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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Well I can understand that I guess, you've gotta get food somehow," Shiori said, trying to let the arachne know she wasn't angry with her. Shiori then noticed the arachne blushing slightly as she looked at her armor and what it was doing with the tentacle and all, and when the arachne was obviously getting more aroused, Shiori's member reacted to it and began hardening up slightly.

"Y-Yeah I'm an okami. Why?" Shiori replied, a sense of urgency in her voice as she thought about Kaei and if she was okay, Shiori was starting to feel too worried about her mate to bother holding her naginata at the ready any longer, looking back in the direction she'd come from and sniffing, hoping to see if she could smell blood... Kaei's blood.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"...Just askin`" the arachane said, looking around she asked "I think i can get her off of your case", taking her naginta, the arachane stabbed it into her side, grimacing in pain she pulled it out, much to Shioris surprise she saw the spider womans wound heal up very quickly, and now the blade was covered in blood "Go show that to her and then you can come back to me with your mate and we can properly talk." the arachane finished, returning to freeing the remaining woman "Ill let these women go as well so the illusion seems more believable."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Okay, how can you do that?" Shiori asked just as the arachne yanked her naginata from her and stabbing herself in the side with it, causing Shiori to yelp in surprise at what she'd done, fearing for her life.

When the arachne gave her naginata back to her and told her to go and show it to the fog woman, her wound healing itself quickly, Shiori sighed in relief and nodded. "I... I will, thank you. I'll go and get Kaei and be back as soon as I can," Shiori called out to the arachne as she ran off towards where Kaei was, deciding to stop and smear a little dirt and mud on her face and robes to make it look as if she'd fought some, then she sped off again through the woods towards where she'd left Kaei.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Speeding back to the clearing, she found the fog woman kneeling beside Kaei, who was panting and almost crying with joy, she looked over at Shiori and said "You came at the best time~!" with glee in her voice, looking at Kaei, Shiori could see Kaei was holding a baby, their baby, wrapped in a small blanket that the fog woman had given Kaei, to say it was adorable was a understatement, it had inherited Shioris eyes and Kaeis hair colour, it had blonde wolf ears and a tiny tail as well...Kaei looked up at Shiori and smiled saying "W....We did it..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori sprinted back to the clearing she'd left Kaei in and saw the fog woman kneeling next to her mate, and when she saw Kaei panting and nearly crying she thought she'd done something to her and rushed faster, readying her naginata for battle. But when she saw Kaei was looking happy instead of hurt, and that she was holding a baby wrapped in a little blanket, Shiori stopped dead in her tracks with a stunned look on her face as she stared at the baby in her mate's arms.

"Oh my god... Kaei is that?" Shiori asked, looking breathless after running so far so fast.

Shiori ran over to Kaei and fell to her knees next to her, dropping her naginata beside them, unable to hold back her tears of joy as she pulled Kaei into a kiss and hugged her, looking down at the baby Kaei was holding... their baby. Shiori saw their baby had her eyes and Kaei's hair, and she had a little wolf tail and ears just like theirs as well. When Kaei looked up at her and smiled, telling her they did it, Shiori burst tears again, having only momentarily recomposed herself, and she kissed Kaei again, showing only love for her mate. Once she had recomposed herself again, Shiori would gently and very carefully pick the baby up out of Kaei's arms so she could hold her, taking in all of the rest of the baby's features and seeing what her baby looked like, wondering if she was more like herself or her mother.

"Look at you sweetie, look how precious you are. You're the most beautiful baby I've ever seen," Shiori said while she held the baby, smiling down at her and looking the happiest Kaei had ever seen her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Looking over the baby, Shiori could see that it had inherited more of Shioris features than Kaeis, regardless it was a perfectly healthy baby girl who had traces of milk around her mouth, Shiori presumed Kaei had breastfed it, the baby giggled and cooed at Shioris cradling of her, Kaei looked up at Shiori and smiled as well, asking "What are you gonna call it?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori saw that her's and Kaei's child looked more like Shiori than Kaei, but Shiori didn't really care about that any at all, because she'd love her and treat her all the same anyway. She also noticed the traces of milk on and around her little mouth, leaving Shiori to think that Kaei had already fed her. Shiori smiled down at their child as she held her as Kaei asked what they were going to name her.

"I... I don't know what we'll call her really. How about... Sakura," Shiori said, suggesting a name after thinking hard for a minute or two after setting the baby back into Kaei's arms, kissing both her mate and their child on the forehead.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Thats a great name Shiori~!" Kaei said, taking the recently named Sakura back and gently rocking her until she fell asleep, the fog woman smiled and said "THe job is done i assume, very nice work~ Did you need anything equipment wise? Species changes? I can supply anything~!"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Is it really you think? It was my grandmother's name is why I chose it," Shiori asked when her mate said that it was a great name, as she rocked their child to sleep. Shiori smiled down at the baby, gently brushing her finger across her cheek and kissing her on the forehead.

When the fog woman asked her if she needed anything, Shiori wondered for a moment and decided on what to ask her. "What all do you have exactly? I'm interested in weaponry if you've got any, and other stuff as well of course," Shiori asked the fog woman, looking curious at her offer.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The fog woman yawned and thought for a moment saying "Hmm....well i do have this weapon hybrid of a naginta, do you want to see~?" she asked, bouncing from side to side while waiting for her answer.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Um... okay, sure if you don't mind showing it to me. Can you bring it here so we don't have to move Sakura just yet though?" Shiori said from where she sat next to Kaei and Sakura, caressing the baby's little head again and kissing Kaei on the cheek while the fog woman got the weapon she spoke of.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, the fog woman floated off to retrieve the supposed hybrid weapon, Kaei smiled up at Shiori and continued petting Sakura, a few minutes later the fog woman returned with a shiny new naginta, this one had a black hilt with a small red tassle on the end of it, the blade was a shiny steel, but Shiori noticed something, a trigger and a grip in the mid-way point of the blade itself "Try it~!" the fog woman said, handing it to Shiori.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While the fog woman was gone, Shiori looked around to make sure she wasn't watching or anything and leaned in close to her mate. "Hey Kaei... I didn't go ahead and hurt the arachne, she told me that the fog woman wasn't as good as she claims to be and stuff, and that she only took those things of hers because she needed them to get some food. She said she'd like to talk to us once we got the chance to get back to her. She didn't seem evil or anything when I spoke to her, so I think we should give her a chance to explain herself. Don't you?" Shiori whispered to Kaei while the fog woman was gone, wanting her opinion on whether or not they should hear the spider woman out.

When the fog woman returned with the naginata she'd promised, Shiori saw the thing was quite the magnificent weapon, it had a shiny blade, black hilt, and even had a tassel on the end of it. She also noticed the trigger on the grip and wondered what it was for when the fog woman told her to try it out and handed the weapon to her.

"Um... okay, thanks I guess. So how do I use this thing here? Do I just point it at something and pull this trigger?" Shiori said when the fog woman handed her the new weapon, setting the other naginata aside for the moment and hitting the trigger, wondering what it would do.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding at Shioris question, the fog woman helped Shiori with her new toy, saying "Its a gun, lemme do it!", taking the naginta, the woman aimmed the blade of the gun at a tree, pulling the trigger a gunshot was discharged as a rifle grade round slammed into the tree, the barrel now visible on the side of the nagintas blade, the fog woman smiled and gave the blade back to Shiori "Want to help me with anything else~?" she asked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh wow, that's awesome. I'm definitely coming back to you for all of my weapon, armor, and supply needs. I guess it'd be nice if I have more bullets for the gun part of it though. Do you by chance have any more bullets? Or is it magic bullets or something?" Shiori said once the fog woman fired the gun part of the weapon, a mixed look of amazement and awe at the weapon as she took it back.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The fog woman giggled and said "Special bullets, you wont run out but you need to load every individual shot" the fog woman explained, showing Shiori a sort of bolt action item on the side of the hilt, pulling it back and putting it back into place loaded the new round in, the fog woman giggling and saying "So...you still have time for anything else~?" Shiori remembered that she needed to get back to Karen soon.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh okay then, that's good. Thank you very much, but I can't really think of anything else we need right off the top of my head. Other than directions on the way out of here and back to the snowy mountain area we came from," Shiori said, remembering they needed to hurry back to Karen and her fairy crusher companions, but first they needed to head on to the arachne from before and talk with her of course.

Once they had directions, should the fog woman be able to provide them of course, with a promise from Shiori that she'd be back sometime for more equipment most likely, Shiori would help Kaei to her feet, and then the two of them would head off towards the arachne, by way of looping around so the fog woman didn't become suspicious unless they needed to go north to get to the exit of this place and back to the mountain temple with Karen, in which case they'd just go straight that direction.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The fog woman nodded and provided them directions on how to leave, there would be a hidden slope in the area they slid into allowing them to climb back up, looping back to the arachane first, she could see all the women were gone now and the arachane noticed her, nodding and saying "Hello again."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After finding out from the fog woman where they'd need to go to get out of this place, Shiori and Kaei started off with Shiori hefting up her new naginata as well as her old one, looping around to the north to speak to the arachne first. When they arrived where she was exactly, Shiori noticed all of the women were gone as the spider woman saw her and Kaei approaching. When the arachne spoke after noticing them both, Shiori waved at her.

"Hey, told you I'd be back. This is my mate Kaei, and our baby Sakura. There was this ghostly angel that gave me the ability to get my mate pregnant, and she just had our baby while I was here earlier," Shiori said when she and Kaei got closer, introducing Kaei and their new child, looking very happy to be able to introduce them both, she leaned over and kissed Kaei again on the cheek, then Sakura's as well before looking back to the arachne and continuing, "So what were you wanting to talk to us about exactly? I'm assuming you wanted to tell us exactly what all had happened. Am I right?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Arriving back at the arachane, she nodded and smiled when Shiori showed her Sakura, saying "Shes perfect for you, you look so caring." and complimenting Shiori, "So you want to hear what has been actually happening?" the arachane asked while Kaei sat against a tree and started to fall asleep cradling Sakura.