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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We're just fooling around. Mika doesn't know any better... or the meaning of anything she says." Rikke smiled in a friendly manner to Yenna and approach "Come on, let's go find that camping spot eh?" she'd offer the angel, before nudging the other two to follow.

Seeing Yenna do her camp further away, Rikke placed a finger on her lips and quickly tapped on Janets shoulder whispering to her "We're moving closer to Yenna." honestly either the angel slept on wet ground or she'll need to bear with her company.

Still if the angel kept moving camp, Rikke would move her camp as well "You either accept this or we're both going to sleep on the wet ground." she'd cross her hands with a confident smile, clearly actually meaning it "Either way, we need to keep our beds close." the rogue leaned forward with a wicked smile "For camp safety reasons." if Rikkes expression wasn't enough, Yenna would have to realise that it was't for 'safety' at all...

"Janet, what do you think. Any chance we can get a fire started? Would be lovely to beat back some of this humidity."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Eventually Yenna would accept the terms though she was grumpy all the while. Janet meanwhile looked all around for something dry to burn but had little luck.

"I don't think we are going to find anything to burn in this place. At lest nothing safe. We should have grabbed some extra wood from the forest."

Mika who had finnaly calmed down just watched Rikke and Janet speak back and fourth. Listening intently.

This place seems dry enough we will just have to deal.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah, but we didn't plan on a mushroom kingdom detour." Rikke sighed casually "Atleast it's warm here." with that the group could stop and finish setting up, perhaps even have some dinner "Yenna~ just taste it." the rogue insisted offering Yenna some of the jerky from their rations "Angels aren't run on air, so eat." she'd smile and once more try to tease the jerky closer to the fallen angels mouth, laughing kindly at any resistance encountered. For some reason, it was starting to be clear Rikke had some affection towards the angel.

Still whatever outcome Rikke wouldn't go as far as flatout bother the angel, turning her attention to Janet checking up on how she was and her take on Mika. Unless something unexpected happened or was said, the group was free to go to sleep and rest up for tommorows trip.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna looked at the jerky and got a twinkle in he eye. "Ya know Rikke.." Yenna pushed the hand away from her and moved right up to the rogue. "Im a full fledge demon and my meals are more.... sensual." Rikke felt Yenna's hand trace up her thigh.


"Umm sorry don't mind me... over here in full view."

Yenna's tail twitched slightly. "Humm oh Im sure we can have you join us cow. Who knows maybe after were done you'll want to stay here with me. I can be very very nice." Yenna turned and kissed Rikke forceably."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke seemed surprisingly casual as suddenly Yenna closed up to her, their substantial bust the only thing keeping the two at a distance. The rogue glanced down to the wandering hand, though made sure to remain absolutely unphased, no matter how sudden the shift was "I do believe, fallen or not, angels are not demons." the rogue replied still keeping a confident tone.

Though she hid it with expertly, at the back of her mind, the offer hardly fel on deaf ears. A night with Yenna? What tricks and treats would the fallen one treat her with... perhaps- Though the forceful kiss instantly broke the perverted thought process, spurring the rogues defiant nature ablaze.

Instead of acting shocked, Rikke would instead return the kiss. Her heavenly full lips and silken skin, seemingly outmatched or perhaps was even on par with the angels. Though just as Janets heart sank or perhaps her body stirred to the possibility the kiss was swiftly ended... only to be followed by a nose grab?!

"Hum~ Someones eager cross the line, isn't she?" Rikke grinned wickedly tugging it in a playful manner and letting go, leaving it only a bit sore "Come on you two. We need to get as much sleep as we can, it may be luxury soon." the rogue would stand and leave for her sleeping bag. Only then Yennas hand slipped away, previously allowing absolute free reign across Rikkes body unless Janet was in a position to see it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna would let Rikke go and laugh at Janet's expression. In turn she headed to her bed roll and tucked herself in. Meanwhile Janet eased herself into her blanket which was now a more snug fit thanks to Mika. Rikke herself slid into her own bed roll her thoughts and body still slightly a flame from the fallen one's touch. Still she was able to drift off to sleep even with the glowing surroundings.

In the morning she was the first to awake. Looking at her blanket as she got up Rikke found small mushrooms growing on it. Well that was fast. Streching she saw Mika and Janet still close together. Janet's hair glowed slightly with a soft yellow light as did her skin slightly but with a more pale glow like Mika's Looking over at the sleeping angel Rikke noted her hair had a wondeful puruple hue that glowed softly as well as her wings. Wait...... glowing? In a moment of worry Rikke pulled her own hair down slightly only to find it indeed was glowing a soft orange though for her her skin like Yenna's was unchanged.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would bonk the angel on the head with 2 fingers, to cut her laughter "Someone enjoyed that a bit too much I see." she'd smirk to Yenna, though the rogue was slightly disappointed with Yennas hand remaining idle. Still after the bonk she'd look to Janet reassuringly and smile kindly "You okay to share with Mika eh?" with that final clarification everyone could go to sleep, the purple hue from Rikkes eyes drifting off as she slept. The morning would bring much more surprises than expected...

Mushrooms?! Rikke quickly looked over her leathers and sighed with relief, atleast they remained shroom-free. Brushing the mushrooms off her blanket the rogue would quickly noted the other changes all around...

Glowing?! Rikke quickly looked through her long hair in hand, there was no mistaking it certainly seemed to glow ever so subtly! "Girls! Girls time to wake up!" while it was hardly cause for panic, this was of all things unnatural. Not to mention why did Janet fully glow skin AND hair! Quickly waking her friends, the issues at hand likely didn't need to be introduced as it was fairly apparent.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting them all rounded up and noticing the changes. Yenna seemed amused but otherwise unintrested. Janet seemed a bit more worried for obvious reasons. Mika well for Mika this was all natural. Rikke's thoughts where her own however. Once more the little rodents appeared and began eating the small discarded mushrooms. This seemed to cause Mika some distress though and she nearly climbed ontop of Janet trying to avoid them.

"Mika.. stop.. whats wrong Mika!"

"She must be afraid of rats and such."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I guess it's nice, but it's er... unnatural." Rikke turned to her company "Might be some side-effect from the spores we got covered earlier." she'd sigh casually "Well let's de-shroom our gear and set out. I guess we could follow this rivers coast. If the water constantly streams to here, maybe there's a waterfall at the end of it or the like." she'd look unsurely to her company.

It was then Mika started acting strange "Hum?" Rikke would approach and inspect the sight as well. Seemed the critters had returned, but why would it cause Mika such distres... perhaps it was due to the critters eating the plants here. For the time being Rikke couldn't be certain for sure "Shoo~" the rogue brushed the tiny shrooms aside along with the rodents with the side of her blade before resheathing it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still even with Rikke's efforts it took Janet moving away from the rodents for Mica to calm down. Watching her closely Rikke followed Janet and Yenna along the river. After having to turn and back track abit as they found more of the flowers Rikke sighed. Pretty as it was this was really slowing progress down. Still after a while Rikke heard the sound of rushing water. Following the sound Rikke came to a series of waterfalls that lead down and down till they hit a wall and flowed under.

"Mommy look!" everyone turned their head to see Mika pulling on Janet's arm and pointing across the river.

Dimly illuminated was a set of houses long abbandoned made out of the giant mushrooms. Crossing the river Rikke could see that the houses had been ransaked leaving nothing of use. On closer inspection a single blunted and rusted sword lay in the middle of one house.

"Well if those things can get in here then we can get out."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While progress was slow, the moment Rikke heard the rushing water she once more lit up "You hear that?" she turned to the group with a smile and rushed onwards to find exactly what she was looking for and more!

"Mushroom houses?" the rogue looked to her company curiously and approached the unfortunately abandoned housing "I wonder who used to live here. The spiders?" Rikke turned as if questioning Yenna directly, though unlikely getting a sure answer "Perhaps this tower was once inhabited by some fey before..." the rogue knelt down next to the blade and looked it over "They were invaded..."

"Let's try checking the other side of the lake. Maybe we'll find some natives or the invaders." Rikke smiled and added to Yennas words leading them onwards, through the housing deeper into unexplored territory. Going back would be a waste and the river seemed to dive underground from here.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I doubt the spiders lived here. More likely Mica's people." Yenna looked over the sword. "Goblins"

Janet frowned. "I doubt Mika's people stood a chance. No weapons no armor. They where peaceful pacifiests."

"Serves them right. If you cannot defend what is yours then it deserves to be taken."

Janet frowed at Yenna but instead was pulled away by Mika further into the village. This left Yenna and Rikke alone. Moving quickly the fallen one moved up to Rikke and cupped her breasts from behind. "Your such a tempting little fox Rikke. I saw that glint in your eye last night. We can get a quicky in while the knight is off to play house."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would join in the frown "No it doesn't. Nothing 'deserves' to be taken." the rogue gave Yenna a firm gaze, before noting Mika leading Janet away as if a child wanting to show off something they found "Go on. We'll be right there." the rogue gave her knight a firm nods, thinking over what to say to dark angel.

"Yen- NA?!" suddenly Rikke felt her bust lifted upwards as Yennas firm grasp slipped from behind her to cup her generous D's! The angel was right, not to mention with all these ransacked houses... the rogue eyes quickly colored purple as she looked to a nearby house a clear mushroom like table providing just enough elavation or the semi-functional door enough cover for them...

"Hum~?" Rikkes tone carried all too pleasantly seductive ring to it "Tempting..." she'd remain close to the angel even allowing the grope to continue, letting the hands feel out just how surprisingly perfect Rikke was beneath all those tight leathers. Until...

Suddenly the rogues hands took hold of Yennas and pulled them back as the rogue stepped out of the embrace, the sheer strength and speed the girl displayed at the moment even caught Yenna off guard "But not with you as you are now. You're free to be whoever you want, not what you think you need to be, you know." as she spoke Rikke looked Yenna directly in the eyes. The rogues confidence and lively spark almost inspiring in that moment, while colored by the purple sheen, the color seemed so surprisingly light and almost oddly fitting her "I don't enjoy those who hurt or insult my friends, including others weaker than them."

With a sly wink Rikke would continue onwards, a all too happy smile on her face as she adjusted her armors "Besides..." she'd look back to Yenna "I don't like quickies."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna let Rikke slip away a look of confusion on her face. Watching a moment Rikke saw or thought she saw at lest Yenna's eyes flit from blue to red again but several times. After a moment they setteled on red and Yenna got her smug smile back on her face. "To bad we could have had such fun." Yenna licked her fingers and traced tehm down her body before heading off to search another part of the camp. Meanwhile Rikke headed to catch up with Janet and Mika. She soon found them not to far over looking a small staircase.

"Outsides! Mama no go bad things!"

Janet was blushing as Mika proclaimed her mother for a secound time. "But Mika I have to. I need to help Rikke save her friend Jess."

"No camp stay with Mika!"

Janet shook her head and it seemed as if Mika was about to cry. Rikke however saw a new problum all before her lay a field of the flowers right up to the stair case.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would keep a casual smile and wait for her to catch up, before proceeding "Guess I'm just a bit sensitive when talking about losing someone." If Yenna still insisted to go off on her own, Rikke would call out not to wander too far in a friendly manner before finding Janet.

If Yenna somehow would accept Rikkes invitation to go togethed the rogue would continue "Even Janet got worried when you were unconscious after our fall." she'd look to the angel and snicker "Just you didn't hear this from me." the heroine winked slyly before finally catching up to Janet.

"Hey Mika. What is it?" Rikke would approach the wild girl with a comforting smile, before turning to Janet to see if she could explain what was Mika doing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna listened but said nothing and after Rikke spoke went off to continue her search. Deep down Rikke felt that she was getting to her with all the corruption that had been done to Yenna and how seemingly fragil her mind was she wasn't sure if she was making it worse.

"Ever sense we found the village Mika has been acting diffrent. She took me right here and pointed out an exit. Just one problum... well two really. One she dosn't want me to leave and two.. well you can see for yourself."

Janet gestured out over the massive feild of flowers.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue looked on to the obstacles and then to Janet "She seems to listen to you. Try asking if she can make the flowers close or not attack us." Rikke smiled to Janet "What if these flowers were sort of a defense or maybe even deeply important in their culture. If Mika can make us a path maybe we can find an exit."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mika just looked at Rikke confused or not understanding. It was then Yenna came up to Rikke.

"If we attack one it seems to send a distress signal to the others and they should close up giving us free passage threw."

Janet didn't seem to like this. "But all those flowers could be future Mika's....."

"Well Im not volenteering for it."

Rikke looked it over undoubtly the tribe that attacked hadn't come back or else they would have likely seen more pods by now. Which means Mika must have been a scout or gotten lost at some point. These flowers here must have sprug up after the attack or else Rikke doubt the little buggers would have made it far.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"None of us will be." Rikke looked on to the field "Perhaps if we scare the flowers, we'll be able to get through." the group needed to pass the field no matter what. If the mushroom village was empty, nor were there any signs of outsiders deeper in the cave. Perhaps the flowers were a sorts of defense against foreign invaders, effective keeping them at bay.

"Well we can't stay here, who knows maybe we'll find other Mikas on the opposite side of the field." Rikke smiled to Janet, heck it was worth a shot. Though the option to attack the flowers, may resonated in a horrid manner to Mika "But... let's give Mika a shot. Maybe she can close the flowers." the rogue turned to Janet, before they acted rashly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna looked skepticle but let Rikke speak with Mika to try and coax the flowers closed. It took some time for Mika to fully understand what Rikke wanted. But in the end the girl just laughed.

"Mika cannot talk to flowers. You very silly Rikke."

This seemed to cause Yenna to sigh and draw her blade advanceing on one of the flowers. Mika watched and stood between he and the flower.

"No! Bad!"

Growling Yenna shield her blade and took a potion out of her pouch. "Enough of this we have been delayed long enough. I will be getting past here Rikke when you finally figure out how your gonna do it catch up." Downing it Yenna stripped of the bandages and splint on her wing and flew into the air easily over the flowers to the staircase. Turning her back around she walked out.

"What a bitch!" Mika opened her mouth only for Janet to shush her. "No Mika bad word."