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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"If they're not watching the sky an airborne attack could work. Whatever happens, don't get caught." she'd nod firmly to her friends and agree to play the bait. Approaching the lowered bridge Rikke looked over the castle and took a deep breath "Alright, Rikke. Let's see what we've learned." though she kept her eyes sharp for absolutely anything, her walk was surprisingly casual. Only upon reaching the courtyard did Rikke draw Beauty.

"Yoldra..." she'd utter under her breath at the sight, seemed her ally was caught and sentenced to such a cruel death... but just as her, Yoldra was stubborn. She just needed to hang in there a bit longer.

Making sure not to disturb the bottles Rikke approached the stocks, with a few swift swings she'd dismantle the stocks and take her Nemesis in her hand "It's not your time yet, we have a job to do, remember?" the rogue smiled kindly and picked out one of her healing potions trying to ever so slowly sip a few drinks to the girl, not enough for her to choke on. For everything Yoldra was... noone deserves such a fate, not even the demon bent on ruining Rikkes life.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Useing one of her precious healing potions Rikke was unsure if it had helped the woman. She was still unconsious and being this close Rikke could see all that had been done to her. It was clear she had been beaten before during and even after her defilement. A nasty coller was affixed to her neck likely limiting her powers to feed. It wasn't a complex thing and Rikke could easily take it off herself if need be. She hated such things but was reminded that she had a set of four all her own for use against her no allies the sisters.

"How touching... the daughter returns to the mother. I would cry if it didn't make me sick. Come now Rikke drop this heroic pretense and come serve your true master."

At the entry way to the castle stood the master in all his dark glory. Though this time he was armed for battle. A massive ebony blade rested on his back and he wore black ebony armor framed with gold. He had one massive clawed hand outstreched waiting for Rikke to take it. However just above him and inteh sky Rikke saw Janet and Yenna decend on one of the keeps upper floors.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the severely injured succubus, Jessica had explained to her that once fully drained a succubus has no means to regain her spiritual energy, effectively dieing on the spot... the rogue frowned, narrowed her eyes and squinted, but she couldn't just leave Joldra to wither away like this. Even if she really didn't want to, the rogue still leaned in and ever so gently kissed Yoldra feeling the hungered succubus take a sip of the offered energy. Though shortly after Rikke leaned out a familiar dark voice called out...
Offer 5 EP to Joldra

He was right here! And completely alone to boot! What were those two doing! Rikke noted the flight had landed on the top of the castle and with the Masters current position there was no way they saw him! Gripping her blade tightly Rikke quickly thought of her options before turning to him and sheathing Beauty.

"Such an open invitation, though what exactly did this poor girl do to you?" Rikke smirked at the Master with surprising confidence, but didn't approach. For the time being she'd bluff not knowing who Yoldra was or their connection.

Seeing the damned demon right in front of her, the rogue quickly felt her body shiver, though it wasn't fear. Though her heard sped up Rikke had herself under full control for now "Never took you one to share your premium toys." More for distraction than anything else, Rikkes current stance did little to hide her absolutely luscious beauty and she had little trouble using it to great effect now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I humored her little talks with you as long as I could, but when it turned into outright betrayl I had to intervene. After all I can't have my army killed in an ambush now can I. Nor can I let the enemy get so close as to actually threaten my lands." He looked at her his eyes hungry and their was no denying what he pictured in his mind. 'Thats right keep talking big guy.' Yenna and Janet quickly slipped into the castle dissapearing from sight. "In the end she was just a tool. Easily discarded when she was no longer useful. I must admit though using her was fun especially once I made her change to look like you." He grinned and took one massive step forward. "But now i want the true woman. Be my queen Rikke and everything you desire could be yours. Well with in reason anyway. Im not about to keel over and die. That would be little fun for me.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"D'aw~ what if I asked very nicely." she'd lean forward still keeping her distance and pucker her lips teasingly, before leaning out with a giggle "No offense, Master, but your lands seem a bit... dull. Besides your cock, I see nothing that would tempt me to stay here." the rogue spoke still trying to buy some time, however if the two went inside... the best option for the rogue would be to pretend to join the Master?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You could have any realm you wanted dear. Lush foreset raging rivers just submit and I will make it so." The master grinned and took another massive step forward. He was bigger than she remembered. "I could steal your will away with a look Rikke but I don't want that I want you to accept me as your Master with your own heart your own will. The others I broke mentally as they where unfit or just passing toys. But you Rikke you can match me in power. Together the cosmos would tremble before us. Nothing could stop us."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'You've underestimated me once, want to give it a shot again.' the rogue would quickly defiantly answer to his whispers, though he had sway on her, Rikke had proved to be able to overcome even greater influences if only thanks to her nature.

"Cosmos? I would've never taken you for such a silly demon, Master." Rikke smirked to him and in a surprising turn of event fully faced him, seemingly no longer ready to run back at any moment "If you truly want me, Master. Prove it, no words or vocal promises, turn your promises to action, to reality." she'd playfully poof her hair and let the purple locks playfully fall on her exceptional body, making sure to make eye contact the rogue looked to him with a surprisingly stirring mischievious smile, letting her eyes look down his body, before looking back up "Perhaps then we could discuss our little activities in greater detail. Somewhere a bit more private as well."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hrump this realm is dead. I had to use its life force to battle those trecherous bitches. However this place is not my home. Take my hand Rikke and I will show you paradise." The master extended a clawed hand, it was open hiding nothing. In the background she could see Janet and Yenna on some stairs getting ready.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked to him and looked down with a smile, before slowly taking a first step forward to him "First we'll need to discuss this little contract." she looked up with clearly purple eyes, though they remained light "Though that cock of yours does make it hard to breathe at times, so perhaps we'll chat after we relax a few rounds." she'd slowly begin her approach, subtly nodding as if to the Master while it was actually facing her companions behind him "However there is one condition." Rikke subtly nodded to her friends "You are my enemy, Master, the only way I will join in your paradise. Is if you can defeat me and capture my friends, until then. Don't expect me to yield, you know I'm not that easy." before her words sank in the heroine spurred into action!

Rikke drew her blade seemingly quicker than the demon could blink and lunged forward! Her mobility and speed easily at it's peak!
Desperance! 7 EP for +14 dodge!
Lightning strikes on the Master! Let's go!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger


Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 28/45, Status = Fine +14 dodge
Janet Hp: -82/85 Pp: 48/48 Ep: 27/47 Down
Yenna Hp: 88/88 Pp: 71/71 Ep: 73/73

The master don't look unless you like to cheat ;P
Hp: 134/360 Pp: 180/180 Ep: 202/210

53 vs 26, 32 sucess! The Master has spotted Janet and Yenna!

Janet attacks!
Janet uses Charge -10 dodge +4 attack and damage
Janet uses Spirited Warrior X=10 for +10 dodge and AV, +20 resistance
79 vs 70 hit! 45 damage after natural armor
Rikke attacks!
Lighting strikes! 77, 71, 67 vs 70 2 hit! 78 damage after armor

Master attacks Janet!
Casts Empowered bloodfuled hammerwave level 5 force spell bc 54 success
Janet ake 167 damage after armor

Yenna attacks
3 hits! 92 damage after armor!

Hearing something behind him the Master turned as Rikke made her strike. "SO BE IT I WILL TAKE YOU BY FORCE!" Still Janet was in first her body aglow as she channeled divine power and stuck. Black blood spatterd around the strike coating the ground in its awful slick. Rikke quick on her feet let in with a flurry of strikes hitting once and then twice before the master parried her blade away with his claw. "INSECT!" Feeling a charge in the air Rikke saw a hammer made of dark energy swing next to Janet hitting the knight with an all to sicking crunch. As the imparct hit time seemed to slow. Janets blade flung from her grasp in a dazseling arc as the magical blow knocked her from her feet and out of sight from Rikke. A distance crash the only indication of Janet landing someplace. This seemed to spur Yenna into action as she quickly took Janets place sliding in to let three powerful stabs hit the master gut spilling more of his dark blood everywhere. In her hightened senses Rikke could see clear blue eyes addorning Yenna's face and she swore she saw a flurry of white feathers as the angels wings pushed her back avoiding an retalitory blow.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet!" For a moment Rikkes heart began to sank, though she'd quickly gather herself and focus on the battle at hand. The sheer speed and force the master used, even with her heightened senses if he aimed that attack on her. Squinting Rikke steadied her breath, seemed the only one that could fight the Master on even ground was noone else. Still so long as Yenna bought the rogue time, she had to use it!

Going full on offensive Rikke charged forward! Though she could attempt to use her unexpected speed, perhaps catching the master by surprise. The way he all too easily spotted her friends, left little doubt about how perceptive the demon was. This time she'd try to win it with just her trademark skill and perhaps a bit of luck!

No Desperance, due to Yenna tanking (Apparant Innocence effect)
Lightining strikes on the Master!

Yenna should use Defensive fighting for her excess attack roll and then a bit (D20 ~15 attack to hit)
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks all out! gaining +5 to hit from flanking with Yenna
3 attacks 73, 74, 72 vs 70 all hit! 94 damage after armor
Yenna will not be out done
3 attacks auto hit 94 damage after armor
Master is defeated.. for now.

Rikke dashed in her blade finding and hitting every weakpoint she could find but still the master stood. In the fury of her attack Rikke could likewise see Yenna striking just as quick. Almost in unison their blows struck making it impossible for the master to dodge them. Vile blood spattered everywhere till the master fell to his knees coughing up buckets of the dark tianted blood. "You'll pay for this Rikke... you will pay." Instatly the Masters body began to glow causing Yenna to look up in surprise. In an instant the angel was ontop of Rikke sheilding her a massive expliosin ripped threw the castle.

The air burned as Rikke and Yenna where flung out of the entry way only to land in a jumbled heap the fallen angle rolling away limp as Rikke felt one of her arms crack sending jolts of pain threw her. Looking up Rikke saw the castle collapse in a pile of rubble a dark manvolent cloud of shadow rising from it before dissapateing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

If she lost here everything up to now, would've been for naught. Gripping her blade tightly Rikke began her three strike attack, each blow just as swift as it was graceful. One slash to cripple, one to disable and-- With her positioning right behind the now heavily injured master Rikke saw Yenna, her move a complete mirror of Rikkes. The two girls eyes met as they exchanged a smile seemingly, with the time slowed before both delivered the final blow! The third strike to execute!

The duo slashes cut into the demons neck, though the board shoulders and the heavy armor would mean instead of decapitation the beasts head held on the middle third of what remained of the neck, the other two thirds now just gaping slashes.

The angel and Rikke now positioned infront of him glanced back, though before victory was achieved one final hateful message and the Masters final act would come...

Rikke saw all too clearly Yennas feathers burn as soon after moments before the force would still push both of them aside "AAAAHAAAA!!" Rikke cried ut as the pain surged across her body, looking to the injury the rogue gritted her teeth and focused herself, the likely broken bone shifting and turning before placing itself in a manageable state, still broken and utterly painful... but at the very least it wouldn't get any worse for now.

Looking to the castle crumble, Rikke couldn't help but feel as if something had lifted off her. Her heart growing all too light, before sinking all too deeply "JANET!" Rikke looked to the castle, but it was far too late. If the knight was thrown in there... the heroine squinted as tears swelled up in her eyes, before looking to her other friend "Yenna!" she'd quickly limp to the angel, on her knees and only one hand to support the rapid approach.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke made her way to the broken angel and rolled her onto her knees. Yenna was limp though her tainted state had made her resistant to the burns the sheer force of the blast no doubt did massive damage. Blue eyes fluttered open to meet Rikke's and a faint smile crossed her lips before the fallen... no before the angel passed from this world.

Seemingly alone Rikke would sit for awhile untill a lone little scout ventured into the ruins of the fort. He bore the colors of the sisters and looked to Rikke expectantly. "Mistress we should leave before the rest of his forces regroup. I know the way out follow me."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The swelled up tears rolled down Rikkes cheeks as the angel showed signs of life and turned to the rogue, the heroine taking the girls hand in her still working one "Yen, we did it! We did it together, we killed the Master." she'd smile widely to angelic girls eyes, the shimmering lightly as she broke it into a full grin "I never told you, blue was totally your color..." she was about to break into a laugh, when suddenly with a final smile to the rogue the angel fel limp.

"Yenna? Yenna!" no matter how much Rikke tried to wake her or how many potions she spilled, the angel would drift away "I-I'm still here, Yen... then why are you gone, we made a deal right. Right...?" with those final words, in her moment of utter triumph the desolate plains rang with the rogues sorrowful cries.

Some time later someone would find Rikke, curled up and silent not facing the voice at all. She had remained next to Yennas corpse all this time. The heroines gaze still locked on the ruined castle... "Go away." she'd state coldly, though as the scout stuttered to repeat his command the rogue would turn to him hatefully "GO AWAY!" she'd call out, before even more tears would run down her face, her one properly working hand squeezed into a fist. Her broken hand, had now shifted slightly likely causing intense pain to the girl.

Though as the scout turned to leave under the dangerous demand or perhaps even lingered further, Rikke would wipe away her tears and address him in a suprisingly command if utterly cold manner "Wait. Take the angel to the sisters to the troops, anyone even touches a hair on her body they will choke on their own dismembered cock. I'm going to the castle, tell them I'll return after I find my friend."

If dared question her choice Rikke would turn to scout with clear hate "I AM NOT LEAVING JANET IN THIS PLACE! Either help me or do as you're commanded!" with that the rogue would look around for Janet, troops and pain be damned. Starting from wherever she'd have calculated her knight was smashed to.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The scout not willing to risk further wrath did exactly as he was told only stopping to ask. "What about that one?" Looking Rikke saw tha Joldra was still laying where she was. She had sensed life in the woman before and she could still feel the energy of their contract. She was alive at lest for now. Making a decsions on that she turned to the ruins of the fort. Looking about she found a smashed window and a trail of slightly lumincent blood as well as drag marks. Mika.....
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yoldra... Rikke pulled out the sheets from Yennas and her own backpacks, covering Yenna with her own while giving Yoldra the slightly more burnt one "Send another scout to take her, she is my captive and is heavily injured, no harm will come to her." the girls voice still carried a surprising amount of coldness and command, though her last words sounded more like a threat than anything else.

If there was no one available, Rikke would ask the scout to move her to a less out of sight place and after making sure Yoldra was comfortable would continue her search. The demoness at the very least was alive, finding Janets remain and getting them to holy ground was Rikke absolute priority.

Soon enough Rikke found some strange signs, spurring her to follow "Mika..." the rogue followed the trail wherever it lead. The sheer pain of her broken hand, absolutely pulsing wave after wave of pain across her nerves.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"As you order Mistress." The scout would see to Joldra's comfort before taking Yenna away carrying her reverntly lest Rikke end him.

Following the signs Rikke found that they lead exactly the way they had come. Though at some point the dragging stopped. Looking about Rikke saw way. Janet's armor lay in the grass busted and usless nothing more than fancy scrap now. Mika must have picked her up and carried her. How long of a head start did the girl have? Still there was only once place she would be going.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would sadly run her hand across the armor, looking down sadly before standing up. Mika was gone and with her Janet. She likely went back to the only place she'd call safe.

Returning to Yoldra, Rikke would sit right next to her and look to whatever sight was in front of them "It's funny... after all this." she'd almost choke up and take a deep breath "You're the only one I actually know in this damned tower." the rogue turned to the unconcious girl with a smile, before looking through her inventory.

Actually there were additional 2 potions the rogue had completely forgot, the love draft #9 and a spiritual remedy. Uncorking the spiritual remedy, Rikke would carefully try to offer it to Yenna, only to note the contents seemed to instantly absorb into the succubus upon touch. Emptying the bottle she'd set it down nearby, before drinking a healing potion for her hand as well.

Completely solemn and silent, her hand once more functional. She'd pick up the demoness and carry her out of the desolate lands and past the swamps, utterly ignoring any battle camps she may turned to and going straight for the caves.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The demoness was surpisingly light for her size. Leaving this mornful place Rikke carried Joldra to the caves. Entering Rikke was soon assulted with the sounds of struggling a head. Running she would find a goblin being pulled by a vine twards the entrance to the wildling caves. Doing what she would with it Rikke soon entered the luminous location. Before her spread dozens of the flowers all closed up. The ground around them scattered with weapons and helmets.