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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smacked the demon hard forcefully turning his head to the side which seemed to do the trick. Menacing read eyes glared at Rikke noticing the situation the demon got a lewd grin on his face. "Like to be in control I see don't worry babe I can perform no matter what position you got me in." Rikke smiled but was far from amused rounding her captive her hand made a sudden punch to the demons balls. "ARGHHH YOU BITCH! WHEN I GET FREE YOU'LL REGRET EVER BEING BORN." A second punch silenced him. "Who are you?" It was a simple enough question but the demon didn't answer. "I said who are you?" Rikke drew her blade and fiddled with it a moment or two. "HA you think death scares me. Please end it thief I would rather die than be tortured for my failure".
The demon even bound was far from cooperative Rikke my have to resort to other measures to get him to talk but what could she do?

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: bound
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Rikke didn't honestly expect her punches to the demons manhood to untie his tongue. But dangit it felt good! So just for good measure she swung once more at the would-be rapists jimmies. While it was obviously discomforting the demon it hardly had any effect.

"Girlie, that's NOT how you do a handjob." The demon grinned defiantly "Untie me and I'll be more than happy to teach ya" Rolling her eyes Rikke sighed 'It's going to be one of THOSE guys...'; "I was never planning to kill you..." Rikke walked away from the man swaying her hips in seductive manner, well he was bound might aswell tease him with what he won't get. "Oh you cock-hungry whore! Come on, let me loose" Rikkes eye slightly twitched in annoyance, the mans insults were getting to her. Shortly she finally reached her short sword which she left at the entrance, as she leaned down to pick it up, ofcourse, the man let out a sharp whistle. Causing the girl to quickly grab her sword and turn around in upright position. 'How does he even bend his head enough to see me!'

Regaining her confidence Rikke approached the man once more, slowly tapping her short sword to her palm. A dark and mischievious grin decorated her face. As if welcoming her back the demon continued his taunting "I'll be gentle... I promise" he suddenly bursts out in mocking laughter "Oh~ who am I kidding I'm a bad liar" with that the demons lewd expression unnervingly ran over Rikkes body, his erection growing more and more.

"Not affraid to die, thinking with only one of his head... rude, disgusting and absolutely oblivious..."; "Oh stop you're making me blush" Rikkes eyes sharpen "...But I know what you trully treasure and fear losing...." the demon raised an eyebrow as Rikke leaned closer to him "Your head."

"Hah!" The demon quickly lunged his head backwards, fully exposing his neck "Try me, bitch!".
A mischievious giggle escaped Rikke "I was talking more about... this one." Her cold steel touched the mans rod ever so slightly, tensing the demons body for a moment. He locked eyes on his captor, obviously spiteful at the girls comment.

Rikke is actually acting [rather convincingly], though depending how much the man presses her she might actually do it
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You wouldn't dare!" Rikke smiled innocently and slowly drew her blade back the fine edge causing a slight cut which as erect as the demon was started to ooze a little blood. "Stop! Ill answer your questions just don't cut it off!" "Good boy. No where were we..." Rikke tapped her lips with one finger. "Ah yes who are you?" "I'm Gravix a simple soldier of my Lord." Rikke nodded her head as she thought of few more questions "Who is your lord and why is her here?" After a moments pause it was obvious the demon wasn't willing to share that info just yet.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: bound
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh come on Gravey" Rikke slowly ran her finger across the demons chest "It's such a simple question and already you're being mean" her hand neared his erect manhood "I'd be a shame to just kill off such a fine cock " the girl snickered lightly as she leaned closer to her captives bloodied rod. Puckering her lips she seemingly blew the cock a kiss arching her ass ever so slightly, giving her captive quite the seductive view. Obviously this had quite the effect on the demon, even though wounded his erection twitched a few times in excitement. "I think we both can think of better fates for your big boy..." her eyes slightly lidded Rikke slowly leaned back, continuously gazing at the man "...satisfy my curiousity and I'll satisfy your... urges too." with one final seductive wink she finished off her display, the mans stern gaze noticeably widened.

Meanwhile in the girls mind 'Oh come on! Does he even wash. Stinky, smelly, greasy... Ew~. Just let your crotch do the thinking and answer dangit!'. The last thing Rikke would do is keep her end of this little bargain, still most rapists tend to get very narrow minded when they're lustful enough. And this guy fit the bill of "perverted lustful bandit/rapist" perfectly. The spunky slut act should do wonders on him.

"Don't play the stern trooper, you have nothing to lose if you answer. Whats a random thief like me gonna do? I'm just a very curious girl." Rikke sat down on a nearby table and smiled playfully at the man, swinging her legs in a childish manner. 'Come on break, break...'
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I dare not say his name lest it invite his wrath, but if you must know he's using this human hovel as a base camp." Rikke paused a moment while the manor was a bit run down hovel would have been the last term she would have used to describe it. "See that wasn't so bad" Rikke looked at the demon with half lidded eyes trying to encourage the demons lustful nature into revealing more. "What about the captives I heard about and this temple your lover mentioned?" The demons snorted dismissively "I know what game your playing thief and I will not say any more unless you start to keep your end of the bargain. Anyway I think much better with delicate hands rubbing my cock." The demon looked at Rikke expectantly waiting to see what her next action would bring.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: bound
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Of all the possible creatures she could have captured, Rikke managed to catch a nigh-fearless, rude and rather intelligent soldier. Not exactly prime interrogation material, especially for a girl hardly having any experience in it.

Rikke barely contained her frown, still she had to keep her charade. Appeasing to the demons lustfull side was obviously effective ...unless she started carving the demon up with her short sword, the mere though running shivers of disgust through her body.

Still the alternative to jerk off her would be rapist wasn't too appeasing either. Knowing the demons lustfull nature he'll hardly want to stop at that, though the answers the demon had held priority over her pride.

Holding back her disgust Rikke removed her gloves and without a single word got off her seat. Placing one hand on her hip the girl approached her captive, like a well-paid whore goes to her customer. Even with all her armor Rikkes luscious body underneath was all too clear for the demon, as he continued his unnerving stare at Rikke.

The rogue slowly sat down on the same table as she bound her captive to, right between the gap of the demons bound arms and legs. A sly grin formed on the demon, it looked like the girl was actually complying to his will. Rikke slowly placed her palm on the demons pulsing rod and started to stroke it. Her surprisingly soft skin and nimble hands, running waves of excitement through her captives body "Well Gravey, I'm listening."
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gives the demon a hand job (3+1+12+16) for 16pp damage

The demon smiled as Rikke continued her treatment obviously enjoying himself a fact Rikke did her best to ignore. "Oh girl you are good are you sure your not a professional? I could fill in the gaps of your knowledge if your not." Rikke could feel the demons rod pulse and throb under delicate hands and she was surprised at how hot the creatures rod was. She could feel every ridge on the demons cock as her soft hands ran up and down. The demon was starting to breath heavy but still spoke between his grunts. "Your almost as good as Jessica to bad the little slut is broken she would have made a perfect succubus." Rikke slowed her hands, what did he just say about Jess not being a succubus? "Oh girl don't stop now." A look of desperation crossed the demons face. "Look Ill answer your questions just keep going. The captives are three foolish adventures that came to the ruins maybe two days ago and caused a lot of damage near the kitchen before we caught them all. We where just going to kill them but the Mistress seemed to recognize them and told us to put them in the cells. As for the temple I don't know anything about that. Now please keep going."

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: bound
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Jessica...? Does he mean my Jess.' Rikke leaned closer to the demon in a genuinely curious manner, though still keeping her charade setup “Oh~ so when is a succubus considered broken?” the three adventurers still lingered in Rikke’s mind, but hearing Jess’s name pushed most thoughts aside, what did this demon know about her friend?

As if encouraging the demon to continue talking Rikke resumed her handjob. Still the demon already had telltale signs of his load spewing out in all of it’s glory sooned than later, this would be the last thing Rikke wanted. Not only would it satisfy and relax the demon, it would also cause Rikke’s hand to be covered in the mess. It didn’t take long for the demons cock to begin twitching madly, obviously his payload was ready to burst, now he was at his most vulnerable.

Oh my~ Gravey I can feel it…” Rikke suddenly stopped her stroking, the demon quickly turned his head as if begging for her to finish “…But I know a far better place you could, unleash your raging seed…” Rikkes hands ran around her curvy body, slipping under her armor seemingly groping the lusty girls body underneath , before raising both of the hands back up and licking her lips in a painfully obvious sensual manner. Even though playing with her captive did get her slightly excited she still had herself under full control and she didn’t actually touch herself. “Tell me about the succubus… and how I could get to the cells, where prisoners are kept. I’ll make sure your load goes off in places you didn’t expect it to go. I hope you know what I mean, Gravey” with that the girl slowly started licking her fingers in an overly sexual manner, her lidded eyes looking straight at her captive.

It’s all just a tease.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The demon panted and groaned under Rikke's touch but he did answer if a little haltingly. "Why do you want to know about that slut?" Rikke stopped her caressing in annoyance. NO! DON"T STOP! PLEASE!" Rikke raised her eyebrow at the demon giving a silent command that the demon relented to. "She didn't turn out right. The powers that worked on the other maids didn't take to her so she is left in between. Her soul is not tainted like the others she has the powers the looks and drive but not the hunger or selfish cruelty of her sisters. I don't know why the mistress keeps her around. Other than a bed warmer she is useless to our cause. Now please finish I'm so close." Rikke waved a finger back and forth in the tisk tisk manner she had seen older woman give to their younger children. "What about the captives?" Demon looked at Rikke hatred evident in his eyes but he soon answered her. "They are being held in the sacrificial chamber as we speak in the dungeon below the manor. If you came to rescue them I suggest you leave there's no way you could defeat the Mistress. Your best bet is to release me and in apology ride my rod. If you do well enough maybe I could convince the Mistress to keep her as one of her pets like Jessica." The demons lewd grin was enough for Rikke resuming her stroking rapidly bringing him closer to his peak. Usinger her deft hands to bend then impale the demons cock into his own ass. "What are you doing that doesn't go..." The demon never got to finish his own sentence before he blew his load into his own ass. Black demon cum squirted out its tight confines staining the table. Looking over the now passed out demon Rikke smiled at her handy work even though it was a waste of cum. Shaking her head she pushed those distracting thoughts aside. Leaning close to the demons ear as she replaced the gag she had made earlier she whispered. "Told you I would put it in a place you wouldn't expect." Gathering her gear and looking about the room Rikke noticed the two chests where still left untouched but did she have the time check them?

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her dealing with the demon finished Rikke smiled proudly to herself, she got most of the information she seeked with only minor annoyances. Nonchalantly the girl wiped the demons pre-cum from her hand and looked around the room before moving on. The room was either the manors map storage or the headquarters for the demon pathfinders, the later seemed much less likely. She would ask her buddy on the table, but after she bend his manhood in ways no man should ever have his rod bend... ever, she doubted he'd be too chatty.

The two chests obviously taking the center stage of her attention, it was best to check whats inside "Well Gravey what gifts did you leave me for my services." Rikke looked over to her unfortunate captive, still giddy about teaching the would-be-rapist a lesson and moved in to inspect the chests.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke walked over to the two chest and inspected each. Both looked to fairly battered and used but in decent condition otherwise. Noting that nither one was locked Rikke popped the first one open. The sudden burst of white light that shot from the chest nearly blinded the poor girl but as soon as she recovered a small spark of joy filled her only to be replaced by a mounting dread. Inside this chest was set of Academy robes complete with a unadorned short sword and a clear crystal tiara similar to the purple one Rikke was wearing at this very moment. 'That means... oh no Emma is here!' Digging threw the remainder of the chest and opening the other Rikke confirmed her fears. Emma, Gloria, and Loria had come back to the manor and even now where being held captive. They must have been the adventures the demon was talking about. Thankfully all their gear seemed to be present as well as various pouches and bags. Rikke felt a new sense of urgency fill her what should she do now.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke dug through the academy robes, an overwhelming sense of familiarity clawing at her. Another Tiara laid in the chest seemingly part of the set she had with her... but how and why would the academy-- 'Wait a minute...' Rikke darted a look to her pouch containing her denarii and the two letters 'That girl... Emma. She's from the academy! Perhaps she returned to the mansion and got captured!' Continuing her digging the other 2 sets of female clothing also rang out two names: Loria and Gloria... 'Why do I fell like know who these girls are' no matter how hard she tried to recall Rikke couldn't remember where she met the 2 females.

Nevertheless the girls needed her help. Hopefully their 2 day ordeal would not have drained or weakened them too much. It would've been fantastic for Rikke to bring all the found gear with her, but there was no way she'd be able to carry all that. Grabbing a few pouches and bags Rikke rushed out of the room.

Returning to the library she scanned the room once more. At the moment she didn't care too much for reading or sightseeing, if she's particularry lucky perhaps she could get to the holding cells before any of the demons realise what happened.

Speaking of which... Rikke glanced back at her captive. What if the blonde succubus returned and found this. Unless the demons had a knack for tieing himself up and a particulary wierd fetish, surely it would alert the manor to the presence of an intruder.

'Leave no loose end...' Rikke went back into the room. She needed to move the demon out of here. Luckily the shock from before had left him unconscious for the time being, so the girl had no problem cutting of the table legs to allow herself to remove the man from the table. She just needed to tighten the linking rope behind the demon and then like a roped up turkey she could drag the demon out of the room to hide him elsewhere. While she was preparing the demon for transportation the sight of the second chest caught the heroines eye, in her rush she forgot if she checked it's contents too.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly checked the other chest which was longer and taller than the other and soon found it contained medium weight armor a greatsword a short spear and shield. A little disappointed in not finding even a scrap of treasure Rikke still busied herself with removing the evidence. The shock of being penetrated by his own cock must have broke the poor rapists little mind he didn't budge or even whimper as Rikke bound him in his new position and set him on the floor. 'Now what should I do with you' Rikke mused as she looked down on her captive. Any of the adjoining rooms would be to close if he woke from his stupor but dragging him to a more distant room could get her caught after who knew how many other demon soldiers had the run of the place. Still the the wine cellar might be a good place after all it had a very thick door and a nifty guardian to boot. Still it was a long way to drag her captive and she would have to make a decision soon.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her hands crossed Rikke stared at her captive, thinking of the best spot to stash this little secret of hers. 'There was that empty room...' the family room she entered right before the library could prove a could usefull, but if the demon started squirming like mad he'd catch someones attention without too much trouble.

Still it was her best bet, dragging a body half-way through the manorr would not only increase her chances of being noticed, but also more importantly tire her out.

Grabbing the bigger a piece of rope Rikke proceeded to drag the unfortunate demon out of the library.

Now by all means he wasn't exaclty a lightweight, while Rikke was rather dexterious and nimble, she wasn't all that strong. Nevertheless, if she managed to clean the barracks from earlier dragging this fella out wouldn't be all that challenging.

Though unconscious the man seemed very anxious about his trip, be it not exactly his iniative. Seemingly catching every possible bump and dragging along any book he found 'Come on Gravey, I know you're not the reading type' Rikke paused a few times to kick away "the classic collections" the demon "wanted to bring" with him.

Thanfully, the family rooms was a very short trek from the library. Rikke quickly stashed her completely oblivious companion under the furthest away table and mused about her further plans. Where the hell could that entrance be...
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke thought briefly about where the likely entrance to the dungeon would be going over her mental map of the manor the she decided the most likely place was the tower however every entrance she had seen was bricked over and sealed. Which of course left down. The only possible entrance in the manor itself was the doors she had glimpsed behind the stairs. Making her way to the threshold of the doors Rikke could clearly see she was right. A dark steep and narrow stair case did indeed lead down but from her current location Rikke couldn't see to what or where the stairs ended.

Rikke could feel she was on the edge to proceed now would lock her into her current course of action no matter if it turned out for good or ill once she stepped down those stairs it would be the final act of this little drama. Was she ready to proceed or should she stay a bit longer and finish her exploration of the manor. Of course there was always the less than brave option of running for her life.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'I don't wanna... I really, really don't wanna' Rikke eyed the dark staircase leading down, bitting her finger in anxiousness. She really didn't want to go down there. Her heartbeat raced 'This probably leads to the dungeon... and the sacrificial chambers...' each word sent shivers down her spine, slightly twisting and turning her tummy. 'I've got the loot I could just leave...'

'..and abandon the three girls to be sacificed?! Let these demons wins?' an inner turmoil sparked in Rikkes head 'But I'm no heroine...'; 'But you want to be, so become one!' Rikke blinked a few times as if letting her last thought set it. She did indeed want to be heroine, saving those in distress and punishing evil-doers just like in all of those stories. But fantasies and THIS were completely different things, she'd be risking her life for real.

No doubt whatever laid down there was far more powerful then the demon she took out up here. 'Emma, Loria and Gloria are down there... can I really just leave them?'

No matter how much her fear and dread tore at her, she couldn't just abandon the girls down in the dungeon. She just couldn't. Taking a few deep breaths step by step Rikke descended into the darkness below, only her tiaras light piercing the oppresive atmosphere around her.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke braced her self as she descended down the dark stair way despite all the little nagging feelings of doubt and fear she took each step one at a time until after what seemed an eternity her feet hit a flat surface. Taking a quick glance around the room Rikke noticed large amounts of old furniture and assorted junk blocking much of her view. However a small flicker of torch light caught her eye. Peering through the old furniture Rikke could see and open entrance to the rounded tower as well as another staircase the seemed to lead down further. A long demon Soldier seemed to be standing guard at the entrance.

The air was cool if a little musty and Rikke could feel her heart thump in her chest. There was one guard on watch with only a little sputtering torch to light his area. He did look bored however and wasn't watching as well as he should. Rikke could probably take him out in one blow if she was sneaky enough or she could make it to the other stairs she had seen by passing the guard to find what was down there.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine

*note new map added to extra stuff link
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Darting behind some of the furniture, Rikke inspected the area. 'If I were the holding cells where would I be hiding...' the rogue looked over the entrance to the tower 'That probably leads to the tower, 50 denarii says thats their HQ.' then turned to the other set of stairs 'huh... Well I think we got ourself a winner' Rikke was certain the other set of stairs would lead her further in to the dungeon and the holding cells that laid inside.

However there was still the matter of the bored looking guard. The place was hardly lit and the demon was obviously not at his sharpest. Taking him out silently would surely be a breeze...right?

Rikke attempts a sneak attack on the demon, non-lethal unless he's got a helmet.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth 27 vs 18 success! (umm yay for both of you rolling 1?)
Rikke sneak attack unarmed: auto hit for 35 damage ((1+4+15)*2-5)

Rikke easily maneuvered behind the guard with out him noticing. Even though she stepped on some broken glass the crunching noise it made was drowned out by the guards own yawn. 'All to easy' Rikke thought to herself as she approached the clueless guard. Readying her self for the attack Rikke took one deep calming breath before she lunged. Deciding on a mostly bloodless take down Rikke took out the guards knees with a sweeping kick. As the surprised guard began to fall back wards Rikke used her momentum to bring herself up to her full height and before the guard realized what had happened Rikke brought her foot down in a sweeping arc right into the guards chest pummeling him to ground and knocking the wind right out of him. As successful as the take down was it still did put the guard out for good as even now he was coughing and struggling to pull his blade from its sheath.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was about to strike a fancy victory pose, when she noticed the guard was slowly getting his bearings back. Seemed boredom didn't diminish his toughness.

Well this was definedly an unpleasant surprise as slight shivers ran up Rikkes body, her CQC always worked!... on simple farmers or slacker guards. Guess the demons were in a different league 'How tough can he be?!'. Quickly catching her footing Rikke let loose a swift kick right towards the fumbling guards face "Stay... DOWN!"
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