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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jenny looked down at Sylph a moment and back up to Rikke. "Well from what I heard she goes into a dormant state right? And if I recall what Rune said a few days ago that she would probably condense herself down to keep moisture. So in theory she could travel with us just not actively. As for the grandma her shop was one of the ones cut off from the main group so I don't know."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sub-zero temperatures must be hard when you're made of goo..." Rikke smiled warmly "I wonder just how much does she condense to?" the girl sighed lightly keeping Jessica close "Say Jess... after all that's happened, did you ever regret leaving the manor?" Rikke eyed the fire warmly "You've been tortured, raped, chased by goblins, almost killed on numerous occasions..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well considering where you found me where I was also raped and tortured the being chased by goblins was just some added spice. But to answer your question. There are times I miss home but I have never regretted coming with you one second." Jess tried to snuggle even closer to Rikke and sat still by the fire some more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh... I forgot..." Rikke smiled sheepishly, she completely forgot that when she arrived the manor was just a tomb infested with numerous cruel demons. The only memories she kept were the ones after she saved everyone.

"We did we'd return there... Emma will likely already have her baby delivered. Wonder if it's a cock or a girl." the rogue snickered warmly, all too comfy sitting there with Jessica.

"Still... first we need to end this demon threat. Then~ we'll splurge a little hailed as the city heroines." the rogue giggled lightly "Though if we'll order a painting let's make sure he's either of an odd sexual orientation or a woman" she smiled warmly recalling the painting of the group in the manor. Rikke was indeed the star with rather overly accentuated features in that picture...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess yawned a bit and brought her other arm around to Rikke. "I wonder if they ever picked a name." Rikke could feel Jess's grip slacken and felt her breath become even and deep it seemed her lover just fell asleep.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just smiled warmly at her friend and gently lowered her to comfortable position "Love you..." after placing a kiss on the sleep-struck lovers forehead, she lied down alongside her aswell. Drifting off to a hopefully undisturbed nights rest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke awoke to find Willow wining at Sylphs bowl. It sounded desperate and worried. Blinking her eyes awake Rikke could see that Sylph had shrunk down to the size of grapefruit with most of her excess goo quickly evaporating away leaving the fairly solid chunk with a soft glow in the middle. It looked like the girl had finally succumbed to her slumber.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke yawned sleepily and looked to her pup "What's the matter lil guy?" she smiled warmly rubbing her eyes only to see the cause of the distress "Oh no... Sylphie..." Rikkes tone carried genuine sadness, she really didn't want to see the girl disappear. Still it was just natural...

The rogue patted her pup gently "Don't worry Willow, Sylphies just sleeping. She'll be back, I promise." Rikke would ever so gently pick up the newly formed goo and place it safely into her backpack. Away from anything that could possibly harm it. She'll buy a proper container when she's back in the city.

With that done she'd look around the camp to see what was everyone up to, today was the big day afterall.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke picked up the Sylph ball it seemed to glow a little brighter. Placing it in her backpack the girl looked around camp. Most of the other girls where slowly rousing themselves and stretching. It looked like they would all be ready to go before to long.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke fixed her hair lightly and looked to the group "Alright, show of hands who wants to freshen up with some water?" the heroine needed her morning freshening up, but if it was only her she wouldn't waste the groups time. There had to be a small river or a body of clean water around here somewhere... it was far too lush not to have it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Most of the girls just blinked at Rikke not quiet comprehending. Naomi however smiled brightly and after a few moments of concentration a small sputtering crack appeared shooting forth clean water for the girls to use.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes light up in joy "Oo~~ Thanks Nayomi!" she grinned happily as she approached the small body of water "Watch out for any peeping toms alright?" the rogue winked slyly as she slowly unbuckled her armor, revealing her exceptional body.

Rikke first washed her face, allowing any excess water to roll down her body refreshingly, before splashing some on her exposed breasts, the water trickling down the girls cleavage. Still soon Rikke noticed Jess giving her funny looks the rogue just couldn't ignore, aiming for the moment Jessica looked away she'd splash a healthy dose of the clean water onto Jessica and giggle mischieviously. Unless there were some interuptions or the girls wanted to join in on the water wars, Rikke would wipe of the water and quickly get dressed, it wasn't particullary hot outside..
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked away only to be splashed by cool water on an equally cool day. "RIKKE!" Oh that did it Jess was up and after Rikke in a flash while the other girls where suddenly jolted awake but Jess's scream. Even Willow was barking madly at the two girls chasing each other around their little camp.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled michieviously as the chase continued around the camp. Soon joined in by Willow who started running after Jessica. The trio happily ran around, soon some laughs and snickers echoed throughout the camp at the sight... still eventually Rikke let herself be caught and snickered gleefully. Well that beat the morning stuppor right on out.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Letting Jess catch her Rikke felt a painful pinch on her bottom. "When we get back to civilization your ass is mine!" Jess looked at Rikke her eyes twinkling with mischief with no anger to be seen. However a some voices soon popped up. "Hey can we watch?" "Yeah I wonder if Rikke is as good as everyone says? "Watch hell I want to join in. Isn't that right Erika." "Uhh yeah sure Erika looked away shyly for being a belly dancer she sure was prudish at times. "Hey now no celebratory orgies till after we beat the demons back." A collective awww rose from the girls but soon everyone was packed and ready to go.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Celebratory orgies eh?' hopefully it wasn't the heroine who inspired such an interesting way to celebrate... but it was hardly unlikely...

Rikke snickered lightly giving Jessica a light kiss before getting dressed "Alright girls lead on, looks like we'll be fighting some demons today" she smiled lightly and moved out with her group, onwards to the checkpoint and the demon camps ahead.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trek to the check point was uneventful save the lack of Sylph but no one said anything about it after Jess had asked Rikke the details. Reaching the check point the found it much as it was last night with the exception of the wasp corpses where a bit more ragged than last time. "Okay once we are by here we are in our territory no doubt we will be picked up by one of our patrols still the lines have been fluctuating alot so keep your ears open."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Gotcha" Rikke nodded and proceeded onwards in whichever direction Alice and Jess lead them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: 45 vs 36 pass
Jess: 44 vs 36 pass
The girls: 36 vs 36 pass

Rikke and crew walked passed the checkpoint with little diffculty but the smell was very rancid as several of the creatures venom sacs had ruptured and spilled their vial contents all over. Still it wasn't till the girls got to the shelter of buildings that Rikke felt someone following them and by the looks on the faces of the others she could tell that they had felt them to. The unknown things didn't attack yet but their presence was unnerving.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned to all the girls making sure they were all on the same page here. Something was following them, the heroine dicretly looked around and whispered to her group "Hide. Attack via non-lethal methods on my mark...go" the moment the group thought they were out of sight they'd split up and set up an ambush. It might be friendlies or something else, no need to rush and spill blood.