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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You sure it would work?" Rikke turned to Yuna, the plan was definedly not what she suspected it would be... but Yuna and Jess likely considered all other options by now "Alright... I'll do it."

"But finding these artifacts may be tricky, I'm going to need some help with that." the rogue turned to the moans in the distance "Could we get those two calmed down and brought here for the plan. Rhea and Rune can be trusted. You know that."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The color in the egg seemed to shift to a pink and Rikke could sense Jess's acting out much pent of pervy action. Yunie didn't seem to approve however. "Aunt Jess come on we are so close to getting this done. All our hard work will pay off." The moans stopped but not before Rune and Rhea seemed to have a massive climax together. "They should be calm soon enough but I'm not sure this is a good idea. They might not take well to me being here."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would overcome herself and snicker lightly, albeit a bit solemnly at the antics... whatever the case may be, this was this worlds Jessica, her Jessica. Just an odd cocoon of life and energy. Still her sadness could only cause even more pain "Come on, Jess~ Behave." the rogue turned to the cocoon "Who know, I might think of a reward if you do." only after both of Rikke and Yuna encouraged her to do so, Jessica finally released the kitsunes from whatever held them.

"Why would you say that?" the heroine looked to her girl with a raised eyebrow.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"These people even if they are the reincarnation of spirits past have no experience with great spirits. They might react poorly." Jessica's cocoon flashed slightly causing Yunie to frown. "But!" Once more it flashed causing Yuna to frown. "Okay okay I get it we don't want mom to look crazy." A moment later Rune and Rhea came running around covered in sweat and with guns in their hands. Finding Rikke and Yuna there brought both to a halt. Rhea seemed to take the appearance of Yunie well though the look on Rune's face was a mix of confusion and fear. "A A spirit.. how.... when......." Thankfully Rhea managed to calm her a bit. "Rikke whats going on who is this?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke kept a casual if confident stance as the two kitsunes rushed near "You two quite finished with your pervy fun?" she'd smirk teasingly at the duo before continueing "Lower your guns, these are my friends."

The heroine motioned playfully to Yuna "Girls meet Yuna. My daughter." honestly at this moment Rikke herself wasn't sure if this was just an apparition, a afterimage or even a ghost... though she hoped it was just some sort of spell "And whoever you thought was here..." the heroine looked to Jessicas current form "She is Jessica, my lover... and someone who'll save this world."

Looked to the kitsunes reaction the rogue subtly motioned to a anywhere the two could sit down "Now sit, we've got quite a tale to tell you..." depending how the duo reacted, if the Kitsunes played along Rikke would explain, with Yunas help or without, what she had learned and more about whats going. The plan itself would have to wait a spell as the Kitsunes listened out and reacted to the current info first...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune took the opportunity to sit still stunned at the appearance of a spirit. Her logical and scientific mind having trouble handling something that bordered divinity. "I.. don't how......" This seemed to cause Yunie to smirk in a I told you so face to Jessica. Rhea however approached Jessica and ever so hesitantly placed a hand on the egg. "Its...its warm..... I remember.. something... its just at the edge of my mind." She frowned and pulled away making Jessica dim a little. Rikke could feel the disappointment coming from her lover though it would have to be asked about later. "So you did rescue her.... I always wondered. The book stops with you heading to rescue her." Rhea sat down on a nearby bench awed slightly with Rune still trying to figure out what she was seeing.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"From who?" Rikke giggled and turned to the egg with a teasing grin "Jess here had a knack of needing saving." she'd keep a smile, but not for long... even if the moment was peaceful the circumstances were everything but.

"Anyway as cliche as it may sound... we actually have to save both mine and your worlds." the rogue turned to her daughters apparition "And Yuna with Jess have a plan how we can pull this off." be it Rikke or Yuna would elaborate on the plan they had, turning the non-magic realmers eyes wider and wider... magical artifacts, rifts and cross-realm travel... the plan, if anything, was certainly a doozy.

"So you two know exactly what artifacts we're looking for?" Rikke already had Janets sword and she knew her sword was acting up again, so that was their next mark... however the rest of the gear needed was still a mystery.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After explaining the details in a combined manner with Rikke acting as a translator for some otherworldly ideas that were rather common to her but strangely new for Rhea and Rune. All in all that part was successful the girls seemed to understand what was needed to be done. Though that did leave the rather large question about what artifacts and where. Yunie was the first to speak on that matter. "You already have one. The sword of the holy champion. Mom if you would." Yunie gestured to Rikke to show of Janet's blade. "The others will be harder to find. Mom's blade dose not have the attunement needed but I'm sure she would want it back regardless." Rhea seemed to nod at this. "The remaining items are scattered all over and I'm not sure what they are exactly. Aunt Jess tells me that one is close maybe a day or two of travel away on foot. An old shine of sorts it seems. You'll have to find out exactly the demon magics at work are causing to much interference. Other than that we need at lest five artifacts the more the better however."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So that leaves 4 more artifacts that could be scattered across the world..." Rikke sighed deeply and sat down clearly in thought, her legs crossed one over the other "There has to be some quality all these items share..."

Rikke looked to the sword "I found this blade at the back of the museum, honestly it only reacted when I touched it." she'd think briefly "Maybe it was acting strangely to be placed there... and that strangeness could lead us to the rest of the artifacts."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune seemingly recovering from her shock at seeing a spirit looked at the blade that Rikke had. "May I?" Taking the weapon from Rikke Rune looked it over. "Humm nothing happening when I touch it. Maybe...." Bringing up her hand Rune called forth her diagnostic device. Passing it over the sword caused it to flash red and make a alerting beeping noise. "Ah-ha! Its magic is active so they set of a mana detector. We can use that to track them down better at least." Rhea smiled brightly at this news. "That means we can use the satellite sweep to find the locations of the others. If this one is activating we can use its reading to find the ones we need." Both girls looked at the sword and hefted it. "Damn its heavier than I thought for a single handed weapon. Its almost like two blades in this thing."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at Runes words and smiled brightly "Alright!" she'd smile clearly clueless at half of it "So then we have a means of detecting it." the heorine turned to Yuna and The Egg "This realm also has a means of transport that makes a few days trip just a few hours."

"We'll be setting things right in no time!" Rikke turned to the kitsunes, calming her cheery attitude a bit "Are... Are you two okay with all this? It's probably a bit sudden and surreal, eh?" honestly the rogue was used to such events and sudden advantures... the two kitsunes likely weren't as adaptive.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The two kitsune looked at each other seemingly drawing strength from each other. "Rikke if what you say is true we can prevent a war and the deaths of thousands." Rhea nodded "I've only read about magic and its wonders. To see a world where those exist on a daily basis and not conjured in some acadamy lab would be worth the risk." A slight cough echoed from behind them. "Even if it doesn't work like you think it will the artifacts would be better in our hands anyway." Looking up quickly Rikke saw Saul standing with a notebook and a pencil taking notes. "Fascinating to think it was alive the whole time...." All of them looked surprised at Saul who simply shrugged "I was testing a cloaking emitter and figured the best durability test would be here where our little friend.. umm Jessica as you call her likes to kill machines. Needless to say I've learned quite a bit."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You didn't need to eavesdrop, Saul." Rikke gave the man a look, clearly none too happy at his stealthy approach "And yes, her name is Jessica. You should treat her with far greater respect than any of us." the heroine continued "I assume you've heard most of it?" she'd clearly hint at their plan, if not the duo kitsunes could fill the man in later on.

"So you three get to work on finding our artifacts, alright?" she'd look over the other realmers "The moment you have a positive on even one of them, let me know." Rikke turned to Yuna "This realm has insane transportation methods. The few day trip should take barely a few hours." she'd beam her daughter a confident smile, before turning back to Saul, Rhea and Rune "I'll stay here until you have it settled, alright?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul frowned "Really it wasn't my intent to do that honest." Rhea didn't look to convinced by his argument and had a dangerous look in her eye. Getting up she stalked towards Saul in a predatory manner. Saul seemed to pale and held up a sparking smoking bracer of some kind. "Look see I'm not lying worked just fine till a wave of energy hit me." Jess glowed brightly behind Rikke a feeling of satisfaction washing over her. "What did you see?" Saul took a step back starting to sweat. "N-nothing Rhea really.." Rune got a cross look on her face and stood up joining Rhea. "Saul... what did you see...." Paling even further than Rikke thought humanly possible Saul stuttered the same argument over and over till one fateful slip. ".... Really I didn't see anything. Not even two woman masturbating together... Oh shit!" Saul turned quickly and began to run as Rhea and Rune chased him leaving Rikke and Yunie alone with Jess. Light emphreal laughter seemed to echo in her mind as Jess glowed even brighter than before and it was even joined by Yunie.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted merrily at the sight, at the very least those three had their assignments sets... right after their revenge at the peeper "You didn't break his device on purpose, didn't you?" the rogue have Jessicas egg a sly smile, before sighing happily and sitting down. Honestly devoid of the machinery and the constant sounds that just kept going and going in Endus, this place felt the most like home.

"So everything that's happened to me... that was all you two?" she'd turn to the two magical apparitions "And by the way Yunie... your form... are you?" Rikke couldn't utter the question fully, it was her hope the girls expression was enough to hint at it... was the girl dead or was there some other reason why Rikke couldn't meet her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess seemed to glow all the brighter at Rikke's mention of her mischief. Turning to Yunie however she approached the subject that seemed to catch in her throat. "Im fine mom really this is just a projection. Im still on the island. Heh oddly enough worshiped by natives that hit the shores after the zero event. Though I haven't heard from Siena sense it happened." Yunie's face darkened a little. This seemed to effect Jess too. My sisters where with Sienna when it happened. I just hope they are okay." Gathering herself up Yunie smiled again. "But yes we are responsible for your rescue. When the event hit you where trapped in between the spiritual realm and the physical world like air pocket under a pot when you pull it under water. It took us this much time to get you out and much planning to make sure you had allies that would help you here.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wait..." Rikke quickly stood up "What do you mean? When you took me away was when the event happened?" the rogues eyes were clearly ignited, a deep worry for her friend all too evident Ïf i return to my world as is... it would be post this explosion?" the girls voice rang out with hints of both sadness and dread.

Quick reply, but needs calrification >.< Kinda important
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yunie sighed and bonked Rikke on the head even if there was no contact. "No the event trapped you. If it works like we think it will we will be able to stop it. All magic items should have imprint of the event.. kinda like a scar from an old injury. We can open a portal to that event we can stop this from happening. Everything should return to normal. Thats why getting more artifacts than what we need will be good. Their power would help in that regard. That is why you are important mom. You're the only living creature that's been around before the event but didn't suffer its mark on your soul. In essence you are the key to open the gate.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue relaxed with clear relief "Alright. Then for now let's focus on collecting those artifacts." she'd smile kindly "From what I can in this realm, without any magical creatures this should be just a easy scavenger hunt. We'll get everything fixed in no time!" Rikke grinned brightly, though at the back of her head she knew - nothing is ever as simple as it seems.

Either way, Rikke would soon enough ask about the tribe Yuna had mentioned and how was the girls life after the event. Oddly enough she didn't seemed to have aged at all, especially considering just how many years it's been...
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yunie giggled at the question and was all to eager to tell Rikke about them. Apparently they called themselves the Nush and from what she could tell they where a mix of sailors and other native tribes. For the most part they where very peaceful with little fighting amongst themselves and seemed to honor all sorts of spirits which is where she ran into her situation with them. At first she wanted nothing to do with them and hid in the cave slowly drawing power from the island only going out to get the occasional fruit to eat. But after an encounter with a rather nasty giant crab, which she had to expend her power to defeat the Nush made her their deity. "I tried to avoid them really I did but then they followed me up to the cave started leaving offerings... it just got hard to say no. Want to see what they look like? I adopted their physical appearance while I'm on the island." Yunie shifted slightly her image changing to have a more tanned appearance her cloths changing to a more primitive tribal look. "This is what they look like but given the mixture of people that make up the Nush my Orange hair hardly stands out." Yunie gave rikke a little spin to let her see her all around.