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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well it cost them a healing potion, but Yenna was right they were really held up in the cave. The sisters army already had borrowed time before the master prepared his defenses to utterly crush them "Hum~ Well I guess it can't be helped. Scout ahead and come back. Maybe it's not worth it!" Rikke would call out just as Yenna took the sky "Don't take too long 'kay. We'll wait for you here." with a firm nod, Rikke would easily allow Yennas initiative, the angel barely pausing as she took right off. Actually with Yennas flight returned traversing the flower field should be all too easy.

"Hey! We'll be waiting!" like it or not, Yenna was going to have to cooperate with the rest... otherwise she'll be the one having to explain to the sisters why days passed and no sign of the company came.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

An hour would pass before the tell tale flap of wings echoed over the flowers once more. Soon enough Yenna appeared looking rather flushed. Landing the girl sat a moment catching her breath.

"There's another goblin encampment up ahead."


Yenna raised an eyebrow. "Anyway we should be able to sneak by them. I made sure to scout out the area to find a safe passage."

"Thats good now what about Mika?"

"Leave her. This is where she belongs."

Jane looked over only to See Mika's eyes start to water. "That seems so cruel."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused a brief moment upon hearing the news. Likely Yenna could just carry them over and from there the trio could just slip by.... she'd look to Janet and note Mika, clearly a bit worried at whats going on here.

"Girls, you are not pressured to agree to this, this may considered a dark offer." the rogue turned to Yenna and Janet, before speaking in a surprisingly firm and calm manner "Those gobbos are likely ones that slaughtered whoever lived here. What if we deliver justice to this place?" she'd smile lightly as she explained herself.

"Wouldn't it be justice to have the raiders and murderers be turned into the pacifist civilization they themselves destroyed?" Rikke would look to the field of flowers "If we lead them off to this field, the flowers will do the rest."

Rikke paused looking to her companions opinion on the action. To some extent the girls would be leading the goblins to feasted on, however if they're successful this place would surely become a far better place.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You would have to get every single one of them Rikke. Even their children.... While approve I doubt you have it in you." Janet didn't say a word she just looked at Rikke. Clearly she didn't like this idea even if it was justice. Mika for her part just played in some dirt.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked down sadly "You're right." clearly feeling a dash guilty about even considering the rogue didn't face her friends "Just... I wish we could help her." the heroine looked to the innocent girl, she knew the moment they flew over the field Mika would be left alone here for the rest of her life. Absolutely alone in the ruins... "Wish we never even neared that cocoon..."

Her eyes sparkling from the sad thought the heroine looked to Yenna "Think you'll have it in you to carry us over the field, Yenna?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She could come with us? I know she would be an extra burden but she's smart we can have her hide if need be while we fight." Janet had tears of her own forming in her eyes. Yenna moved to speak but halted her own words she was about to speak refusing to leave her mouth. This left Rikke to decided the fate of the girl.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yenna. Besides slavery, could the sisters provide something for Mika?" the trio were not just heading to some town or a remote vista, they were heading into battle against the Master, straight into his realm and even his home. Though Rikke hated the thought, Mika would likely come to far greater harm than anything she could endure here...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke you know the sisters... this girl would have no peace." Yenna turned away refusing to look at Janet or Rikke.

"There has to be something we can do. Leaving her all alone.. is just wrong and I won't do it. We both know what it is to be alone Rikke and I will not leave Mika here to suffer that."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright. We're heading out. All of us." Rikke looked to Mika "Including Mika. There's no rush to make this decision yet. Let's focus on getting out of this cave first." it was a temporal solution, but at this moment Rikke had no right answer... there didn't seem to be one.

"Yenna, can you lift us up one by one? I'll go first if you don't mind." she'd smile to the angel kindly, though her eyes clearly hinted that the rogue wanted to go first, in order to gain some time to consider the situation alone...even for the brief time the flight takes.

After being dropped off Rikke would thank Yenna and wave her goodbye on the much heavier trip... which will likely only reinforce Janets nickname, even if it was just her armors weight.

'Yoldra. I need to speak with you.' Rikke took her necklace in-hand and contacted her dark ally.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding Yenna took Rikke under the arms and carried her over depositing her on the stair. Turning around Yenna looked back at Rikke. "Mistress I must voice my opinion that this will only slow us down and risk the girl to certain death. At lest here she would have lived out her life." Taking off Yenna flew towards the group giving Rikke her moment of peace.

"What is it Rikke?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered and smiled warmly to Yenna "I'm hardly a mistress, Yenna... but I know. We will not take her to the masters realm, just give me some time." the rogue gave Yenna a weak smile before turning around and taking her necklace.

'Whats your situation? Do you know if Sam made it out? Or well any news from outside?' Rikke asked hopefully, honestly there were no good options for Mika inside the tower, outside of it, there may be hope.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im preparing and ambush for some troops moving threw the swamp why? Joldra barely got that out before Rikke launched into her other questions. "Slow down slow down. Yes Sam made it out and no I do not know if anyone has come in or any other news for that matter."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

An ambush! Rikke tensed up briefly, no doubt about it. The demoness had the distraction forces in mind 'Yoldra! You must not attack those forces! Not yet! They're a distraction for the Master, so I can slip by into his realm!' the rogue threw a complete gamble trusting the demoness with this information, it was just her hope that the pact and alliance they made would hold strong 'Think of something, lie or forge something. We'll be arriving to the swamp shortly alright!'

'Can I trust you, with a wildling girl we found? Be it just pretend she's your new pet you found in the swamps, it doesn't matter. Please.' offering a girl to a demoness... but out of everyone, Rikke trusted Yolda of all people to keep to her word and not drug or abuse Mika.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I can hold the ambush but a Wildling girl? I suppose I could but.. it will cost you. No worries its nothing you can't afford. Got to go." With that the communcation ended. Just in time to as Yenna was carrying a clearly struggling Mika.

"Stinkies bad no go mama!"

"Be quiet you little brat!" Yenna dropped the girl and quickly turned around not even speaking with Rikke a blackeye clearly starting to form.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Yoldra...' before Rikke could add just how much such aid would mean, the connection was cut off. Moments later Rikke could hear Mikas yells from a distance, giggling at the approaching duo "Hey! Be careful and don't over do it 'kay, Yen!" the rogue waved to the angel who wasted little time with the transportation, leaving only Rikke and Mika.

"Mika~" Rikke would approach the girl with a smile "Why you hurt Yenna? Hum? She help moma, you and Rikke." the rogue kept a genuine smile as she spoke to the wildling girl.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She stinky like stinkies." The girl was pouting and eyeing the passageway with a great amount of worry. Still Rikke had to give Yenna credit she didn't drop the girl after getting socked in the eye. Rikke had a moment to speak with Mika if she wanted before Yenna and Janet made an approach flying much lower than she had with either of them.

"Damn it cow why do you wear such heavy armor."

"It keeps me safe!"

"Pah you only wear to show off your boobs!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if she stinky, why she help mommy cross bad things." Rikke would point out the duo incoming "Mommy is heavy, Yenna help." the heroine giggled "Maybe Mika say sorry to Yenna? If she feel bad for punchy." oh this reminded Rikke of Sylphie all too much. Leaving Mika to choose whatever she saw fit, soon enough the echos of the two bickering was all too clear to hear.

Running up Rikke would aid with the landing to at least make that part easier for Yenna. After landing Rikke would run up and give Yenna a surprisingly friendly and deep hug "Thanks Yen! That couldn't have been easy!" she'd lean out with a huge smile, all too clearly both proud and happy about the angels actions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mika didn't have an answer and would turn away clearly ashamed of her actions. Assisting where she could Rikke helped Janet down who was almost immidiatly glomped by Mika. In turn Rikke gave Yenna a hug causing the angel to blush. At first it was tense and then she felt a hand return the hug a little. "Thank you..." the hand moved away. "But I won't be doing that anytime soon agian." Even Mika looked at Yenna and frowning said she was sorry.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would give Mika a approving smile before stepping away "Well the good news is, I've likely found someone who will protect and watch over Mika until this all blows over." the rogue smiled widely to Janet "The bad news is we're still stuck in this cave." she'd turn to Yenna 'Have a route for us Yenna?" the angel had scouted out the area a decent bit, perhaps she had a plan.

"Alright, let's head out. By the way eyes sharp, we're in enemy territory now." with a firm nod to Janet, Rikke turned to Yenna and followed her lead.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes this passage way runs by another cave. This is where the goblin encampment is. If we stay quiet we should be able to move by without alerting any of their sentries." Yenna threw a threating look over at Mika. "Cow keep your pet silent and it should be good. If all goes well we should enter the swamp and the masters territory."

Nodding Janet moved to whisper to Mika who seemed to get the idea. This gave Rikke a few moments to check her gear and make sure she was ready to head out. Once that was done the small group would head down the passage the only light guiding them was the glowing hair and skin.

Yenna lead the way while Rikke followed behind keeping an eye out. So far everything was good each member of the party had remained silent as they moved. After a moment or two Rikke passed by an opening seeing two dead gobos lying in a pool of their own blood. Clearly Yenna had encoutered some trouble on her scouting mission. Though with the corpses still present it was likly that the goblins hadn't been alerted just yet. Still they passed by without inccident and was soon upon the entrance of a cave that lead into a stagnet swamp. Immidiatly the smell assulted Rikke nose causing all but Mika to recoil back. What sky Rikke could see was grey casting a twilight look upon the dark swamp. Mosses hung of low lying cypris trees and open pools of stagnet water stirred with unseen creatures. Swarms of bugs hovered of the water and the air was damp. The only light other than the shrouded sky came from Mika and Janet.