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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would reach for Janet and motion for Sam to wait wherever he was, likely more of a notion that the duo needed to talk alone. Seemed Rikkes plan did not sit well with Janet at all. Following her knight the rogue approached Janet in a sheepish manner "Jan?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet went up the stairs and sat on rock over looking the cliff allowing Rikke to catch up to her. Looking over as Rikke called out her name the girl smiled weakly. "Hey......" Turning her gaze back over the stunning view Janet sat in silence a little longer before turning her head to say something that just wouldn't come out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You know, I kinda wish this tower was a tad taller." Rikke would sit nearby with a smile and join in looking to the view. Her voice ever so calm and happy "So we could've had a few more adventures up to the sisters floor." the rogue smiled widely turning to her knight "Maybe I'd drag us into a few more dangerous spots, while we'd be at it as well. Say a old haunted ship, a ruined opera house, maybe even a treasure filled cove" she'd sigh deeply "But now we're at the brink of war... I hate it."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked over to Rikke and smiled faintly. "I would like that... but maybe.... its for the best that its not......" There was a hint of sadness to her voice, but a moment later she cleared it. Staring out over the landscape some more Janet spoke again. "Did you ever play chess Rikke? Its a complex game where the most powerful peice is the queen. She can move anywhere and kill anything. Though for as powerful as she is the game is still lost if the king is captured." Janet looked over at Rikke. "Rikke you are both Queen and King in this game of chess...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked down and sighed sadly "I know... it's just. I really miss my older days, living at the very edge of disaster. You know, just my wits and tricks to get me through scenario that could spell doom. When I went into that tower alone... wow... I haven't felt so alive, comfortable and well... myself for so long." the rogue looked to the sight "Guess this stupid attitude blinded me a bit. I won't seek out the manor alone, we'll face the dangers as a team from now." Rikke smiled warmly "Most of the time."

With those words said she'd get up and look to leave to camp, unless Janet wanted to add something.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke.... I would just slow you down in such a mission. We both know I stand out like a sore thumb. Just keep in mind Rikke that this is for keeps. Ive seen what corruption dose to people. I don't want you to end up like Yenna."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"m? In battle there's few others I'd choose to rely on Janet." Rikke would call out with clear confidence in her voice, looking back as she spoke "And I mean it, Jan." still perhaps the knight wanted to clear her head for a moment. If Rikke felt she was hardly needed nearby she'd walk to the camp and tidy it up a tad. It was true she really did feel like she belonged behind enemy lines, but perhaps this one time... the risk was too high, even for her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet indeed stayed where she was watching the sky while Rikke headed to the camp and cleaned it slightly. Looking over it seemed Sam had driffted off into a nap. 'Ya know your both right Rikke. Finding out what the sisters are up to is importnat. But Janet is just as right when its very dangerous. There has to be a reason the sisters are guarding this spot so fiercly and I doubt it has to all do with Jess.'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'No... I'm certain it's not about Jessica.' Rikke answered her nemesis worries 'That's what has so worried...' still the rogue had given her word to Janet to face it together. Be it her own code or her honor-bound duty to remain next to Rikke, any notion of sending her back seemed to greatly discourage her... however.

"Sam... can we have a word?" Rikke smiled wickedly looking to the man and approached him, with a mischievious sway "If things go awry... I'm going to rely on you." the rogue would then quickly explain her alliances beyond the tower, as well as quite frankly - where exactly they were and the big picture of the demonic struggle for power. Though most importantly Rikke would mention, that if indeed worst came to pass. That Sam would be the one to warn the rogues allies and aid them in entering the damned construct.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam yawned a little as he turned around to face Rikke. "Humm?" Sam listened intently to Rikke's words nodding along with her comments about warning her allies. "What about this Venise person outside. Surely she has already sent for help." Sam paused a moment rubbing more sleep from his eyes and doing his best not to stare at Rikke's endowments. "But I owe you at lest this much and even more so you can count on me." Sam started to pack up what little gear he had scavenged. "What floor did you say you saw the last window? And do you think this is enough rope?" Sam held up a coil of about 75ft of rope.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While not glancing down to the heroines generous and perky cups was a true test of Sams will power and dread of turning female, thankfully the conversation helped him focus his efforts "Er.. let me check." more so to hint at what shes doing Rikke would pick up the necklace she had as if she needed to hold it to contact Jodlra 'Joldra, could you get Sam outside to Venise?' the demoness had already mentioned the possibility so it was just a matter of reaffirming it 'How?'

Rikke would relay the plan that would follow to Sam, who likely either was REALLY (pretending to be) into that scenic sight to his right or flatout couldn't resist to look over Rikke supreme body. Each leather armor piece more than effective in enhancing a particulary lewd imagery of the heroine left alone with him.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Sam was a master of looking busy and hardly spared Rikke a glance. In a way Rikke was almost insultedt her pride hurt even if unitentinal by Sam's outright refusal to oogle her. Still after a moment Joldra spoke. "It will be tricky but if he can ge to the desert I should be able to get him out. That area is not nearly as patroled as the rest of the realm. From there it should be easy enough to get him out of the tower threw the window you entered. So he will need some rope and plenty of luck. Warm clothing as well the winter storm is still blowing."
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would relay what she was told: Sam would need some decent clothes and lots of rope. Even if Sam did ignore her beauty, Rikke was surprisingly understanding about it. Poor guy likely hasn't been himself in far too long by now...

"Any questions?" answering any he had Rikke would stand up and check the current time of day. Her next meeting with the sisters would only come early tommorow, how much time did she have till then.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam smiled as he checked the sun. "None I should make it down the climb by nightfall Ill keep moving to the door you found and down to the desert." Sam looked to the first jump and and lept to it easily. "Rikke good luck." With that Sam began his decent. A moment later Janet came down the stairs and watched as Sam made a couple of more jumps. "So whats the plan Rikke." Janet watched Sam a little longer before turning her full attention to Rikke. "Im not sure who Im gonna miss more Sam or Samantha." Janet cracked a smile trying to be light hearted about the whole situation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned her head curiously and grabbed the over-eager to prove himself man by the ear. After telling him the route to take in detail and especially about the possible insects he may encounter, only then would the rogue allow him to leave "Oh and Sam!" she quickly ran up with a smile, the gender-benders gaze quickly looking aside as to not peep on the heroines wonderfully bouncy bust.

"For good luck." with a warm giggle Rikke leaned in and gave him a very light kiss on the cheek "Thanks. I mean it." with that Sam was set to leave, though Rikke wanted to find out much more about her saved prisoner, now was just not the time...

At Janets comment Rikke would smirk wickedly "You? Samantha. Definedly." she'd wink slyly to her knight, as if already knowing all too well about her tastes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sam's face flushed at the contact. A moment later he shivered as his body shrank becoming Samantha again. "Oooh!" A moment later Samantha kissed Rikke right on the mouth even slipping a little tongue in. "No worries Ill be careful." Winking Samantha left heading down the climb.

At Rikke's comment Janet blushed before turning her attention to the sky. "Well we have quite some time left till night fall. I for one am going to relax." Stripping out of her armor Janet moved to rest in the water of the holy spring completely nude leaving Rikke to her own devices.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The night-instant change caught Rikke completely off-guard as her goodbye peck was suddenly turned into a fairly deep kiss?! Looking utterly lost for the moment, the rogue only gathered herself after Sam leaned out.

Rikke laughed warmly and waved the oh so strange bender goodbye with a wide smile "We'll meet again, Sam!" with that final goodbye, it was up to Sam to reach Rikkes friends.

" 'kay." Rikke giggled kindly and would follow Janet some way before sitting down on nearby rock ''Be with you shortly.'' smiling kindly to Janet, the rogue would turn away and reach out for the mirror. Hoping to, at the very least, see what was Jessica doing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked at the mirror only to find Jess resting on some sort of vanity her head down having fallen asleep awaiting Rikke to reappear. Tracing the outline of her sleeping beauty in the mirror Rikke took the time to examin what she could of the room. It seemed fairly well appointed with the hint of a large fluffy bed. Other than that other furniture seemed fill out the place nicely being made of a deep . No chains seemed to be anywhere and the walls looked to be made of plaster. Still there was little else that Rikke could make out of the room. Setting the mirror aside and giving it one last longing look Rikke stripped and jumped into the stream promptly hitting her but on the smooth rock but succeeding in soaking Janet who gasped in surprise. This however was quickly followed but the night splashing her playfully with water.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ow~" Rikke looked to her behind playfully moppy and ran her hand over the effected tush gently... right it wasn't a lake. Only then would Janets retaliation came, spurring a playful war between the two.

Still smiled widely from the childish exercise Rikke sighed happily and rested against the shore, her bust mostly submersed in the water "By the way, this is actually holy water." the rogue looked to Janet "Though I have no idea, how it got up here or whats keeping it up." honestly at the moment, Rikke had talked enough the serious issues, she was most certainly not going to start another topic on that.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet leaned back and looked at Rikke with one eye as the other was closed. "Really?" Janet shrugged before closing her eyes and leaning back some more. "No wonder I like it here." Janet smiled her own bust just showing above the water. It didn't really matter though as the water was crystal clear and not hiding much of anything.