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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. They might have shiny, shiny QUESTS!
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A (Quests! Maybe a possibility on payment in advance? ^^) followed by B and ending the day with C XD

...If I reaaaaly have to choose only one, let it be A *grumble, grumble*
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B, then A, then C.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Tie between C and B, but as this is a rather.. safe roll I just decided to flip a coin..
C. (then B, then A)

As it was almost evening already, and the girls had had a rough day from the start, a nice rest was really taking in the favour here.
Walking through the busy city, there sure were lot of inns around, some more fancy than others. Saving money was ofcourse always a favorable thing so any medicore place would do.

The girls found a cosy wooden inn with a cheerful long mustauched human inn keeper. The prices weren't so bad either, so the girls had their meal and rented a room for the night. Sleep was in order. But Linda wasn't too sure on sharing a bed with all thats going on in her mind. Luckily there were some hangnets going aswell, clearly just made for lizardkin, as lizardkin are known to love sleeping in hangnets, though some do prefer normal beds, Viki wasn't one of those bed preferers and jumped right into the hangnet.

"Dibs on the hangnet!"

"Well, I would've taken the bed anyway" Linda shrugged.

The girls got comfortable on their own beds and had a good sleep for the night.

The girls woke up rather early, but they were well rested from the sleep. Buying a small breakfast, paying their bill, they went outside afterwards.

"So.. I wonder what we should do next in here.." Linda pondered a bit.

"Well I think we should get some proper gear." Viki replied.

"Well alright, I'll try look for some sort of magic shop, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, I'm the more well off one in this team anyway, so I'll look for some suplies and get my own gear aswell, lets get moving towards the market square, shall we?"


Viki and Linda walked at the market.. The shops were opening and there weren't many people around, actually a good thing they went the early bird route. There could've been rush yesterday.

Linda found what seemed to be an alchemy and magic shop, and went inside, as Viki continued onwards to look for blacksmith and general stores.

Linda was greeted by an old elven man behind a desk.
"Hello young lady, I can sense you have some magic going on eh? Well you've come to the right place! I'm sure you'll enjoy my wares."

"I also see you have some sort of a magic ring there.. Would you care to sell it for 20 silver?"

The wares;


- Elven crystal wand. "Increases magical potency by 15 and can be used as a light source at will." 15s.
- Willow wand. "Increases magical potency by 5 and reduces agressive spell costs by 2" 10s
- Silver wand. "Increases magical potency by 20. Powers up holy and healing spells" 35s.
- Gold wand. "Increases magical potency by 25. Increases duration of support spells by 50%" 65s
- Jeweled crystal wand. "Increases magical potency by 35. Powers up agressive spells and can also be used as light source at will". 1g 25s.


- Ring of steadiness. Improves aim of the user. 40s.
- Ring of minor mana. Increases mana pool by 5. 10s
- Ring of mana restore (5 charges) each charge restores 20% of mana pool. 20s.


- Potion of energy. Restores energy. 1s 50c each. (5 in stock)
- Minor Mana potion. Restores 10 mana. 1s 50c each. (5 in stock)
- Lesser Mana potion. Restores 20 mana. 2s 75c each. (10 in stock)
- Mana potion. restores 40 mana. 4s each. (10 in stock)
- Enchanted mana potion. restores 50% of mana pool. 7s each. (5 in stock)

Spell scrolls

- Introducion to frost. "This scroll allows its user to introduce themselves and learn basic frost spells" 20s.
- Introducion to fire. "This scroll allows its user to introduce themselves and learn basic fire spells" 20s.
- Unholy scroll. "Greyline in selling rights, this scroll helps its user to introduce themselves to basic secrets shadow magics.." 35s.
- Holy scroll. "Sold by the rights of the highchurch, this scroll allows its user to take a step forward to learn the basics of blessed holy magics" 50s.
- Teleportation scroll; CrystalBlix. "Allows a magical user to teleport themselves and up to 3 allies to CrystalBlix, taking 80% of base mana, can be recharged from a magicshop for 5s" 20s.

Note; Learning spells can take some time and practise, effectivness varies by users skills.


- Novice robes (comes in colours; Blue, White, Black, Green, Red, Orange, and Pink!) "Increases mana pool by 5, Tailored to allow a good agile movements, keeps one warm and secured" 10s.
- Lion robes. (White with lion prints in yellow near the chest area.) "Thise robes make their user feel slightly more light and allow advanced mobility" 25s.
- Adept robes. (comes in same colours as novice) "Increases mana pool by 20. Tailored to be agile, and reinforced with multible stiches against being damaged." 50s.

"Feel free to browse as much as you like, my wares will update every couple of days"

Linda's money;
20 silver, 28 copper worth money(inn took a little bit). (+ potential 20s more from energy restore ring)

So vote away what items to buy, remember to also include whenever you wish to sell the ring or not. Red items are off limits money wise.
This votes pretty free style
Last edited:
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

  • Sell the ring;
  • Buy the Elven crystal wand;
  • Buy the Introduction to Fire scroll;
  • And finally, buy one Potion of Energy, in case of emergency.
Burn! Buuuuuurn!! BUUUUUUUUUURN!!!
(Total money before: 20.28s + 20s = 40s 28c. Total cost: 15s + 20s + 1.5s = 36s 50c. Total money after: 40.28s - 36.5s = 3s 78c. Watching tentacles wither and die before the searing flames of justice: Priceless)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Yeeaaaah, update \o/

I arrived at the same choices than Dracador, except for the potions. I think taking a mana potion can be useful too :

- Sell the ring and buy an "Introduction to Fire scroll" with the money

- Buy an elven wand (20.28 - 15 = 5.28)

- Buy 1 lesser mana potion and 1 energy potion (5.28 - 2.75 - 1.50 = 1 silver, 3 coppers left)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I'll go with Dracodor's choices.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I would go with the Unholy Scroll, but *of course* it's expensive~

Well, Fire will have to do. I'm going with Dracador choices but instead of energy potion, I vote for one mana potion.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I'll go with Dracador but ... If we can cheat the buyer and tell him that the ring can kill instantly somebody, we could sell the ring and earn more money :rolleyes:

By such, I would go "of course" with Dorl and buy the Unholy scroll :p !
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

  • Sell the ring;
  • Buy the Elven crystal wand;
  • Buy the Introduction to Fire scroll;
  • And finally, buy one Potion of Energy, in case of emergency.
Burn! Buuuuuurn!! BUUUUUUUUUURN!!!
(Total money before: 20.28s + 20s = 40s 28c. Total cost: 15s + 20s + 1.5s = 36s 50c. Total money after: 40.28s - 36.5s = 3s 78c. Watching tentacles wither and die before the searing flames of justice: Priceless)

This is the sound of me agreeing with you.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I agree with general concenus

with the exception of the staff I dont trust butterfingers or her
"dates" jewelery seems to last longer
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

"Well, guess 20 silver is a good deal for this ring."
Linda handed over the ring and received 20 silver.

Linda began looking at the wares.. So many neat items to buy, my my my.
She looked at the scrolls.. "Hmmm shadow magic.. They didn't mention that back in college.. Intresting, though expensive.."
"Well might aswell take the other one though" Linda looked at the fire scroll.

Thinking wand is always a good thing, Linda decided to go with the elven one, seemed to be a good compromise. Potions are always useful, mana could be good, but lets not spend too much and go for the more sure option, Linda decided to buy an energy potion instead.

"That'll be 36s 50c."

Linda paid up, and started to read the scroll while walking outside.
The scroll was really intresting to her, but she also had to look for Viki.
Walking down the market row, reading the scroll and sometimes looking around her.

"Oh hey there you are" Viki said as she came from behind Linda, whom jumped a bit from her focus.

"Aa! Oh, hi Viki, it was you. Did you find everything you need?"
Viki was wearing bit different outfit, seems she found some leather armor.

"Oh did I, and even more on the bunch. But first take this, incase of emergency."
Viki gave Linda an iron dagger. It was pretty sharp but came with the sheath.

Linda tied the item to her vaist next to the pouch.

Viki took a somewhat big backpack from her back and laid it down infront of Linda opening it up and digging some items from there;

"Tie your new fancy wand too while you're at it." Viki threw another sheath at Linda.
"And a small bag for other needs" Viki gave Linda a small purse like bag to carry from shoulders.
Linda placed the potion in the purse.

"Now, for the other items."
"I bought us some rope, 10 food rations, map, and some emergency wear just incase."

Linda looked down in the backpack, she saw bunch of white panties.
"..are those the emer..- Actually nevermind. Lets see that map"

Viki took out a rather crude map;


".. How much did you pay for this?" Linda raised her eyebrown and looked at Viki.

"Less then ten copper."


So with shopping out of the way the girls figured they should report the earlier events to the authorities. As they walked out the market row, they began to look for the guard house.
As they found the guard house, Linda went up to one of the guards, a rather usual elf woman in uniform.
"Excuse me, where can I report tentacle threat related information?"

"Oh you'll want to talk to the Council Advisor, he's in the room to the left. You should find CAs in pretty much every guardhouse in every city nowadays. They are responsive to the Council and take care of tentacle threat related issues"

"Alright, thank you" Viki nodded to the guard and went near the room mentioned with Viki walking behind her.

As they entered the room, filled with lots of small wooden folders and bookshelves with a well crafted desk that had a silky posh chair behind it to sit on with few on front too, a thin well dressed human man was holding a book near one of the shelves. The man had slick short black hair, thin long mustache and weared round glasses hold together by thin iron thread.

"Oh hello, there ladies. Are you here to provide information on the tentacles or seeking information about 'em?" The man placed the book to the shelf and turned to the girls.

"A little bit of both actually"

"I see, well take a seat and lets talk." The man started to walk behind his desk.

As Linda and Viki took seats, Linda began to summarize events that have happened relating to tentacles, starting with Cindercliff, continuing to the nest, the battle there and the silvery tentacle..

Time went by as she told the whole story.

"Cindercliff raided?!? Tentacle nest in Okryl's forest?! A new tentacle specie sighting?!"
"Oh dear, oh my.." The man shook his head a bit and adjusted his glasses.

"The lost of Cindercliff is going to be a large shock to the elven council men.. Nests, they are not good thing either.. and magic resistant new specie is very nasty cherry topping"

The man started taking some papers and a scroll from behind his desk probably from the desk itself.

"So, I'm going to ask you to write your name downs, as we're going to have to verify thise claims. And I'm going to need one of you to mark rough estimation of the nest in the forest as looking through it all would be waste of time"

The man unscrolled the scroll which was a very fancy map actually. It was highly detailed with great artwork put in to the making of it.

"Wow, nice map!"

"It's amazing what you can get with less than ten copper" the man replied.

".. I'll just mark the location." Viki said akwardly and placed a small pin that was next to the map on the location of the nest. Which after Linda and Viki writed their names on the papers given to the desk with quillpens.

"Excelent!" The man said excitetly.
"Now I cannot really give a cash reward before the claims are verified but I can see that thise claims must have some truth in them.. So.." The man began to dig through his desk again.

The man took a few signet rings and gave one for Linda and one for Viki. The signet rings were copper but had a marking of a lion in them.

"With thise rings, you will find yourselves as highly welcome guests in any of the kindoms army camps you might encounter in your adventures."

"Now, as all this that has been brought to the table is gona make me rearrange my schedule, I'll give you girls a short summary of other sightings and rumours that have been going on;"

"Appereantly Noffinhoods lake and the forests around Noffinhood have had some strange occunrances going around.. There has been tentacle sightings in the forests, but no confirmation of colours. The lake has had cyan tentacle sightings.. The some of local beastiarity have also started to act strange"

"Rytol has also had some strange occurances going on, appereantly women of the city have started to disapear in odd ways. They say the ground and sands has started to "eat" them. We suspect it might have to do with tentacle beasts as the desert and Rytols areas have usualy been very calm."

"There isn't very much other things going on that I know off, but this should get you started"

"Well thank you!" The girls said in union and walked out.

The girls walked about on the streets of the city pondering their next move as its clear that waiting for the city to get more active wouldn't probably get them anything new anyway..

A) Departure to Cindercliff
B) Departure to Noffinhood
C) Departure to Rytol
D) Walk the road out of the city to the south
E) Walk the road out of the city to the west


125/125 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 10 mana.

basic fire knowledge that cannot form a spell yet but allows to light small things up.

Linda is well rested.
Linda is not hungry.
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Introducion to Fire. Purse.
Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. Potion of energy (in purse). Lion signet ring
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 3 silver 78 copper worth money.


Well rested
Viki is not hungry
Wearing Well stitched Leather Pants and a well stiched Leather Top.
Copper Crossbow. 50 copper bolts. Decent Iron sword. Lion signet ring.
Medium backpack. Holding peasant tunic. peasant pants. 10 white panties.
5 food rations. a nice roll of rope. Very crude map.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding 5 silver, 21 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B Time to charge blindly into danger!
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I'm with B, too ^^
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C because lizards + sand = win.