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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The pitfalls were not deep enough to hurt and were filled with the soft fruit so soften the drop, however without help there was no way to escape their aphrodisiac-laden depth. "Hm~~ Jess will be hard to trap, she'll just fly." the foxy huntress tapped her lip "We may need some nets or~" the rogue looked over the area and spotting out a fairly substantial concetratio of the wines at a certain point above the tree planned out her trap. It had to be manually activated, but once Jess reached a certain branch. Some rope would pull her to the wines.

The aphrodisiac pitfalls in check, the rotten fruit spread out in the area below, numerous wire traps most leading to the wines check. Looked like it was hunting season "Let's go see if we can lure them out one by one." Rikke winked slyly to Venise and the two changed Kitsunes quickly scampered through the tree tops, towards the camp.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The daring duo made their way threw the trees soon coming with in eye sight of the camp. The three remaining girls on the island seemed to be talking amongst themselves. It was hard to make out but Rikke did manage to hear bits and pieces.

"...Rhea........ gone"


Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Venise and nudged her to stay back. It was time for the girl to exercise her oh~ so nostalgic skills of eavesdropping.

The heroine would leave the statue with Venise "If I get caught I'll make sure they come looking for you." the rogue grinned mischieviously "I trust you'll make good use of our traps if that happens" she winked slyly and moved in closer, keeping to cover just incase.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dropping out of the trees nearly completely silent Rikke made her way closer taking shelter by their hut to listen closely.

"Carly dear we can't worry about Venise at this second besides she is probably looking for Rikke to."

"But what if something happens to her?"

"Don't worry Carly Rikke may be acting strange but she would never hurt Venise and you would be surprised at what Venise was capable off. Besides Rhea and Selina went back to get help we just need to stay put to see if those two come back to camp."

"You don't sound very worried Jess..."

"Carly Rikke is an experienced adventure and the most dangerous thing on this island wrecked in the harbor and bound there. I am concerned though she was acting funny this morning and I think I saw something but Im not sure what"

The girls stopped talking a moment falling into a moment of silence at a topic Rikke had apparently missed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So Rhea and Selina were out, guess it was now or never! The heroine slyly looked around and took a pebble in hand befor emaking her way towards the jungle and hid in one of the bushes, right next to the trail the two girls had set for their playmates. It would separate to 2 routes. One had the pitfalls and rotten fruit placed all over... with a few spirng traps that would launch their pray into a pitfall they might've missed, the other had the rope traps that either snagged their pray up or just towards the numerous perverted plants.

Clearly Jessica and her ability to fly could flaunt either of the routes. It was time to get her attention. Rikke took one of the pebbles and after a very precise aim let it fly hopefully lightly bonking her lower on the head, just enough to draw her attention.

Rikke would wave to any of the girls that looked her way and motion them to follow her. While she herself would make her way up the tree-tops.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's aim couldn't have been more perfect as the small pebble bonked Jess on the head causing the girl to look around annoyed. "HEY!" All three of Rikke's vict... err playmates looked right at her as she waved and ran into the jungle. In unison Luna and Carly called out to Rikke to come back chasing after her into the jungle. Jess made a few steps as well before getting a look on her face. "Luna! Carly! don't go in there!" Unfortunately the two merkin failed to listen to Jess as they plunged into the woods leaving Jess cursing under her breath at a loss as of what to do next. It was rather frustrating that Jess hadn't fallen head over heels for the trick but then again she had been with Rikke for awhile now and knew her modus operandi. She would not be so easily trapped or tricked.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

But unbeknown to Jess... after this was over Rikke would have a sheer numbers advantage! The heroine grinned evilishly as the two girls soon entered the path of no return.

"Venice!" Rikke looked up to the tree tops while making sure out keep out of clear sight or hearing distance "You lead one to the pitfalls, I'll lead one to our traps!" the heroine stopped briefly and looked back "Allow them to see a little bit of your tail, should peak their interest." Rikke winked slyly and peeked out looking to her... err... playmates.

"Girls hurry! Over here!" the foxy huntress couldn't help, but grin and soon enough made sure to give a very brief glance at her before she ran back in the cover of the flora. The path ahead having numerous traps, from simple rope to spring traps, all aimed to the restrictor wines.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess may have smelled something fishy but Carly and Luna fell for the trick hook line and sinker and it was time to reel them in. As the two woman ran after Rikke and Venise they came to the for in the paths and slowed to a crawl. "Luna help I think I got stung by a poisonous bug!" It was all Venise could do to keep her chuckle under control. Both woman began to move in her direction until Rikke made her move to draw Carly away separating the two lovers.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A poison bug? Why so severe? Ah well, though Luna was the harder target, the fruit aroma and a bath in their juices if she took a wrong step can bring down even the most resilient foe.

But for it to work Rikke needed to separate the girls. Waiting for Luna to pass, Rikke quickly timed her entrance and snapped a particualry dry twig as Carly passed giggled audibly for the girl as she disappeared just as quickly as she appeared from her gaze "Over here, Carly."

Rikke moved just enough to entice Carly to follow the trail, before making her first stop near the first trap. A rope trap that if triggered would tighten up around it's pray leg and zip it up to the tree tops, to await Rikkes choice for her pray, use the statue now or gently nudge her towards the lusty plants nearby.

Humm a melody just out of sight, distarcting from the trap.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Carly walked forward looking through the trees for Rikke. It was almost to perfect Carly was no adventure and had no idea about pitfalls or traps. So clueless about such things she inspected the very trap that caught her. With a twang and scream Carly was lifted airborn by her legs and left hanging upside down just out of reach of the ground and in a very compromising position.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Humpph that was almost too easy. Rikke would soon appear from behind one of the trees and grinning happily would make a cutesy peace sign "Gotcha~" her ear twinkling mischieviously.

The rogue would approach Carly, swaying her hips and tails side to side before leaning down to Carly smiling happily at her pray. What to do, what to do?

Look around if she has the statue, did she leave it with Venise?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Checking her pocket Rikke frowned it seemed she had left the statue in the care of Venise. What ever was the rogue going to do now? "Rikke? wha whats wrong with you? Where did you get those ears from and why do you have a tail?" Carly struggled against the rope trap but with little effect after all she had no way to cut her self down and with out some sort of support she was at the mercy of the rogue.


Meanwhile not to far away Luna heard Carly yelp and stopped just inches away from a pit trap. "Carly? CARLY ARE YOU OKAY!" Luna looked about and began to head back to the beach.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned mischieviously "There's nothing wrong with me, silly." the heroine slowly moved one of her tails to tickle and snuggle Carly. It was just impossible to fight back from such a treat as the two ridiculously soft and bushy tails assaulted her, soon enough Carly had a hard time to catch her breath as she laughed merrily at the treat, with Rikke looking down dominately.

Well Carly was caught fairly easily and with being complete subdued it was safe enough to cut down the rope. No need to make the girl pass out from hanging upside down. Rikke gently pushed Carly forward, noting the lucky plant stir to life, so of it's wines slowly extending towards the foxy huntress's prey.

With Riley in a absolute laughing riot of snuggly softness, the heroine would hold the girl lightly to ease the fall and would cut the rope down. Carly slowly shuffled away from Rikke and towards the plant, trying her best to escape the cuddly torment. When finally it stopped.

"Rikke~ stop that~!" Carly wiped off a tear of laughter looking to the heroine who had a particulary pleased glint in her eyes "Careful dear, some of the creatures have very lewd thoughts in this grove." before Carly could comprehend what Rikke meant the wines on her feet tightened up and one more coiled around her waist catching her deftly!

Rikke grinned contently and picked up a fallen fruit, taking a bite on it and giving Carly similar treatment to Carly as Venise. Transfering some of the fruit juices to her "Careful, they'll get your panties right off, if you let them" with a mischievious giggle Rikke sped off towards the other path. Carly will be kept fairly busy for the time being... the heroines perverted 'allies' will take care of that "Be right back, don't have too much fun without me~!"


Well the call worked perfectly, her mistress couldn't be more proud. Though now it was time to seal the deal. Venise quickly scanned the area noting the traps she and Rikke layed down, choosing one of the better hidden one Venise quickly curled up to a ball opposite side of it and awaited Luna. Once the girl was almost within the trap, Venise would speed away, spuring the mergirl to lunge forward and into the trap! The sheer volume of aphrodisiac down there likely more than enough to turn her, to see the potential fun they can have.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna looked at the sudden movement but didn't lunge. Something was up and right now the forest was scaring her. "Carly.... Venise come one guys this isn't funny!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What was she glued there? Venise frowned lightly at the failed attempt, seemed it was time for plan B. The girl would slowly step out from the flora and reveal herself tail and all. Though exactly some feet ahead of the trap Luna stood right infront of. The mer-girl had to become curious and take a closer look right?

Venise smiled lightly at Luna, her tail coiling around her right leg and ears twinkling cutely. If such a change didn't warrant a closer look nothing would... except. Well her mistress would take care of that if need be.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna gasped at Venises's appearance but still the girl didn't move. It was completely frustrating she was so close it was maddening. "Oh dear Venise what happened to you? You should come back to camp so we can get this all fixed and straightened out." The simple though of no came to mind why would she give up so much fun after all her mistress commanded her to have it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No~" Venise looked away from Luna's offer, while the mer-girl was being fairly nice to her, she was completely ruining the mood! They weren't looking for help, the two kitsunes were looking for someone to chase them!

"Lunie! Come!" Venise spread her hands and grinned at Luna innocently, it was the first time she used 'Lunie' to adress Luna... ever. Guess her mistress and a kitsunes natures starte drubbing off on her "You can comb my tail if you wish too!" just one step closer...

Meanwhile, Rikke had already arrived too. Being as stealthy as ever the huntress was already near Luna behind some neighbouring trees, her thievery stealth working at it's peak.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna's face had a crest fallen look. "Venise dear you shouldn't have a tail something is wrong." Even an offer to brush her fluffy tale had been rebuffed a nigh insult to a kitsune making such a generous offer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Not even to brush her tail?! Who in their--- OH~ Venise frowned lightly. Looked like Luna wasn't going to budge... and she was so close too!

Looked like Rikke would have to make a interjection. The heroine winked slyly at Venice for her to keep Lunas attention, which the servant girl caught instantly "Nothing is wrong, Lunie." she twinkled her ears playfully and took her tail in hand "It's strange at first, but when you get used it to it it's so liberating~" she clapped lightly grinning happily.

Whatever Luna wanted to object she'd suddenly feel her arms locked, a clear feeling of a predator catching her! "Hey Lunie~" Rikke giggled from behind her, well the predator sounded awfully friendly "Don't be a spoilsport now~" Luna could feel Rikkes tail brush against her legs... no wait! 2 tails! Suddenly Luna was nudged forward and let go down into a pit fall! The branches cracked loudly and soon enough the girl fell to a fairly snug and soft landing on numerous fruit below, drenching her in the juice "Gotcha~~" Rikke waved happily from above and quickly ran up to Venise kissing her deeply "Let's let Lunie stew for a bit. Carly is ready for the change~ You have the statue right?"

Well Luna wouldn't be able to climb out of there on her own. And the longer the juices worked on her the more... 'agreeable' she'd be.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Statue in hand Venise and Rikke made their way to the very trapped and very violated Carly. Carly was wrapped up in the vines nearly completely now the plants having suspended her in mid air. Sticky gooy plant cum rained off her body and dripped onto her torn bathing suite. The vines had wrapped around her breasts and squeezed them fiercely while a trio of tenticles plowed into her pussy and anus. Even her mouth wasn't spared the vine loving as a rather thick tentacle was shoved deep in her mouth. Carly's eyes had rolled back into her head and she lay limp in the vines grasp. The image sadly brought forth the memory of how she found Carly to begin with. Beaten violated and broken had she left the poor girl to the same fate?


Meanwhile Luna had gotten a fair dose of the aphrodisiac but thankfully due to her porfession she was far more resistant to its effects even though it gave her skin a healthy aroused glow. Still she needed to get out of here. Focusing her powers Luna summoned forth a jet of water and quickly bent it to her will lifting her out of the pit trap and to the safe ground once more. She had to warn someone. With that the mermaid made her way back to the camp and to Jess.