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RPG RPG Maker Loli Shota [Butakoma 300g] びたみんクエスト / Vitamin Quest (RJ096241)

Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Wait a minute...all those whore jobs...are you getting paid or are you paying? And, where are those going/coming from?
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

you're paying them, but really it's the elf girl Mikami paying them with her own savings, it doesn't affect the in-game money
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

I am enjoying it a great deal.

However I have yet to figure out blowjobs/handjobs and am on the second boss.

Only other issue is my TA's translations are terrible, damn near unreadable. Some games translate fine others huge paragraphs of crap. This seems to be the latter.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Could someone give me a plot synopsis i just finished this game found it awesome but dont know why the hell did i do all that whoring i dont know one bit of japanese. For example why does the main heroin get her first slut skills from a nun. And in the orphanage do i have to fill it with kids or something? What was her goal if anyone knows that would be a great help. Oh and i found out that after you get pregnant from some creatures you can save before birthing and save load until you get a creature birth like one of those three bosses or the wolf, orc, or an egg if you get knocked up by a slime. Pretty usefull for trying to get knocked up is the skill you get after finishing al 3 bosses that the next fuck will be 100% fertility? So if anyon knows what was the plot please tell me

so does anyone know what the plot is actually about?
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

repopulating the elfen society?

saladboy21, on the way to the 1st boss, there's a path leading to the left, somwhere there there's a guy in a little encampment. Fuck him a couple of times and he will give it to you (no requirements needed beforehand).
What's TA translation btw? Im running the game in complete japanese mode and I cant read any letters :p
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Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

you need to use one of the heart skills outside of combat
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

the plot:

she is the last elf alive and her friend at the church plants a time machine inside her womb so that she can give birth multiple times a day to repopulate her people, because elves are much prettier and have big boobs.
human females dont like to have sex and the males are slowly going insane and start to rape everything. the church doesn't like this, so the only option to save the human females is to breed other species with more tempting traits.

... not.

this game doesn't need a plot ^_^
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Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Alrighty, ladies and gents. I wrote up a guide based on everything I know. Hope it helps.

First, when you start out, you're in the east town.
So, as you can't do anything, head out of town. The exit is at the north path of the nearby intersection.
Next, head to the only other spot on the map, jump in, and start making your way west.
You can fight if you like, but no H-scenes yet. So you should just rush through. There are also a few chests here and there, but nothing really important.
Once you clear these two areas, you'll return to the map and be able to enter the west town.
Head in, take the west path, and enter the orphanage.
You'll get a scene with the Sister, and during said scene, you'll gain access to sex skill and all that. Plus, your first prostitution request. Capital.

Now the game begins! But first, allow me to explain your important items, skills, and all that jazz.
For your items, you're smart enough to tell what does what. HP and SP recovers, status fix, bikini equip/de-equip, the ring turns her portrait on/off, you know.
But choosing the crystal ball gives you a few options.
Top brings up the details of your current request.
Second is H-stats.
Third turns on/off the birth scenes.
Fourth lets enemies use rape attacks regardless of taunts if it's on, and of course, doesn't if it's off.

Next, skills. You have a few elemental attacks, but forget these. Then you have a cure. Also, at about level 10, you get a spell that clears debuffs. Aside from the next level heals, that's your most practical spell. (You'll remember it by its green icon) As for the two heart ones. First is the in-battle taunt, which encourages enemies to rape you.
The second allows you to masturbate, or give birth, if you're pregnant. And while being pregnant can offer a few boosts, I'd recommend giving birth ASAP so it doesn't impede your progress. As we've seen that it can.
We'll get into PP in a few. Equips should be easy enough to understand, and they're just stat boosts, anyway. Just swap them out with better ones as you find them.

Now that that's dealt with, head outside and take the path back. Here's the list of fuckable NPCs in this town. By the way, it's a good rule of thumb to do the same people multiple times, in case there's a change or reward.
Shota in the middle-south of the town. Directly across the river from you.
Head directly north, and walk around the building on the west side, and there's a guy.
From there, go to the house farthest to the east. There's a guy in here as well.
And there's a scene in the farthest north house.
That's all. For now.
Also, as you saw, you earned 2 PP for each guy. If you go back, you can earn another 1 each time you pick a scene.
With all the PP you get, I suggest pooling it into your HP and SP. That's all you really need. Maybe some attack, if you'd like.

Now, head out of town. You'll see a new map spot to the north. Head there.
And since we have sex attacks and GOR, I'll list the available enemies. As with the enemies in the previous areas, most here are wolves and slimes.
Wolves can be taunted into raping you, but slimes can't. Both have H-scenes if you lose though. Which sends you back to the orphanage. But if you want to get all of those at once, you can wait until the instant self-death item is available to speed it up. Your choice.
Also, as you can see, the pro to taunting is a reduction in damage. It can get you pregnant though. But it's not like there's a downside to that, unlike some games.

From here, head to the exit directly west of your position. Doesn't really matter which way you take, but this is how to get to an NPC H-scene.
Next, head north. You'll probably start seeing some Ko-Orcs. Tauntable, and an H-scene upon game over.
On the next screen, there's an exit to the east, just out of view. Head through there to find the NPC I mentioned. Also, do him a few times and get yourself a new H-ability! Only works on human-type enemies though. A handjob that does multi-hit damage.

Now that that's complete, just keep heading north however you like, until you exit back to the map. Then head to the new area at the top.
Once inside, talk to the girl in your way, and she'll let you by.
First off, directly to the east, there's some bathrooms. You can head into the second one for an H-scene, but there will be more later, so you can come back at the end and get them all in a row, if you'd like.
Continue north. There's 2 new enemies, but they don't have any H-related things.
Once at the top, there will be a stone arch with a crystal near it. The crystal will restore your HP, so it's great if you need to grind to beat this boss.
Once you're ready, head up through the arch for a scene.

The battle with the first boss begins!
All bosses follow the same pattern, so the same strategy is applicable to all.
Basically, there are a few stages.
The boss starts with weak attacks, and becomes progressively stronger.
So for strategy, I just use standard attacks, as magic isn't much stronger. This way, you reserve your SP for healing. Which I recommend doing once you get to about half HP.
But it's better to be safe than sorry, as the boss ALWAYS attacks first.
The first two stages are only distinguishable by the attack. However, the 3rd and worst stage is noticeable by the bosses stance change, as well as the BGM change.
You should win, hopefully.

Now you'll be returned to the orphanage for some dialogue and an H-scene with the defeated boss, which you can access any time, by going down the stairs in the orphanage. Fantastic.
She'll also give you a few items. The most important of which is the bell item, I suppose. Haven't found out exactly what it does. My kanji-fu is weak.

By the way, the last NPC has appeared in this town. He's the old guy at the most north-east point of town.

Next, we're finally heading back to the east town. Also, if you try to enter one of the north paths on the map that you just cleared, you'll have a new, middle option, which teleports you to the NPC's area. You get plenty of these as you clear areas.

Since we just arrived at the east town, I'll point out the NPCs. Also, the girl right nearby is your vendor for items. And the Instant Self-Death item is for sale now. They're only 10 a piece, so feel free to stock up.

Onto NPCs.
First off, we have the guard right by the entrance.
Directly south is another guard walking in the intersection. And if you fuck him enough times, he gives you a key to the jail. You'll need that for another NPC.
Now that you have the key, head back north. To the east of the town entrance is the door to the jail. Head upstairs and unlock the cell. Now, with this guy, if you go while pregnant, you'll have a miscarriage. Just FYI. And during the scene, you'll get a choice. First option cuts the scene short, Mikami returns the key, and not only are you unable to return, you don't even get the H-Scene in the collection room. The bottom option is the one that will allow that stuff.
At the intersection, we'll first go east. There are 3 building. Ignore the first one, and head into the second (the weapons/armor shop). The guy is in the back.
While you're over here, make a stop at the third building (the pub), and talk to the girl at the bar. That'll open up the path to the continuation of the story.
But first we'll finish the NPCs.
Take the west path on the intersection, and you'll see the next guy on the bench.
Head into the nearest building, and go up the stairs. Thar be a shota afoot.
And now, head into the next building, and up the stairs to find the next guy.
That's all this towns NPCs...Or is it?

We could start the first two prostitution requests now, but it's easier to do all four in a row, so I'll put those at the end.

Head out of town, and you'll see a new path to the north.
There's one new enemy around here. Human bandit. Tauntable & GOR.
Keep heading north, and eventually you'll hit a road that turns you around. This is your cue to head west.

After a small trip, you'll reach a cross road. North and west. First we head north for an H-scene.
Head into the inn, and talk to the shota the east of the entrance. Then go choose to stay the night for an H-scene.
After you return to the desk, stay the night again two more times if you want different scenes. (You get one for each choice)

Now then, head back to the cross road, head west, and just continue following the path. Eventually, you'll return to the map again with a new location.

A tower! Let's go.
Talk to the guard twice, and the top option to enter.
This is one example where you can't progress if you're pregnant.
Anyway, once you choose ok, you'll get an H-scene.

Following that, you'll be in the tower. Near your position is a crystal, which you can use for healing, like before. There's also plenty of chests throughout. Grab what you like.
Now, there are some new enemies. The only new fuckable one is the sex offender. Quite distinguishable from the standard guy. He's tauntable and has a game over H-scene. There's also some quick enemies running around the map. If they catch you, you get surprise sex. Doesn't damage you, but it can make you pregnant.

Alright, the tower is pretty straight-forward, but there's an NPC, so I'll explain how to get there first.
You can use either the east or west stairs to reach the second floor. And again on to reach the third.
On the third floor, there's a cell in the center of the floor. You can head in there to find another healing crystal, as well as a red orb that acts as a shop.
Take either stairs to floor four. Now, in one of the center cells is a chest with an equip item. This is one that I definitely suggest you grab. Reduces lightning damage, which you want in the next boss fight.
Now, take the east stairs to meet find the NPC.
Next, take the stairs back down to the fourth floor, and head up the west stairs.
Then just take the only available stairs.
Once on the top floor, just continue east. When you reach the next crystal, that's your warning that the nearby doorway leads to boss 2.

Head on in for some dialogue, and just fight her the same way as the first boss. Maybe healing a bit earlier as she does more damage.
But hey, that equip comes in handy as she does lightning damage. Though, sometimes her attacks debuff you, so use the debuff clearing spell you most likely have by now.

After you beat her ass, you'll return to the orphanage for some dialogue. Then just head downstairs and talk to the defeated boss for an H-scene. Like before.

By the way, you can get all those bathroom scenes by now.

When you go to the map, you'll see a new location an the far north-east. It's easy to differentiate from the previous ones by it's forest look.
But first, let's get the last NPC in the east town.

The NPC that appeared is in the pub now that we cleared the tower. Also, you can return to the tower and talk to the guard for another H-scene.

Now go to the new map location.
Once again, new enemies! The Plant isn't tauntable, but it has GOR. There's also full-sized Orcs. Tauntable and GOR. Wonderful.
Of the paths, full north will lead you to a chest with cash, and east will take you to a good defense equip.
Head west and just follow the path to continue though. Eventually you'll reach an NPC blocking the path. What does Mikami do to problems? Fuck it, of course!
Once that's finished, you'll be in a village area just north of your previous position. Nothing much to do here. But you can talk to the NPC you just talked to for a new scene. And there's a chest behind the buildings with a great power equip.
If you're set, just go a little east back onto the path and keep heading north and you'll be taken to the map, with your last locale having appeared.

Good luck storming the castle! There's a fair amount of new enemies here, but the only fuckable one is the zombie. Both tauntable and has GOR. But be warned, you can get sick and lose health.
There's some stairs here. West leads to a chest, but east is to continue. It's straight-forward from there to the boss room. There's a crystal outside as usual.

Follow the same strategy as usual, but don't go easy. Her attacks start insanely weak, but become the strongest of the bosses.
Also, she can make you blind with her debuffs, so be prepared for that. Her third stage attack is so strong, you'll want to just attack once, heal once, repeat. One of her's does a good chunk of health, even if you're at 1000 or so.
Take your time, and you'll win.

Same deal as before. Dialogue, then head downstairs. You'll get a new item that will net you an H-Scene if you use it in town.
Then talk to the first boss for a new item (not sure what it does yet), and talk to the final boss for an H-Scene.

Now we'll knock out those prostitution requests.

Return to the east town.
Head back to the intersection, into the inn, and right up the stairs.
After you exit the inn, the next request pops up immediately.
To get there, head to the white building at the end of the west path, up the stairs, and choose the top option. (Second option takes you to the normal second floor)
You should get the third request once you make it back to the intersection, but if not, leave and re-enter town.
To get to it, leave town and enter the closest outdoor path to the west of you.
Head to the west exit, and in the next area, on the north side, you'll see a cave that normally isn't there. Head in for the request.
Return to town, and you should get your final one. To get there, just head to the intersection and go east. Normally you can't go into this area, but all is possible with prostitution!

Also, there's a blowjob skill you can get that drains SP, but for some reason, I can't remember where I got it. So just do everyone multiple times.

And that's pretty much everything. These are the only ones I'm missing, so if you find them, I'd love to know.


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Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

second image:

you're missing several birth images... for example orc baby, tentacle monster egg and demon baby (3rd boss).

first image:

i think you're missing a "game over" scene at the tower prison.
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Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

First image: in the tower lose to bandits (I think), you get a scene which repeats the scene you get when you talk to guard to enter the tower
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

second image:

you're missing several birth images... for example orc baby, tentacle monster egg and demon baby (3rd boss).

first image:

i think you're missing a "game over" scene at the tower prison.

Hmm, that's odd. I was getting those births, but they weren't in there. I'll try again. Thanks.

And do you know which game over? I tried all the enemies. Could it be something else?
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

First image: in the tower lose to bandits (I think), you get a scene which repeats the scene you get when you talk to guard to enter the tower

Aha. Seems like it requires that you lose to both human enemies simultaneously. No wonder I didn't get it. They mostly run around separately. My most gracious thanks. That should be everything then.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Hi there
I have 2 problems:
1. i have some sound crashes during a couple of scenes.
2. the CG.zip password doesn't work for me.
I would really appreciate if one of these problems could be solved :)
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Hi there
I have 2 problems:
1. i have some sound crashes during a couple of scenes.
2. the CG.zip password doesn't work for me.
I would really appreciate if one of these problems could be solved :)

hmmm... I wonder...
1. japanese locale? There are 4 sound files with japanese names, seems like either extraction didn't work or you aren't running japanese locale
2. japanese locale? or I heard that sometimes copying the password doesn't work
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

hmmm... I wonder...
1. japanese locale? There are 4 sound files with japanese names, seems like either extraction didn't work or you aren't running japanese locale
2. japanese locale? or I heard that sometimes copying the password doesn't work

well japanese locale doesn't work for me even if I turn everything on japanese...
or im just blind or something :confused:
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

For what it's worth, I've been having the same issue with the password. I've tried all combinations of what was posted, and nothing works. I don't have any problems running any of the games I download - and I download a lot that require Jap unicode - so I'm a little mystified as to what the issue might be.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Alright long time lurker here but this game was too awesome so had to reply.
Seem like busterwolf alredy wrote guide for you people, so I'm gonna just say some basic stuff.

First the plot: Its almost or just like helhansen84 says. You are one of the last elfs and your womb is a magical place thet turns almost anything in it elf (or half elf). So its your job to fuck anything that moves to save your people and you for some reason help the nun who is taking care of your children. And then I lost intrest in the plot.

Now for skills. There are 5 hearth skills.
I got some of these skill anfter the ending so not sure what triggers them.
Masturbation/Giving birth: Do the in towns to increase your popularity (The pics change little and more pervs try to rape you).
Spread legs: Taunt enemies in battle to rape you.
BJ skill: You steal SP from human enemies in battle. You get this skill from the boy in first town.
HJ skill: You cause def down or something on human enemies. You get this skill from the hobo at the woods(blue haired girl at the entrance talks about this guy).
100% Fertility: You get 100% pregnant next time stuff happens. You get this skill from the brown deamon.

Now for items. Nobody seems to mention some of them.
The white stuff: You lose automatically.
Poison bottle: Drink this before stuff happens with monster/deamon and the baby get 100% chance to be a monster. (the brown demon gives this and later all shops sell it).
Bell: turns on/off town rape pervs (First demon gives it).
Chain: Use in town to get bondaged (Brown deamon gives it).

Now after game visit every lover and fuckbuddy to get these stuff and extra PP points and some new scenes.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

these guides are awesome, thank you so much.

Any advice for the translation (TA=Translation Aggrigator, sorry) the translations I am getting are almost unreadable.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

these guides are awesome, thank you so much.

Any advice for the translation (TA=Translation Aggrigator, sorry) the translations I am getting are almost unreadable.

Chiitrans does a decent job in translation of many of the latest rpg games

Http // code.google.com/p/chiitrans2/