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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Silly Rikke Sylph can't too squishy." After hugging a little Jess had a eww gross look on her face but kept her mouth shut. "We go hole now yes?" Sylph let loose her embrace and gathered herself back up again. "Sylph know best way follow Sylph." With that once again the slime girl was off and away leaving Rikke and Jess alone.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke wiped off so of the remnants from Sylphs hug. "Yup just give us a second, Rikke and Jess need armor." hopefully the slimegirl understood what the girls meant, but it wasn't very likely "A-mor?" Still thankfully she stood still for the brief moment it took for the two adventurers get in gear, before dashing forward like always.

Rikke turned to Jessica and smiled "Who knows whats down there. You ready?" "As I'll ever be..." the rogue snickered lightly as she took Jessicas hand "Come on, lets go ruin some dustmen day." With that the girls proceeded to follow their guide to whatever lies ahead... and hopefully the badge.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The path to the center of the devastation was a little hard to traverse and in several cases to speed things up Sylph gave Rikke and Jess a hand over a couple obstacles. It was silent the only noise being Sylphs wet footstep as well as Rikke and Jess's own boots on stone. It seemed to echo loudly making Rikke cringe but what could she do if she walked any slower it would take them much longer to get where they where going and sylph didn't seem to mind the noise they where making. Maybe it was just her nerves acting up trying to not lose herself in her thoughts Rikke moved on until spotted her first dustman.

The figure looked like a human male but completely grey as ash. His sword arm had broke leaving a pile of ash covering a rusting sword. His armor with an all to familiar crest of a black wolfs head barley stayed in place slowly cutting into the mans ash body. So this was a dustman kinda creepy in its own right but thankfully not moving or swinging its sword at Rikke. Looking past the first dustman they found more and more the whole street was full of them and not all of them where human. Some where crazy looking lizard creatures other mounds of flesh with tentacles flailing every where. Knights, invaders, mercenaries and even children where not spared from the magical onslaught that had turned them into ashy remnants of their former selves. "This place gives me the creeps." Jess suppressed a shutter. "Dustman scary?" Sylph had turned around and tilted her head at Rikke and Jess.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

So these were the so called "dustmen" - the remains of the defenders of the city. Though seemed the beam destroyed everything indiscriminately, obviously the invaders got caught in the blast aswell. "More sad than scary, Sylphie..." the three girls continued onwards through the confict seemingly caught and frozen in time. "Once a great battle raged on in here... Jess keep an eye out for something that looks akin to the mayor, or has fancier armor. I don't want to spend more time than needed here..." Rikke nodded at her companion her solemn mood evident.

"If we split up we could cover more ground, but "Big Hurt" might be around..."


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Passing many more dustmen on the street Rikke could see that they where indeed pushing the invaders back or at lest it looked so to her. Thinking to herself she almost walked right into Sylph who stood stark still in front of her. "Whats wrong Sylph?" Jess called out next to Rikke. Turning around Sylph turned purple and her form bubbled a little. "Big Hurt place near need be shhhs" So Sylph did know what scared or a frightened was just not how to say it. Pushing the complexities of the strange goo girl aside Rikke and Jess began to move along silently as possible. Even Sylph seemed to move much more silently no longer steeping but letting her ooze carry her along the ground. After about 10 minutes of this silent walk they came to the crater which had sever long fissures stretching into the city. Many of the dustmen where gone save for a few in more sheltered area's leaving piles of ash, weapons, and armor laying about. Rikke tried not to think about what the ash was as her and all her companions where now covered in it head to toe.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Anyone see anything? Fancy armor? Glinting steel... the badge?" With "Big Hurt" nearby and so close to the epicentre Rikke did not want spend a moment longer than needed in such a high-risk place.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around with the ash every where it would nigh impossible to spot something so small. You would have to literally trip over it and have it smack you in the face. Sighing and looking about Rikke spotted something floating in Sylph and the girl was giggling trying to get it out but having little success her efforts seemingly causing it to move away from her. "Rikke help tickles!" Walking over to Sylph Rikke could see the badge floating center mass of the goo girl. Jess walked up and whistled. "Well I guess we found it though Im not sticking my hand in there to get it."


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the scene sadly, if the mayor did lead the troops he probably took the biggest impact from the beam absolutely obliterating his body... that means the badge would be somewhere in the piles of sand and ashe... maybe even destroyed. The rogue sighed all this for nothing... when suddenly she noticed something shiny caught floating in their slimegirl guide "Rikke help tickles!"

The rogue smiled lightly and approached to check what was the fuss about, when suddenly she froze up as her eyes widened. THE BADGE! Rikke covered her mouth with both arms, now was not the time to scream... must... not scream... Talk about being Lady Lucks favorite girl!

"Okay Sylphie... don't... move." Rikke was about to dig in and fish that beautiful hunk of junk out when Jessica placed her arm on the rogues shoulder still hardly believing the sudden burst of luck. "Not.Here." Rikke blinked a few times... WAIT they were near the "Big Hurt"! If Rikke had started grasping the metal here obviously the slimegirls giggle would get noticed! "Sylphie, dear. Please bear with it for till we get away from Big Hurt. Please, Sylphie~." Rikke would keep watch on the badge like it was the virgin princess chastity on a sailors ship, if that thing slipped out of Sylph...
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sylph try but tickles." The trio made their way out of the center of the city passing the ashy remains of the former Black Warg marking their entry point. All was good until Sylph laughed unable to contain herself any longer. Now to be fair Sylph had done her very best not to laugh and giggle at the strange thing floating inside her but given her sensitive nature to begin with it was only a matter of time before she broke. Thankfully it was at the edge of the craters territory. Sylph's giggle was loud and it easily echoed around their location. Looking about in a near panic Rikke soon felt relief as nothing seemed to happen. "Whew I was worried for a moment we best get that out of her before she explodes again." Jess smiled which could only make Rikke smile. Reaching in to Sylph and was an odd experiences to begin with but the fact that her body seemed to pull Rikke in gave a little fright to the girl but soon all was right as rain as her hand closed around the badge and carefully pulled it free dripping Sylph goo but free.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the badge in her hand "We.. did it? Jess. We did it. WE DID IT! WE DID IT, WE DID IT!" Rikke started flatout jumping aroound in sheer glee, seemingly infecting the other two as they they quickly joined in to a one big group hug jumping in tandem. Sure Sylph had no diea why the girls were so happy, but she just rode the positivity. "Thank you Sylph~ Thank you, thank you!" Rikke gave Sylph several kisses on the rather gooey face.

Rikke leaned back from her kiss barrage on ths lime face absolutely covered in the ooze "Rikke you got some... Sylph on you." Jessica snickered lightheartily "Who cares! Jess! We got the badge! We actually found it!" Rikke once more jumped into Jessica, hugging her with such force that even made the red haired girl spin the rogue a few times.

Thus the girls found the badge they sought, not by a witty or elaborate planning, excessive scavenging or even wrestling it out from great horrors.... just by a lucky chance they met a slime girl who just happened to cross it. And you know what, Rikke was alright with that.

Now all they had to do is return it. A challenge easier said than done.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Perception: Can't fail
Jess Perception: Can't fail
Sylph Perception: Can't fail

Rikke was caught up in the moment happy that their quest was soon to be over. So happy in fact that when Jess fell down she thought the girl merely lost her balance and was about make a snarky comment when she heard the massive *THUMP* and felt the ground shake. "Oh ohes" Sylph turned a deep purple and began to bubble in fright. "Big Hurt run!"

Looking up Rikke indeed noticed the big hurt as Sylph put it. The creature was easily 20-25 feet tall misshapen with black eyes. It had molted grey skin that would have blended in with the ash if it wasn't for the massive amounts of blood that covered its form. Looking at the trio it roared and threw a boulder at them smashing the route they had entered into the crater with.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned pale at the sight just what IS that thing! "RUN!!" thankfully Rikke had secured the badge in one of her pouches right before the interuption... since right now the girl couldn't even feel her body. A primal fear overflowing her, as she took of mere moments after witnessing the creature, right along with her companions "SYLPH.NEXT EXIT. NOW!"
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Flees 88 ft
Jess Flees 76 ft
Sylph Flees 88ft
Big Hurt chases 92 ft
"SYLPH NOT KNOW!" the slime girl hesitated a moment before dashing off down another road with Rikke and Jess following. Daring a look over her should Rikke could see the Big hurt closing on them fast man it was fast. It bellowed a roar and kept coming right after them if Rikke didn't do something it would catch them in no time. Abandoned buildings narrow ally ways there just had to be something she could do.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"In here quick!" Thankfully Rikke was the fastest of the bunch so she could pickout any possible routes they could take. The rogue dashed into a tight alley way, there would be no way something like that could follow them... though it could just trample through the buildings. Still it wouldn't be like the girls would turn around and check if it worked!


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke flees: 96 feet dose not hang up on obstacles (17 vs 10)
Jess flees: 76 feet dose not hang up on obstacles (19 vs 10)
Sylph flees: 88 feet dose not hang up on obstacles (15 vs 10)
BH chases: 22 feet runs into building (1 vs 10)

Rikke led the girls threw a narrow ally filled with debris but managed to clear the clogged alleyway with out slowing down. Looking back she smiled to see Jess and Sylph easily clearing the obstacles as well but as it turns out both girls seem to be much slower than Rikke. Though they make good time and seem to gain some on the Big Hurt as a roar of annoyance and the sound of one destroyed building latter the creature resumed its chase.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not out of the woods yet! Come one!" the trio continued their mad dash as the sounds of destruction raged behind them, something so loud could mean only one thing... the creature did not give a darn about any obstacles and just destroyed the buildings in it's way! Outrunning the terror was not an option the girls needed a plan. Rikke glanced around the area the "dustmen" crumbling all around the girls as "Big Hurt" continuosly rocked the ground with his footsteps. What were they gonna do now? Perhaps a distraction! The rogue continued to scan the area, seemed she would have to lead the girls out of this once more as Jessica poured all of herself just to keep up and Sylph just cried out in her own childish manner while running.

An old building caught Rikkes eye perhaps it used to be a hotel, though it was hard to tell by all the destruction inflicted on it. Perhaps the girls could distract and break off from the creature dashing through the building, they had a substantial lead which should allow them to make good headway through the building, perhaps even making it in time to headout through the backdoor or window, before the giant creature starts ravaging and crumbling it on top of them. It was risky, but surely this way the creature could be put off. "This way!" 'Lady Luck don't look away now...'
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke flees 24 feet 9 vs 10 Rikke takes a wrong turn
Jess flees 19 feet 8 vs 10 Jess takes a wrong turn
Sylph flees 22 feet 11 vs 10 Sylph finds the exit
BH chase 23 feet 11 vs 10 starts to smash the building

It was a good plan really it was but as soon as the girls entered the dark building with out letting their eyes adjust they got lost or stumbled on hidden furniture. Sylph however managed to find and exit and called out to Rikke and Jess allowing them to escape as the Big Hurt began to smash the building they had just entered. The mistake had cost them speed but thanks to their team work they still had a good lead.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You just keep smashing that!" Rikke almost tauntingly jumped out the window Sylph found "Go go! Move through cover! This is our chance to lose it."
Rikke glanced back at the building at it's current state it wouldn't last long... but the girls had to hope it would be enough for it to lose track of them.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph grapples Rikke and Jess and flings them across the crevice. 64 vs43 and 49.
Rikke resistance check 18 vs 24 fail doesn't land on her feet
Jess resistance check 24 vs 29 fail doesn't land on her feet

Rikke and crew ran for all they were worth but still the thing chased them. Their only know exit blocked the girls did their best to find a new one all the while the Big Hurt chased them till their was no place left to run. Standing at a big crevice that would take to long for them to cross things looked bleak. "Its just not fair Rikke. We've come so far only to be trapped by a giant crack in the ground." Jess was panting her breath failing to catch up with her. It had been a merry chase but it was soon apparent that the girls where lost and it really was only a matter of time before the beast caught up with them. Looking down the street the thing pursuing them was making its way to the group. They where trapped thats when Sylph grabbed both girls in her gooy arms. "Sylph like Jess and Rikke will miss much." The goo girl squeezed them lovingly before spinning in a circle and flinging both of them threw the air easily clearing the crevice.

"Sylph what are you doooiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg" Jess flew over the crevice landing in causing a small dust cloud to form on impact.

"No Sylph don't!" It was to late Rikke was air born landing near Jess with a Jarring impact.

Looking quite satisfied for a Slime girl Sylph seemed to puff herself up and form her twin hands into a likeness of a giant mallet and charged right at the Big Hurt. "MEANIE NO HURT RIKKE JESS ME PROMIS!" Sylph connected first causing the giant to rock back stunned that a little pile of goo would dare strike it. Wasting no time Sylph latched onto the big hurt and tried to pull it to the ground. However the creature was stronger than Sylph and pulled her from her the ground flinging her into a building witch splattered her all over. However the goo girl wasn't done yet and formed her entire body into a fist like object and struck the beast square in the chest. Their battle raged for a few moments kicking up a large cloud of ash obscuring the battle. But soon a deafening roar filled the air. "Come on Rikke lets hurry we need to get out of here!" Jess was right of course but still the shock of what happened slowed Rikke down enough that Jess had to pretty much haul her bodily up and get her moving.
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Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sylph! SYLPH!" Rikke instantly crawled on all fours to the edge of crevice, seemingly shunning the jarring impact aside. The rogue extended one hand as if to reach out to the slimegirl as both Sylph and the creature disappeared in the dustcloud of their battle "Please don't die..." . Rikke froze up there in sadness for a brief moment with Jessica thankfully helping her up "Come on Rikke lets hurry we need to get out of here!"

Jessica finally got Rikke up to her feet, a few tears obviosuly withheld on the young rogues face "Rikke we have to go, Sylph gave us a chance don't waste it..." the red haired girl wiper a few tears away from her friends face leaving a healthy trail of ash on her. Rikke quickly regained her composure Jessica was right "Y-yeah... let's go!" with that the girls quickly returned to dashing forward though the creature seemed to have been stopped the sheer dread and terror just kept the girls running till they finally exhausted themselves.