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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth 40 vs 31 success!
Rikke perception 45 vs 33 success!
Rikke attacks auto Hit double damage: 56 dmg (60-4)

Rikke waited in the dark as the sounds of Seve's clawed feet echoed through out the room. Doing her best to stay hidden and spot the creature Rikke hide amongst the junk which soon proved fruitful. Seve thinking his morsel still secure boldly walked right past Rikke. It was the last mistake Seve ever made. Taking the bastard sword in both hand Rikke brought the rusty blade down on Seve's left shoulder and through his right hip severing the monster in twain. Breathing heavly and felling quite queasy from the mess she had just made Rikke began to notice the awful stench starting to fill the room. "Is that you!" Kicking Seve's lower half accusingly only made the smell worse and soon Rikke was gagging.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her foe lied brutalised infront of her, perhaps she'd be more disgusted by this if it weren't for her absolute adrenaline craze. The girl stood silently above the gushing mass that once was her oppressor, still in disbelief that she got out of this mess. Though slicing the creature in half brought upon rather unforseen repercussions as the all the rot and flesh the creature had stored in it, mixed with its own foul stench.

No matter how high Rikke was right now there was no way she could ignore the overwhelming stench. The girl equickly covered her mouth but that only made it worse as the gory display soaked not only her blade, but her hands too.

Rikke would've likely thrown up with all this foulness around her, but she hasn't eaten in quite some time, she hardly had anything since she descended down here.

Grabbing a few of the moth eaten sheets Rikke rapidly cleaned herself of the creatures blood with a smaller rag, using a bigger sheet to make herself a makeshift skirt and one more over her mouth to reduce contact with the foul air. Sure it did little to leeway the smell, but it was enough for her not to quite frankly pass out from it. She needed to leave this place as soon as possible.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Seve was kind enough to leave his door open where a faint familiar glow was just inside. Making her way through the door Rikke was exited to see that her cloths and gear where in side the small dank room. However her excitement soon turned to disgust as she found the half eaten body of Vance also nearby. This was only compounded by the fact Seve had apparently been using Rikke's blades to cut up his meal and they lay covered in gore near the body. Ignoring that particular problem for now Rikke went over to her cloths and began to dress. Every thing seemed to be in good condition except her armor and under shirt. The armor was unsalvageable having most of its armor plate shredded into leather strips. Her undershirt was still wearable though three bloody claw marks ran down the back of it. She would have to decided what to do with that as well. Covering what was left of Vance with the the moth eaten sheet Rikke took a moment to rest and gather her self. Her back hurt and the smell was almost unbearable but she was alive. Still holding the rusty blade Rikke could finally get a good look at it. The blade was hefty easily longer than a long sword but not as long as Greatsword. It looked to have been masterfully crafted and even though covered in rust Rikke guessed that a blacksmith could get the blade as good as new with little effort. Inspecting the fine engravings on the hilt Rikke noticed the same crest that covered the guards uniforms from the barracks. Though this weapon was far more ornate and well crafted than the weapons of common soldiers.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt


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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the ornate sword with admiration, no doubt this used to belong to the upper class or a veteran of war. Casting a glance over her short sword, the two were hardly comparable: hers was a simple sword she bought a decent while ago, it hardly had the craftmanship of the two-hander in her hands... but she was never trained to use such a weapon.

Nevertheless a sword of this caliber will fetch a hefty price to the right people, so best to stash it away. "Oh~ If only I could wield such a beauty" Sighing slightly the girl quickly stashed the sword in the room along with the wine she found earlier.

Sitting down further away from the stench Rikke cleaned her blades from the gore, shivering and cussing the creature that did this to her tools of the trade - her blades barely cleanable, her pouches ripped apart. Her wound still ached, thankfully the armor absorbed most of the attack completely sacrificing itself... or perhaps the creature held back ever so slightly making sure not kill his "plaything". Disgust swelled up in Rikke once more, her eyes locking onto the tatters of what remained from her armor.

The creatures attack shreded her upper armor and completely knocked her out, but her leather pants were in ripped apart too. Just what went on after it knocked her out... Rikke slightly gulped, the images of the creature cutting apart her pants to reveal the luscious body inside, filling her head. Her panties were okay so does that mean it actually removed them carefully instead of slicing them apart. Rikke looked down in a mix of embarassment and disgust "Did it..." the girls gaze looked down to her treasure "...actually rape me? Here?" The creature obviously knew what it was doing, the binding, the stripping and it's attacks... was it actually after women regularly...

The girl was seemingly tempted to continue onwards with her fantasies, her thoughts becoming more and more perverse, but after that ordeal the temptation quickly dispersed. The stench reached her spot and the gory scene once more hit her dead on. It was time to leave this place.

Grabbing her sword and dagger, now instead of hidden in her pants firmly attached to her panties and once more placing the purple tiara on her head Rikke was ready to go. The thought of just aborting this whole rescue crossed her mind, but if she went through this in one day... what did the girls suffer through in their 2 day imprisonment. She had to find them.

Rikke was about to continue onward when she recalled the shot that had been fired earlier! 'Groggy!' Right before she was defeated, there was without a doubt a gunshot! She had to check up on the man! Just maybe, maybe lady luck graced him once more.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke fearing for poor Groggy made her way through the other door and back down the stairs pausing as the sound of raised voices me her ears.


Jiam: "Uh uh sire she she beat you to."


Jiam: sounds of blubbering

Female voice: "Now know Gavix I now she hurt your pride but thats no need to take it out on poor Jiam here. After all if Seve actually catches her I might want to thank her for all the wonderful ideas she gave me when I found you lying there."

Gavix: Uh uh Victoria lets not talk about that I...

Victoria: "Oh now now Gavix it gave me such sinfully wonderfull idea's and you can consider it punishment for your own failure to stop her. So well have to leave it up to my sisters and Seve to find our little intruder."

With that the sounds of a heavy door opening and closing reached Rikke's ears as well as the sounds of heels clicking on stone heading her way!.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Oh shet-!' No shadows to actually stove away in Rikke had to leg it and fast! Employing her best silent running the rogue scurried downstairs, her eyes constantly scanning possible locales to hide.

The all too familiar two doors lingered infront of her. She hasn't really explored the one further down the collidor, so rushing into unfamiliar territory to hide from a real threat was out of the question. So that left... in a "oh no..." grimace Rikke rushed back into her slaughter-room. The stench welcoming her back stronger than ever and gore that much more disgusting, obviously happy to see her return.

Rikke dashed into the room and hugged the wall. Obviously the female was of high rank. Following her could prove beneficial... though very risky and of all things she was not in condition to put herself at risk right now.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened to the voice which seemed to be coming from the floor where she had fought Vance and Barlix. Upon hearing the large door open and close which was quikly followed by footsteps Rikke booked it. Not wanting to run up to the next floor which was completely unexplored she opted to hide in Seve's nest with all its glorious sights and smells. The Clicking steps soon reached the floor she was on before they stopped a brief moment before a very audible cough followed by "What a disgusting creature" before moving on up to the next floor. Left alone with her thoughts Rikke puzzled out that Gavix, Sesul, and Jiam where still alive if a little wounded and where on the basement level of the tower where she entered. Which meant she was on the first floor or ground floor of the manor. Still there was unknown danger ahead as well as captives to rescue. Though her luck seemed to be improving her foe's didn't know Seve had captured her. He must have been keeping her to himself for a bit before turning her over a thought which sent shivers of disgust through her. What of Groggy though he was still unaccounted for after the battle but she doubted he held them all off and was undoubtedly recaptured or killed.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Making double sure it was safe to leave Rikke rushed out of her hidey hole as quickly as she could. Almost stumbling out of the room the girl audibly gasped for fresh air and shivered slightly. She had to agree with the female... what a disgusting creature indeed.

Seems like the woman made her way upstairs... while following her didn't seem like the best solution it was the only choice the girl had. The two demon guards seemed to be up and awake at the entrance, Brody was nowhere to be seen and there was nothing left for her here.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth 36 vs 24 and 31 success
Rikke Perception 43 vs 36 success

Rikke proceed up to the next room only find it draped in silky curtains in 6 very distinct colors. Numerous pillows and sexy under garments lay about the entire floor and the whole placed smelled of incense and sex. Catching a glimpse of the female before revealed the Blonde succubi she had seen earlier but she quickly acceded another set of stairs. Moving to follow Rikke could feel the tattoo on her back heat up and very distinct and familiar sounds seemed to come from a area of silky black and red drapes. "Umm umm Rikke... ah ah Rikke ummm ummm ah ah ah umm Rikke ahhhhhhh!" Not able to help her self Rikke peeled back one set of curtains to find Jess masturbating her self still mouthing Rikke on her lips. She was fully nude and covered in sweat. Her eyes where closed as she fondled her breasts letting her tail penetrate her slowly. It looked like she had been doing this for awhile.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened with joy. She actually stumbled into what seemed Jess's bed! Though this was hardly a suitable time for her visit... or a exceptionally right time in some point of views.

Rikke slightly covered her mouth at the sight of her playmate, vigorously touching herself and not to mention actually calling out the rogues name! A deep red blush filled Rikkes face, whats a girl to do. She could only dream of such a sight and opportunity... but she was so exhausted and beaten up, not to mention nigh-traumatized by the recent events.

A naughty smirk crossed Rikkes face 'Well, well looks like I'm not the only one day dreaming about a us' the girl pondered perhaps leaving the girl to finish up... or maybe answering her call and sating her urges. The very thought made her lick her lips in delight as the girls dormant lust started emerging once more... still she was hardly in shape for that. Jess should be able to help her out.

"Jess~~~~-" the rogue suddenly jumped up and landed right on her friend, holding the red hair firmly between her legs "-Ica!". Jessica slightly jerked about, obviously startled and confused at the sudden interuption "Wha-?! Hm! Rikke?!"

Rikke saddled right on top of her friend and grinned in genuine happiness "Hey~ Jess".
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica's bed was more or less a mound of very soft pillows and silkensilken sheets. Landing on the succubus maid Rikke could feel the silk in the sheets and pillows. Jess let out a cute eek of surprise before realizing who had just jumped her. "Wha-?! Hm! Rikke?!" A broad lust filled smile greeted Rikke's face as the maid grabbed Rikke's ass. "I was just dreaming about you Rikke" Jess's voice assumed that same velvety tone that she had when Rikke first ran into the maid. "Did you come to play with me?" Despite the innocent look Jess was giving her she could just make out the lust filled monster that lurked in her eyes. Still Jess looked really happy to see Rikke and while her eyes where filled with lust it lacked the hunger that she had always noticed before. Rikke was about to answer Jess when she could feel the succubus's tail wrap around her waist trying to pull down for a kiss.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"M? Wai-wait, Jess!" Rikke giggled lightly a Jess's tailed coiled around her, though as it tightened it openly rubbed the wound on Rikkes back making the girl yelp out in pain and slightly push herself away from Jessica "AY! OW! Ow~ ow~ hurts."

Jessica slightly confused and in a almost sorry manner loosed up her tailed "What's the matter?" Rikke smiled innocently at her friend "I might've kinda... sorta..ish got beaten up" in a guilty manner Rikke pointed to her back "Help?" the girl playfully fluttered her eyelashes, all the while keeping that friendly smile.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Freeing her self from the half sitting half laying position Rikke had surprised her in Jess wasted no time in turning Rikke about to inspect the wounds on her back. "Oh my Rikke this looks like Seve's work.... did her hurt you Rikke?" The last part was a whisper but it implied what type of hurt Rikke may have suffered at Seve's hands. "I.. I don't think so....." Rikke wasn't sure though do to her unconscious state at the time. "Oh you would have known Rikke his is barbed." Rikke shuddered at the thought but was soon brought to other concerns as Jess gently explored the wounds. "Oh don't worry Rikke we'll have you ship shape and ready to fuck in no time." Rikke blushed at the comment but what else could she really expect from a succubi who's job, hobby, and RnR revolved around sex. Retrieving a small jar of ointment from some hidden alcove in her "bedroom" Jess gently pushed Rikke face down into the pillows. "Relax Rikke let your Jess fix you all up." Jess straddled Rikke's behind and gave it a playful slap which made Rikke yelp. "Shhhs your butt is so cure I couldn't resist." With that Jess began to rub the ointment into and onto Rikke's wounds. It hurt a little as her hands had to touch the wounds on Rikke's back but soon it turned into a pleasant cool fuzzy feeling and not for the first time Rikke began to feel aroused. "Jess whats in that ointment?" There was a long pause before Jess answered her. "Well mint, lavender, lard, and demon cum as well as a few ground up healing herbs. We use it when we train the new succubi after their first session with one of the big demons they tend to get a little rough. There all better and good as new." With that Jess leaned forward placing nearly her full weight on Rikke's back. "See no pain right?" Indeed there was no pain but the budding sensation of arousal seemed to be growing. "Now lets finish you up with a nice massage let Jess melt all your worries away Rikke just relax..." As soon as she was done speak Jess began to gently message Rikke's shoulders and back and ass her gentle touch easing away all the aches and pains. Surprisingly as sensual as the message was Jess didn't try to force anything more than what she was doing now.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: aroused
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A satisfied grin crossed Rikkes face, finally she could relax. All her muscle aches and bruises seemed to disappear wherever the red haired girl hands passed. For now atleast, she could afford the luxury of her playmates company.

"Mmm~" Rikke closed her eyes indulging herself in the sensual treatment. This continued for some time as Jess gentle messaged her friends battle-worn body, seemingly taking away all of Rikkes worries and reinvigorating her. Seemed the message and oitments arousing effect made short work of any thoughts that Rikke had about Brody, the captured girls, the demons... or the dangers of succumbing to succubi.

Free from her constraits Rikke could finally enjoy herself once more. "Jess..." Rikke slightly struggled signaling to her friend she wants to turn around "Yes Rikke?" Jessicas tone carried a much more sultry tone than when she introduced the medicine, as she allowed her friend to turn around "...my girls are rather hurt too. Could you rub some of that ointment on them too please" Rikke smilled mischieviously at her friend as she openly asked her to grope her D's "...or maybe you know other ways to relieve them"
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's eyes twinkled at the sight that greeted her. Rikke's glorious mounds lay exposed before her. Leaning down Jess took each nipple into her mouth with a gentile kiss and a playful nip. "Oh are the girls need some medical attention? No worries nurse Jessica is here to help." Reaching for the ointment again Jess paused thinking about something. "Rikke are you sure you want some more of this it can be pretty potent?" Rikke was a little shocked at this turn of events. Isn't that the point she thought to herself but looking at Jess's eyes Rikke could see a hint of concern.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: aroused
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A giggle escaped Rikke "Aw~ Jess I never thought I'd see you worry about a girl get excited." her eyes sparking with playfullness she continued "... But~ If you don't want to have some fun I could always... dunno, just leave." obviously she didn't mean it her sarcastic tone and glint in her eyes were indicators she was only aiming to provoke Jess.

"Cheeky girl" in amused fashion Jessica squirted some of the ointment on the heroines mounds. Wasting no time her hands gently started caressing the rogues ample breasts, covering them in the ointment. Looks like Jessica wasn't kidding about the potency as instant waves of electric pleasure soared across Rikkes body, having the ointment on her wound was one thing, but having her breasts covered in it was a whole different affair.

The succubi quickly cranked it up as she leaned in closer and played with the rogues tits. Nipping, licking, caressing, pinching - the works. The poor girl didn't expect such a powerful sensual assault as she curled her toes in excitement. While Jessicas greedy tongue played with her friends breast she never did swallow any of the goo. Instead she had other plans for it.

The red hair maid slowly leaned closer to Rikkes lips, which eagerly parted for the incoming embrace. They shortly locked into a deep kiss Jessica making sure the rogue got a decent taste of what the medicine tasted. Just barely breaking their embrace Jess whispered "I warned you about the potency, dear..." to which the girl could only answer in a giggle "What makes you think I didn't want this."

Rikke quickly forced the red hair back into their embrace though she wasn't content to just lie and take it anymore. Forcing her playmate into an upright kneeling position Rikkes hands locking them in their passionate kiss. While she slid out from under her friend positioning herself in a mirror fashion as they both knelt down keeping themselves straight, their height matching perfectly as they sandwiched each other, the lotion on Rikkes breast making their mound glint and rub against the other. The succubus quickly found use for her hands as she ran them over her partners luscious forms tapping and grabbing her firm round ass, yes this was it. The girl she lusted for.

The rogue could hardly take it anymore, the lust was almost making her dizzy as she broke their kiss for just a moment light drool followed her lips out of Jessicas "So Jess... what were ya dreaming about" Rikkes lidded eyes and sultry tone clearly implied her intent.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Foreplay on Jess 11pp
Jess Foreplay on Rikke 14pp as well as 14 corruption

"Oh silly something hard and hot between my legs." One of Jess hands made a gentile pass on Rikke's love button. "I was dreaming that you could take me like I take you." Jess continued to kiss and and lick Rikke in all the right places. "But I know your not like me so I borrowed this!" Freeing one of her hands Jess moved a pillow and revealed a strap on equipped with Jess's red friend from their race not so long ago. "It got me so hot and bothered I couldn't resist but now that your here I don't have to dream anymore." Jess tail once more wrapped itself around Rikke's waist and pulled her closer to the succubi. "Don't you want to feel what its like?" Rikke eye the device her thoughts and emotions about it kept to herself for the moment. The strap-on looked to be a leather panty with a hole in the back that lined up perfectly with Rikke's other entrance. The front of the strap-on had Jess's favorite toy with an equally large black dildo meant for the the wearer's pleasure. A simple thought of how the succubi kept getting her toys puzzled the young rogue whilst Jess kept up the assault on her breasts waiting for Rikke's answer.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 22/36 Conditions: aroused
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Extra long for the 100th post ^.^

Rikke eyed the toy presented to her, she did hear of such toys, but never really held or seen one. While her playmate was distracted inspecting her toy, Jessica slid down slightly, caressing and gropping her friend greedily.

'What WOULD it feel like' Rikkes expression turned from curious to devilishly gleeful. And she'd get to use a certain acquaintance of hers -"the red monster", she already used it once on Jess, but actually wielding it with this device... hm.

"Ow~" Rikke looked down at her playmate as Jess playfully bit her hardened nipple "Oopsie" Jess threw the most unconvicing guilty face she could muster at Rikke and grinned naughtily. "Why you~" Rikke quickly forced the red haired girl on the bed, both of them smiling all the way. A passionate kiss later Rikke got off the bed toy in hand. It was time to put this guy on.

Still the girl had to get her panties out of the way first. Making sure Jess had a clear view of her minor strip show, Rikke in a painfully slow gyrating motion slid down her panties already rather soaked by her lusty pussy. With a playfull spin around her toe she threw them aside, she won't need them any time soon. Now to equip the toy 'This goes... in me?' the rogue slightly paused, but her giddiness shunned any traces of shyness or decency. In no time she slid the strapon up to the point the black dildo enters her, slightly bitting her lip she ever so slowly allowed it to slide in, inch by inch. Her juices making the entrance effortless. Was she really this wet already! And does Jess have any dang normal sized dildos?!

Rikkes legs shivered with pleasure, the joy of something filling the void between her legs rushing over her. A muffled moan escaped her, she was so close! But her urges would have to wait just a bit longer, best not to keep Jessica waiting. "How do I look?" Rikke did a small pose with her new tool, her body giving clear signs of her overall arousal "Like you're having fun" Rikke giggled lightly at the response, Jessica was so right. She never did pay any heed to all the warnings about having intimacy with demons, though her parents did strictly forbid it, for her especially... Sure she understood the foul nature of demons, but Jess was way different! Besides breaking the rules was kinda her favorite past-time.

The rogue approached the red haired girl, the dildo swaying hungrily as it seemingly made a B-line towards the succubus treasure. At first it felt odd, but Rikke couldn't deny the sense of empowering the strapon brought with it. Smiling gleefully the succubus opened her legs as her playmate approached, an invitation Rikke was all too eager to accept. Though the rogue wanted to just dive in and orally assault her friend, she had other plans... plans that were pleaded for.

Rikkes eyes gleamed with evil intent, a gleam Jess knew and loved to see. Though the rogue didn't forget all the teasing her playmate incurred upon her previously, why not have some revenge. Rikke rubbed Jess's petals with the dildo, the succubus seemingly wanting to suck the red monster right in as a muffled moan in anticipation escaped her. "Ask for it Jess" the rogue whispered in her friends ear 'Just like I begged you...' Jessica turned to the rogue in a surprised manner, oh that cheeky girl. Defiantly Jess remained silent, which only encouraged Rikke to keep pressing her "Come on Jess~" the girl giggled lightly trailing Jessicas lower lips with the dildos tip, the succubus juices providing more than enough lubrication, was the red hair acting or genuinely living out her previous fantasy. The succubus lip actually slightly shivered as she quickly turned to the girl teasing her "Go on, fuck me Rikke. Fuck me!" So THIS is how it felt! A wave of pride washed over Rikke, as she grinned gleefully. She never actually expected to hear her friend ever say those words, even if this wasn't one of Jessicas fantasies it was one of Rikkes.

Rikke had no clue how to actually fuck a girl with the strapon... but she has had more than enough experience on the receiving end. She'll improvise. Slowly allowing the red giant to enter Jess, Rikke gazed at the succubus ecstatic face, Jessicas eyes closed as her mouth opened in a wanting fashion only to bite down on her finger. 'So beautiful...' Rikkes strapon finally reached it's full length, Jessica lowered her gaze at the amazed girl. "Well what are you waiting for." Oh~ Rikke's going to enjoy this! She quickly pulled her hips back and forced the dildo back into Jess, but this time it wasn't Jess who let out a lewd moan. Seemed the two-sided strapon moved the black dildo inside Rikke whenever the girl made any sudden move or Jess bucked her hips towards her. Caught completely off guard by such a sudden revelation Rikke barely helld her orgasm, almost falling on top of Jess in her temporal bliss.

Rikke lowered her gaze to Jessica panting hotly, obviously hungering for more "Such wonderful toys you have Jess."
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke penetrative sex vs Jess: 20pp damage
Jess penetrative sex vs Rikke 15 pp and 15 corruption

Jess had been waiting for this and while she was surprised that Rikke was so willing so fast she didn't mind. Pulling the Rogue close after her near orgasm she kissed Rikke full on the lips while wrapping her legs around Rikke waist to hold her in. “Finally your in me Rikke are you gonna stop there?” Jess knew the answer to her question of course Rikke wasn't gonna stop after all she was in the seat of power.

Jess wanted it wanted it bad but she held out letting Rikke take lead despite her own budding lust. Let Rikke lead she is so close to freeing her self and then we can be together like it was meant to be. Jess's tail cock was painfully hard and she almost couldn't control it. It flailed in the air denied it release until Rikke asked for it or demanded it. Your so close Rikke come on. “Fuck me Rikke fuck me like the slut I'am” Jess hoped that would spur Rikke on not to mention its what she wanted. She had been dreaming of this moment ever sense their last encounter. “Do every nasty thing you ever wanted to do to a girl Ill love every minute of it.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 7/36 Conditions: aroused
Jessica the Succubus Maid:
Hp: Max Ep: Max Pp: Close Condition: aroused
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly recouped from her little shock, her lust-dazed expression rapidly changed back to a confident smirk as Jessica continued to encourage and entice her. "My, my look at the potty mouth on you." the rogue grinned at the girl "I had quite the girl to teach me" Jessica winked playfully at Rikke.

Rikke was clearly amused by Jessicas dirty talk, she herself sometimes lost control of her own words and seeing Jessica doing the same made the girl feel all the more comfortable around her. "Well, miss dirty slut. Guess I'll have to teach you what happens if you use that language around here..." shinning her partner a smile, the girl started ravaging her with the red giant at an increasing pace. The plan was to make Jess orgasm first, but things rarely go according to plan.

The rouge pumped away at the succubi vigorously first she tried to keep her pokerface, as the succubus openly moaned with every thrust. However after a few thrust Rikke could no longer contain her own ecstatic outcries, as the black dildo pumped away in her, seemingly too deep for the poor girl to take. Though at first each girl focused on their own ecstasy, but quickly their eyes locked together. Their lustful gazes and moans seemingly enticing each other even more. Without uttering a word the two girls locked each other in embrace, as their silenced outcries and dirty sounds echoed throughout the room.
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