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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not the swamps! "And downstairs?" it wasn't too late, maybe Rikke could still change her mind! The heroine turned to Janet sadly "Three floors of this..." she sighed deeply and stood at the murky entrance, a barren wasteland, a lightning torn land... even a firey plane of doom. Why... why did it have to be the swamps. Just the thought of the mosquitos and goddess forbid leeches made Rikkes skin tingle "Joldra?"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Really Rikke... After fighting in a ruined city, a corrupt manor, and spirit infested jungle this little place is gonna slow you down?" Rikke could almost hear the chuckle on the other end of the communication. "I shall try to help what do you want to know of brave and fearless hero?" Janet meanwhile took a cautious step into the room her armor clad form causing excess water to pool at her feet. "This is not gonna be fun...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the chuckle echoed Rikke would silently grumble "...it's a swamp, not a jungle..." still while she had Joldra to talk to "Well how about more information. What floor are we on... numerical. And whats below us." the rogue gave Janet an encouring smile and listened to Joldra. She herself still remaining on the brink of entry.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if memory serves me right this used the third floor but it has grown sense I saw it. Im not even sure where the next stair case will be or if it will even lead you up. As for whats below you is the desert which is the buffer zone between the two factions and below that is the forest where the corrupt plants live. Its a good thing you didn't go down. Though another romp with some shornvines might do you some good."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke growled lightly at the last comment and turned to Janet "Well on the brightside, downstairs was the mind-control plantlife." she snickered at the knight "So we're on the right track."

One deep breath and a heartful sigh later, the rogue joined her knight and began to move across the swamp "One more question Joldra, is there anything I should know about this place and where's the exit?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nope like I said its grown sense I was here last. Oh and do watch out for the spiders." Joldra let off with a giggle refusing to answer anymore of Rikke's questions. "Its strange to hear you talk with that necklace. Especially sense I can sense the demonic power that lingers on it." Janet smiled at Rikke trying to boost her spirits. "Hey look at that!" Janet pointed to a series of rock formations in the distance that ascended into the air. "They look like floor tiles almost. I wonder where they lead? Though they seem far off." Janet frowned as she slapped her neck. "Damn bugs!" Pulling her hand away Rikke saw the nasty bump the small wound oozing what ever vile substance the bug had stung her with.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A chill ran down Rikke spine... spiders. Surely Joldra was just teasing. The rogue looked to the swamp sadly... right? At any rate they had more present bug problems.

"Eep" Rikke quickly ran up to look it over, it wasn't too bad... but whatever bit her sure left a mark "Fighting that Blizzard is starting to sound really nice right about now..." the heroine sighed deeply and fixed her hair as an improv protection of her neck. The long orange streams working surprisingly well.

"Yikes whatever bit you, got you good. Hopefully it wasn't venomous." Rikke glanced to the object Janet mentioned "Whatever gets out and away from the water..." with a firm nod the duo made double time to the sight in question.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned at the bug bite and simply nodded as they head off in search of dryer ground. All around them the smell of the feted swamp lingered. The pungent decay and strange plants perfumed the air as they walked. Janet walked behind Rikke her heavy foot falls stark contrast to Rikke's own light steps. Behind her Janet groaned as they walked be it from the smell or the bug bite Rikke wasn't sure. Up ahead the rock formations had fallen from view only to be replaced by large willow trees full of hanging moss.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced back and smiled to her companion "You okay back there?" walking in comfortable leather armor was one thing, but traversing a swamp in plate...

The rogue looked over the 'lush' area before them "Let's hold hands for this and just walk forward... hopefully it's just a short distance." perhaps it was due to magic or just freedom to grow, but whole path ahead was seemingly a wall of continious hanging green. As if a lush huge curtain blocking their way.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking back at Janet Rikke could see it wasn't the armor giving her difficulties, instead her eyes where drawn to the bug bite which had swollen larger. While this was disturbing what bothered RIkke more was the red veining that started to spread from the wound. "Yeah maybe we can take a rest humm that tree looks nice." Janet moved forward and took Rikke's had only for the rogue to notice her hand was really warm to the touch. Parting the first veil of hanging moss Rikke was confronted with darkness which did little to hinder the rogue but caused Janet to stumble on a root and fall on top of her. Both of them landed with a soft thud kicking up a swarm of fireflies that had been napping. Groaning Janet pawed at Rikke grouping her breasts in an attempt to get up. Rikke was about to giggle when she felt something poking at her loins looking down Rikke saw Janet had a bulge building exactly where a penis would be. Looking back up Rikke finally saw the lust glazed eyes of Janet eying her in a not so savory way. The shock of the moment quickly faded as Janet began to pull at her top. She was in trouble Janet had her in a grapple and was clearly not herself. As quick on her feet Rikke was about to slip away when her light giggle echoed in her mind. 'Oh come on lets have some fun!'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That bite's looking real bad Jan." Rikke looked on to Janet with great worry, the bite only getting worse by now it was clear that it was poison... but Rikke absolutely no clue how to treat it "S-sure maybe we can pour a healing potion on it" the rogue smiled warmly at the knight, only the noting her sudden stumble and moving to catch her!

The hearvy armor and angel of the wall would swiftly make sure both girls hit the soft moss below "Ufff..." Rikke noted the numerous fireflies take flight only to feel Janets hands stumble to get up. Her gloves strongly brushing against her leather-clad bust on accident "Clutz~--" Rikke was about to tease Janet about it, when suddenly instead of moving aside she felt the knight grip her cups tightly in her hands clearly on intent?!

A light blush instantly ignited on Rikkes face as she looked down "J-Janet?" her eyes widening as she noted it was not a knee that was pressing down against her leathers below, a unknown bulge suddenly appearing and stressing Janets armors, the knight girl looking up to her in a particulary predatory and lustful gaze. Her hands now openly groping Rikkes D's abusing the moment of confusion.

Though the moment of sheer confusion would only grow in length, as suddenly Rikke had not only the sudden change in her companion to deal with... but a familiar and long-since silent voice once more ring out at the back of her head. The later causing her to freeze up in shock "W-wha'?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her inaction soon caused the loss of her top with Janet pulling it away strongly. "Lets have some fun come on! What else are you going to do humm? Are you gonna beat up our friend or let her rape you? Either choice is not nearly as fun as helping. Its a win win! We get fed and Janet gets her jollies." The voice giggled but for now thats all it did. Meanwhile Janet had removed her own lower armor revealing a still forming cock.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet gripped her top firmly and pulled down with force, revealing Rikke bountiful D's her hand eagerly moving to grip the silken flesh. The knights presence of mind gone for the time being.

The sudden action was more than enough for Rikke to snap out of it. Even with the whispers and mischievious giggle echoing at the back of her mind. Blushing strongly Rikke would attempt to make a swift escape, slipping out of the lusty knights clutches before things got too serious!

As for what she'd do next... first things first! The rogue gulped lightly, her eyes wandering to Janet removing her lower armor even from this angle hinting at something between her legs that most certainly shouldn't be there!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Grapple to escape 62 vs 52 Success!
Janet Tries to shift armor 52 vs 62 fail!

The moment Janet slid her hands down to grab at Rikke's lower armor allowed the lithe rogue to escape from her friends clutches. Scampering away Rikke heard a loud frustrated growl as she looked back to see Janet getting up the cock fully formed. Janets eyes where glazed over in lust as she took a slight step forward all the while eyeing Rikke's chest. 'Oh dear looks like you made her mad. Maybe should have taken my advice. This will mostly likely end in violence and really do you two have time to beat each other up?'
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"J-Janet there's something..." Rikke would innocently try to point out the object in question between the girls legs, but it was far too clear reasoning would not really be an option. 'Shush... I'll deal with you later!' the rogue mentally frowned at lusty echoes at the back of her head. Right now she already had more than enough on her plate!

"Sorry Jan. This might hurt a bit." the rogue tensed herself up and dashed forward!

Unarmed Sudden Strike! Non-lethal duh :p
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 39/45, Status = Grappled

Janet (using Grace as a template) Hp: 59/85 Ep: 47/47 Pp: 48/48 Status = Lust crazed

Rikke uses sudden strike for nonlethal damage!
Stealth vs Perception! 49 vs 42 success!
Auto Hit! damaged doubled! 26 Damage after armor!

Janet attempts to Grapple Rikke!
Grapple vs Dodge! 61 vs 38 (-10 for sudden strike) success!

Rikke was light as a feather as she dashed in to deliver a solid hit. However it seemed to phase Janet little as she lunged in and wrapped Rikke into an embrace her mouth already placed on Rikkes own muffling the cry as they hit the dirt. 'Oh dear looks like we should of listened to we. I wonder how we are going to explain the big black eye we just gave Janet when this is all over.' Janet was on top of Rikke holding her down as her hands frantically pawed at her lower garments though they had yet to shift the armor away.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her attak a grand success Rikke was about to celebrate victory only to note how little effect it had?! "J-Jan---AAH!" the two girls would fall to the ground with the knight taking a dominant position her lust clearly overriding her body actions as she wildly reached to shift Rikkes armor once more!

"Janet! Stop it!" Rikke blushed strongly, realising just how much trouble she was actually in! Focusing fully once more escaping Rikke would instantly begin to run, hoping the effects of the poison would end if Janet gave chase or worked it out of her system somehow!... somehow that would not involve the rogue on her cock!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attempts to escape Grapple.
Janet attempts to shift lower armor.

56 vs 55 Janet is successful Rikke fails to escape and her armor is shifted.

Rikke did her best to squirm away from her friend but Janet's weight combined with her armor made such an attempt fail. Feeling her pants slide down the old memories of her capture started to resurface. 'Stop! We we will not feel so helpless again. We are a beautiful creature meant for such things don't fear it we can make her stop if we want. We still have a hold on her mind remember back she was nearly ours once." Purple light shifted slightly in Rikke's eyes a power waiting to be unleashed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed, Rikke remembered herself back quite well. she had abbandoned her other side for so long, that it seemed... foreign to her once more. Perhaps it was because of her unwillingless to tap into her darker side once more or maybe the way the whispers echoed in her mind, but the rogue still refused to use her dormant powers! Her eyes changing back to their normal color 'Not... yet!'

Her hand clinging true Janet would suddenly grasp firmly at the rogues armor, her nails almost painfully pulling running along the rogues leg as she shifted her tight leather, tugging one side down more and more until with a satisfying gasp she'd finally see the goal she sought. Rikkes pussy on full display to her, as tighter than the lust gaze could ever appreciate, more beautiful than it hoped for.

"NO! STOP IT!" Rikke would once more try to slip her captivity refusing to give in to eiher side of the conflict! Both her evil side and her lust-crazed companion!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to escape!
Janet is getting frustrated and attempts a submission hold

55 vs 65 Rikke fails to escape!

Rikke kicked and squirmed and called out to Janet who was sadly at this moment lost in her own haze of lust. Rikke's struggles however did prevent Janet's cock from entering her as the lust crazed woman forced her into a submission hold so she wouldn't squirm so much. Pressing her weight down Janet held Rikke in place as the knight brought Rikke's flailing arms into a hold her new formed cock hot and thick resting agianst the rogues slit sending unwanted tingles of pleasure threw her. 'Use us Rikke we are not evil? Is Jessica evil? Let us save us. We do not want to hurt our friend either.'