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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah, but no hook on the en--" the heroines answer was swiftly silenced as she heard Willows sign! Rikke quickly turned to Janet communicating just with her gaze. Someone was coming!

Rikke hid closer, making Janet hide much further away. Afterall the girl was hardly adapt at it so it was best to keep her a fair distance away and completely out of sight.

Hopefully it wasn't something too sentient... otherwise their footsteps may cause some problems. Whatever the case Rikke swiftly hid herself running back through her own steps or through dropped debris/rocks and jumping into cover behind a fallen log. Eavesdroping and stealing glances at whoever alerted Willow.

Keep Janet completely out of roll distance (1 round before she could enter combat, but avoidance of pereception checks. Possible? ('.' ) )

Hide and check it out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet stealth 28 (+10 from Rikke hiding her.) vs 32 fail
Rikke stealth 43 (even with a 1 o_O) vs 32 success
Rikke perception 32 vs 15
Setting Janet behind a fallen tree Rikke quickly took cover herself. Still no creature made itself known but Willow continued to growl at the tight grouping of trees. Rikke watched a moment as Willow growled and she observed. After a moment a dark brown skinned figured left the safety of the woods. She had green tendrils on her back that waved slightly and brown skin that seemed to have bark growing on her forearms and shins. Looking about Rikke new she hadn't seen her and felt a sense of relife until the light threw the trees glinted off Jane's armor causing the strange creature to look right at her and start to charge. Seeing that she was spotted Jane got up and started her own charge blade held high.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wait wait wait! Bark? Green natural looking tendrils?! Rikke jolted forth as quickly as she could. This wasn't one of their enemies! Atleast it didn't seem like it!

Rikke cursed in her thoughts and swiftly rushed forward from the shadows hopefully interecpting the unknown creature, before Janet reached her!

Beat down to helplessness with unarmed

Strike from stealth with Unarmed Lightning strikes.

[If stealth negated by necessary running]
Hidden strike with Unarmed Lightning strikes

DO NOT KILL AT ALL COST! Even if it means punching the ground for one of the strikes :p
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke combos Sudden strike with Lighting strikes!
Steath 55 vs 34 sudden strikes success
Rikke uses lighting strikes 3 auto hit double damage attacks 76 damage (after armor)
dryad is kaput!

Dashing out quickly from her cover proved completely unexpected for the dryad as Rikke switched her blade to her off hand to get the most out of her attack. Surprised Rikke struck the plant woman three times. Surprisingly the girls tough flesh resisted most of Rikke's strikes but the nature of the assault simply overwhelmed the girl as she fell into the snow not moving. Reaching her Janet came to a stop. "Is it dead?" Rikke didn't know it wasn't breathing but did plant people breath anyway? All her strikes where nonlethal in nature so she should be fine. Sadly Rikke didn't have much time to ponder this as more rustling from the trees caught their attention.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly turned to the rustling, likely more of the dryads were coming. The heroine looked to the downed creature and then back to the rustling. Perhaps they could be allies... but negotiations would prove tricky after they beat one of their kin senseless "Damnit... maybe they could help us versus the demons!" Rikke turned to Janet looking for her opinion.

If Janet agreed to the possibility she'd get the honor of taking the knocked out dryad with them as they rushed up to hill and out of sight before reinforcements came. They'd need a chat with this creature.

Though if deemed too dangerous the girls would rush onwards leaving the creature to be whisked away by it's kin.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Maybe... but what if its tainted?" They had little time to decide so Rikke went with her first plan making Janet carry the dryad with them up and out of sight of the grove. After a sufficiant flight they stopped as a loud wail split the creepy quite of the woods. Something wasn't happy, still they seemed safe enough and Rikke could inspect the woman in greater detail. The woman was much as Rikke had seen in their brief confrontation. She had brown skin the same huh as tree bark. On her forearms and shines her skin had grown actual bark armor. The rest of her was all female enough though despite the green tendrils along her back which swayed lightly. Fine soft plant fibers made up her long hair which was green in color as well. "She may be out for awhile Rikke do you want me to use some energy to heal her?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No. First..." Rikke turned to her bags and pulled out some rope "We restrain her, for her and our safety." by now the rogue could work as a professional, it would be mere moments before the dryad was safely tied up. Not too tightly, but more than enough for both party security.

"Alright, but use only a little. She may be our enemy." she looked to Janet and nodded awaiting what would happen next.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The ropes where tied just as Jess had taught her not to tight but secure. Janet looked on the whole affair trying not to blush at the bindings likely having been treated to such before during her time at the princess. Still with embarrassed blushes out of the way Janet got to work slowly healing the creature with her divine power. At first nothing seemed to happen but soon enough pink eyes opened up and looked right at Rikke and Janet. The creature started to struggle but with no success as the ropes held her fast. After a few moments of this the creature stopped and breathed heavily. "No matter what you do to me my grove sisters will destroy this place.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled widely "That's exactly what we were hoping for." the rogue approached the tied up girl and knelt down to her, keeping a friendly attitude around herself "We're here to kick some demon ass aswell. Wanna help?" Rikke grinned widely.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You lie the animal creatures serve the tainted ones." The creature once more began to struggle against her bindings and it looked like Rikke would have to practice some diplomacy.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Then listen to our actions rather than our words." the rogue leaned out and crossed her hands "You're not harmed and you're away from the demons. We'd have little reason to even try to talk to you if we meant ill will to you or your sisters."

Rikke looked to her briefly "Especially after YOU attacked US." oddly enough the rogue tried to keep out of sight as much as she good, leaving Janet to catch the womans glances. For all her heroic achievements, Rikke was indeed for from pure of demonic taint...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Do not lie to me flesh creature. Your face can be false I will not be corrupted like the others!" Once more the creature struggled against the ropes but made little headway. "Rikke we should just leave it here it will draw to much attention if we keep at this." Janet was keeping an eye out around them her face full of concern. "Willow meanwhile took a different approach to this creature. Sniffing it he had stopped growling and simply looked on and wined a little. The dryad of course scowled at Willow "Keep your wolf-beast away from me." At this Willow wined and licked the creature causing it to stir. "Stop it wolf-beast I am not a chew toy."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not yet, having allies now and so next to the temple may prove beneficial in numerous ways... one last push "I tell the truth, yet you don't believe me. My actions are earnest yet you scowl at me" the rogue approached the dryad and knelt down next to it looking right at it's "Mistrust is one thing, stupidity is a whole other. Tell me, then what would you have me do to show you I'm not your enemy."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Let me go." It was simple to the point and dangerous. Janet looked on "I don't know about that Rikke what if it attacks again?" It was a tough call and Rikke knew it would be a hard choice. Still Willow didn't feel threatened by the tree creature. Looking to her faithful dog Rikke noticed him licking at the dryads face causing the creature to look slightly distressed. "Stop.... stop that tickles!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly at Willow, crossing her hands and actually allowing her pup free reign to tickle the dryad. Hopefully Willow wouldn't stop and sooner than later the dryad was laughing uncontrolably due to the puppies affection. It was exactly then when Rikke very stealthily cut the dryads rope and set her free. Not saying even a word about it, just smiling silently.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Unhindered by the dryads struggles and not commanded to stop by Rikke Willow continued to lick the creatures face. Eventually the dryad got into the state Rikke wanted her too and with a rather disapproving look from Janet Rikke cut the bonds she had on the dryad. It took a moment for the creature to notice but not before the echo of laughter broke the still creepy woods. Laughing hard the dryad brought up a hand to fend off Willow finally realizing she was free. Looking to Rikke the girl scrambled to her feet and started to run off with Willow barking at her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't give chase not try to end the dryad "Shh... it's okay Willow." she gently placed a hand on her puppy and smiled, before stading up to look to the awfully 'happy' dryad. Still Rikke would call out to her one last time "Just remember I did what you asked!"

Can't make allies out of everyone, but at the very least deep down in her head she'll know the girls mean no true harm. Maybe one day this will help them out, maybe not. Rikke looked to Janet and smiled "Would you rather have us kill her? No need to shed blood, silly. Not of the enemy of our enemy."

Well not much else to do, but move on. Hopefully miss laughing-stock will draw some of the guards attention away from the company "Let's move on"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully they had no unexpected quests despite the creepy nature of the woods. Climbing the rough hilly terrain a big more they soon came to the walls of the complex. Taking a quick look Rikke found them soild but not nearly wide enough to have a patrol walk on them. "Well if we can get over I doubt well be seen. There are no guard towers." Janet looked up and frowned "Though you did cut our rope... we might have to breach the front entrance. What do you think?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes smiled mischieviously "Hum... one thing I learned is it's best open the entrances from the inside." she looked to Janet "Give me a boost, 'kay?" the plan was simple Rikke gets up to the top be it by scaling or flatout making a leap up to it and then goes to find a door for Janet. A simple infiltration job.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sure" getting into position Janet gave Rikke a boost up. The wall besides being fairly tall was hardly a defensive structure and Rikke easily straddled the top. "Okay here comes Willow." It took a moment for Janet to get Willow into a steady grip as he didn't much like being lifted up and whined for the whole ordeal. "Okay here I come." Janet reached up before a sudden grunt caused her to look away. "Damn Rikke get over quick before they see you. Ill draw them away if I have to" With that Janet drew her blade and retreated down the hill a little ways. Rikke looked over to see what the disturbance was saw two demonic guards and some nasty wolf looking creature. They hadn't noticed her or Janet yet but if she lingered they would surely be seen and an alert sent out.