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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Lightning strikes on the flower!
Desperance! 4EP for 8 dodge

"On no you don't!" Rikke quickly drew beauty and lunged forward letting loose her signature attack, all three slashes aimed around the same area to cut the flower down as quickly as possible!

Unfortunately seemed the rogue would have to exert herself on these damned plants, lest all three of them were caught! Dipping into her supernatural side, the heroines eyes took on a purple hue as she moved forward at blazing speeds!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke seraches for Janet threw violence!
31% fail 3 flowers left
Yenna has been exposed for 3 rounds and Janet 1

Rikke looked about scanning the area. There where about 14 flowers in the field 15 if she counted the one she just got out of. Imidiatly near her where 4 of the things giving her a 25% chance of getting the one that got Janet. Letting loose and burning energy she could hardly afford Rikke came up empty the flower she severed being empty.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What? Rikke blinked as the petal fell empty. Looking up all of them were closed up as well?! Were these things toying with her on purpose? Sharpening her eyes with clear annoyance the rogue once more gripped her blade and cut down the closest flower she thought Janet was stuck in!

Lightning strike down a flower!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

1% success!
Janet is freed and at 18/25 resitance.

Striking quickly Rikke downed another flower only to hear a metalic clang as it fell. "Janet!" Heading over Rikke pulled the fading petals off her knight. Gasping Rikke could see that Janet was coated in the necter and her face was flush but otherwise unharmed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Come on quickly. Can you stand?" Rikke would help the knight up and look to leave the darn field of flowers, if Yenna was caught the rogue had a darn good suspicion where to find her, she'd disappear shortly after they entered...and if they went in a line there were only a few culprits! Hopefully the angels resistance held up against the flowers sensual assault.

Thankfully or well the hope was, with the flowers around cut Janet had enough time to catch her breath. She wasn't in there for long, hopefully the knight would be in form to aid the rogue soon enough!

Wait for Janet to recoup while being on full defense (if needed)
Head back to where they entered and attack the nearest flower pod!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A few more dead flowers later Rikke found Yenna having cut down nearly half of the plants. She was coverd in nectar and apparently unconsious. The thick goops she was in had nearly hardened on her but with a few pulls and pushes Rikke and Janet managed to free her and move out of the suprisigly hostil field of flowers. Resting under a giant mushroom they yet Yenna down. Nearby Rikke noticed a harden amber like object glowing slightly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That was enough discoveries for now. Making sure Yenna was resting and well Rikke would make sure the girl was alright besides being exhausted "Noted... everything in this stupid demon realm will likely try to kill or screw you over." the girl sighed kindly as she noted Yenna seemed alright, if weakened "Looks like we'll be setting up camp here." Rikke smiled to Janet and noted the same substance on her "You alright, Jan?" the heroine leaned closer with a kind smile, relaxing only after hearing her knights status as well.

For the time being the trio would relax near the mushroom, though Rikke would shoo away any critters getting too close to her tired companions. Only some time later would Rikke approach the amber-like item, with supreme caution to boot.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im fine just a little flushed." Sitting down Janet began to clean her armor and weapons. Meanwhile Yenna still lay unconsious her body still slick with the necter. Rikke couldn't help but notice that Yenna's nipples where rock hard however but what she did with that knowledge was up to her. After chasing off the overly curious rodents Rikke would finally moved to the stange formation she had seen before. Inspecting it revealed several long dead and dried flower petals at its base. Looking at the rock closer Rikke noticed a figures trapped in the amber. Clearly some one was inside of it and from the looks of it the rock had a liquid center as the creature inside drifted up and down.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Approaching the object would reveal it's substantial size, measuring easily up to the rogues waist "Looks like someone wasn't so lucky to escape those damn things." the rogue would approach and look the victim sadly, even placing a hand on the object.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was surprisingly warm to the touch even pulsing a little as Rikke touched it. Sadly while she could see something floating within she couldn't tell what exactly it was. It looked fully intact but Rikke couldn't see past the yellowish brown shell to figure it out. "Hey Rikke what do you go there?" Janet walked up beside her and looked the thing over. "Oh someone not so lucky humm... shame."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah..." whatever was inside Rikke couldn't help it now, chances were it was long dead and the girl had no way to dispose of the carcass... nor did she want to encourage the cute critters to further acts of nastyness "It's still warm. Is is some sort of seed, a formed cocoon?" the rogue looked to her knight "Speaking of which, the flowers didn't seem to want to digest us. Atleast, judging by our gear." Rikke turned to the dangerous field of flowers "So what did they want to do with us?"

Somehow the rogue suspected the answer would be in the ambery pod, but it was best to just leave it for now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at the flowers and back at the pod. "Maybe its both? Take the shorn weed for example Rikke. Shornweeds impregnate females who give birth to the pant woman. These plant woman give birth to shorn weeds. Maybe we are seeing something like that here?" Janet shrugged and touched the pod feeling its surface. "So smooth." The longer she touched it though Rikke noticed it glowed and pulsed more.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Shorn weeds? Rikke paused briefly, before her eyes shot wide and a blush appeared on her face. On her travels Rikke encountered such plants first hand... to their full extent aswell. So then the flowers were a variation of them?

"If a shorn weed can be used to give birth to a Plant-girl. Then with flowers that huge and a ready host..." Rikke looked to the pod "I'm not sure we should be touching that." the girl glanced to the havoc they've done cutting down all the flowers from before "Something tells me, whatever comes out of there won't be happy we cut down it's friends. Come on, let's just leave it." even if she was exceptionally curious, somehow this just reeked of a horrible idea.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet moved her hand away. "If you say so Rikke. Though I doubt this thing is as dangerous as the flowers. Even then they where just following biological initive." Stepping back Rikke noticed cracks form along the surface of the amber pod thing. "Uh oh....."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hide!" Rikke would quickly motion Janet to hide, she herself taking up a defensive, but non-hostile stance as they braced for whats to come!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet stumbled away but there was little place to hide. Standing firm just beyound Rikke they both watched as the cracks grew and grew untill with almost pop they came apparnt as yellowish sap spilled out revealling a feminen figure. She had pale purple skin and dark purple hair. Her body was shaped near perfection and included all of the neccisary parts. Pink lumincent lines ran threw her pale skin forming an intricate viny pattern. Near her was a pile of old decayed gear sized for someone much smaller. From the hogepodge construction it looked to be made by goblins.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes grew wide at the beautiful sight, before she quickly gathered herself. It certainly wasn't the abomination Rikke expected, the opposite honestly. The rogue relaxed her and took a steady breath, before relaxing her stance "Follow me lead." she'd silently order Janet, before putting on a smile. Time to see whether this wildcard was friend or foe.

"H-hello?" Rikke approached the girl slightly, but kept a fair distance from her looking to her with genuine curiousity "Do you understand me?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The creature girgled a moment as yellow sap came out of its mouth and then fell to its knees coughing up more of the gunk. Almost imidiatly Janet was at the creatures side. "Hey.. are you okay." Giving firm slaps to the girls back Janet coaxed more of the yellowish goop out of her before the creature looked toi Rikke and to Janet. Her eyes Rikke almost got lost in them a secound. They where a lumincent pink the same as her lines and the flowers in the valley. "I think shes going ot be alright Rikke we just need to UMPH!" Woman tackled Janet in a hug knocking her down and resting on her trying to cuddle. "What in the blazes....."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled in a cute fashion at the sight "Well I guess there go our suspicions about it being hostile." with that the girl would much more bravely approach the two and crouch down next to them, once more trying to communicate with the wild girl. At the close proximity Rikke snapped her fingers and tried to catch the girls attention with them, before leading her gaze to her eyes.

If success in catching the girls attention she'd continue "Me." she'd point towards herself "Rikke. You?" accordingly the rogue would motion towards the wild girl trying to get an answer.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It took a moment but Rikke managed to get the girls attention. At her question the girl cocked her head and looked at Rikke before snuggling up to Janet again. "This is getting kinda weird?" After a moment of this awkward cuddling Janet tried to get up only to have the girl keep a hold of her. "Look I need to get up? See I need to stand up." The girl seemed to listen intently as Janet slowly pushed her off and got to her feet. Watching the girl tried to do that herself but failed before she mastered it. Standing she jumped and stagger walked over to Janet and hugged her more. "Why me....... of all people. Rikke is the one to collect strange creatures."