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Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

RJ: Lotus giggled at how frustrated Alex seemed. "You know, you should be more relaxed around here. I've heard stories of that neighbor world some hail from, and we are far more laid back."

Termite: At that Alex just flopped heavily into the bed. She wasn't sure how to explain herself. It didn't even seem all that important, anymore. She couldn't avois what was going to happen, even if she managed to burn all traces of the curse from her. "...Ashlotte?"

RJ: "Yes, master?" the automated robot replied.

Termite: "Can you detect the mamono curse?" And if she could... "Are there any traces of it left within me?"

RJ: "Yes master." she replied. "I detect no traces of the curse within you."

RJ: "The moment you let yourself feel sexual pleasure... It will fill you." Lotus announced. "Those who tried to deny it were called the Order, who forbid recreational pleasure and practiced their petty little stoic beliefs."

Termite: Alex paused for a moment to absorb this. Then she paused a little longer in contemplation. "How will the curse affect my humanity?"

RJ: "... Humanity?" she asked, while picking up Alex's tail.

Termite: "Yes. I am equal parts human and dragon."

RJ: "Well," she dropped her tail. "As for humanity... I'm not sure what's there to lose, as I've never had.... Humanity, if such a thing is to be had to begin with." she announced. "But, it is a curse of love and lust. Take from that what you will."

Termite: She wasn't quite sure what to make of that, and after a moment she simply let out a heavy sigh. Following that she struggled back to her feet, and once there Alex started working her way back into her kimono. "I should apologize for causing such a ruckus..."

RJ: "Oh- it's fine. Things used to be like that all the time back in the day! Before Venice made everything somewhat peaceful, allowing mamono to satisfy their need for conflict in such an organized manner~"

Termite: Alex was preparing to argue that point, but then she thought better of it. "I guess I'll see what I can do about relaxing, then..." So she simply went back to working herself into that kimono, and after quickly realizing it was a two-person job, at least for her, she shot a glance over toward Ashlotte and silently asked for some help. Once that was complete she turned back toward Zuki. "Would you accompany me?"

Termite: And then it was back to the festival.

RJ: Zuki nodded, and gladly did so. But as they went outside, the festival seemed over. Everyone was still merry and happy, but they seemed to be focused on repairing the land.

Termite: "...huh..." Well, this was a surprise. Everything was already finished? Did it end prematurely? Alex couldn't help but feel a little responsible, so she waded out into the fray and started helping however she could.

RJ: Helping out, some oni offered Alex to drink with them and enjoy some sake as they finished up rather quickly, seeming incredibly skilled with cleaning up such disasters. "Don't sweat it! Not too long ago, Rio blew up an entire house cuz her tea wasn't hot!"

Termite: Work was done surprisingly quickly, and with nothing else left to do Alex accepted that offer. Of course she seemed a little wary of the sake, just that little bit Rio gave her was enough to floor her in an instant, but to hell with it, she needed to relax. And of course it was in mid drink that they mentioned Rio. Alex had to do her best to keep from spitting and sputtering, especially when a bit of that sake went down the wrong way. "I guess I'm lucky that she liked me." It almost sounded more like a question than a statement.

RJ: "Things blow up often around Zippangu." Lotus announced. "All visitors to this land are always so frightened."

Termite: "Well the land itself has quite the calming atmosphere. I would never suspect an explosion to be right around the corner."

RJ: "That's what makes it exciting to live in Zippangu!" an oni cheered, pouring Alex sake until her glass was full from however she emptied it.

Termite: Alex smiled at that and continued drinking alongside the oni, and after a bit she simply let her eyes wander around for a bit. This land did look far different from the other places she'd seen, and she simply wanted to take it all in right then. And there had to be more to the carnival then that opening bout and pretty boys... Right?

RJ: "Hey, Lotus, can you still do that nine tail juggle?" an oni asked, and lotus giggled in response. "Well, how many balls do you think?" she asked, before Alex had her back patted, as if they wanted her to give Lotus the challenge.

Termite: "Hmm..." Well she'd seen a juggler with two hands handle anywhere up to 8 balls at once. That would be four per hand, and since Lotus was using nine tails that would make... "Thirty-six."

RJ: Everyone seemed to laugh at her announcement. "Now now~ how's she to know?" Lotus giggled, before a bag was brought out filled with metalic sounding balls, before the carrying them dropped them all to the ground, as Alex would see them make heavy craters in the ground, a single ball looking heavier than twice a human being.

Termite: The sudden laugh had Alex wondering if she grossly understimated Lotus's ability. But when those balls were brought out and left large craters wherever they struck the ground... Well she had to try and pick one up just to make sure, and when she did verify that they were heavy as sin she nervously threw out a number at random. "Ten?"

RJ: She could lift it, but it was easily comparable to lifting five human men at once. "Ten more, you say?" Lotus said with a smile, as ten more were spilled out to the groun.

RJ: ground*

RJ: They were also the size of baseballs.

Termite: Well, they were up to 46, now, and they were still wanting more. That's when she had a sudden idea and started whispering with Zuki. "Have you seen her do this before? How many can she handle?"

RJ: "We've seen her juggle up to about a hundred and fifty." a blue oni announced. "She hurt her tail that day."

With not a word more, everyone went silent as Lotus stood completely still, with her back to the balls as she focused, gathering all of the balls together as they clinked together in her tails... Before she threw them all into the air with an elegant curve. Suddenly, her tails began operating like machines. Not random was the orb's path, but one always seemed to follow the other in a orderly fashion. And they went very high. Fifty feet in the air, easily, before soaring back down as her tails rapidly worked, while Lotus kept her eyes closed, a serene and serious expression on her face as everyone clapped casually.

Termite: "But they look so soft! How can they be that strong?" And Alex was answered a little later when Lotus started lifting every single ball and tossing each through the air like she was some kind of machine. Alex joined in the clapping, but after a bit she brought her own up. "Never thought I'd have tail envy..."

RJ: "Lotus is one of many elite mamono who've perfected the ability to completely manipulate her body. She's so amazing, even if her entire body is destroyed, she can reshape herself."

RJ: said the happy blue oni.

Termite: <Is that the kind of strength I could weild one day?> The thought of being completely overwhelmed by the mamono curse was still a little frightening, but seeing what it could do... Damn... "How far does that manipulation go? Can she completely disguise herself if she chose?"

RJ: Finishing her act, she put all the balls away, before Lotus giggled as her tails swirled about herself, before unfolding to form into a draconic tail, as Alex came face to face with herself, her own face smiling back at her. "I'm not as good as a doppelganger~ I can't copy abilities, but appearance? I can be whoever I want to be."

Termite: "Hm..." Seeing Lotus like that had Alex wondering a couple things, and she very calmly lifted her arms and gently grabbed her doppelganger's ears. Alex started rubbing them from base to tip, and though she'd only told a couple select people no one on this world would know how utterly relaxing that was to her. If Lotus was as accurate as she looked the mamono would find herself practically melting into a puddle of sleepiness.

RJ: Rubbing those ears, Alex would spot the fake as it were, as Lotus merely giggled. "That tickles."

Termite: Well, at least that secret was safe. Hopefully. And after a moment that sake started speaking to Alex. It made her get in real close so she could speak with Lotus in private. "Do you think you could mimic me enough to have some fun?" And if Lotus did then she'd twin around with the woman a bit before parting and throwing the both of them toward Zuki, an Alex flanking him on either side. They wouldn't say anything, but Alex would grin at him, and hopefully Lotus would do the same.

RJ: Lotus seemed to agree, and follow suit eagerly. Spun about, before being flung at Zuki, the meek man gave a start at the sudden action. "A-Alex? Lotus?" he stuttered shyly.

Termite: "Yes?" In stereo.

RJ: "O-Oh... I see where this is going..." he said with an aroused and yet worried tone.

Termite: "Oh? Do you now?" She said as she simply leaned a little closer without being too overt. "And where will this be taking us?

RJ: "I-I am still worn from before... I cannot so easily satisfy..." Zuki said, seeming apologetic.

RJ: "A-and... I can tell which one's Lotus...." he said suddenly. "The one who won't stop grinning."

RJ: As it turns out that seemed to be an odd habit of the kitsunes, as she was grinning almost all the time.

Termite: "Aw, no fun..." Alex wouldn't exactly leave him alone, she still hung onto him simply because she liked the man, more than she thought she would, but she wouldn't press him to go any farther than he wished. "Oh, Lotus. I heard you were going to battle a minotaur that day you found me all 'Rawr!' out by the arena. How'd that go?"

RJ: "I crushed her~" Lotus giggled, reverting to her original form.

Termite: Ha, take that, rude minotaur! Though Alex wasn't going to voice that out loud she did allow herself a moment to relish the thought of that woman being crushed like the trash she called Alex earlier. That got Alex thinking, and after a bit she started looking around. "Has anyone seen Baa?"

RJ: "She's been wondering around and eating our grass for some time." a rabbit girl replied.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Termite: "Well, at least she's enjoying herself." And hopefully Baa would stay awake as they went back to the Ranch. Alex knew she wouldn't be able to carry the sheep all that way, not with her power diminished.

Termite: "Uh... Does the carnival usually end this quickly? I was expecting it to last throughout the entire weekend."

RJ: "We will try to pick it up later on, but we usually only celebrate for one day so that the men can have some rest~" Lotus giggled.

Termite: "O-Oh! I guess that's where everyone ran off to..."

RJ: "I feel young again~!" Alex would hear Rio moan in the distance, as everyone in the circle chuckled a little bit. "I feel bad for the man who has to satisfy that pervy old bunny." an oni announced. "She's gotten so small in her age, strange how some mamono and humans age differently." the blue oni announced. "As we get older, we begin to look younger again, with certain differences... Such as white hair."

Termite: Alex wasn't quite sure how to feel about that. If she became stranded here her already long life would be stretched beyond its limits as her body simply grew younger, but having to see herself in that smaller body would just be a constant reminder of some rather awful memories. But that didn't mean it would happen to her, so she shut those throughts out. "Hm... Hm?" A quick look around made her realize something else, and a moment later she rose to her feet. "Please excuse me one moment..." And at that she went off to find Fio to drag her out and enjoy some rest after having been stuck in the kitchen for gods knew how long.

RJ: Alex would hear the various clinking of dishes as she went on, before easily finding Fio at the source. She had the face of a stoic hero as she did nothing but clean.

Termite: "What, you don't get to rest even after cooking all day?"

RJ: "I have my responsibilities...." Fio announced, her face noble and suffering.

Termite: "Hm." She took a minute or two to head back out and apologize to the group for leaving, but once that was done she went right back in and immediately started helping. If Fio asked why Alex had an answer ready. "I caused a mess earlier. Only seems fair if I help tidy another."

RJ: Accepting her help, Fio and Alex cleaned those dishes fairly quickly. Once it was all done, Fio looked to Alex. "You fit in fairly well into Zippangu despite it all." Fio announced.

Termite: "Thank you. My father taught me that Dignity is far more important than anything else, and I've learned that showing others respect usually leads to the same being returned."

RJ: "Ah... No, I meant the part when you sparked that fight." Fio confirmed.

Termite: "With Rio?"

RJ: "Her too."

Termite: "Oh. Well... I guess I'm just... well..." Alex was at a loss.

RJ: "Don't worry about it. It's... A good thing if anything else. People are more accepting of you now because you fit in."

RJ: Just as she said that, an oni was slamming another oni into a seperate building, shouting "Take it back!" as she and the other were brawling.

RJ: Fio did nothing and said nothing about that situation to the side. Truly it was the norm.

Termite: "I..." CRASH "I see..." Alex wasn't quite sure how that turned out as it did, but having your life threatened like that seemed to be the norm here. Zippangu was surely going to be a strange, frightening land...

Termite: But Alex decided to simply roll with it for now, and she accompanied Fio back to their little group and simply enjoyed whatever fun the assembled mamono chose to have.

RJ: Everyone spent their remaining time drinking, eating leftover food, and making small jokes. Eventually, most onis were asleep on the grass, and everything seemed relatively calm, even for the onis who slept in the crumbled building

Termite: Seeing how everything was running its course Alex rose. "Despite how I freaked out earlier I rather enjoyed myself. Thank you for the hospitality. But I must be going. Venice asked me for some assistance tomorrow, and I'd hate to disappoint." Further farewells to given to each person, Alex even promising Zuki to return once she felt her home was worthy of accepting him, and after retrieving Ashlotte and Baa and recollecting her gear Alex returned home to rest for the next day.

RJ: (Fuck, what did she want help with?)

Termite: ((Alp problem))

Termite: ((They be getting all jumpy and rapey and saying "Men shall rise again!"))

RJ: And so Alex got some rest back at her home after exchanging goodbyes with Lotus and the rest. She woke up the next morning to Ashlotte bringing her breakfast.

Termite: "Thank you." Alex set out to eating it immediately. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

RJ: "I was cleaned by a bunny who apparently was familiar with my technology."

Termite: "Hm..." For a moment Alex simply stopped and looked the golem over. Ashlotte looked and felt like a genuine person, even if she were incredibly heavy, but the mention of maintenance got the dragon wondering how she would help Ashlotte if there was nobody nearby familiar with golems. She was going to need to figure out how to repair Ashlotte herself. But not today. Breakfast was finished, and after a bit of stretching Alex get herself ready. "All right, let's get Gyuki and get ready for our mission."

RJ: "Affirmative." Ashlotte nodded, before Gyuki was fetched.

Termite: "All right, Venice has given us a mission to suppress a small uprising of alps that have been terrorizing any number of women and mamono they can come across. I doubt we'll have any troubles dealing with them, but before we begin I need to know something. Gyuki, if we somehow end up defeated how will this affect your standing? Will your traditions demand you submit?"

RJ: "... I have a boyfriend now." Gyuki said with a sudden blush.

Termite: "You...wha?" Alex was shocked. "Who's the lucky man?"

RJ: "Zulf... He was at the carnal carnival..."

Termite: "Oh you sneaky little thing, acting like you didn't want to go~"

RJ: "Baa," Baa baa'd, "She challenged him to a fight when he tried to welcome her, and she was blown away, getting mud all over my grass."

RJ: "I WAS NOT BLOWN AWAY!" Gyuki shouted.

RJ: "It was an e-equal fight!"

Termite: "Either way it's good to know you've found someone you deem worthy. And since my question was answered we can begin. Baa, if you'd like to stay and watch the Ranch you may. Otherwise you can follow and observe to learn what Ranching is truly about. Let's move." And off they went.

RJ: And so they came to the city, where they saw a small little uprising going on, feminine alps putting human women into stocks, and sprouting cocks, before fucking them in public as a single, confident looking alp looked over the whole situation. "That's right, whores! This is the power of men!"

Termite: "Really? Attacking civilians? That is what a man is worth?"

RJ: "Shut up!" the man answered Alex. "Get her! And use her as an example! Fuck her in the ass in front of everyone!" he ordered his troop.

Termite: "I think not." Alex pulled out her blunt sword and looked ready to fight off any misguided souls that thought they could face her, but she also realized this was a somewhat official IMA function. She needed to let the mamono fight for her. "Ashlotte, intercept the enemy."

RJ: "Affirmative," the golem replied, taking point.

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Bunch of rapist alpsx3: 180 / 180
Guts: 0

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts for 4 seconds, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Switch combat stance! (Gyuki's special command)
Overcharge! (Ashlotte's special command)

Termite: "Ashlotte, play it safe and use your spear when you find an opening."

RJ: "Confirmed," Ashlotte announced, charging her energy.

RJ: Then, the alps suddenly charged in, three men gathering around Ashlotte and beginning to grope her! One licked at her under her skirt as one molested her from behind. "Ah..." Ashlotte responded with what seemed to be pleasure before she peeled them off of herself with a spin of her spear. (Ashlotte recieved 1 damage.)

RJ: (Ashlotte returned 16 damage)

Termite: ((Are all three considered one enemy?))

RJ: (yeah)

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 63 / 64
Guts: 0

Bunch of rapist alpsx3: 164 / 180
Guts: 0

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts for 4 seconds, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Switch combat stance! (Gyuki's special command)
Overcharge! (Ashlotte's special command)

Termite: "Overcharge and prepare a Spark! They won't stop you!"

(Overcharge + Spark + Morale Up if that's all valid)

RJ: (One command at a time Johnny!)

Termite: (Ignore previous)

"Smash them with your spear again. They won't stop you1"

(Spear + Morale Up)

RJ: As Alex tried to encourage her mamono, the lead alp tossed a pie, which splat against her face, muffling her encouraging voice.

RJ: Ashlotte meanwhile, charged and delivered a double spear attack! (Ashlotte delivered 31 damage)

RJ: Then, the alp men suddenly attached themselves to her, one holding onto her from behind, and another holding her legs to keep her from easily using the range of her spear, as the third came up and put his finger under her skirt, and to her sex, fingering Ashlotte as they tried to bind her. (Ashlotte took 3 damage and was drained of 25 guts.)

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 60 / 64
Guts: -25

Bunch of rapist alpsx3: 133 / 180
Guts: 0

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts for 4 seconds, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Switch combat stance! (Gyuki's special command)
Overcharge! (Ashlotte's special command)

Termite: With the play smacking her in the face Alex was far from pleased. "Ashlotte, overcharge and smash them all with that spear."

Termite: (That should be pie, not play)

RJ: Ashlotte went into overcharge, releasing fums from what seemed to be exhaust ports from her shoulder blades, while struggling to break out of the bunch of men pinning her down. "This golem isn't so strong!" the men announced, though she was making some headway, before the men began to drag her closer to the pillory, seemingly eager to lock her in. (Ashlotte burns 6 Life, loses 3 Life to the molesting Alps, and loses 25 guts once more.)

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 51 / 64
Guts: -15

Bunch of rapist alpsx3: 133 / 180
Guts: 0

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts for 4 seconds, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Switch combat stance! (Gyuki's special command)
Overcharge! (Ashlotte's special command)

Termite: "Gyuki, get in there, evasive stance. Cut them away from her as quickly as you can."

Termite: (Magic Slash, Speed up)

RJ: Gyuki zoomed in, and delivered three slashes each to one of the alps, freeing Ashlotte and allowing the still yet malfunctioning golem to retreat as she cooled her system and ended her overcharge. (Gyuki landed x3 hits! Total 50 damage. One alp is ko'd)

RJ: The alps proceeded to reach out for Gyuki, but she easily kept them at bay with her far more impressive speed.

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 51 / 64
Guts: -15

Bunch of rapist alpsx3: 83 / 180
Guts: 0

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts for 4 seconds, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Switch combat stance! (Gyuki's special command)
Overcharge! (Ashlotte's special command)

RJ: (Thus is the power of Tech)

Termite: "Excellent! Keep it up! They won't touch you!"

(Magic Slash + Morale Up)

RJ: Gyuki chuckled at the alps, grinning at them. Gyuki is now composed!

RJ: Delivering a series of slashes, she blew all of the alps away, defeating the leader alp's minions. "Damn you!" he cursed. "I'll have a second uprising, and you will be my target!" he annuonced, before trying to flee.

Termite: "I think not. Gyuki, run him down, please."

Termite: (Is Baa there?)

RJ: (She is not)

RJ: Gyuki gave chase, before the man retreated to lower levels, into the underground. After following him down, it seemed he was rather slippery, as he vanished rather well into the dark. "He can be tracked." Gyuki announced.

Termite: "Then let us continue." Alex herself wasn't a slouch when it came to tracking. If there were any sign that pointed to his escape she would follow.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

RJ: The city was vast, and their efforts to find the slippery alp caused them to spend several days trying to locate where his hideout was. Eventually, they did find him, and a particular stone brick they had to push in to cause a secret entrance to open. There, they heard the familiar voice of the alp. "I've well prepared for you!" he announced, before a hulking machine smashed through the secret entrance, sending brick into the waters as Gyuki and Ashlotte moved out of the way of it's path. Piloting a machine, the alp laughed as he looked at them with a grin. "I'm not going to be any woman's property! Men are the stronger gender!" he announced, as the legless machine hovered just slightly over the ground, a stone mechanation with two large hands used for crushing.

RJ: "My own kin has sided with the enemy. I will not hesitate." Ashlotte announced.

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Boss Alp: 240 / 240
Guts: 0

Go all out! (Increase to hit and damage, lower dodge and defense)
Play it safe! (Halve Guts generation, increase defense and dodge)
Defend! (Won't gain guts for 4 seconds, double dodge and halve damage recieved)
Wait and See! (Do nothing, gain Guts passively)
Get brave! (Gain guts at a faster rate, lower dodge and defense)
You can do it! (Cure negative morale)
She can't stop you! (Add positive morale)

Switch combat stance! (Gyuki's special command)
Overcharge! (Ashlotte's special command)

Termite: "Gyuki, aim your attack, defensive stance."

(Aimed Strike + Defense up)

RJ: The machine began coming towards Gyuki, as she delivered a fair slash. (15 damage)

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Boss Alp: 240 / 240
Guts: 17

RJ: (240 minus 15, derp)

Termite: (Question: Aimed Strike says E/-/E/-, but should it read E/E/-/- instead?)

RJ: (I edited it a while ago)

RJ: (You are correct)

Termite: "Try some faster attacks! Keep on pressing him!"

(Magic Slash + Morale Up)

RJ: Gyuki delivered a quick, magical slash, delivering 16 damage!

RJ: The machine's hand reached out, trying to grab Gyuki! But Gyuki quickly jumped over the hand in an acrobatic feat.

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: 0

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Boss Alp: 209 / 240
Guts: 0

Termite: "Don't let up! Give him hell!"

(Same as above)

RJ: She kept the pressure up, Gyuki able to land two strikes before the alp could retaliate! (Gyuki delivered 32 damage)

RJ: The third missed

RJ: The alp returned the attack, his golem's hand suddenly grabbing Gyuki. "Gotcha!" he announced, as Gyuki was snared! (Gyuki lost 33 guts!)

RJ: Gyuki: 96 / 96
Guts: -33

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Boss Alp: 177 / 240
Guts: 0

Termite: "Gyuki! Tough it out so you can break yourself free!"

(Get Brave + Magic Slash)

RJ: "Gya-ha-ha!" he laughed, before his hand squeezed down on Gyuki, crushing her, before he suddenly threw her, slamming her into the wall. (Gyuki recieved 45 damage)

RJ: Gyuki: 51 / 96
Guts: 4.5

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Boss Alp: 177 / 240
Guts: 0

Termite: "Gyuki, I want you to stay in there and do as much damage as you can. Understood?"

(Get Brave + Magic Slash as much as she can)

RJ: "Raaaagh!" Gyuki growled aloud, before suddenly going into a berserker mode! Gyuki began to deliver a series of violent slashes! (Gyuki attacks x5 times! one misses, and she delivers 58 damage!)

RJ: The Alp, growling back, launches a fist, which Gyuki quickly slides under during her quick movement.

RJ: Gyuki: 51 / 96
Guts: 2

Ashlotte: 64 / 64
Guts: 0

Boss Alp: 119 / 240
Guts: 0

Termite: "You're doing great! Keep going!"

(Same as before)

RJ: Charging at the mechanical machine, the alp tries to smack Gyuki away, before she jumps over his swing, and impales the machine right through the middle. "Cocky little freaks!" The alp growled, before his machine began to spark, and parts of it began to pop with tiny explosions. "Gh..!" the alp gasped in shock, before Gyuki ripped her blade out and suddenly the machine began to explode. "Aaaaahhhh!!!" the alp screamed, before his machine blew into pieces.

RJ: (Victory! Mission complete)

Termite: "Ashlotte, apprehend that man. If he tries to resist, shock him." With that Alex went over to the lizardkin and motioned her to sit down for a second. "How are you feeling?"

RJ: Ashlotte captured the man, unconscious from the explosion, as Gyuki gripped her sword tight. "I feel good after finally shutting him up."

Termite: "And I thank you for that!" For a moment Alex simply looks her over, then she gives a bit of a grin. "And Gulf was able to overcome that? I think you've found a keeper!"

RJ: "... Zulf." Gyuki corrected her. "Turns out he wasn't Zippangu's gentle men, he was a bodyguard for someone named... Melpha."

Termite: "My apologies. Perhaps we should visit Melpha. I'd like to meet him."

RJ: Gyuki's face paled at that thought.

RJ: "... If you go, leave quickly. She is a cock fiend." Gyuki suddenly announced.

Termite: It was Alex's turn to turn a little pale. "Er... I'll... keep that in mind..." A little awkward now, time to locate Venice to report.

RJ: "Good job," Venice was suddenly right there. "You can keep him if you want, or I can take him into custody. Up to you."

Termite: "Hm..." Alex thought about it for a moment. "I'd like time to speak with him before I decide."

RJ: "Very well, here is your reward, and now I must be off." Venice handed Alex a bag of 500G and quickly vanished in a flash, seemingly moving that fast of her own power.

Termite: "Er...thanks?" She seemed to be all over the place. You really couldn't say she wasn't a busy woman. "Let's take him home. Once we're there I'd like to speak with him alone. Any objections?"

RJ: No objections were made, and he was taken back to the Ranch to be presented to Alex in a way of her choosing.

Termite: Before the alp was awakened his arms were bound behind his back so he couldn't use them. Once he did stir Alex would stare at him for quite some time. "Are you a man of honor?"

RJ: He struggled in his binds. "More honorable than any woman!"

Termite: "So if I agree to untie you you won't try to attack me like you did all those civilians?"

RJ: "I still plan to take revenge on all the woman who disgraced me and my fellows!"

Termite: Alex frowned. "You say you are honorable, yet all you do is sit and threaten while I try to hold a civilized conversation." She took a good long look at him once more to see how far into the alp transformation he had progressed.

RJ: He seemed completely transformed, no longer truly a man. "All you did was get in the way as I punished the women who had disgraced us! All you'd do now is try to disgrace me further and insult me so long as I do not agree to your demands!"

Termite: "And what demands have I made?! That you compose yourself while I try to have a conversation?!"

RJ: "Why have you captured me then!? To discuss the weather lately!?"

Termite: "You were captured for attacking civilians and IMA staff. You are here now because Venice gave me the option of either taking you under my wing or turning you over to her. Would you prefer to be placed under her guard?"

RJ: "Fine then, what do you want?"

Termite: "First I want you word that you'll act with respect." And if he happened to give it Alex would undo his bonds. "Now, I'd like to know what it was you hoped to accomplish through your revolt."

RJ: "I'll give you as much respect as you will give me, woman." the man turned woman replied. "I was turned into a woman by a demoness who thought it amusing to toy with men. We were degraded, used as furniture even! And her supporters are everywhere. I was in the middle of publicly humiliating one of the very women who used me as a leg rest!"

Termite: Alex tapped her fingers against her arm at what he called her, but she let it slide. "Did you have any proof you could use to accuse them?"

RJ: "No, else Venice would have had her, for sure."

RJ: "The only good woman in this world..."

Termite: "So the proper channels would lead nowhere, and you chose to take justice into your own hands." In a way Alex couldn't falt him for that. But there was something else to consider. "If you were successful in exposing these demons what would you have done afterwards?"

RJ: "I'd burn that bridge when I'd cross it. I don't care so long as they got what was coming to them."

Termite: "Hm. I doubt Venice knows that she has such people working under her. What would you say if I offered to help you?"

RJ: "She isn't working for Venice, she is one of those women who got their gains through ill means." he announced, before raising a brow to Alex. "Help me? You beat up all of my men and destroyed my last resort, isn't that an ironic thing to offer?"

Termite: "Who do you think is stronger, she or I?"

RJ: "Her." she said flatly.

Termite: "Then your last resort would only have been destroyed more easily. Agreed?"

RJ: "I was building up..." she replied, looking agitated.

Termite: "If you really wish to defeat her you'll need to prove your superiority. You can't do that by relying on technology. You'll need to use your own strength. And yes, you could make the argument that I'm only using my Partners' strength, but my mamono and I have agreed to work together. I help them release their inner strength, and they rely on me to guide their hand in battle. That's what I will offer you. We can work together to cultivate the strength you have been cursed with, and you will use it to defeat that woman."

RJ: "I'm an alp! And she a succubus! No known alp in the world has ever bested a succubus!" she announces.

Termite: "And I'm not a mamono. But I have faced the curse, and though it hasn't taken me yet I know what kind of power it can grant. Just because you start weak doesn't mean you'll need to stay that way."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Whatever you say," the woman announced. "My name's Misao." she greeted, holding a hand out to Alex.

The hand was accepted. "Alexandra. Alex if you prefer."

"Alex sounds fine to me." she shrugged.

"Very well. I'll let Venice know our decision, somehow, and after that I'd like to test how well you manage yourself in a fight."

(Misao has joined the party! Misao has been added to the roster.)
"Great. I'm not the best, obviously. I was beat by a Rank E, but I suppose I can handle myself." Misao hummed.

With Misao's answer in hand Alex arranged a message to be delivered to Venice, and after that it was time to test the alp. And the opponent she chose was herself. The best way to measure someone's strength was to feel it yourself.

"You?" Misao wondered aloud after the message was sent. "Well, Ranchers are usually weaker than their mamono, so I'm okay with that."

"Indeed." And she never felt weaker after having so recently sacrificed so much of her strength to defeat the mamono curse. This would be as much a test for herself as for Misao. "I won't actively try to defeat you, I just wish to feel your attacks. Begin whenever you are ready."

"Right." Misao nodded, before rushing at Alex. Out of reflex, Alex would see that Misao's punch was very weak, but it'd come as a shock when she felt it. It didn't have any huge impact, but it did knock some of the wind out of Alex. Truly, what she did robbed her of a great deal of strength if such a punch could knock the air out of Alex. "Wow, you're pretty tough." Misao said, unaware of how much stronger Alex used to be.

<Damn, have I really fallen so far?> Though she didn't let it show on her face the fact that she was so affected by that punch truly bothered Alex. Instead she merely nodded at Misao and silently urged him to continue.
(Go through all them attacks)

"Ah... Just more punches?" Misao seemed hesitant. She didn't seem eager to hit her with all her might.

Alex saw the hesitation, and after a bit of consideration she straightened out. "No. That should be enough." Following that Alex started walking over toward the barn. "I know the accommodations are wanting, but we should still find you a room." And as they did Alex asked about care, specifically whether Misao would need energy or actual food to survive.

"I can survive with food designed for demons." Misao replied. "And don't worry about accommodations. I was living in a sewer, so someplace above ground is like a luxury to me."

((What kind of food would that be? And what day is it? And what about Gyuki levels?))

(Milk would be fine for her, and lemme make this Isabell post cuz it's my turn)

Gyuki: +12 Levels!
Life: C 96 +6
Power: C 102 +6
Intelligence: C 111 +6
Defense: C 102 +6
Skill: C 117 +6
Speed: C 105 +6

Ashlotte: +12 Levels!
Life: D 64 +4
Power: C 102 +6
Intelligence: C 114 +6
Defense: A 170 +10
Skill: B 124 +8
Speed: E 32 +2

(It is now sunday.)
Going over her finances, Alex acquired 500G from that mission, spent 200G on the expenses for their journey, resulting in a total 300G gain for that week.

With the new week starting Alex considered her options and decided to get down to actual ranching business. The expenses needed to feed her mamono were taken care of, and she set up a training schedule for Ashlotte. She'd think about advancing to Rank D once that was done.

Monday: Domino
Tuesday: Endure
Wednesday: Study
Thursday: Domino
Friday: Shoot

Monday: Ashlotte did a powerful display of her abilities as she launched her spear just right, hitting all the cracks and crumbling the dominoes. "Guess we'll need new ones again." the lizard woman sighed.

Tuesday: She stood in the river, emotionless as she was motionless, before the tsunami came, and crashed against her. Once the water cleared, Ashlotte was still standing in the same place, with a fish flopping on her head.
(Ashlotte aced a Domino and Endure training)

Wednesday: Ashlotte attended the lessons, and recited everything from memory. She knew how to apply what she learned fairly well, but according to her, she merely already knew it because she was programmed to know it.

Thursday: Ashlotte slams the dominoes, and eventually they all fall.

Friday: Ashlotte's arms spun round and round as steam hissed from her body, throwing rocks rapidly, hitting all the targets and depleting all of the rocks around her.

Ashlotte: +8 Levels!
+9 Power!
+3 Intelligence!
+10 Defense!
+8 Skill

Alex was rather stoic during the entire training event, but once the tsunami passed she just couldn't keep quiet. "Where in the world are you getting this water from if it comes stocked with fish?" But once everything was finished and it was time to head home on Friday Alex finally spoke. "You did very well, Ashlotte. I'm quite proud of you!" Once they arrived back at the ranch Alex then sought out Gyuki. "Your performance last week was superb. I'd like to show my appreciation for your hard work, and I know you'd like nothing more than to train, but I've been weakened. I doubt I'd be able to give you the kind of sparring match you deserve. But I can offer you something else, and I give my word that this time I shall act with the utmost of honor and dignity. Would you care for a massage?"

Gyuki blinked at the offer, her sword in hand as she had been training in the cut grass of the Ranch. "A... massage?" she inquired, before her face flushed. "I-I will respectfully pass."

It was odd, but Alex actually felt somewhat disappointed. "As you wish..." She still wished to do something for the lizard, but at the moment she simply couldn't think of anything else to offer. "...Is there anything I can do for you?" Might as well ask.

Gyuki raised a hand and ran her claw through her hair. "... A simple massage would be fine..." she said with a sigh.

"How simple? Strictly upper back? Deep tissue?" Gyuki may not have expected such questions. It showed that Alex had some knowledge as a masseuse, and considering how the dragon loved receiving one it wasn't much of a stretch to figure where her knowledge came from.

"T-the back... Is fine." Gyuki said nervously, sounding a little uncertain.

Gyuki's sudden nervousness did not go unnoticed, but Alex decided to simply barrel right through it. "Then let's step inside." Alex would direct the mamono to her bedroom and motion toward the bed, and once Gyuki was in position she would climb in after the other woman.

"Strip!?" Gyuki exclaimed, going on the defensive before going completely silent as it became clarified that Alex merely said "Step." Gyuki was silent for a while after that, laying on the bed face down quietly.

That sudden slip had Alex frozen nearly as rigidly as Gyuki, and after a couple seconds of thought Alex think she finally understood what might be happening. "Direct contact would be best, but I can manage without. Just take a few deep breaths and relax." She wasn't certain of course, but as she straddled the lizards back end and started pressing her weight into Gyuki's lower back she kept a careful eye on the girl's reaction as she worked on the muscles along Gyuki's spine.

Gyuki wore a heavy blush, and when she began to press her fingers in, Gyuki let out a lewd moan as if aroused by her touch. "N-No! It's no good after all!" Gyuki announced, trying to push herself up.

Alex stopped immediately, but instead of simply letting the lizard free she placed a gentle hand on Gyuki's spine and another on the girl's shoulder. It would do nothing to hold her in place through brute force, but Alex was hoping Gyuki would calm through a more gentle touch. "Gyuki..." There was some concern, but her voice was kept professional. "What's wrong?"

"This... Is lewd!" she answered aloud, shame in her voice as it appears the presence of Alex over her, pressing her hands even against the clothed Gyuki was stimulating her.

"You're this sensitive?" That was actually a bit of a surprise, and Alex carefully shifted her weight off the woman without quite letting go. Instead she gently urged the lizard to sit up in front of her, back to Alex's front before placing both hands on the girl's shoulders. "Is this better?"

Sat up, turned around, and facing Alex, she seemed fine, and then Alex touched her shoulders, before she became red in the face once more and took a pillow to hide her face. "... It's too much." Gyuki said with shame. "... I came to become a partner for a Rancher... I hope to find a male partner so maybe... I could get used to being touched by a man, but... I always get like this."

This was a little odd. Gyuki had weathered the previous massage well enough, but then again she had treated it more like training, especially after Alex started taking more adventurous passes over the lizard's body. Maybe Gyuki just didn't have any resistance left to throw against this. "I was much like this myself when I was younger, though I tended to be far more drastic when people started touching me. It took a while for me to get over it, and I needed someone else's help."

"What..." she lowered the pillow slightly, peeking over it. "What are you hinting at?"

"This isn't something that one can get over on their own, and for me it took drastic measures to break my fear. You may need to do the same." Alex reached up and brought the pillow lower. "Are you willing to go that far?"

"Go that far..." she repeated, before her face flushed so red Gyuki might as well be burning. "That's insane, my heart will give out!"

"And that's exactly how I felt. You don't need to worry about it right now, but do give it thought. Otherwise your fear is going to control you, and any creature that picks up on it will overcome you with ease."

Gyuki clenched her teeth. "... You're right..." she said, before taking her green suit, and tossing it off, tensing up with pure shame as she left herself bare. "... Ma... M-m-m-mas... Masama..." She stuttered and trembled, her attempt to be brave and face something lewd leaving her stunned.

Watching the lizard nearly tear her suit off to leave herself bare had Alex smiling in appreciation. Gyuki was showing the will to move past her weakness, and she committed herself to it far faster than Alex had. "Gyuki, I need you to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. To fight this you'll need to relax." And once the girl started doing that Alex would calmly peel herself out of her own clothes and sit before her mamono. She waited until Gyuki had calmed a bit, and once she had the dragon would extend a hand forward and offer it to the lizard.

"Impossible!" Gyuki shouted. She tried to breathe, but she only became more frustrated. "There's no way... I can calm down!" she swore. "just... Just do.... Do something! I'm going crazy already!"

With Gyuki nearly popping out of her skin and demanding that something be done the dragon Rancher decided to simply go for broke. She wrapped her arm around Gyuki's waist and pulled her close, both bodies suddenly flushing against the other, and after only a brief moment Alex bore down on the girl and kissed her. She took a commanding position, her size not giving her too many other options, but once that kiss started she proceeded gently, the pressure around the lizard's waist merely holding her close without crushing her while her other arm rose and cupped Gyuki's face. If allowed she would simply sit there and kiss the mamono for minutes on end, hopefully forcing the girl to relax a bit.

Gyuki was thrown into a panic. Her arms slapped against Alex clumsily and in panic. She cried and moaned into Alex's mouth, twisting and squirming in her grasp. As time went on in the kiss, Alex felt liquid not her own running down her legs, Gyuki's own vaginal fluids leaking down and staining Alex's thighs. A moment longer, and Gyuki ran out of steam, still whining but unable to put forth energy to struggle.
Then suddenly, Misao was walking inside. "I heard screaming or some-wow!" Misao gave a start, blinking with surprise.
Gyuki found slightly renewed vigor to struggle, though not much, especially when Misao's previous identity as a male showed up as a tent in her pants.

This...wasn't quite what Alex had in mind. Gyuki had stopped fighting, but it was more out of exhaustion then anything else. And that didn't take into account the sudden flood that Alex felt rushing down her own thighs. She knew it wasn't her own, and seeing the mamono this vulnerable had her wondering how to proceed. It was then that Misao entered, and Alex broke the kiss in surprise. "Yes, well, um..." And now Alex was blushing rather furiously. "A little privacy, please?" Before the alp did fully leave, however, Alex suddenly called out. "Misao! Um... Don't go far..." She was starting to work out a plan, and once the two women were alone again Alex turned back. "Sorry about that..." She still held onto Gyuki, and she pulled the mamono close again but did nothing past that. "You saw how I took charge? Do you... Do you think you could kiss me like that?

Misao walked out, looking dejected, before Gyuki shook her head fervently upon the question that followed. "No... That, above all else... Impossible..." she wheezed in exhaustion. "My heart... So fast... Gonna... Die..." Gyuki whined.

"Then will this be all right?" Alex moved in again, though this time she shifted around her partner until Gyuki could feel Alex's chest pressing against her back. "Can you accept being controlled like this?" One of Alex's hands rose to grip Gyuki's breast while its sister started trailing down the girl's belly. Alex gave her a near feathery touch, but that hand soon dove down to cup Gyuki's mound. Alex gave the lizard a few soft teasing strokes, ones that would probably be near torture to the mamono, but she wouldn't go any further than that.

As soon as Alex's hand gripped Gyuki's breast, the lizard's tail whipped around and whipped Alex's ass on impulse. Gyuki hadn't the time to apologize before she was moaning lewdly, squirming and crying out. "Stop... Stop.. Stop...!" she begged, her juices flooding onto Alex's fingers, excited as she could be. Just from the touch against her mound and breast, suddenly Gyuki was gushing. She came from the teasing alone, before flopping onto the bed, panting and whining.

Alex let out a surprisingly high-pitched yelp as the tail whipped around and smacked her ass, but her attention remained focused where it was until Gyuki suddenly exploded in her arms. The sudden release was far too surprising, and Alex did little more than watch as Gyuki simply collapsed and fell to the bed. A moment later Alex followed and laid down next to the mamono so she could cradle the girl and stroke her as she came down. "Gyuki..." Even as she comforted the girl Alex started to show her more affection, a kiss being given to the lizard's jaw and extremely close to a frilled ear. "You don't need to struggle against this..."

Gyuki squealed out a little from the kiss, using the covers to shield her body. "I know... I-I just... Can I take a break...? I can't see straight..."

"Of course..." But instead of giving Gyuki space to herself Alex kept herself close. She didn't move to touch or tease or otherwise excite the mamono, but she still remained close. "Rest all you need." Even if Alex wasn't actively involved she was determined to bombard Gyuki with affection until the girl had no choice but to give in and accept it.

Misao called slightly from afar. "Uh... How long do I need to stay somewhat close?" she asked, while Gyuki slithered out of bed and gathered her clothes.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

For a few moments Alex was lost in her own thoughts, but after a short time she finally called out. "That should be enough. Please come in." And though she knew she probably made for quite the sight she didn't bother to hide herself. "If you're wondering what that was about then I'm trying to help Gyuki with a problem she has. But I don't think I'm doing too well..."

A couple contemplative moments were taken once more before her attention snapped to the alp. "Maybe you can help, but before she returns I'd like to ask you something." At that she invited Misao into the bed and sat back while crossing her legs to at least hide her intimates. Some bit of modesty needed to be shown. "When you were infected with the Curse... How quickly did it take you?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

At seeing the flustered Gyuki, Misao blushed a little and opted instead to lean against the wall. "The curse, huh? Well, it happened over the course of about a week after I was initially infected. It was easy to think it was just another succubus poke of the tail that would go away once you were subjected to enough sexual stimulation. I didn't think that because of how skinny I was, or that I even had a pretty face, that it made me a candidate for becoming an alp. So the corruption treated me like a girl, and then turned me into one."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"One week..." Alex appeared to lose herself in her own thoughts, and for a bit she did. So someone who was vulnerable to it ultimately succumbed within a week. So why did she feel herself changing only after she embraced Zuki? Was that just part of the curse? Did the presence of spiritual energy make it progress faster?

But while Alex may have been thinking she was also stalling to give Gyuki time to leave if she so desired. Once the lizard girl was out of earshot the dragoness turned her attention toward the alp. "Misao." There was a serious look in her eye, but there was also a slight blush on her face. "I'm going to change tactics for Gyuki. And I'm going to ask for your help." At that Alex straightened herself out and sat up in the bed. "She's overly sensitive when it comes to anything even remotely sexual, and I thought showing her actual intimacy would curb that. But I don't think it's working. So I think I'm going to let her be in charge. Let her explore being dominant instead of instantly becoming submissive. And...um...to make her feel completely safe her partner would need to be... restrained.

"I know you've been treated like an object before, and I wouldn't ask this if I hadn't noticed Gyuki noticing your... Misao Jr... So if Gyuki asked for you would you let yourself be tied down? You can say no, that's fine, but if you do then I'll need to do this myself, and I, uh... I can't tie myself up..."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Misao reacted as Alex may have suspected she would. With a heavy blush she immediately backed away. "Hey now... Why can't it be you? You may not be able to tie yourself up, b-but I could tie you up instead! J-just to decide on your own that it has to be me... You're darn right I have an issue with it..." Misao announced, Alex's observation before about her problems with being powerless before a mamono holding true to her lack of wanting to perform such an embarrassing task.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

A part of Alex wanted to reach out. She wanted to grab Misao by her shirt and pull her closer so she could say something to the effect of 'That's what I just said.' But that part was suppressed, and the dragon settled for a somewhat incredulous glare before letting out a sigh. "All right, we'll do that. It shouldn't be hard to find something to bind me, and if we can't we could just use the bed sheets..." It was a bit unsettling how quickly that thought came to mind, but Alex simply let it pass and waited for Misao to do her thing. "Nothing to drastic, we just need to bind my arms and legs. No spread eagle four-post binds!" It was even more unsettling that she actually pictured herself like that. Holy hell, she needed to find some way to deal with this...
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Misao still didn't seem happy. Rather, it seemed she was hoping that Alex would lose interest in the idea after Misao expressed her disinterest and suggested Alex do it. Still, with hesitance, she took a pair of long strips of cloth that were lying around from the ruined curtains, and used it to bind Alex's limbs however she deemed it comfortable. Then, she simply stared at Alex. "... What happens now?" she asked, confused.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex expected Misao to at least take some time in finding something to bind her, but the alp was far more resourceful than she would have guessed. In fact it seemed a little too soon. "I...! I didn't mean...!" But as much as Alex stumbled over her words she eventually swallowed them and allowed herself to be tied. It was a simple set of restraints, one that bound her forearms together behind her back and her ankles just enough to keep her legs together. "Didn't expect this to happen so soon..." Of course wishing it weren't so wouldn't keep it from happening, so she simply let out a sigh before answering Misao's question. "I guess I wait for Gyuki to come back. You... You don't have to wait around if you don't want to..."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

With that being said, Misao was gone in an instant. She seemed eager to escape. With her disappearance, at least she didn't plan on leaving Alex hanging to dry as the dragon woman would hear Misao's voice, followed by Gyuki's but they were quite a distance away and unable to be heard clearly.

Footsteps into the house followed. Then up the stairs, before reaching the door. The door swung open slowly, Gyuki standing there, before the door immediately shut. "I apologize for interrupting your hobby..." Gyuki said before seeming as eager to retreat as Misao.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Wait wait!" Though Alex had put herself into this position Misao's hesitance as well as Gyuki's reluctance had the half-dragon feeling a little foolish. "Please don't leave!" Or maybe quite foolish. But she wasn't concerned with that. She really just wanted the lizardkin to return. That much could be heard in her voice.

If Gyuki did return she would find Alex sitting in much the same position but with a slightly frightened but mostly apologetic look of concern on her face. "I... I was wrong... I saw that you were nervous about this whole thing, but I just kept pushing forward. I thought domination would help you to relax once you'd finally experienced climax. It was how I overcame my own problem... But it didn't seem to help... So that's why I'm like this... Think of this as an offer. I won't try to force you to go through anything sexual anymore. You can go at your own pace, experiment how ever you wish, and I won't try to stop you. Right now I couldn't even if I wanted to. From now on you can do whatever you wish..." Which also included simply walking out the door. Of course that would probably disappoint Alex the most at this point. She was leaving herself incredibly exposed, and if she were rejected then it would probably crush her, but despite how vulnerable she was this was something she felt was more important. "I just... I just want to help..."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki did come back, albeit hesitantly. She tried not to look flushed, but her red face gave it away, so it was a bit of a struggle to properly communicate with her given her lack of attention with Alex all tied up. Her point eventually got across though. "An offer... Huh?" Gyuki sighed. "I just never wanted to think about sex until I was married... Though I'm clearly not experienced enough to satisfy... Though, you don't have a..." Gyuki began making a jerking motion, as if to simulate the stroking of a penis.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex gave a slightly nervous smile at Gyuki's rather suggestive motion. If she were back home she probably could have found some way to actually solve that problem, and considering what this world was like it probably had its own solution. But she wasn't going to say any of that. "That... would be some other lesson. Completely. And I think your friend Zulf should be the one to teach you. I just want you to be more comfortable with this. Even if it's just a little. That way you won't feel like you're being overwhelmed."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki's face flushed deep red. "Zulf!? N-no! No, impossible! That's really overwhelming!" she announced. Then, she fidgeted a bit, before leaning down, and gently poking Alex's breast with the blunt side of her claw. "But, um... It does feel kind of awkward to be talking to someone who is all tied up, and smells like a dragon to boot... I can't believe you're okay with this..." Gyuki spoke on, and as she did, she perhaps subconsciously was rubbing Alex's breasts, groping her orbs with her claws.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

It was buried as deep as she could manage, but when Alex saw Gyuki fretting over Zulf's lesson she smiled a knowing smile. She had a theory. Considering how this world worked there had to be some kind of instinctual curiosity embedded within all mamono, and when Gyuki allowed her to brush against the dragon's exposed breast that was all the confirmation she needed.

But that wasn't to be the end of it. While Gyuki was pondering Alex's acceptance of the situation that claw became a little more bold. It cupped the dragon's breast and started groping that fleshy mound, and with the lizard still trying to come to grips with the offer before her Alex wondered if her mamono realized just what she was doing. When she had to stifle a small moan she decided that Gyuki did not, and in a way that was good. It meant the woman was acting on her instincts. It was just what Alex wanted, and she wasn't going to interrupt the lizard if she could help it.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't react. She blushed a bit at the touch, though with that question hanging in the air Alex could have simply been blushing out of slight embarrassment. "There is a little part of me that wants to get up and run, but that's just one part. I'm more than just a dragon, and when my humanity feels something is important it can be more stubborn than any of my ancestors." The nervous smile that followed was not forced in the slightest, and it served to distract the dragon from the fact that her body was twisting itself subtly to give Gyuki easier access to her chest. The lizard wasn't the only one acting on instinct.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"L-like I said... I don't really need help, you know? It's just... Something that... Um..." Gyuki trailed off, clearly ashamed while still poking Alex with her fingers. Only when she realized what she was doing, as well as Alex's outstretched chest, did she suddenly pull back. "Gyah! Sorry! How rude, how horribly rude of me!" she exclaimed.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"And how was that rude?" It was an odd question, one that sounded like it could be a little accusatory, but with Alex tilting her head to the side a tiny bit it simply made the dragon look curious. "I made an offer. You are free to do whatever you wish at whatever pace you desire. You can leave, you can stay, you can even make me your personal play thing. I know what kind of offer I made, and I won't be offended by anything you decide to do.

"And if you don't feel like accepting this offer now that's perfectly acceptable. But whether you accept or deny it that offer will always remain. All you need to do is let me know, and I'll help you however I can."
Alex looked like she had something else she wanted to tell Gyuki, but as she sat there she remained quiet. It appeared she wanted the lizard's answer before they continued.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

At first, Gyuki was taken aback by Alex and her denial that there was anything rude about. Then, her cheeks puffed up, her face turned red, and suddenly she was attacking Gyuki, first by pushing her down. "Why do you know no shame!?" She exclaimed, before getting Alex on her back and making piston thrusts as if fucking her on the spot, though all that was happening was them bouncing off of each other. "I-I'll teach you what shame is! This is embarrassing isn't it!? Moving my h-hips like I have a pe... P-pepe..." Gyuki began to stutter. She looked dizzy, as if her attempts to make Alex feel shame were backfiring harshly. Then she suddenly retreated, pointing an accusing finger at Alex. "What are you making me do!?" she blamed her for what she herself did.