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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A strong sting striked Rikkes heart, as she grabbed her head. Seemingly woozy, as a powerful sense of guilt ate away at her "Mistress?" Venise leaned down to her mistress "Get her out of there, Venise. 'kay...?" Rikke didn't look up as she seemingly had ainner turmoil, but soon enough it subsided. She wasn't doing anything wrong! The traps are just for fun and she had to share the gift!...?

At any rate, Venise listened to her mistress without question as soon enough even if it came to cutting her free Carly dropped to the ground "Oh? I'm almost jelous, my dear." the huntress looked over Carlys body, well the plants haven't had a proper female for quite awhile if ever. And it most certainly showed.

Rikke looked to the statue and smirked, it was time to get yet another tail! And another ally.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Once free Carly just sat dazed and woozy and offered little resistance to what ever Rikke had planned for her. Meanwhile Luna had made it back to the camp to find Jess talking with Rhea who looked grim. "Luna dear what happened!" After quickly explaining the goings on or at lest what she knew of them Jess looked to Rhea who simply nodded and poofed. Laying Luna down Jess got her kit and gave her an antidote for the fruit before setting her in the hut to rest. She had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

In the grove Rikke with venises help would help would lay Carly on a soft moss cushion. It was time to get to work, though shame Carly was a little out of it.

"Venise tend to her top please. I'll take care of the rest." she winked slyly and licked the statue lightly, well on the brightside lubrication was not a problem all. Venise leaned down and kissed Carly gently her hands, teasing massaging the girls breasts, a treatment directly opposite to the what she just received from the tentacles.

Rikke would lean down and grin at the sight, gods the girl was pumped full. The perverted heroines loins stirred lightly, just remembering the times she had such a delicious creampie. While her sex with Jessica ALWAYS delivered and was nigh-perfect, there was just something special about the blunt manner she got fucked by the more unsavory types...

A stray moan from Carly brought Rikke back from her daydream. Oh right! With that the heroine got to scooping Carly out with the statue and fucking her silly along the way. It was time for a new ally to join her company.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As worked over as the girl had been it didn't take long for Rikke to get Carly to an orgasam which came screaming from her lips. Feeling the statue vibrate Rikke felt Carly's orgasam sharing it completely. The all to familar itching sensation was soon upon her again as an aqua colored tail joined the other two. New incites rushed into Rikke's head as a rush of trickster knowledge filled her. More she must have more! More tails more fun!

Rikke gains the use of Illusion magics as if she had the focused caster feet for light. Only spells that cause illusions can be used.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahaha~~" Rikke twirled energetically letting her trio of tails swish around her, before she stopped. Venise applauding at the display "They're beautiful mistress!" Rikke grinned utterly satisfied by this new reward. Not to mention, she had much greater insight into how exactly one can bend light for illusions!

"Oh~~ Watch over Carly, 'kay. I'll go take care of Luna~!" Yet another tail just waiting to be claimed! Rikke grabbed the statue and sped off to where she left off the mer-girl. Today would be a great day.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Speeding threw the jungle Rikke was soon upon the trapped mermaid or rather where Luna should have been. Instead she found the pit trap rather full of soggy rotten fruit and water with now girl in sight. Luna had escaped! Following the trail back to camp Rikke found it empty no Jess or Luna present it seemed she would have actual hunting to do!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noted the fairly substantial amount of water around the pit and het smile soon enough disappeared as she dashed forward only to find her pray gone! NO! Rikke stomped the ground in dismay like a little brat and quickly turned to the recently disturbed path. While not a pathfinder or tracker persay. The soggy path and clearly broken flora were an easy follow.

Jess and Luna were gone, with no sign of Rhea anywhere! Curses! Guess the girls will have some actual hunting to do. The pitfalls would prove useless, while the rope traps could reap some benefit... for a while atleast. At any rate Rikke quickly got back to the groove. It was time to greet their newest edition... and plan for a hunting trip.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stomped back to the grove only to find Venise and Carly in a rather tight and intimate embrace. Her two minions where currently in the 69 position eating each other out Carly on top her new agua colored tail swaying in excitement. Both of her minons looked to her and spoke in unison "Mistress please join us bring us pleasure!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled amusingly at her ALLIES-ish (*cough*) "Ofcourse my sweeties, but first we have 2 more problems to take care off." the rogue clapped her hands lightly to get the two at attention "Our dear friend Luna, escaped our playgrounds" Venise gasped loudly at the announcement "I'm so sorry mistress! I should've du--"

Rikke gently placed her finger on the servant girls lips and smiled as she shushed her "It's alright, Venise. It's not your fault, 'kay." the leader leaned out, before continueing "Now the problem is, Luna was likely a telltale and told us out. So we won't be able to trick them anymore."

"That means we'll have to catch them~" Rikke clapped her hands excitedly at the notion. The fun just keeps going "Now I won't lie, Luna and Jessica if together can be a bit too much for even all three of us. That means we'll have to use our wits to beat them."

The huntress crossed her arms lookign down to the two girls on their knees, who just eyed her with big wide and loving eyes. Their tails swishing side-to-side with amusement "Alright girls. Brainstorm time!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Awww" "There gonna be hard to catch!" both her fluffy subordinates looked down cast but quickly brightened at the mention of brainstorming. "Mistress Jess can fly how can we catch her?" "And Luna can swim really fast! If she's in the water than we'll never get her." Both girls had their hands on their chins thinking while their ears flicked and tails swished. Venise smacked her head in a doh moment and focused a little cutsy looking demon wings spread out from behind her. "I can catch Jess!" but that still left Luna and Carly was looking stumped.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked to Carly who was just a stumped by the sudden getaway as the heroine was "Wh-- Venise wait!" what the heck was the girl up to! Either way the trio needed each other badly, else they won't have a chance at dominating this game! Soon the other two girls would quickly go in pursuit of Venise, to whatever plan she had come up with.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Venise wasn't leaving just yet after all their was no way she would stand a chance against Jess alone. Still it left the girls with the issue of Luna even if Venise managed to catch the Jess and even subdue her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at Venise "So whats your plan, silly?" three gets revising a plan are always better than one, but at any rate even if there was a possible plan for Jess. Luna proved to be just as, if not more of a nuisance to catch "Carly what does Luna do? Maybe she has a ritual to have a certain drink? Has a spot to meditate?" it was a hard taks to locate the two girls, but if they knew their routines the kitsunes could exploit them!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Venise put a finger to her lip and cocked her head looking slightly up. "Im not sure Mistress." Carly on the other hand responded to Rikke rather confidently. "Well she always goes for a swim in the morning. But other than that she has no set scheduled."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at Venises comment, so her plan was to just try and grab her? Or was that enthuasiasm just to somehow please her mistress. Either way guess they needed a plan, though one at a time.

"Does she go to the deep waters? Would she notice us if we were on shore during that time?" it was a window of opportunity, though could the girls exploit it.

"As for Jessica... I'll take care of her personally, when the time comes." Rikke winked slyly and looked to Carly on information on Carly. While Rikke hated to delay their plans, chances were she'll have to give Rhea even more time for whatever counterstrike she had planned... but the day was growing old fairly rapidly now.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She swims under the water completely. So we should have plenty of time to get onto the beach but what are we going to do once we are there?" The two girls looked at Rikke expectantly after all she was the great leader.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tapped her lip and turned from the girls briefly. It felt like she could do it... but she wasn't sure. The heroine gently spun her hand in silence noting how she could distort and warp light. So that meant...

The huntress snapped her fingers a patch of sand with one of their bunks appeared! Rikke smirked confidently at the resolution, hearing her allies "Uu~'s and Aaah~'s" from behind her.

"We have options my dears." Rikke turned back to them "But which one shall we go with? We can do this the old fashioned way with a ambush and some rope, if need be." the rogue smirked confidently. The plan was simple the girls could hide in the tent while Rikke distracted Luna with an illusion of choice... from there on 3 on 1 wouldn't be a challenge.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What if Luna doesn't come back to the camp?" Venise finally piped in well that was a snag for sure. Jess and Luna probably took what they could carry and went to a different camp but where.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That's why we have to find them by next morning." Rikke leaned forward and nodded firmly. That would be their main objective for the time being, the ilsand didn't have any predators Rikke could recall, meaning a sleepover in the jungle top shouldn't be a problem.

"Chances are they didn't wander too far away, they'll need to meet up in a spot familair to Rhea. You two look around the surrounding shores, Carly take East, Venise take West, I'll go to our camp and try to trail them. We'll meet up here by dusk."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her two mischief minions nodded in unison and took off one heading east the other west leaving Rikke to head back to their bungalow. Eying the makeshift camp once more revealed that Jess had indeed taken food and water as well as Luna's medicine kit. Though sadly enough the heroine couldn't find any tracks just some disturbed sand near the bungalow.