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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Roger that." Rikke smiled at Janet "Come on let's find a spot that we can keep an eye on them... and us away from the hounds." honestly it was a fair risk, thankfully the jungle had ample of odors or other ways to distract the hounds. Hopefully... for how gross the thought was, the goblins toyed with the heroines er... scent marker before putting it with her other things.

Still they had a plan, now they just needed to find a place to remain hidden. Perhaps somewhere higher and that was just far enough for them to be safe from any stray gazes and the girls to keep their eyes on when their chance came.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Moving to a spot with slightly more cover the two watched and waited. Nerves where high and both nearly jumped at sudden noises. Still has the nervous sweat rolled down Janet frowned. "She's not comming is she....." Looking to Rikke Janet's face suddenly paled. "Oh shut up you two before you reveal yourselves" Standing next to them was Joldra in complete battle garb. "The attack should start soon and Im here to observe." Soon enough a battle cry echoed from the forest as ten demon swordsmen and one demon knight came charging out and engaged the enemy. "Its probably best if you guys move now. Likely that fallen angel will show up soon."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There she was... "Joldra." Rikke spoke up looking to her, quite some contempt clearly echoing in her voice. She stood up from her observation spot and looked over the demoness "It's... 'interesting' to properly meet. Face to face." she spoke with slightly narrowed eyes.

Their last meeting hardly offered a chance to talk or even look one another, this time however... "I see you've done well for yourself. After you've nigh-ruined my life and warped Venise beyond recognition." unfortunately the demoness would have the last word, if she even chose to speak, as the battle began right after.

"We're not done yet." Rikke gave the demoness a stern glance and nodded to Janet, the duo rushing to the stairway to cease their chance before it was too late!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke ran for the stairs Joldra's voice echoed in her head. "Are you saying that your not enjoying DeGravel in his new form. I say she is much better off now and far more personable to boot." With an echoing laugh Joldra closed the connection. Thankfully the chaos of the battle did exactly what the rogue wanted and the duo manged to make to the stair and up aways before the battle broke off. From the hight they climbed it was hard to tell who had one but odds favored Joldra in this encounter.

Climbing up the stairs Rikke saw the false sun start to decline and fade. It looked like they would have to finish the climb at night or stop. While Rikke could surely manage thanks to her night eyes Janet however might not be so lucky.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just took off the amulet and stashed it away. She didn't need to hear the demoness right now... at all. The duo continued their rocky climb, more a kin to some sort of strange puzzle as they carefully considered their jumps up along the stones.

Unfortunately seemed daylight would rapidly start to dim "Jan! Over on that big rock. Let's not climb in pitch black." the rogue smiled kindly and would lead the way forward to the bigger piece stuck floating mid-air. The heroine tapped her foot on the flying debris "I swear if this things suddenly decides to fall down, I'll be livid." she sighed deeply and turned to Janet "Think this will make a interesting camp place eh?" she smiled widely as the vista around them was actually exceptional, the two being high enough to see most of the jungle and including the goblin camps, perhaps even their entry point!

Before going to sleep put on the amulet.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke helped janet up to the ledge and together they sat. Thankfully a warm breeze seemed to blow about and neither of them where left cold. Still their bellies rumbled. "Damn goblins taking our food..." Janet mumbled to herself clearly upset at this turn of events. Rikke meanwhile placed the amulet around her neck once more. This time however Joldra didn't speak to her and the amulet remained silent. "Its to bad we don't have anything to trade... I heard that there is a daemon who barters in goods. He can appear if you call out to him and can sell and buy anything you want."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was the truth besides their gear the girls had little to offer even if this rumored daemon existed "Yeah... wonder if he accepts rocks as payment." the rogue sighed deeply, her case was even worse. The girls hunger wasn't just was two-fold, physical and spiritual.

"Those fruits back in Vanessas look really good right about now, but er... let's just not think about it." the rogue snickered playfully and smiled to Janet "We should try to get some shuteye, hopefully we'll find something to eat at the top of this thing." Rikke kept a kind smile on her face and turned to the breeze a smile on her face. All the way up here, even the spider and demon infested jungle had a certain serene calm to it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah your probably right... Night Rikke." With that Janet curled up and tried to rest her armor ensureing her night sleeps would be far from restful. As Rikke closed her eyes she found her self drifting away and down. Finally settling on a pool of dark water. It was so peacful here quite calm. Streching lanquidly her tail dipped into the cool water sending a shiver up her spine that cuased her wings to streach as she rolled over. This was nice but she couldn't rest here forever. Looking out she saw a female figure surrounded by other woman beckoning for her to come close while yet another figure dark and masculine invoked her to follow him. The sistes and the Master... both full of potential fun but who... should she go to? As she walked her feet sent ripples along the placcid surface she of course had some time to choose. Suddenly she felt a tug on her tail. Looking back sat a blonde haird angel that looked somewhat like Janet shaking her head no.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke slowly closed her eyes, she'd open them in serene dark. With a deep sigh of relief the girl slowly fixed her purple hair. Finally some peace and quiet... The chill water sent an exciting goosebump across her body as she gently grazed her tail along the waters surface, numerous ripples spreading across the water.

Only then would she notice she wasn't alone. Puckering her luscious lips curiously the girl looked to one side, numerous feminine forms mutely laughing and giggling among themselves, before turning to her. Their hands motioning for her to hurry up and join them.

Though the other side drew her gaze aswell, turning around the girl gently shifted her greater wings and looked on to the other mute figure. A clear masculine figure, his muscle bulges and massive cock instantly causing her eyes to widen.

Placing her fingers to her lips the girl looked to either side, both bearing such promise, such potential. Though as she considered her options someone stood out in particular. Someone beneath the water reached out to her, the figure both reminiscent of someone and foreign. The succubus would quickly pull her tail away from the grasp, a bit annoyed, but still staying friendly "Hello there!" the silence broke only for her voice.

The girl smiled kindly and knelt to the smooth watery surface "Do you need help?" where would the fun be, to just leave someone like that. The girl would reach through the water and offer a hand to pull her upwards.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke reached down to the figure in the water who reached back in turn. Pressing her her hand in the water the cool water began to burn causing Rikke to draw back her hand in protest. The angel however seemed unaffected and looked distressed as soon as Rikke pulled away. Though from what she could tell she didn't seem affected by the misleading water.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"OW!" Rikke quickly pulled her hand back from the burning water and kissed it in a almost childish manner. Still this stranger had her attention, everything around was nothing but figures in dark shadow, yet this stranger had such a vibrant and contrasting color!

The girl looked both ways once more, each still calling to her. The girls were clearly having a blast, fun that absolutely resonated with the rogue, but the other side offered... a bit of different fun. Gods it's been so long since she had a proper fucking...

She'd pause briefly before making her choice, still mainly glancing to the angel, before looking each way. What to do, what to do...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kissing her hand she found it had turned a tan color but no actual damage was done. Free of the water it slowly returned to her normal flesh tone. Looking about Rikke saw the angel reach out to her only this time it was the angel who seemed to burn as her hand turned a pale color and she pulled it back for it to return to its normal sate as well. Intresting..
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Interesting indeed. The succubus swished her tail side to side slowly, clearly thinking what could this mean... but soon enough just shrugging it off "Hey, I'm going to fuck with the Master. I'll see you when I get back 'kay?" she smiled innocently in cute manner, before turning to leave.

Though as she turned towards the object of her desire, just the sight of the figure silently brooding and watching met her gaze. She'd adore a good fuck right now so bad... Rikke nibbled on her lower lip looking to him, but the Master just seemed... boring.

She turned back once more looking to the group of girls call to her, but she knew if she went with them, the angel would be left alone here. The girl below did try to actively reach her aswell afterall., would be just plain rude to leave her down there in the scalding waters!

"I'm back. Didn't feel like fucking mister 'mightier than thou' right now." the heroine giggled playfully "If he wants a fuck with me, he'll need to make an effort!" she crouched down to look to the angel below "Come on, let's go meet up with the girls instead." she licked her lips "I'll pull you up, but when i reach down you reach up. On 3..." the girl prepared herself "1...2...3!!"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke moved away the angel got a desperate look on her face. Changing her mind she came back to find the angel looking sad but as she spoke the angel smiled for joy. Though as Rikke mentioned her plan she seemed worried. Still she nodded and as Rikke reached down she reached up. Together both girls got a pained look on their faces. For Rikke it felt like burning as her skin slowly changed from the contact of the water. Finally their hands meet only the angel was pulling Rikke down not trying to get up. Together the they where evenly matched and at a stalemate.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It burned! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LET GO!" clearly scared Rikke pulled back strongly, but she was trapped! Growling lightly the girl frowned at the angel eager to pull her to the burning pool, a pool she'd rather not enter! "NO! You come out!" she'd suddenly dip her second hand into the water and grip the angels, keen to pull the angel out of the water out of principle!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke summoned her might why was the angel fighting her didn't she want to be with Rikke and the girls? Pulling hard the angel began to come up. First her hand was pulled free by Rikke's pulling her. Still the angel was fighting back desperately like she didn't want to come out of the water. Watching as her own hand was free of the burning water Rikke saw the angels tanned skin lighten and pale slightly. Her finger nails darken a little more. A few strands of her hair breached the surface their blond color quickly darkening to a black. Suddenly The angel pulled strongly again fighting Rikke for all her worth.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was working! Rikke slowly began to pull the reluctant girl out of the water, her angelic features rapidly changing to a strangely darker appearance "Why. Won't. You. Come." through gritted teeth the girl continued to pull. Her tongue slipping out of her mouth lightly as she felt the favor in her turn!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling hard Rikke felt her foot slip as she fell forward her own arm plunging deep. The shock of this was a surprise as she found her own face being pulled agains the rather reseliant water. Watching as the game of tug o war continued Rikke nboticed her own hand taking on a deeper tanned color and few strands of her own hair slipping threw the water turning an auburn color. How strange she thought to herself. Still regaining her balance Rikke could start to pull again if she wanted.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What? It was happening to her too? The burn seemed less fiery and more a kin to sunbathing. A tad stunned and seemingly lightheaded, Rikke would cease her pull and would slowly submerge more and more into the water. Looking to the changes with great curiousity, but remaining as close as possible to the surface in case something turned horribly wrong.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Given her position and how much the angel was tugging if she didn't offer some resistance she would be pulled competely threw. Still curiosity did strike an the next thing to slip threw was her tail which seemed to dissapear as it sank deeper into the water.