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So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(


Jul 6, 2009
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Now I need to rant a bit, but before that I'll get you all up to speed. I deleted pics of characters who are considered minors because I just found out that it's illegal where I live to possess any porn with minors in them.

Some examples of characters are below, take note they are considered minors in most of the U.S.

Jessica Albert - Dragon Quest
Talim - Soul Caliber
Ayane - Dead or Alive

Now, it's cool that the law is looking out for children so I can't be that angry. But now when I want to save some new pics, I have to age check each one that I get to make sure the character isn't a minor. I had to get rid of some sweet pics too! :(

I know some of you are gonna think I'm overreacting, but I'm paranoid about this type of thing, and I know some people who have been arrested for this kind of thing and worse. It just feels so unfair because I've never been of fan of Loli or anything that had kids in it, and if you saw my collection you'd see nothing that looked like a child. Still, since the laws cover "minors" I have to take into account the characters that look like they aren't minors, even though they don't exist outside of their Games/Anime. Like, really? really, really? They're drawn and not even children, they're teens and it's still illegal?? Jessica Albert is 17!! That's one year away and she's off limits!:mad:

Minors in California, and most of the U.S. are ages 17 and below. The characters in my examples are 17 and below, hell most of the characters in Anime/Games are probably 17 and below. It just makes me feel like I've been a pedo since I was 18 and didn't know it. It's not like I can go on a rampage at artists screaming "stop drawing that minor so sexy!" it wouldn't work, and I'd just look like a troll. I've never wanted to be younger than 18 in a long time until now, and thinking about how careful I'll have to be from now on is just /facepalm. :(

Tell me what you guys think, I'm pretty much just a lurker, but I can't think of many other places to get something like this of my chest without getting flamed to all hell and back. Not doubting it wouldn't happen here mind you, but what better place to talk about than a forum about Hentai right?
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Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

> Cammy White
> Underage

Choose one.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Holy Shit, it's Oni.... Please don't kill meh...

But I don't understand. :(
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Tell me, does look underage to you?
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Your right she doesn't look underage, none of the ones I mentioned do. I took another look to try and prove where I saw it say Cammy was 16, but I can't find it. I actually ended up finding other sources saying she's 19 so I'll correct it, thank you.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Loli is illegal?
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

According to this it is.

In response to Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, Congress passed the PROTECT Act of 2003 (also dubbed the Amber Alert Law) and it was signed into law on April 30, 2003 by then president George W. Bush.[50] The law enacted 18 U.S.C. § 1466A, which criminalizes material that has "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting", that "depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is "obscene" or "depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in ... sexual intercourse ... and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value".
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

I do believe Toxic was being sarcastic seeing as loli is against the rules on the forum. Though I do also believe that so long as they LOOK adult then it's fine. Take Dizzy from Guilty Gear as an example. She's only three years old from what I remember yet she doesn't look like it. And there's a few games (or at least one that I can think of) on here featuring Kasumi from Dead or Alive.

What you should think is; does it look like a kid? eg. Sakura from Card Captors, or does it look like an adult? eg. Kasumi, Dizzy etc... I don't think either the law or the admins/mods here will mind too much if the character is depicted with an adult body.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

According to this it is.

In response to Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, Congress passed the PROTECT Act of 2003 (also dubbed the Amber Alert Law) and it was signed into law on April 30, 2003 by then president George W. Bush.[50] The law enacted 18 U.S.C. § 1466A, which criminalizes material that has "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting", that "depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is "obscene" or "depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in ... sexual intercourse ... and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value".

According to that article, only one U.S citizen was actually convicted for just possessing cartoon and or anime/manga depictions of prepubescent children as opposed to the listed four who were caught with real child pornography as well. This basically means that enforcement of this law in regards to drawn minors is very lax in the U.S and unless you're idiotic enough to get caught with it, you mostly have nothing to worry about if you happen to have any in your possession.
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Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

The restriction is winked at so much in these forums that if the government wants the forum master arrested, he's GOING to be arrested.

Basically, if a thread or post exists more than a week without someone screaming bloody murder, then any subsequent objection will be dismissed.

The only logical conclusion is that protecting the forums has nothing to do with it, it's a taste issue and the people running things don't want to admit that they're enforcing their own squicks on others.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Yeeeah, it kind of is us trying to protect the forum so this place isn't shut down. Quite a number of us like loli (myself included), but we're happy to not have it posted on here if it means this place can stay undeleted.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

If your efforts had a tinker's damn to do with any kind of real-world chances of the forums being shut down, I'd be more sympathetic.

I'm reminded of how the Americans responded to 9/11. Aside from armoring the cockpit, all their procedures consisted of sound and fury and much harassment and delay, but little actual extra security. What was the term critics used?

Ah yes... Security Theater.

If a prosecutor finds ANY illegal material, he has a case. Chasing down only those threads that are new or making ANY exceptions protects you like a topless condom. The only things you actually get for your efforts is chafing and the warm feeling of doing something.

But feeling like you're doing something appears to be a basic human need, so carry on.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

What's the chances of a 'big' hentai developer throwing a lawsuit at the forum for housing downloads for their stuff? Pretty slim. Sure, there were the people that develop The Klub that threatened legal action, but from what I've heard they go around throwing their weight trying to get it off every website. All the stuff we deal with here is developed in Japan, or at least the vast majority of it is. We've yet to receive a cease and desist order from any of the doujin artists, game developers, animators and I very much doubt we will ever.

Now for the loli/shota and why it's not allowed on here. It was the reason why the very first forum was shut down, and this time we're not taking any chances. If you want a more thorough answer I suggest you head to one of the admins.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

According to that article, only one U.S citizen was actually convicted for just possessing cartoon and or anime/manga depictions of prepubescent children as opposed to the listed four who were caught with real child pornography as well. This basically means that enforcement of this law in regards to drawn minors is very lax in the U.S and unless you're idiotic enough to get caught with it, you mostly have nothing to worry about if you happen to have any in your possession.

Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Only one student in this classroom gets an A.

The rest of you really need to do your homework. Need I remind you that it's a very large portion of your grade?
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

You're right, you badly need to do your homework.

Loli is all over the forums. You aren't protected one bit. You're in denial.

The ONLY thing you're accomplishing is giving some nitwits a heckler's veto.

Are you going to pretend that's not true? We can always have a thread-naming game.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

I'm far more concerned that the lawmakers got swept up in the witch hunt for child predators that they completely forgot why the age of consent and pornography laws were made. They were not made to punish people attracted to underage girls or children, they were made to protect the children who didn't possess the mental capacity to make proper or respectful life-changing decisions for themselves.

Now it has become a witch hunt where anyone even drawing a picture of a random girl naked goes to jail, even though that picture, in no way affects a child (or anyone) in anyway. I have no problem if someone looks at loli porn (I personally am not into it) since there are no actual children being affected.

But this is just how things go. Look at how fucking crazy McCarthyism was.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

Only those who are not into it will criticize it. Those who are into it hides it away from glaring eyes.

Eventually this sort of thing is likely to end up with people jumping at even stories.. Animes and some movies just because they have charaters that may of been abused ,raped or been in sexual situations as a child..

Personally though, I'd love for people to continue drawing pictures and what not and keeping it all In Fiction!.. No one wants this stuff to happen in real life, personally i nearly killed a man for doing that sort of thing in real life, had the knife and everything x.x;;

They shouldn't be targetting the poor artists and lovers of lolis to fix those problems in our society..
Anyway that's my rant.. as to the quote, I concur.. damn politicians and thier Pedophilic tendencies.
Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

You're right, you badly need to do your homework.

Loli is all over the forums. You aren't protected one bit. You're in denial.

The ONLY thing you're accomplishing is giving some nitwits a heckler's veto.

Are you going to pretend that's not true? We can always have a thread-naming game.

yes. i can finally redrep you again.

if shit is everywhere, never ever try to clean it up.:rolleyes:

They shouldn't be targetting the poor artists and lovers of lolis to fix those problems in our society..
Anyway that's my rant.. as to the quote, I concur.. damn politicians and thier Pedophilic tendencies.
i think it is necessary to ban loli/shota pron from society officially even if its just fiction. i personally dont want to see a child portrayed as some kind of sex toy, and its best for a community with lets just say questionable content to keep a low profile. remember what happened when rapelay got introduced into mass media.

the question is: what is more important to protect? freedom of art or the innocence and safety of children.
even if loli/shota is just fantasy... some people might enjoy it for a lifetime, others might find themselves drawn in too deep and unable to distinguish between reality and fiction and to control their desires anymore and go out and do some really bad things... and make other people suffer for the rest of their lifes.
i wouldnt punish people according to their data stored on hdd, but according to their actions. problem is, this doesn't prevent anythign... but parents want to keep their children safe from anything. so they do want to ban or exile or destroy anything and anyone that could harm their children or any thought or media that could make people want to hurt their children. i think most people are parents, so in a democracy it can only lead to their will being forced onto everyone else. REGARDLESS of logic or reason or whatever. and since nobody knows what is best to do, quick and easy answers are more likely to be chosen. (for example "more guns at school to defend children" against "its impossible to run amok without a gun")
IF all people around the world were sane and civilized enough to control their emotions 100%, there wouldn't be such a problem and perhaps such individuals could live their loli/shota fetish masturbating unharmed and society could trust them to do no harm. but fact is: mankind is still at retard level, living in constant fear and distrust (thanks capitalism) and trying to learn not to drown in its own shit...

on the other hand, a lot of drawn lolis dont look underage and a lot of nonlolis do look underage... so it is kind of difficult to manage this subject.
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Re: So I found out some of my pics were illegal :(

I've seen that article of that dude getting busted for watching loli hentai.

I think it's absolute bullshit. No disregard to the posters that will disagree, please hear me out.

Loli's come from the imagination of one legal aged person, FOR legal aged viewers/watchers. Nobody gets hurt. If sickos get off to it, good for them, they aren't doing it to actual kids.

Real world child stuff is there from actual children being hurt and abused, for sick individuals. If these people fap to this, they're supporting this shit, and it's a big difference.

I feel loli hentai keeps things under control.
I'm a fan of mother / son incest. I wouldn't go butt raping my own mother, gone from this world or not. This niche appeals to me.

Now to the OP posting about Jessica Albert and some other girls, they're video game girls. Who's to say they're legal or not?

Who's to say Ayane is underage? She's legal in newer games, isn't she?