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Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The machines in the room were the same ones from the lower floors, the control panel was the same too, meaning Toki could shock Irid again if she wanted to.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She eyed it carefully, and decided that Irid needed an attitude adjustment...but reconsidered at the last second, finding it to be a little dangerous. instead, she wondered what else lay in the opposite room, the biological study. she strolled off silently, heading down that hallway now.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The biological study was a lit room, the floor was made of glass and when they looked beneath them they could see cells or special environments, each containing some kind of animal or monster, one even held a strange woman with the lower half of a snake while wearing only bandages to cover her breasts, she noticed Toki and looked up at her, winking at her while pushing her breasts together suggestively.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she walked about curiously, wondering who could have done all of this...and then noticed the snake-woman...

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know who is in charge here would you?" she asked to the strange female.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The lamia raised a eyebrow, then stopped, crossing her arms "Some crazy scientist chick, i saw her where you are now about a hour ago, went off muttering about the "ultimate plan" or something" she said.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She smiled and nodded gratefully.

"Right so...what's going on here? Do you have any idea what this plan is? if you can give me any information, that would be great. and then I can let you out, provided you don't try any funny business..."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The lamia smiled, her forked tongue flitting at the air like a passive snake "Hey ill take escape anyday" she said, she looked like she was in thought for a minute, then came out with her information "Yeah, the plan is something about "spreading the joys of our corruption" and "proving that bitch Taku wrong"" the lamia said, "Shes been taking most of us and doing experiments, most of them have been seeing what happens when we are exposed to corruption, or doing the same to the non-humanoids, which makes them humanoids" she said, thinking of a example "Like turning a slime into a slime girl" she piped up "Thats it really"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She nodded softly as she listened to what was being said. Hopefully now Taku would have enough proof to join up...

"Thanks. that's actually more than I needed. Now, want to come with me? I have one more with me, and we're trying to free the people here, and stop who is in charge."
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The lamia thought for a minute and shook her head "I Need to go find a friend, sorry, id love to come with you but...." she had a genuine look of concern "I need to find her..." she quietely said.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

"Tell me about her, and I will look for her." Toki replied, attempting to open the door that held the female back.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

Thankfully a control panel nearby opened up the lamias glass ceiling, letting her slither out easily "She dosent really trust humans or people apart from me sorry..." she said, before leaving she gave Toki a hug "Thank you..." she whispered before slithering off, leaving Toki and Irid alone, Irid yawned and woke up, after a little nap.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she smiled and hugged back

"Hopefully we'll meet again!" she called to the female as she left the area. Toki then waved to Irid to come closer, and continued to explore the room. at least she had an idea of what was going on now.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She could see a few results of these supposed "experiments" the lamia talked about, in one cell she saw a woman, she was naked and looked afraid, however there was what looked like black tentacles spreading from a spot on her shoulder across her body, one of these tentacles were in her lower lips, another cell contained a tripod, however she could see black tentacles all over it, eventually they came away, forming a woman, naked and around 20 looking she had sizeable breasts and dark grey eyes with white hair in a pony tail, she also had mechanical tendrils coming out of her back, she looked slightly confused, as she looked at her hands she gave out a whimper of surprise, Irid looked up at Toki "W-Whats happening...?"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

eyeing the experiments, some freaked her out a little, but one piqued her interest, as she appeared to have mechanical tendrils from her back...Toki approached her and tapped on the prison between them...

Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The Tripod Girl looked up at Toki, and hesitantly waved, covering her nethers with her free hand and her breasts with her tendrils.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

she smiled, seeing that this one was at least sentient...

"What can you tell me about this place? Where is the head scientist lady at?"
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She looked unsure for a minute, then said "Machine production line...", she obviously had little in the way of speaking, but atleast she provided some kind of hint, she looked like she wanted out though.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She nodded to the answer. she would need to check there next, then...

"I'm going to let you out now...but don't try anything. alright?" she asked, attempting to open the door carefully.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

The girl nodded, as Toki let her out, she climbed out using her tendrils and left Toki on her own again.
Re: Tokiko (masquerade zero)

She then began to search about the room further, looking for the machine assembly line the girl had been talking about...