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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke unsure but sat down once again a little distant from Rikke but closer enough for casual conversation. "Well I help you with your plan but Im going to avoid the water for now." Janet looked at Rikke and waited for any thoughts the girl had a serious look on her face.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked rather seriously at Rikke, oh god she was actually gonna have to explain her idea to THAT face... "Keep an open mind okay?" Rikke paused a moment before continueing "Okay... so the main problem are the two guards at the entrance... so~ this I idea came to me, yesterday as we *cough* anyway. Perhaps we could get them to drink some... lust serum and have 2 of our girls keep them busy, while I sneak in?" an uneasy smile broke from the heroine, the brothel was a horrendous influence on the girl... but the plan could possibly work.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked thoughtful for a moment. "That might work dance night is usually packed so regular business is pretty much dead during it well untill the dancing is over then its a sexual frenzy." Janet looked away and off to the distance. "Im not sure where you would get lust potions from they are only used in the beginning of a girls training in order acclimate her to her new position in life. Also who would be your distraction. Erica and Alice will be dancing and Nayomi will be serving drinks. Which leaves Cassandra and Me." Rikke was surprised that Janet didn't protest at the thought but then again she had been in the brothel for two years and no doubt had very little shame when it came to the acts required.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ I'm fairly sure Luna can whip those up if needed..." Rikke have Janet a knowing look, she was talking from experience "So we need to get Cass to agree... dunno she looks like a tough cookie to crack... still she was in this guess it was her turn to do her part" Rikke smiled at Janet while stroking Nayomis hair. The elven girls was such a precious little thing... odd the brothel hasn't broken her yet... though knowing Sasha she made sure to keep Nayomi like this. Some clients likely paid top denarii to plow an innocent elven girl like her...

"Come Janey let's go for a swim? Eh? I'll teach you!" Rikke smiled at her friend "Maybe Steve could lend a hand too?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know Rikke that fish didn't seem to like us what if he steals our panties again?" Still Rikke could see Janet was tempted though resisting. "Besides shouldn't we get some dinner or something." Now the girl was flat out stalling thankfully Rikke had the cure for that.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Dinner..." Rikke gently placed removed Nayomis head from herself, smiling warmly as she did "Can wait~" the heroine quickly tugged at the string holding Jantes loincloth on her quickly removing it "Steve can't get these if we leave them here" Rikke stuck her tongue out playfully as she dropped Janets loincloth nearby, before promptly getting nude herself.

"Come on~" Rikke quickly got behind Janet and slowly pushed her forward, her breast rammed against the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke but I I don't want to get in the water its cold." However Rikke wouldn't give up and inch by inch she pushed coerced Janet into the shallows. The cool water did feel great on her skin though the shiver that comes with the sudden cooling always gave her goosebumps. Janet held herself shivering teeth almost chattering she looked highly uncomfortable.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at the girl as she wrapped her hands around her "Come on the water is just perfect... and we're on the shallow beach. Relax Jenny." the heroine smiled at the girl encouragingly... wait the real reason Janet seemed to be consider the water was because the girl was sunbathing for this long! Surely her hot body thought the water was absolutely freezing!

Rikke smirked to herself and actually tightened her grip, slowly forcing Janet and herself to kneel down into the cool water "Down down, we go~...." the rogue giggled lightheartily, unless Janet showed really strong signs of disapproval Rikke would let her go. She wasn't here to make the girl suffer... much.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet didn't resist but tensed abit as Rikke tightened her grip around the girl. "Rikke?" There was a moment of hesitation but it was quickly followed by Janet speaking. "... Never mind" She could feel Janet relax and turn to her. "So whats the real reason you want me in the water?" She had a twinkle in her eye that hinted that she didn't believe Rikke's story about teaching her to swim.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked slyly "I may have a plan..." the girl looked away into the pond "STEVE! Dear, could you come here for a moment!" the sly grin on the girls face did not look good at all. Whatever was she planning? Still first she needed for Steve to show up... meanwhile she might aswell tease Janet with the cool water a bit more.

"So how come you never learned to swim, Janey?" Rikke took the girls hands gently and pulled her into water slightly deeper, but not enough to cause the blonde distress. Just enough if she knely down she'd be around shoulder deep.... just like Rikke was right now. The rogue sat down on the ponds bottom her supporting herself with her arms as only the girls shoulders and head remained above water.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Ive always been a city girl and their are very few places in a city to learn such things." Janet sat in the water looking for Steve. "Rikke why do you want the fish here?"

Steve felt the sensation of someone disturbing his domain again and went to investigate. Swimming slowly her spotted the same intruders as before. Angry bubbles broke the surface. How dare she come back the audacity he would have to teach her a lesson again. Swimming back Steve got some distance between the intruders and himself this time she would feel the full forces of the mighty Steve.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had been an adventurer for long enough to sense whenever something bad might happen... the rogue quickly snapped her gaze to the pond "Steve please! Truce? Don't be mad, Stevey~" Rikke eyed the water in blind guess where the fish might be, but she was dead-on target. Her intuition was nothing to scoff at.

Still she ransacked his home and almost stole his prized collection... even if was more the case of getting back what he stole! Nevertheless Steve had the moral high ground here.... though Rikke felt she can persuade the fish quickly easily... maybe with that little tingling oomph feeling she sometimes managed to employ. Rikke eyes shined lightly as some wispy trails darted into the water...

Rikke actually uses Charm! On a fish...
Cast Charm on Steve. He might not be in a talkactive mood... not to mention charming a perverted fish who actually has the hots for you is such an go-to move :D
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke uses charm on Steve
29 vs 26 success Rikke has charmed a fish.....

Spotting Steve was easy its hard to miss a giant goldfish especially when its barreling right at you. "Steve please! Truce? Don't be mad, Stevey~" The icy blue trails left Rikkes eyes and entered right into Steven who promptly stopped confused why was he attacking his favorite person in the world. Janet meanwhile gasped at the light show. "Uhh Rikke your eyes what are you doing?" Whether she answered Janet or not was up to Rikke but Steve was gently swiming towards the rogue the angry bubbles missing from his wake it looks like Rikke had succeeded.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Good boy Steve~!" Rikke smiled warmly at the fish gently strokin the tops of it's head, thankfully the gills were nice and wet so it super smooth. Though the question of what she did should probably be answered... the heroine smiled at Janet "I'm not really sure, but I think somehow I have the ability to allow people to sense my good intentions... It's an odd tingling sensation. I'm not really sure how it came to be or works..." Rikke smiled innocently at Janet "Maybe I've got so magic in me" well in a way she did... though not the mage magic she thought.

Rikke lead Steve closer to Janet, though making sure the fish wouldn't brush against the bottom. "Okay Janey~ you wanted to hear my plan?... Well~~ how about me and my assistant Steve here. Teach you the basics and the joys of swimming?" Rikke giggled heartily and looked to Janet.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked down at the fish and back up to Rikke. "No offense Rikke Im not sure what a fish can teach me about swimming after all its just a dumb fish." This of course did not go well with Steve who used hes massive tail to splash Janet square in the face with a virtual tidal wave of water. Thankfully for Janet Steve was enjoying the attention he was getting from Rikke to follow up the actions. Janet coughed out water and threw icy daggers at Steve with her eyes. If looks could kill Steve would no longer be swimming with the fishes.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughed merilly "Careful Janney, he's touche'. Ain't that right you big silly fish" the rogue gave Steve a quick kiss on the forehead giggling lightly, well he was her biggest... well actually Matt likely took the title of her biggest fan right now. Still Steve was the original.

"I'll teach you the technique and Steve will show you how much fun you can have in the water." Rikke grinned happily and knelt down infornt of the fish looking it dead in the eye "Now Stevey. Ja-net. Can-not... NO can do.. swim. So you let give her RIDE. Keep Janet on SURFACE. Okay?.. good boy!" Janet looked at the girl obviously not to keen at the sudden idea "Just hold on to Steve and he'll ride you along the surface... trust me it's fun~" atleast in theory.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Now to be fair Steve was a big fish but even he doubted his ability to carry the yellow hair one threw the water but Auburn head was asking so nicely he just had to try. Adjusting his position in the water Steve made ready he would give it his all. Janet meanwhile looked at the fish distrust and a little fear in her eyes. "What if he tried to drown me?" it was a real fear and Rikke doubted Janet would move with out assurances.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You're not an axe Jenny... and he won't, so long as you hold onto him you'll be afloat perfectly fine... I could show you if you're feeling uneasy?" Actually Rikke wanted a go at this too! "... yeah think I should run a crash course... just incase" the heroine smilled at Janet and walked over to Steve. Thankfully the fish was a predator in his own right, so there were plenty of possible handles to hold on without slipping on the slick gils.

"Okay Steve one go around the pond a slow pace" Rikke smiled warmly at the fish, Steve was a big boy he should be more than strong enough to pull Rikke.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Steve waited for Rikke to grab hold and began to swim gently slowly picking up pace for till both him and Rikke where gliding threw the water with ease well at lest one of them was having and easy time of it. Steve swam strong but the added drag slowed him down enough that he couldn't get up to speed which was probably good for Rikke. Rikke could feel the waves and water flow around her and she could feel Steve's muscles flexing and undulating under her added drag but still they mad good pass threw the pond for a complete circle stopping once again at Janet. "Wow that looked so easy!" Steve just flared his gills faster it was likely the hardest exercise hes had for quite sometime.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"WEE~~~" Rikke giggled happily as the fish sped through the water! It was as fun as she thought it would be! Seeing the pond rush by as the water gently curved around her was quite the feeling! "Faster Stevey~!" the poor fish was having a hard enough time as it were, but for Rikke he was gonna do it! Steve slightly sped up as wind gently started rushing through Rikkes hair "A~haha~" the heroine laughted merrily before her ride was over. Giving steve a kiss on the gills for good work.

"I told ya~" Rikke grinned widely at Janet and was about to offer her a go, but noted Steve was kinda beat... she wasn't heartless, besides if worse comes to shove she'd rather not have ms. axe sink to the bottom. "Now before you get a ride, first we need to go over the basic of what to do if you find yourself standed in deep waters..." Rikke smiled at Janet and explained the basics of how to stay afloat... mostly repeating to Janet not to panic. Hopefully the brief pause would give Steve enough of a breather to get ready for another go. Otherwise... well she had something else on her mind.