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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was a talented Rogue even in the water she moved with ease and stealth. It was no surprise for Rikke when she caught Carly in a surprise titty grab. "HE eh HAY!" it was to late Rikke's hands where on the woman's cool tit flesh. Luna of course smiled at this turn of events and moved much quicker than Rikke expected to kiss Carly on the mouth her protests dieing as her lips met Luna's.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And... GOTCHA!" Rikke quickly lunged out of the water, her hands slipping across the girls sides and onto her breasts, as the heroine giggled victoriously "A wild--" suddenly Luna took the chance and locked Carly into a sensual kiss. Well that was quite the reaction... nope she couldn't help it, Rikke just HAD to play along.

The heroine quickly got to kissing the girls neck gently, her hands lightly massaging her. Wait so who accused someone of being peverted? Then again Rikke would finish her treatment as soon as the kiss finished.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna quickly broke the kiss and smiled at Carly before pulling her down into the water and away from Rikke. The look of surprise however didn't last long as both soon reappeared and began to splash the rogue with water. She was out gunned and needed to even the odds.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey!" Rikke laughed merrily cowering lightly from the array of splashes coming her way. Well there was only one way to do something besides flee... submerge!

The heroine quickly dipped underwater and looked around, she was up against a mermaid and Carly, who was mostly merfolk now. Still the rogue even underwater was quite the speed devil, it was time to stalk and attack!

Luna was tough pray to catch of guard, looks like Carly would be first fall pray.
Attempt to grapple and drag Carly underwater. [Though when grappled above water warn her to take a deep breath so she'd have to a moment to brace herself ;P]
When underwater, kiss her gently.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly dove into the water while the two girls looked about for her. Her eyes stung from the salt but Rikke soon found her prey. Carly unlike Luna didn't have an aquatic form so she was easy pickings. Finding her Rikke pushed off the bottom steering up a little dust and scaring a nearby crab. The extra speed gave her the edge she needed to catch Carly and give her warning before pulling her under water to give her a kiss. Carly didn't seemed troubled by the water no doubt benefiting from Luna's gift and returned the kiss deeply before braking away with a smile as Rikke had to come up for air. Breaching the surface Rikke took a deep breath only to fall prey to Luna rushing up to her and giving her a deep kiss.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly returning the short, but fairly deep kiss. Wrapping her hands around Luna for the moment, before they broke up. Carly reappearing soon after, giggling at the sight "Looks like you win this time Luna" Rikke smiled at the girl, before taking a step back "...I have to ask don't your eyes sting underwater here? I was thinking of going seashell hunting, but not so sure anymore." Luna can take care of water breathing, but the sting could be bothersome in the long run.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well my people are perfectly adapted for life in salt water see." Luna put a finger dangerously close to her eye while keeping it open only have a thin clear membrane move over them. "It protects my eyes but I could probably come up with a potion that helps you at lest for a little bit anyway." Luna smiled at Rikke meanwhile it seems Jess was trying to get her attention.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned to the shore and smiled warmly "That would be wonderful Luna! Make sure to make one for Jessica too please. All four of us could have a little udnerwater adventure!" the heroine grinned happily and raced off to the shore, she'll have plenty of time to swim around after Luna has the potions ready.

For now though, it was time to check up on Jessica and maybe look around the island properly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke got closer to Jess she could see that Rhea and Salina had come for a visit bringing along a couple of workers from Endus as well as some supplies. Salina's belly was engorged and she rubbed it happily her body had seen a few rays of sun from her visits but other than a slight tan her skin it was still fairly pale. Jess who was now fully dressed ran up to Rikke with a towel and wrapped her in it. "Rhea stopped by with a work crew I think she plans on building a proper house or hut or something."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"D'aww... but we were planning on gathering some of that tubey wood and bulding a hut ourselves!" The girl whinned lightly as she covered herself proper with the towel "...but I guess it saves us some work." she kicked the sand lightly, while it WAS work... it was the fun kind of work! The supplies were welcome though, fine drinks and proper meat were always grand to find. Still it would be polite to drop by and greet the guests to their little private corner of the world "Right best if I drop by and see what Rhea has planned." As Rikke passed Selina she'd quickly lean down and kiss the engorged belly gently, giggling warmly and winking at the soon to be mother "Hey Seli, she has a name yet?"
Her objective was Rhea though so she wouldn't spend too much time gossiping with elf and go talk to her as soon as possible.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Salina smiled at Rikke not stopping her from kissing her belly. "Im not sure what we are going to name them just yet." Salina smiled and waved Rikke off as she went to find Rhea.
It didn't take long for Rikke to find her and she was rather shocked to see the amount of supplies she had brought with her. "Okay we want to use as much native material as we can guys! Remember we need to build 3 houses so don't waste anything." Rhea was dressed in a deep blue bikini which hugged her curves nicely. However she also wore her blades on her hips. She still had her black hair with cute little ears and the single white streak near a new scare on her head.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Three houses? Thinking of starting a small resort here humm?" the heroine approached Rhea smiling warmly and hugging her in a friendly fashion "How are things in Endus? Rune adjusting well I take it?" the girl grinned happily.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke!" Rhea smiled warmly and gave the girl a hug. "Well she is adjusting as well as could be in fact the reason Im hear is to build her a vacation home to get away from the pressure of ruling from time to time. It will be my coronation gift to her. The other two are for guests and friends of the family." Rhea smiled again before telling a worker to get back to it. "So how is the vacation?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed happily "Calming and uneventful. Thankfully!... though we'll find some trouble eventually" the heroine giggled warmly "But seriously, this place is a wonder land. Nothing but critters to keep at bay from snagging a snack once in awhile and just the warm sea, bright sand and beautiful nature all around. OH except you have to watch out for crabs, those lil buggers are teritorial!" the girl grinned widely, looks like she was enjoying her time off.

"So how long will you be staying? Me and Jess were planning to explore a little deeper into the island." Rhea was always a welcome guest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Long enough to over see the building here" she paused a moment thinking. "Maybe a few days or so after all I hired some of the best workers I could find to build these houses." Rikke laughed from the amount of supplies she had bought it looked more like a small army. "Ill try to make sure they don't disturb the jungle to much after all given how wild this place is it probably has some sort of guardian spirit watching over it and that should be enough of a threat to keep the boys in line."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So that's a yes on our exploration trip?" Rikke grinned happily, not even waiting for a full answer " 'kay! I'll make sure Luna and Venise makes a few extra drinks and snacks for the trip!" well that was hopefully settled Rikke could quickly make her way back to their man camp and check how were the snacks and drink for their trip going. Perhaps Venise needed a hand...

"Um... Rhea... you... won't mind if Venise comes along. She could stay with Carly and keep a watch on the boys too if you wished..." while Venise was far and away by personality and by looks from the succubitch she once was. Perhaps Rhea still held a grudge...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea's face fell a little but she tried to smile. After all it had been a little time to prove to her that Venise was indeed someone else and not the evil creature so thought. "Uhh yeah she can stay here and supervise."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nodded firmly and smiled, too soon. It was still too soon for Rhea to accept Venise, well Rikke will have to make it up to the servant girl some other way. Perhaps she can join them during their underwater trip. It felt wrong to take from the girl and not give back.

" 'kay. Drop by our camp when you can! We'll have everything set!" the heroine waved her friend goodbye and proceeded to inspect if anything was missing from the snacks and drinks department!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea waved Rikke off as she started to bark orders at the work crews. The small camp Rikke and Jess had setup was fairly cozy with a good view of the beach. They had placed it on a small hill to keep the rain from pooling underneath and found that it worked rather well at keeping the beach critters away from them to. However it didn't stop the monkeys who sometimes stole things from the group. The monkeys presence however also attracted the cats who feed on the Monkeys. There was one particular cat that was fairly large he had tawny fur with lack splotches that blended in with the dappled sunlight of the trees. He and Rikke could tell it was a he; had no fear of Jess or Rikke or even Venise and often entered the camp but always at a distance.

On this trip however no monkeys or cats bothered the camp which left Venise do her drink mixing which she had become rather adapt at. Carly and Luna relaxed in a hammock holding each other while Jess was busy cooking something on a little grill.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Drink can be mixed fairly quickly even when lacking something, but snacks were a different tale entirely. The rogue quickly approached her companion and kissed the cook on the cheek playfully "Whatcha cooking? Need any help?" it was always nice to travel with someone who was a fairly capable chef, saved Rikke the hustle and Jessicas food always tasted fairly great!