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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eagerly returned the kiss with a lingering smile, while her hands were locked behind her lovers neck, only the tails appearance unweaving her hold on her lover "Hum~ Well there's a feeling I haven't felt in quite a while." the rogue glanced down to the tail and would lower her hands to caress the spade tip playfully.

Though what came next the rogue certainly didn't expect. Slowly, but surely numerous lights of all sorts of colors began to appear all around. While it was a wonderous sight, Rikkes eyes were just as locked to the lights as they were locked to just Jessica.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each light sparkled and changed color though as Rikke watched Jess started to sweat. Cleary this took some effort still she had a smile on her face. Suddenly she clapped and the lights went out. "Phew.. Ive spent to much energy today. Maybe it is good we are staying for dinner." Looking exhausted Jess would head over to one of her every poofy chairs and sit and smile weakly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't help, but smile at the magic display, though more than anything it was impressive just how quickly Jess got the hang of the arcane talents. Still as it ended Rikke would clap happily and give the magic knight an encouraging smile "That was amazing Jess! So, the portals were really you, not some scroll or incantation?" the rogue would sit right next to her, taking a chair from nearby if need be.

"Hum~ Well if I know succubi... They regain energy via different means than just dinner." Rikke smirked knowingly as she leaned forward from her hair, her forehands ever so subtly accentuating her very generous bust...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess would place a hand on Rikke's cheek loveingly. "Rikke what do you think succubi eat...." Jess blushed clearly hinting at the dinner for the evening. "Still its been so long Im sure my sisters won't mind me spoiling my appitite a little. Jess leaned up and kissed Rikke deeply seeing if the rogue was still willing after hearing about dinner.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just as Jess finished hinting at what the actual dinner is going to pertain, she'd playfully flick the rogues nose as the words clearly sank in... "AN ORGY?!" Rikke looked to Jess in shock "Jess, I kinda like your sisters, but not enough to... you know." truth be told, an orgy sounded like great fun! Though the rogue did not care for the participants on offer here one bit "But how does that even work? You can't feed off each other and all get fed at the same time."

As the rogue questioned whats to come, she couldn't help, but think... was this literally dinner every night? It had to become mundane after some time, unless the sisters had some very interesting things on offer... things the rogue felt that extra little bit curious to find out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm no of course not. They have slaves..... for that." Jess looked away shamed. "Don't worry though Rikke I make sure Im in charge of them so they don't get killed. Its all my sisters would let me due. I try to make their lives a little better... but well...... I can only do so much."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened once more as the situation was explained, before growing sad "Jess, it's best we don't attend this "dinner". I'm not sure what would happen if I saw it." slaves... the one word that absolutely sent shivers across the rogues body, though what was she to do. The succubi needed to eat and in this remote tower it was questionable if they'd find volunteers.

The rogue sat down clearly deep in thought about something "There is no way to somehow change your sisters ways. Is there Jess?" she'd look up to her lover, hoping for something unknown.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The mood ruined Jess brought Rikke down to hug her to her breasts. "We probably could over time. Ella had Yenna and Amber is rather fond of Mary and the former pristesses. Elizibeth dosn't care where her food comes from. And Vivi.. is into more... exotic food." That just leaves me and you to eat. I will make due with what ever I can find but you don't have to come if you don't want. Ill explain it my sisters.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked and looked to Jessica "You're still going? Jess those are slaves. Are you really that hungry?" the rogue looked to her lover briefly, indeed the mood was ruined, but if Jessicas hunger had indeed grown far too large... Then again, the rogue suspected maybe she was just used to having on time dinner.

"Time isn't something we have too much of..." suddenly the rogue jolted straight "Poor Venise! She's probably called in everyone we ever met to our camp outside! We need to tell everyone there's no need to come here!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could see how hungry Jess was just looking into her eyes. It was of course natural to think Jess may have picked up some old bad habits nothing she couldn't work out of her with a proper whipping. Suddenly it dawned on her. Venise had been waiting for days. Hells a whole army could be camped outside right now.

"Rikke calm yourself.. Its okay time moves faster here. How long have you been inside the tower proper? A week maybe two? Its only been about two hours outside." Jess got up trying to calm her down. Focusing and expending even more of her wanning reserves Jess pulled up a picture of Venise playing with Willow as she waited. Suddenly Samantha came tumbling into camp scarying the both of them something feirce. Then the image faded as Jess wobbled and fell into her chair breathing heavily.. "Too much.... just to much..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seeing Sam rush into the camp Rikkes eyes widened lightly, Venise did indeed seem fairly calm for having to wait for days, however Rikke sent Sam after a decent amount of days spent in the tower. Jessica was right, time did flow differently here... however that meant.

Rikke would quickly come closer to her lover and smile warmly to her, this time it was her placing a hand on her cheek "Jess... how long has it been for you? Since we last met?" she'd ask in a tender tone, the sight of Jess almost collapsing was enough for Rikke to comprehend her lovers hunger...

The heroine would lean as Jessica answered and kiss her tenderly, it was a long time to wait for someone to rescue you... perhaps indeed long enough to lose hope "I'm sorry I took so long." she'd smile kindly and kiss Jessica once more, her finger moving to remove whatever clothing her lover had.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica bit her lip as RIkke spoke her eyes watching her lovers hands move. "I told you silly its been three years." Jess heaved her body getting aroused at the closeness of Rikke. Even a little mischife entered her eyes as her body shapeshifted to causing her breasts to swell as Rikke undid her top makeing them pop out. Slowly a long absent friend curled around Rikke's waist almost nuzzleing her belly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Jessica as the words sank in, so when she said that earlier... she wasn't just exaggerating. Rikke assumed it was two weeks for Jessica as well, but with this time warp... The heroine smiled in a pervy fashion "I'm here now and I'm not leaving you again." honestly what else was Rikke to say, 3 years. Jessica was stuck in this room waiting for 3 years... all this time waiting or hoping for Rikke to arrive. The least the rogue could do was just be herself, exactly as Jessica remembered. Keeping her balance with one hand Rikke would lean over Jessica and right next to her lips, keeping a light distance from her lover.

The girl playfully placed a finger on the bit down lip and with a playful flick made it pop out, before she leaned in for a deep kiss. The rogues dexterous other hand would quickly finish removing Jessicas garments and quickly throw them behind her "Hum~ Be in the form thats comfortable for you, Jess. I love you, not whatever form or adjustments you make." she'd giggle playfully before leaning back into the kiss, this time letting her tongue dance with Jessicas whip-like one.

Her hand that flicked the lips puckered for the kiss, would gently guide the ticklish fingertips down Jessicas neck, to her bust slidding over the massive mound to brush across the girls nippies, before going down still. Rikke would continue to guide it along Jessicas midriff until the touch left her lovers body and moved the rogues own exceptional body. Still cased in leather, Rikke would guide her touch up her body to the tail and to it's spade tip. Ever so gently moving her two fingers to tickle and tease the ending up and down.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Touching it just so made Jessica gasp in her arms momentarily breaking their tongue play. She knew exactly how senstive the thing was and how it absolutly loved Rikke. As she strocked it like a minipenis the tail tip began to ooz its lubrication. Meanwhile Jess had finished slipping out of her blouse revealing her perfect breasts. Rikke could see why Jess liked them at this size. They where big enough to have fun with yet small enough not to stress the back overly much. Though as she traced the perfect tit flesh RIkke saw an intricate tatoo that was placed all along Jess's body. Snatching the hand that traced it Jess looked into her eyes. "Don't worry about those now." Kissing her Jess moved her hands along Rikke's armor searching for a familar strip of leather. Tugging it ever so gently Rikke felt her armor loosen up to be removed easily.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smirk seductively and lean closer to Jessicas ear "I'm won't." she'd lean out right as Jessica grasped the weak point and the rogue herself would pull herself back, leaving Jess only to firmly hold it as the quick release swiftly loosened the rogues armor "Now, uncoil and watch." she'd speak in a stirring and silent voice, the rogues lip movements seemingly all too mesmerizing.

Her loosed upper armor would all too alluringly show off the rogues shoulder, seemingly only her very bountiful bust holding the leathers still on her, her lower armor lightly shifted to the right adding all the more to the sight as it hinted at the girls silken legs. Rikke would hold up her armor with one hand as the other got to work removing the loose holds that still remained, her eyes locked to Jessica as she allowed the succubus memory to run wild just remembering what the heroines nude form looked.

Playfully looking down to one stubborn hold, the rogue had finished removing every pieces hold, only her hand pressing against her body denying view to her lower. Her eyes returning to meet Jessicas, Rikke would ease her and move the upper armor pieces aside and to the ground, her pushed back D's giving a arousing bounce upon showing.

Giving a playful giggle to her lovers hungering eyes, Rikke just to make the wait all the more agonizing would slowly slide her hands along her sides, her fingertips maping out each and every perfect line on her body, before her thumbs stopped at her leather pants. Moving her hips with each tug Rikke side to side, the rogue would teasingly tug each side of her leather pants more and more before with satisfying shift her exceptional ass slipped out of it's holds, revealing the heroines luscious thighs as well. Guiding her pants down, she'd put the aside leaving only her silken panties, which she'd treat in the same manner.

Now alluringly leaning forward Rikke placed her thumbs at the sides of her panties and with slid them off at an even speed, revealing petite petals and ass in full for her lover.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's tail slipped off as she watched the show. As Rikke slowly undid ever strap and buckle, Jess eyes took he in hungerly scanning every move like a hungry cat. As the last bit of armor gave way and the tight leather pants soon followed Jess was flush and ehr tail excited. In fact Rikke could see Jess haveing a hold of it as it tried to assult her. "Oh Rikke your just as perfect as I remember you." Smiling Jess used her tail to pull Rikke's panties all the way off. These where brought to her face as she sniffed them almost shuddering.

Eyes gleaming Jess undid the rest of her blouse letting it fall away quickly followed by her dress showing that she wore no panties. Fully nude Rikke could see her lover's new tattoos start from her heart and went down to her upper thighs. Moving quickly Jess embraced Rikke kissing her deep letting her arms wrap around her neck as she hugged her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shook her head and snickered at Jessicas actions "Hum~why the wardrobe, when I'm right here." just to make a point the rogue took a pause arching her ass subtly as she kept a light lean forward, her forearms pushing her bust together as one hand rested on her thigh, while the other playfully beckoned for Jessica to come closer.

Though when Jessica took the alluring bait, Rikke would make sure to keep control of the situation allowing the kiss, but guiding momentum towards the nearby bed. Toppling her lover onto it. The rogue would continue the kiss, as she got on her knees on top of her Jess, the succubus kiss continiously sending shivers of excitement across her whole body.

Leaning out, Rikke kept three fingers on Jessicas chest keeping her down as she slowly crawled down along her lovers body admiring both every detail of her and of the new tattoo. Though as Rikke reached the end of the bed she'd climb down and gently push Jessicas legs apart, her eyes still locked on her lover, her smile as mesmerizing as it was absolutely stirring.

Though as Rikke got closer, the tail would suddenly appear! Rikkes eyes shot wide as the tail slipped right between her DD's from below, it's thin nature leaving it completely enveloped by the silken valley with only the tip seen poking out. With a sly giggle Rikke looked to Jessica "Not quite what I had in mind..." she'd lick her lips, before bitting down on her lower one and pushing her bust together "But I'll make due." she'd wink slyly to Jessica, only Rikkes upper body visible as she was between her lovers legs on her knees, though now leaned out and the pervy tail squeezed between her D's.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ya know he's always had a mind of his own." Jessica was blushing and her body was already expecting what was to come. A sweet trickle ran down her leg as her lover's body started to reach its peak level of arousal. While Jess waited for what Rikke would do next her tail began to do its own thing. Slowly it would begin to plunge up and down the silken vally of Rikke's devious D's causing Jess to shudder. Eventually its protective sheath pealed away revealing the phalic tail in all its glory.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The heroine on her knees and between her lovers legs, the tail all too anxiously began to indulge in the silken squeeze on all side. Rikke held her bust tightly, the girls hands barely just enough to grasp her D's silky flesh ever so subtly even seen between her spread fingers.

Her lips puckered as she looked to the cock-tail plunge up and down, Rikke breath grew deeper as the constant rhythm and force send shivers across her own body as well. The pervy heroines cunny growing damp just imagining the tail using similar thrust to fuck her silly.

Ever the mischievous lover, Rikke slowly crept closer to Jessica, making sure the tail had little room between her lover and herself. With less room to maneuver Jessica felt the effect all too clearly, pushed closer her each upward thrust of her tail would be forced to grind against the succubus own pussy.

As the tip changed, so did seemingly most of the tail, rapidly adapting numerous ridges and bumps along its length. Rikke couldn't help, but let a silent moan escape her as the first renewed thrust ran between her juicy and now even slick D's, each ridge actually too familiar, each ridge making her heart skip a beat.

Still with both girls arousal peaked, the tail would suddenly thrust harder and turn it's tip to the rogues mouth, instantly going to press against her full, luscious and even puckered lips. Rikke almost lost herself, her mouth beginning to open to let the tail slip in, its taste all too clear on her tongue... though she'd deny access and lean out lightly "Not yet." she'd smirk and go of her D's "Tease me." she'd almost whisper to the tail, though would make sure Jess caught the whisper as well.

With those words Rikke would quickly push up from her knees and climb on top of Jessica, her well-fucked D's swaying all too eagerly, her popped nippies all too ticklishly poking at Jessicas own bust. With that Rikke locked her lover to deep and supremely passionate kiss. Their tongue dance loosing all notions of modesty, as the two lovers with clear passion kiss, their silent moans growing louder, if muffled by each other.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's face was flush as Rikke climbed onto her sensually. Her own skin shivered at her lovers approach her small but still substancial bust grazed the D's sending shivers therw her. The tail always a thing for mischife seemed to understand what Rikke wanted or at lest fed off Jess's subconsious thoughts on the matter. Began to thrust between the two woman teasing both of their aroused slits. Though it would be to much for the senstive organ as it spattered its seed between the two woman but kept pumping away teasing as best it could from its postiiton crushed between the two woman.