Space Escape

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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

The big difference between Uriel and Toompimp is that TP milks his fanbase for cash and still puts out subpar crap, yet I don't think he's every really finished the games he makes any more. I think the last time he's made a descent game was Fifi's Fury.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Oh my god I get suckered into clicking this link every now and then because I assume it's on the front page because finally another thing has been added. I am publicly vowing to never click on this link about as it is an exercise in futility.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Yikes. Harshness abound.

My two cents? If your worried about bugs, you NEED to switch to another platform to work with. Flash is buggy and cumbersome, it's an absolute nightmare to make large scale game projects with and it's probably part of the reason why you spend so much time between updates bug crunching.

Dunno if yer willing to make that kind of switch, but it's pretty much the jist of things. If you want to make a large scale game project like this, Flash is just not the right kind of tool to do it with.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

whoa, those were nasty comments from some of those guys. Only two were constructive comments. seriously guys did you paid urielmanx7 for this game and by paying did you ever manage to find the rights for some harsh comments? geez!!!
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Now now, just because the game is free doesn't mean it can't be criticized. That being said they were a bit.. overzealous in their delivery. Personally I'd rather Uriel bug-crunch a bit rather then put out content. What's the point of new content if the game is so unplayable you can't even reach it? That of course is just my opinion, so they don't have to agree with me.

Though I do think the comparison to Toonpimp was highly unjustified. Toonpimp is a money grubbing sellout. Uriel hasn't (To my knowledge at least) accepted any money for the game, and it is also far more polished and cohesive then 90% of anything Toonpimp has put out.
But I digress, this thread isn't about toonpimp, so enough about him. XD

What IS your stance on swapping programs for your game, Uriel? Have you thought about trying Gamemaker instead?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I understand the frustration, I really, really do. But we've gone over this a dozen times, Uriel will not be putting any additional content in the demo. And no amount of whining will do any good.

I know for a fact that he has other stuff done, that just isn't included in what you see. So don't even try to liken him to TP.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

The big difference between Uriel and Toompimp is that TP milks his fanbase for cash and still puts out subpar crap, yet I don't think he's every really finished the games he makes any more. I think the last time he's made a descent game was Fifi's Fury.

wasn't Fifi's Fury released like 7 years ago or something?
funny enough TP did Patreon before they did lol.

yeah good luck with the bug fixing.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Ok saw the stream for download and, 2 hours for a sketch animation? Dang, cant consider how much it takes for a full animation done.

Things aside, put your goals together, what do you want to finish first, i feel that its better to finish already the animations or CG's, putting things up done in the demo.

Bugs and glitches second since you can recieve information regarding them, it's better to have them later on so you can fix them and be ready later on.

Just set your goals correctly, dont suddenly change plans because it will take more time than before
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Um, don't kill me for typing this and I'm not trying to start anything...but...I just want to point out.

I understand the bug fixes, gameplay, and animations take a huge amount of time, but I feel like Uriel is KINDA losing interest in making the game since he's TOO laid back. I could be wrong, it's a feeling I got at this point.
If I am wrong about this, give me a heads up, I use to try to keep up with his blog to see if there were any new updates he had every Monday, until I had a lot of tests at college and stuff, so I sorta lost track on a lot of what's been happening.

I have nothing against you Uriel, I understand you have time on your own, but for the sake everyone here, just at least try to do an update for everyone on the game and what's been added. I mean, personally, I kinda feel like we're waiting for nothing.
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Agreed, c'mon man update the demo or post gifs of new content. give your public something.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Lets get this back on track:

Boxers or briefs?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

What IS your stance on swapping programs for your game, Uriel? Have you thought about trying Gamemaker instead?

Yes, in fact after I'm done with spacEscape, I won't touch flash for game developing again (at least no so complex, the Haruhi one is more like the alley flash is meant to), and probably go with GM. But switching to another platform will effectively reset progress to almost 0, when I started (back in *09- I'm a o9ner) I didn't knew squat about coding a game in flash, so switchin will be the same uphill progress of learning and it probably would take me another 6 years to come where I'm now with flash, so it's not practical imo. On the other hand, I know flash can do good if worked properly (MegamanX Corrupted, Erotical night), so I'm not giving up hope just yet.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Uriel, do you think it would be possible to have a choice in the voice for Mitsuko, I personally preferred the previous one before this one.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Uriel, do you think it would be possible to have a choice in the voice for Mitsuko, I personally preferred the previous one before this one.

The previous one was a collection of ripped voice assets of Felicia from Darkstalkers. I went to the trouble of having someone actually doing the voice because I don't want any copyright material in the game.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I wouldn't worry too much about Uriel...at this point in development, after so much time, I think his slow pace is paying off. He doesn't seem to ever get true 'burnout', so I'm pretty confident the only thing stopping us from getting more content is some sort of major IRL interference. Plus, Urielman strikes me as the kind of guy who'd just release everything he had up to the stopping point if he decided to stop.

Urielman, just wanted to say: game's gotten really impressive. Good job, man.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Curious if anyone else has this bug, which zooms the game in slightly every time I enter the menu, and if I go through a door with the window resized (bigger so I can see the game), it zooms super far in where the character is barely on the screen anymore.

Hope I don't have to do a "only enter menus twice between saves" kind of run.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Curious if anyone else has this bug, which zooms the game in slightly every time I enter the menu, and if I go through a door with the window resized (bigger so I can see the game), it zooms super far in where the character is barely on the screen anymore.

Hope I don't have to do a "only enter menus twice between saves" kind of run.

I have actually had that problem, but only when expanding the window to fullscreen.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I understand everyone's attempt to defend the man, but it has been awhile since this game was first revealed (five years ago if the first post in this thread is any indication) and from what I can see, the demo hasn't seen a great deal of change from the start. I understand game development taking awhile sometimes, but you can't honestly fault folks for being justifiably frustrated at this point.

If you are truly committed to not showing off anything else in the demos, well, I have to imagine a lot more of these anger fueled posts are coming your way.
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