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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly pulled the amulet from her neck as if trying to lean away from the barrage of curses, though the moment Joldra stopped to catch a breath... The rogue looked to Janet and gently pointed ot the stone "I think you upset my pet rock."

Oh~ the grin the girl had in her mind "Alright we'll be heading in soon, keep in touch, Joldra!" with the mental goodbye to her friendemy given Rikke would move to help Janet with the hooks.

"So here's what I've learned. The building is just for the looks, we'll be stuck in some sort of tower once we enter." Rikke looked over the hook adding modifications where needed "And there's a war inside. Now the problem is... I have no idea how any of this magic works. So do we go in proper or should we try climbing through the top window and see what happens."

Traveling from down and up, may give greater insight whether the sisters are potential allies or absolute villains. Then again traversing 20 floors of hell may be quite the trip...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfull Joldra fell silent likely ending the conversation out of frustration. Looking over the handy work it was clear that Janet was no smith. "Well I say we go for the top floor it put us near the top or at lest higher up than the front door would be." Janet shrugged and went back to making another hook. Willow on the hand watched the door and sniffed and gave a half bark but didn't go on full defense mode.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well demoness lived alongside Rikke long enough to know she didn't mean it in ill will. Hopefully... "I was considering the 3rd floor though, just to be safe... but er... there's a war going on around that area. If understood it right."

The rogue quickly fixed up her claw and went near the door to accompany Willow in his sentry duties, looking around the area and then to the main building her eyes looking up along the temple "Make sure it's nice and sturdy 'kay, just we may be running low on time." keeping herself near the exit and glancing out occasionally Rikke collected quite the bit of rope of varying length. Placing in her backpack or even coiling it around her shoulder or waist, whichever seemed best for the length.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her gaze outside showed no sign of foes at lest any she could see. The memory of Seve crept her spine giving her a chill not related to the winter weather. Gazing along the temple walls and main building in her search revealed nothing of note. "Well if what your contact told you was true then the window might lead to someplace completely different as well." Janet chuckled a moment and looked to Rikke mischief in her eyes. "What if it drops right into a hot spring full of naked succubi? Or the bed of a demon knight?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue had quite the intuition by now, if the thought crossed her mind... chances are there might some of those things here on patrol "Willow, if you smell anything coming near warn us. Silently." she gently pet her loyal pup and walked over to Janet, helping her hurry her own climbing equipment.

"m~?" Rikke giggled at the question "Fun at arrival?" she winked Janet and giggled in a slightly pervy way, clearly only playing along to the joke "Come on, let's not linger. Better move while it's still clear outside"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay so.... who's carrying Willow?" Janet looked at the pup guarding the door his tail wagging. They could make a harness for him but that would take time. Looking about the shop they had more than enough materials to do so. "Oh Rikke if we are going in how are we going to signal Venice?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just smiled knowingly and looked around the shed for anything she could use to write a message "Simple, we don't." the rogue smirked confidently "Things are different here than we expected so we'll let out friends know." she turned to her pup "And Willow with Ven will be the messengers."

If possible:
Write a message detailing what Rikke learned about the area; the extreme security around and such.

Empty as much potions and stuff from Willow as they can and attach the message to him.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finding scrap parchment in the shed was to difficult but some leather scraps and charcoal in the old stove would work wonders in this regard. Writing her message Rikke pondered what all to include. Should she has for reinforcements? Maybe an assault force of elite wargs? The choice was hers and what ever she wrote was done quick as they once more found themselves at the wall they had climbed over hefting Willow up and over. Janet was at the crest of the wall this time struggling pup in hand. "Come on Willow calm down boy please." Janet pleaded with Willow to little effect. Even as well trained and intelligent as he was Willow was still a dog and being held in mid air with no ground under him unsettled the poor dog fierce. Meanwhile Rikke kept a sharp eye out for more patrols or scouts.

Suddenly she spotted something a blur against snow and a foul oder wafted in the wind. Looking up Janet was still struggling with Willow and given the sudden movements they had been spotted.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There would be no need for a full-scale assault, especially if it meant leaving the city undefended. Though a good task force to back the two girls up fi things go bad wouldn't hurt...

It was hardly just the discomfort that kept Willow uneasy! Rikke quickly turned to Janet and in a low voice called to her "Janet...! Hunters!" it was a nickname most fighters used on Seve-kin, a name hopefully not lost on Janet "Hide, Willow you too." Rikke quickly got near the exit to the shed, keeping herself out of sight she'd look over the situation outside.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet stuck out like a sore thumb and her face gave Rikke all the clues she needed. Janet was indeed aware of what a hunter was and was turning to get back down to the ground when two of the beasts appeared and took her and Willow over the edge to the outer side of the wall a startled scream and angry growl the only sound the two made. Rikke meanwhile almost chased after them till she heard the dull click of claws on slate just above her on the roof of the shed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Crap! Looked like the pup delivery over the wall had some uncalled help! Even if Janet was hardly a damsel in distress, hunter claws can rip apart even the sturdiest armor.

The rogue quickly looked up hearing one of the hunters linger to check the shed. A slow cockish smile spread across her face, the girls eyes sparkling with revenge. Rikke quickly drew her blade and then turned to something particulary loud, knocking it deeper into the room or even further on if possible, she herself taking quickly hiding. This will only take one moment.

Lure and execute.
Stealthed Lightning strikes upon spotting the rapezard!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stealth vs Perception: 65 vs 48, 44, 33
Perception vs Stealth: 43 vs 52, 44

Rikke quickly hid herself in one of the rooms her armor blending her in with the shadows ensuring she stayed stealthy despite her lure. Her distraction a discarded metal tool lay where she had tossed it but so far it hadn't drawn any foes. Turning her ears upward she could hear the stalker on the slate roof its wicked claws scaping the tiles. Suddenly it stopped the silence of its ceased movement twinging her nerves more than the claws on slate. Suddenly there was a strange bellow that repeated itself a few times. Then all was still again except for the door which had creaked open farther.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Something was off, the hunters HAD to have heard the particular loud disturbance. So where were they.... and the more time Rikke spent here, the longer Janet had to fight off the unknown forces alone.

Still atleast one of them was still on the roof and knowing these things, they can be impossible to spot once they detect you. The rogue gripped her blade tightly and waited out a bit longer, just checking to see what will happen next.

Her eyes sharp and locked on the moving door, the heroine stilled her breath and waited in the shadows.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth vs Perception: 56 vs 42, 38
Rikke Perception vs Stealth: 42 vs 40. 34 (omg stalkers you had one job!)

Rikke heard the hunter above her its claws on slate once more though her eyes quickly shot to the creaking door. Eying the door Rikke thought she could make out a hint of black claw in the door way. Her vision blocked by the door Rikke couldn't be exactly sure but her gut and experience made her feel certain thats where the creature stood. Her blade could plow threw the wood easy enough though it would loose a little force. Gripping beauty tightly Rikke shifted her weight in order to make an attack when the sound of glass breaking caught her attention. Looking over another hunter had gone threw the window in the adjoining room though he was far from unscathed small cuts made the creature bleed hindering his natural camouflage. Rikke was trapped! The hunters had made an ambush for her though thankfully they had failed to spot her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ambushing the hunter was hardly a good call... her enemies spotted Rikke gripped beauty tightly and sharpened her eyes. It was time to act!

Her movements as silent as ever Rikke would take her enemies one at a time, without his friend ever realising just in how much trouble they actually were.

Stealth Lightning strike the Stalker at the door.
Go back into stealth!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks from stealth with lighting strikes!
Auto hit due to sneak attack!
252 Damage after armor from three attacks!

Secound stalker cries out and moves to attack Rikke with Sudden strike!

Stalker stealth vs Perception: 32 vs 40 fail!
attack vs dodge: 47 vs 48 miss!

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine

Like a leaf on the wind Rikke closed the space between her and her foe. The silence however was shattered as Beauty slammed threw the wooden door causing the near invisible stalker behind it to cry out. Only it couldn't bringing its clawed hands to its punctured throat it had little time to wonder why he couldn't call for help when the second wood shattering blow hit his heart ending his life. Rikke was pleased her attack had gone off with out a hitch however a dark memory filled her of Seve slipped in making the rogue lash out one more time stabbing the already dead stalker in places best not mentioned. This however let the other stalker catch up and take a wild swing that was doomed to fail. Rikke's senses had been honed from all the fighting she did, and all the training and bruises seemed to pay off in this moment. The stalker attacking her seemed almost ridiculously predictable and had no Rikke just finished off one of his friends she may have had the footing to end this fool as well. Still overconfidence has its own failings as Rikke was mocking the inept foe her foot slipped in the blood and ever so slightly caused her balance to shift as the creatures claws whizzed by her face taking a single strand of hair.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each swing sent numerous splitters across the room, Beauties slashes seemingly leaving a brilliant silver trail dark red accents on their very edges. Rikke knew the figure of her enemy and suspected it's locations, the trails off blood from her strike and dark gurgling only sharpening the girls. Quickly shifting her weight another heavy strike pierced the sturdy hide of the creature instantly ending it's suffering. The invisible sheen swiftly dropping down as it fel to it's knees lifeless. The girls blade still in him.

Rikke hated these creatures, hated them with fair passion. The girl nonchalantly raised her boot to it's shoulder and pushed it off her blade, flicking Beauty clean of the gore---

A loud racket suddenly came from the othe room as another Seve-kin charged forward a vile screech escaping it as the creature ran seemingly all too clumsily forward! As if time slowing Rikkes eyes widened as she noted familiar twitches across the Hunter muscles, a technique she copied and she fel for once! Rikke quickly dodged back only for thick trail off blood to slip her push away making far less effective than planned, the creatures claw whizzing right infront of her even clipping a few strands of her hair.

Getting her footing back, Rikke sighed with relief and gripped beauty tightly dashing forward into battle fearlessly.

Lightning strikes!
Desperate Avoidance! 5EP for 10 extra Dodge!
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No contest Rikke gots this

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 40/45, Status = Fine

The seve-kin stood little chance as Rikke recovered her footing. Even though she no longer had surprise the creature was no match for her sword play. Crimson lines opened along the creatures chest as beauty slashed the foul creature to bloody Ribbons.

Gathering her wits Rikke quickly got into a defensive stance waiting for another ambush only to wait longer. No other attack was coming.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was a easy dispatch, the hunter barely even saw her approach, before 3 silvery trails ran all over it's body. Each swing aimed to kill, just as much as to make the kill as clean as possible. In a bloody mess the hunter fel to it's kness and lifeless to the floor.

Rikke knew there was atleast one of them on the roof and patiently waited a brief moment, noting absolute silence "Damn it..." the girl whispered under her breath. Chances are Janet was making a much louder mess outside. Keeping a low profile Rikke would quickly slip out via the window or hole the other hunter made. Her agility should be more than enough to climb over the wall and reach her companions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly dashed to the room and to the broken window. Thankfully it was large enough for her to easily get out of. As her feet hit the ground movement caught her eye as the last Seve-kin sprinted off to the main complex not even bothering to hide. Judging the distance he was to far for a knife throw but her gun might due the trick. Surely the shot would be heard but if the creature managed to escape then the whole place would be alerted.