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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception: 29 vs 20 (good thing they don't know how to ambush)

Jess didn't so much but followed Rikke to the buildings entrance mumbling to herself. This new building looked to be a store house of sorts boxes of undelivered goods piled high in some places. It looked mostly sound with the exception of a large hole in the roof which let some light and rain in with equal measure. It wasn't to bad a place untill Rikke spotted the four figures running towards them.

The figures where 3 men and 1 woman nearly completely naked the ragged cloths if any barely hiding anything what was most disturbing is that each had a tentacle flailing around randomly as they ran towards Rikke and Jess.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened "What the hell?!" the rogue quickly drew her blade. No matter how you look at it, if something is running at you tentacles flailing around, you make dang sure you're ready to take them on!

"J-jess?" Rikke turned to Jessica confused at the sight, these weren't demons... atleast not any demons Rikke has ever seen. What was the girl supposed to do?
Nevertheless, Rikke quickly positioned herself in position to slice the creatures apart if they so as even show a hint of intent to attack or grapple the girl. But if they wouldn't lunge at her the girl would just wait and see what's what.

Defensive stance ON.
Just like cavalry onto spears.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

T1 Attempts to grapple Jess: 59 vs 43 Hit! Jess is grappled
T2 Attempts to grapple Jess: 53 vs 43 Hit! Jess is even more grappled
T3 Attempts to grapple Rikke: 53 vs 59 miss Rikke counters
T4 Attempts to grapple Rikke: 52 vs 59 miss Rikke counters
Rikke counters T3: 65 vs 35 33dmg (37-4a)
Rikke counters T4: 62 vs 35 31dmg (35-4a)

Rikke drew her blade fast as lighting easily readying her defenses for the on rushing attackers. As both lunged at her she sliced both with telling blows which only seemed to irritate them. As Rikke spun around to face them again she saw what happened to Jess in slow-mow. Her attacks lunged at the succubus in much the same way as the ones that attacked Rikke but sadly Jess was not nearly as fast on her feet. As her blades cleared their scabards Jess was hit from below by the male attacker while the female attack tackled the succubus up high sending all three sprawling to the ground. Thankfully Jess's blades stayed in her hands as the female attacker brought her down though her two attacks combined strength looked to be to much for the poor redhead.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the attackers lunged at the rogue Rikke had no choice, but to cut the two mutated men asunder. Two heavy blows later Rikkes blade dripped with blood as the attackers didn't even notice the rogue disappear from their sight, leaving a gaping wound on each as a memento "Idiots" Rikke sighed lightly thinking the battle was over already. Hardly anyone can take an attack like that with no armor.

Unfortunately these were not simple scavengers. Rikke slowly turned to her friend , only to witness her being caught unprepared by the creatures "Jessica!" Rikke was about to rush to her aid but much to the girls despair some rumbling to her side caught her ear. The two men slowly turned to face the rogue once more unphased by her previous attack! "I-Impossible!" Rikkes heart sank as fear clawed at her. Did her attack really do nothing to them?! The girl tightened her grip on her blade preparing to strike back once more at the inevitable second lunge.
Keep that defensive stance up! Those grapples look dangerous
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

T3 Attacks Rikke: 48 vs 59 Miss Rikke counters
T4 Attacks Rikke: 60 vs 59 Hit! 25dmg (30-5a) 10tp to Rikke's armor.
T1 & T2 Attempts to shift Jess armor: 100 vs 49 success! Jess armor is shifted and she can be penetrated. She takes 7 resistance damage.
Rikke counters against T3: 64 vs 35 34dmg (38-4a) T3 dies.
Jess Attempts to Attack T1: Grapple check to attack 46 vs 60 fail!

Rikke did her best to remain calm and keep her head while the combat around her raged on. Jess was in trouble that was for sure her attackers keeping her from even raising her weapons in self defense. Rikke's eyes went wide as she could see that they had pulled aside her armor and the mail was making ready to rape her friend. However she had her own foes to deal with and as her combat training kicked in. Dodging one blow Rikke made a quick thrust ending the creatures life but sadly her strike threw her off enough that the secound attack managed to land a hit badly bruising the rogue. I looks like they where going to beat her into submission this time.


Hp: 19/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Jessica: grappled 11/18 resistance.
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 38/38 Pp: 43/43
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was it the shock from earlier, Jess's current predicament, her being absolutely soaked or just a plain factor of luck. Rikke quickly countered and actually finished off one of creatures, relief overwhelming her, she can win this afterall! The girl was about to regain her footing from her counter, when the strike came, though she narrowly avoided the attack she did expect the creature to regain balance so quickly and with the girl already being completely out of stance her opponent let loose one mother of a backhand, sending the rogue crashing down to some nearby boxes.

Did the boxes cushion the impact or sharpen it was up for debate, but one thing was for certain the heroine took some serious damage. Rikke rubbed the impact site gently coughing from the sudden impact knocking her breath away, though the girl had little time to recoup as her attacker already lumbered towards her. This was no position for defensive fighting the girl was gonna have to just go all in and pray.

Rikke quickly changed her grip on her blade to offensive fighting if all goes well and with her speed she should be able to even help Jess! Though if bastard got another blow like that on her... thing may end much worse than just feeling sore next morning.

Use Lightning strikes! Kill the remaing attacker and last second cockblock the male on Jess.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke takes the offensive 3 attacks (lighting strikes) 1 on her target 2 on Jess's rapist
Rikke Attacks T1: 53 vs 35 Hit! 28dmg (32-4) T3 dies
Rikke Attacks T2: 45,50 vs 35 Hit! 62 dmg (2 attacks 70-8a) T2 dies
Jess attempts to escape: 52 vs 56 fail! Jess take 5 resistance damage
T1 attempts to force oral foreplay with Jess resisting
T1 grapple vs Jess: 43 vs 42 success!
Jess deals 11pp damage and takes 11ep damage and 7hp damage
T1 drains 11ep from Jess

Rikke in an attempt to prevent Jess from being raped lashed out in anger. Her first attack easily hitting the heart of her first foe killing him instantly. Not letting that slow her momentum Rikke spun away from the man jerking her blade free causing his corpse to spin slightly before falling on its back. Her second strike came across the man who was about to penetrate Jess her blade making a crimson scar in its wake. However this did not stop the rapist who was all intent on his goal so Rikke's Third strike cleared his head forever.

Jess feeling the sudden freedom of her legs tried to free herself from the lust crazed tentacle woman but she wasn't having any of it. Locking Jess's arms down with her knees the woman forced her sex right into Jess's face. Which caused the succubus to struggle which only seemed to stimulate the woman who moaned at Jess struggles.

For Jess who normally didn't mind having a pussy shoved in her face this was a new experience usually it was willing but this time she was being forced and she didn't like it one bit. Not to mention the woman's sex was dirty smelly and all sorts of wrong with a little tentacle where her clit should be made sure that Jess struggled all the more but where could she go she could breathe and she could think was 'Rikke help me'

Rikke finisher her strike and saw a sight she had only seen once before in the manor. As the lust crazed woman sat on Jess face Rikke could see some of Jess soul being absorbed into the woman who's emaciated body began to fill out a little. The woman was eating Jess's soul.


Hp: 19/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Jessica: grappled 6/18 resistance.
Hp: 44/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Eating away at her companions soul right infront of the rogue... bad move. Rikkes eyes sharpened as Jessica was held down pretty much right there! "Get off her!!"

The rogue tightened her grip on her trusty blade and lunged at the woman, no mercy. The girl aimed for 3 attacks once more two heavy slashes to absolutely tear the woman asunder and one swift kick to send her flying off Jessica. No need for the red haried girl to get bloodied up from the aftermath of the rogues ire.

Just like a turkey! Lightning strikes with vengeance! 2 should do the trick so last one is overkill unarmed attack. Yes overkill. We're sending a message.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rolls: Not that Rikke has much to worry about.
Rikke attack T1 3 times: 37,40, and 50 vs 35 all Hit! 78dmg (first two hits kill third is flavor)
T1 dies lots
Jess is freed

The turned woman devouring her friends soul caused Rikke's vision to turn red and in a rage filled voice Rikke made her demand. For the woman ignoring Rikke's demand to get off Jess proved to be a fatal mistake. Almost faster than the human eye could process Rikke's blade slashed into the woman carving great bloddy gashes in her back ending her life but still Rikke's rage was such that she kicked the dead Lust zombie of her lover her the sound of her boot hitting the dead woman's head was a sicking crunch. The force of the blow made the woman land with a wet splat and she even slide a few inches before its vacant eyes came to rest on Rikke her bloody sword dripping being the last vision her fading eyes would see. Jess meanwhile coughed and sputtered taking in deep breaths of fresh air and even making her way over to the hole in the roof to cup water in her hands from the rain to wash her face. She shuddered and shivered and to Rikke's eyes she she doubted it was from the cold.

"Damn alien scum!" Jess coughed again looking at the dead around her. "So thats what happens to those taken by the aliens." Jess seemed to be talking to herself as she rocked back and forth holding herself. "And they would call me monster for what I use to do.... at lest they died happy in my arms... not like that.."


Hp: 19/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 44/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed lightly as the corrupted womans body laid there lifeless, the battle was theirs. The girl sheathed her blade and slowly approached some of the boxes leaning and gently sliding down one of them her side still aching from the attack earlier. "I'm gonna go a limb here and guess those were the "lust zombies"... Yikes" Rikke eyed one of the more intact corpses, the thought of just how many of these things were out in the ruins sending a shiver down her spine. Unfortunately Jessicas reaction remained unnoticed as the girl still only heard bells in her ears.

As both girls caught their breath Rikke scanned over the room "This looks like a warehouse of sorts... Jess you checked any of these bixes?" If Jessics didn't have any objections the rogue would check quite a few boxes for whats inside. Who knows what might be inside.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess said nothing and just sat their near the puddle in the center of the room leaving Rikke to search the boxes at her leisure. Most contained pottery of some sort mostly functional nothing to extravagant a few even had some raw ore but Rikke could hardly even tell what was what from rock to rock. Anything of intimidate value seemed to have been recovered or stolen leaving the rogue a little irked that this dangerous fight had little to offer for rewards. Still there where lots of boxes maybe something still lay hidden with in though finding it may take some time.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess! Get the fire started if you can! I'll check the deeper in ones 'kay?" well the danger was kindof over and setting the fire was easily a solo affair, the heroine might aswell try find something while they have some free time. If there was something of value here - she'll find it!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke search for treasure: 46 vs 50 fail!

Rikke searched around the warehouse finding more of the same crates as before but managing to a large chest her eyes gleamed with the possibilities but upon opening they where dashed. The chest was filled with neatly folded cloths of various styles and season sorted neatly. Sighing she continued on to find an abandoned office. easily popping the latch Rikke searched head over heels but still couldn't find anything worth money. Defeated for now Rikke made her way back to Jess and hopefully a warm fire but found her companion in her same spot. Thats when Rikke noticed Jess was crying.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if there's something of worth here. It sure can hide..." Rikke sighed lightly as she made her return, much to her surprise the fire wasn't lit and Jessica was still where the rogue left her "Jess~..." she was about to tease the girl, but then noticed the pool near Jessica shimmering lightly from a teardrop from the girl.

"Jess!" Rikke quickly dashed to her friend and croached nearby "I'm so sorry~" the girl embraced the red hair warmly. It was rather horrible and shameful, but by now Rikke was used to being nigh-raped by attackers, but Jessica... this was her first actual adventure she was just a maid a few months back for pity sake. A succubus maid, but still just a maid... or was this not from the rape experience at all. Was the girl crying about the fate of the fallen?

"It's okay Jess. I'm here, we're both fine." Rikke gently stroked Jessicas long red hair, doing her best to comfort the girl "Come on, it's over. You're okay... help me set up the fire okay?" Best thing to do was just to divert attention from whatever plagued the girl. Perhaps playfully setting up the fire would help calm her companion. Preferably as far away from the bodies as possible.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As soon as Rikke made contact with Jess he other girl quickly wrapped her up in her arms holding on for dear life it seemed openly sobbing into Rikke's shoulder. After a few moments and some comforting words Jess's sobbing seemed to end and she gathered herself up and began assisting Rikke in making a fire though she was quiet the whole time. It took some effort but with a little clever application of steel on ore Rikke managed to light a respectable fire out of some of the dry damaged boxes. sitting next to each other they shared a very basic meal of dried fruit cheese and jerky. Though quite Rikke noticed the gleam of near tears in Jessica's eyes had dissipated and was about to begin cheering her friend up when Jess broke the silence.

In a serous tone Jess spoke "Im a monster Rikke" it was a statment hat would have killed all conversation in the room had their been one and the look on Jess face as she said it told that she believed it.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that sure killed any and all of the positivity in the room. Rikke looked at Jess stoicly "A monster you say?" the rogue slowly put away her snacks and spoke in a surprisingly cold manner "You really believe that? Okay Jess, do tell. What makes you so monstrous?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess tried to look Rikke in the face but her eyes couldn't meet the rogue's icy blue stare. Pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around she continued to speak. "Im no better than those corpse over there." Jess gestured with her head to the bodies on the far side of the warehouse. "They fucked and drained the soul of others because they where hungry. The fact they didn't have a choice only makes me worse. I had a choice and I chose to suck and fuck till what ever found itself in my grasp died. No one forced me to do it every soul I devoured was my choice and I did it with pleasure and no remorse." Jess looked away again. "You want to know why I can fight as well as I can? Its because I devoured the soul of some young adventure barely past his 20th year. I still remember that dopy grin on his face as his soul left his body. That grin that damn grin I can't help but see that now and you know what makes it worse I keep telling myself they died happy." Jess stopped talking finally and buried her head into her knees a fresh sob working its way out of the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed lightly "Stupid girl..." the rogue scooted closer to her companion, leaning her head against the red hairs shoulder "That kill... was it the kill that made you realise what you've become." Rikkes voice seemed so gentle that it almost caressed the girls ears.

"What I found in that manner was not a monster. You had your pray in your clutches upstairs, it was all too easy for you to feast upon me, but what did you do? You caringly carried me back to the room, washed and polished my gear and left me a note of warning. And after we met again instead of pouncing on an injured pray, you healed me up and hid me from your own kin. Even after you were punished and beaten. You saved a strangers life, betrayed your own masters and fought back your inner demons, seeking no gain from any of that. What kind of silly monster are you, Jessica?" Rikke closed her eyes, keeping her head on Jessica shoulder "Everyone has a dark passanger, something from their past that would judge and destroy us. We learn from our mistakes and move on Jess."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess sobbed and it was a sob of remorse and mourning that if anything proved Jess was no monster. "I hurt so many people." It was muffled but Rikke held her friend close and slowly ever so slowly Jess slid into her embrace and this time it's wasn't Jess soothing wounds it was Rikke. Comforting the succubus Rikke held her tight and after a 1/2 hour of crying Jess fell asleep emotionally spent. Leaving Rikke holding her tight and warm as their small fire began to wane.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rest now, my gentle monster." Rikke gently kissed Jessica on the top of her head and carefully placed the girl down. Honestly taking a quick nap or just a flatout pause to relax sounded exceptional right now. Rikkes wound still ached from the previous impact, maybe it would ease up if the girl just lied down for a moment.

Still keeping warm would take priority, so first the rogue would kindle the fire, then well... she did find some cloth in one of the chests. Rikke would a few for kindle and one bigger piece to cover Jessica, while she herself would just lean against one of the boxes and take a her R&R. That is unless something went horribly wrong.