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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was certainly a fair detour, but Rikke had to do it. The rogue looked on to the spider leave and turned to Janet. Thankfully the party was still going, but it won't for much longer... especially when the goblins will want their after-party relief.

Rikke motioned Janet to wait there and looked to a route, even if it was risky she should be able to make.
Sneak to Janet
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet stealth 32 vs 40, 37, 37, 32 Fail vs 3
Rikke stealth 59 vs 40, 37, 37, 32 Sucees vs all

Janet nodded and tried to stay down as Rikke slipped past guard after guard. Over a log and under a table and right past a snoring guard Rikke was getting closer to Janet. Janet beamed a bright smile at Rikke motioning for her to hurry up. She was half way there when disaster stuck. Just as Rikke made it under a table a drunk guard turned a corner and tripped of Janet having not seen her. This unfornatly caused the dumb creature to smash headlong into a rack of beat up pottery sending it crashing and braking to the ground. This caused several of the wall guards to look a the racket and spot Janet. "SHIT!" Janet was up and running while a healthy contingent of goblins chased after her leaving Rikke unspotted.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was a understatement if any, as the horde of goblins locked eyes to their victim! 'Crap!' suddenly the whole party got up in arms and went after the knight! Some of the goblins even jumping forward on one leg as they were busy getting into their boots!

Janet is gonna need help, asap! Rikke would quickly try to guess the way the knight would turn and cut her off. Meanwhile keeping an eye out for anything she can collapse or use on the horde of the 'party animals'!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly Rikke moved to intercept breaking her cover only to find several beefy looking goblins eyeing her drooling. "Oye boyz wiz git our zelfz a nice bed warmer roght herez" The beefy gobling looked right at Rikke and grinned.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Tsk... I don't have time to deal with you move aside!" Rikke kept her dash, but slightly altered her path to run directly at the overgrown goblins. The girls eyes sharpened as she gripped the blade tightly and closed in the gap!

Simple Lightning Strikes! [2 hits on one, 1 on a random others legs]
Continue running past 'em if there's a chance
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Lighting strikes
46,48,52 all hit intended targets 24, 20, 20 after armor
GS 1 dies
GS 2 attacks 46 vs 58
GS 3 attacks 45 vs 58
GS 4 attacks 52 vs 58
GS 5 attacks 35 vs 58

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 28/45, Status = Fine

In a quick blur Rikke lashed out the rusty blade cutting deep even as bits of it broke off. Her first foe went down with two slashes the rusty blade leaving chunks in his skin. Her theird strike wounded one as he jumped for her. Thankfully most of the goblins stumbled over themselves in an attempt to capture Rikke but in turn the commontion that caused drew even more attention to her. Vaulting over her fallen foe's Rikke began to run. Arrows rained down at her but missed thier mark.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her plan working without a hitch, the rogue kept her full dash and moved onwards. By the nights end the whole camp will be up in arms trying to find them! Rikke needed to find a way to lose them, when it'll get rough!

Her initial plan to cut off Janet continued as she'd dash through the camp, leaping, jumping and acrobatically moving onwards. All the while glancing around the camp, perhaps for something to collapse onto or before the mob. Maybe a giant trap the goblins use that could be effective against them.

Full dash out of range forward, try to meet up with Janet
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Goblin archer fires at Rikke! 53 vs 58 miss!

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 28/45, Status = Fine
Janet (HP): 85 (PP): 48 (EP): 47

Rikke easily cleared every obsticle in her way be it drunk goblins or random debris. Spotting Janet by the horde following her she easily caught up to the running knight. "Uhh Rikke we need a plan we can't run forever." Eying their route Rikke spotted a guard tower that might be of some use. Maybe they could scale it real quick and be on the other side before the goblins have time to react or as Rikke got a dangerous glint to her eye a giant distraction. Still they had some more running todo befor they got to it.

Arrows continued to rain from afar thankfully missing them as they ran. The horde of goblins yipped and yelled. They where getting close and Rikke could see the goblin sentry ready his bow. In a moment Rikke locked eyes with the archer as his shaft flew. The arrow streaked its way to Rikke seeming heading right for her. Even dodging it seemed the marksman had compensated as the shaft got closer. Thankfully it wizzed by her face the shafts wobbling giving her a parting slap as it passed over her left shoulder. Rikke tried to push on faster she knew the archert was going to get off one more shot before she reached her target.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There she was! "Janet!" Rikke finally caught up the knight and grinned, behind the rogue a clear smoke cloud of even more goblins charging to them "This way!"

The watchtower was nothing short of patchwork just like most of the camp. Rikke looked to the structure her lips puckered curiously, as Janets voice echoed next to her. The rogue suddenly smiled at her knight, a smile that just screamed of recklessness and mischief "I think I got one, let's reach that tower!"

If there was cover along the way the girls would dashingly duck under it, not stopping even for a second until the tower was reached!

Boldly run away!...towards the tower! Stop at it's base for whats next
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Goblin archer attacks 64 vs 58 HIT! 28 Damage!
Rikke: Hp: 34/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 28/45, Status = Fine
Janet (HP): 85 (PP): 48 (EP): 47

Rikke grinned as she came up with her bold plan. However Janet didn't seemed as thrilled. "RIKKE LOOK OUT!" What? Searing pain shot threw her left shoulder as a nasty goblin arrow sunk deep. Gritting her teeth Rikke pressed on and reached the tower. They had little time to enact her plan no doubt the goblins wold be on them soon not to mention the goblin archer up top would not be idle.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A sharp whistling sound pierced the air as Rikke spoke, her overconfidence making the rogue react a dash too late.. "Hyaaa" a piecring pain soared through the girls body, but she didn't slow her advance.

Wincing Rikke quickly approached the tower. It was a fairly badly built structure relying on four support beam... with the girls being at two of them! "Janet! Strike down your side I've got this side!" Her sword arm blissfully unharmed Rikke gripped the blade tightly and let loose triangular cut to the support beam!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke brought up her blade and spotted a potential weak point. Four cross beams held the four legs of the tower sturdy. These where lashed together with vines and rope none of which looked to be in good condition. Bringing the ratty blade down in a quick serries of strikes Rikke severing the ropes causing the tower to rock unsteadly. Janet however only having a club brought it over her head and in a massive blow shattered one cross beam spelling the end of the tower.

Giff Narb danced wildy in celbration. He had actually hit something with his bow. So excited was he that he missed that his targets had closed the gap. It wasn't until he heard the beam shatter that his mind came back to the present. "Oh.. snark.." In a moment the tower leaned and due to its occupents danceing the unsupported legs cracked and the tower began to tilt.

Rikke watched as the tower leaned forward its shadow expanding over the goblin horde. Thankfully for them the tower would only slow them down but the panic that would ensue would allow the rogue to slip away. Creaking and groaning the tower hung a moment the goblin uptop blubbering madly. Looking to Rikke as if on cue Janet brough her hand up and gave the tower one last little nudge causing it to come crashing down. Looking about however it seemed the goblins had surrounded them leaving only to paths. Either up over the ruined tower or an attempt to scale the wall.

"Oh uh Rikke....." Janet pointed out how they where surrounded but this didn't stop Rikke she had another amazing plan. "No worries Jan.. JANET!" Rikke turned as she spoke only to find empty air where Janet had been. Freaking out if only a moment Rikke soon felt hairy spider legs wrap around her and jerk her up dropping her blade. From her vantage point Rikke saw the goblins look on in utter disbelife as she saild over the wall and to the other side where she was set down gently. Scrambling away Rikke saw Pearl place Janet on her back and skitter off into the woods with the pregnant girls riding ther own giant spider. "Pearl said you would be afraid so just run I won't carry you." A voice sounding almost manely spoke behind her urging her on.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the slashes and smashes done Rikke grinned contently as the substantial tower began to lean forward it's shadow begining to loom over the goblin horde much to chaos spreading among the mass! The rogue winced strongly as she pulled out the arrow, thankfully the tip was poorly made making the pull out relatively harmless... though the wound was there.

Unfortunately not everything went perfectly according to plan, the tower kept leaning more and more, but construct did not seem all too keen to finish it's task instead of crushing the goblins giving them ample time to run aside. Only with Janets help would the tower finish its prolonged fall.

"Yahoo~!" the rogue cheered out as atleast, what seemed at the moment, a hundred of the foul beasts fel "Oh uh... Rikke." Janet would swiftly cut the celebration short pointing all around them as a clear circle of armed goblins slowly approached, not a single one too happy at the chaos the troublemakers had sown.

"Ew...." A cold shiver ran across Rikkes body as she looked on to the rest of the mob, still the tower provided a way out of here. The girls proved the finnese at the broken staircase this I'll too easy! "Jan--" the rogue blinked at the slightly swirly spot of smoke where Janet once stood "-et? Janet?!" the heroine quickly looked around only for something soft to slide down her sides and grip her around the waist "Wu-wuaaHHhhhh~...." with that final cry the rogue too would swiftly escape... or well be saved?

With what seemed a almost rubbery pull back and forth Rikke found herself on the other side of the encampments wall "H-huh---" the white spider?! Janet seemed without much trouble mount the spider and scitter away on it... which meant. The girl visibly tensed up as she knew what stood behind her. She was about to turn around, but stopped herself, instead looking forward and closing her eyes "You don't want to hurt us. We have very valueable information for your mommy." unarmed and stuck with spiders, dear gods not like this!

Following the offer to leg it, Rikke would not waste a single moment and dash after Janet. If they'll get out of this alive. It was best to stick together.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why would I want to hurt you? Quickly run we don't have time." As the spider spoke she felt a fuzzy leg nudge her sending her into an all out panicked run "Hey! not that way follow the others!" After resisting the urge to flee and not look back Rikke settled on thinking of trying to rescue the girls so she wouldn't panic that she was following giant spiders. After an hour of running and resting Rikke soon found herself in a greener part of the jungle where the spider mounts stopped and their riders got off. Pearl the only one she reconized was greeted with a happy pounce by several smaller spiders as they tumbled around a moment. The pregant woman all grouped together and huddled shivering in fright. Apparently they where none to keen on spiders as well. Janet however seemed to be talking to a spider in great length leaving Rikke alone. She didn't have to wait long as her spider rescuer made an appearnce. He was white like the others but Rikke could see lots of scaring on his carapace and he was missing three eyes on one side of his face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While the sight may have been cute to some, with the cute itsy bitsy spiders greeting their mother. For Rikke it was mortifying, each small spider seemed to jump at a mere moments notice... and the crawling mass just grew and grew... and--

Rikke shuddered and looked away, instead of mingling with the spider choosing to go join the recently freed girls. Though before she did, the girl turned back and smiled fairly akwardly at the spider "T-thank you." she turned away and quickly went to the group.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The scared spider nodded at Rikke before making its way over to rest only then did she see he was missing an entire leg. Shuddering Rikke went over the girls shivering in fright. There where six of them all in some stage of pregnacy. "Are they gonna eat us?" One of of them asked shuttering. Rikke of course had an anser though she doubt it was the right one. Not to long after Janet joined them. "Rikke they would like us to go with them to their mother she will no what to do. And before you freak out its not a spider." It seemed Janet had taken Rikke's fear into account during her discussion with the spider and though it disturbed her she had to admit besides the rescue they hadn't forced them to do anything.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That was one veteran spider... either way, atleast none of the spiders seemed hostile. The rogue approached the girls cowering even more visible than her and knelt down next to them smiling encouragingly "Hey." though to the question Rikke didn't know how to answer herself... "No, they won't." but it was best not to incite even more fear or even spur panic among the girls. If only she had her blade... these spiders wouldn't even have a say in the matter.

"You sure about this?" she glanced through the spiders "We're unarmed and at their mercy. Whatever they'll ask of us we won't be able to negotiate." Rikke looked down thoughtfully, honestly they didn't have much of a choice "Alright, but if we see it's their nest. We get out at all cost..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke felt a light thump on her head only to see Janet with to fingers pull away. "Honestly Rikke where do you think they woud take us. They have been more than kind and besides if they wanted to take us by force they wouldn't ask us." They of course still had a choice but with some encouragment from Janet Rikke followed though at a fair distance from the rest. Her only company was the scared spider who walked wordlessly just out of sight of Rikke. Though this likely had a worse effect than being where she could see him at all times.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still there was something much more... comfortable about the battle hardened spider. The battlescars almost gave him much more relateable and human qualities. Not to mention he wasn't stalking her, but staying out sight to respect Rikkes... disposition towards their kin.

"Why did you save us?" thankfully the jungle had a wide variety of plants, including it's own form of the common plantago. A very large form. Using the healing plant as a temporal healing solution Rikke continued onwards, hand pressed against her shoulder.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Thats what hero's do." The spider was blunt and to the point. "Would you prefer it if we let the goblins get you?" The spider watched Rikke pluck the leaf and press it against her wound. "Would you like some silk to hold it in place?"