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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy felt much quicker when she did a few jumps, when she got to the stairs she could make out that most of the rubble and scaffolding could be hidden behind, she could easily stealth her way past the monsters and get to the door leading to the next room...

[Litzy will re-roll failed Agility and Dexterity tests]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy is not sure than this is the right path, maybe she should look for upstairs instead basements, but her curiosity take her and she prepare herself for a stealthy run toward the door, her barefeet would maybe dont cause too much noise than a shoe or boot and she is a monstergirl now, so the creatures could not feel her presence too much. After a deep breath she run as fast as she can and will try to dont call the attention as she open the door.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Four stealth checks are made, of which three pass, resulting in sucess

With quick footspeed and careful use of cover, Litzy managed to run past the patrolling monsters with ease, getting past all of them with only one spotting her, however shes already slammed the door behind her by time it tries to alert the others, Litzy then found herself in another room, this one was harder to stealth through as there was little cover, it seemed more brutish too, as bloodstained shackles lined the walls and tables were covered in what looked like dried cum, meaning some people had obviously been here before...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

With nearly perfect moves, the blonde neko reach the other side, but she was unable to dont call the attention of one of the monsters, Litzy then reach the other side and she suppose than maybe she will not be so lucky this time, anyway she see the place and use her place and hideouts to try to reach the other side without problems.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy makes four stealth checks, of which one fails]

Once again litzies fast foot speed and use of cover allowed her to get past most of the monsters unmolested, looking up she can see a ladder leading to what she can assume is the surface, judging from the moonlight shining through it.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Thanks to her new speed, pass through the room was possible. Litzy just cant believe than she is now close leave and quickly use the ladder to reach what looks to be the exit, even when she wonder why these monsters dont use it to escape.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Climbing up the ladder, Litzy found herself in a small garden in moonlight, the garden was surrounded by what looked like castle walls, shes stumbled across another castle...it seemed pretty big too, she could either slide back down the ladder, explore the garden for a bit or go through some wooden double doors.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy was glad to be out of the catacombs, not really angry to be trapped in another castle, but at least she could try to get out of this place and then return with Rukara. Return was not a choice so she decide to check the double wooden doors.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Going into the double doors lead Litzy to a large castle lobby area, there were no monsters in sight and there were giant glass windows showing the night sky outside, there were many paintings dotting the walls, but all of them were perverse in some way, one showing a lamia coiled around a victim and kissing her, another with a parasite girl mounted on another victim, and there was a single painting that was completely black, no picture on it or anything...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The place is just really creepy, making her shiver as she see the paintings, scared until the point to take the biggest distance to the pictures as she remain ready to react, every moment looking for an exit
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The atmosphere seemed to have a adverse effect on Litzy, remaining far away from these strange pictures, she moves on through the room, theres a trapdoor on the ground and a door next to the completely blank painting.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

With the blank picture close the door, the blonde neko decide to use the trap door what could make her get close the exit or at least away of these pictures.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Much to her annoyance, the trap door was locked, meaning she could either go back to the catacombs, go explore the garden for a bit or take the door near the eerie painting.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy frown once she notice than the trapdoor is closed, taking away one of her possible options. After think for a moment she decide to look around the garden for other exit, as she cant stop to think than something really bad is waiting for her in that room close the painting.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Going back into the garden Litzy had to shop around for a bit, eventually she managed to find another door, however before she could get to it, she noticed a bud open up, revealling inside a Alraune with a lustful look on her face, Litzy had to get herself ready to fight as her vines lashed out at her!

[Litzy casts magic and gets a type advantage crit! Alraune gets a arousal crit!]

[Litzy casts sucessfully, ending the fight]

Although the alraune had the element of surprise, she didnt count on Litzy having powerful fire magic on hand, two quickly launched fireballs made the alraunes vines into just soot on the floor, as she brought up her petals to go back into a protective bud, grumbling at Litzies combat prowess, going through the door Litzy found herself now in a corridor, branching off to two directions with a wardrobe leant against a wall with a pot ontop.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy leave quickly the corridor and with a deep sigh she calm herself a little before walk. The garden looks to be peaceful and without problems Litzy reach another door, however a plat girl get out of a close pod and tried to catch the neko who thanks to her speed dodge the creature tentacles, the enough to shoot her effective fire spells against the plant woman who nearlly at the instand give up and get inside her bud.

Sorry for hurt you, but im not in mood to let you feed of me Litzy said before continue her path, soon the path turn into two roads and Litzy notice a weardrove, she check it for try to find someting usefull and then she take the right path.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Inside the wardrobe was a simple grey tanktop, atleast it was better than nothing, wearing it Litzy then took the right path, coming into a small room, it had what looked like a closed changing room and several coat hangers, all of them having a bag hanging off of them, presumably spare changes of clothing.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy smile softly as she decide to take the tank top, even if is destroyed in the future. Once she put in on, the young girl continue walking until reach what looks like a changing room, in an attempt to pass unnoticed here she try to check one of these bag hanging with caution
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Inside the bag were rolls and rolls of bandages, along with a small black potion to drink, in the other bag there was a small red potion along with a black cape, inside the last bag was a bra and gloves that were patterned with yellow and black stripes.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy take a moment to think about what she found in the bags. The first looks to have a potion than could turn her into a mummy, the second she guess than will turn her into a vampire by the dark cape and red blood potion, the third was more hard she suppose than could be normal clothes or an animal like pattern, as she was curious about what this disguise is she take the bra and groves, she put them on after take away her tank top and the slime bra.