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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess Penetrative sex:
Rikke: Deals 44pp damage to Jess (7+6+12=25, 3+4+12=19). Jess orgasms triggering a double dose of Rikke's fetish.
Jess: Deals 51pp damage to Rikke (3+4+12+8=27, 3+1+12+8=24). Rikke is stunned and gains 56 corruption.

Jess recovered fairly quickly though not fast enough to keep her dominate position. Jess of course pulled Rikke down to return to the passionate kissing letting her long tongue duel Rikke's for a short time while she prepared a new surprise for her lover. Parting their lips Jess spoke between grunts and moans.”Everything I've ever wanted and more.” Kissing Rikke again she let her tail find release, it slowly grew out of its hiding place till its full 3ft length was free. As aroused as she was it didn't take long for her tail cock to escape its protective spade shaped sheath and ease its way to Rikke's other dirty hole. Giving a spurt of pre to lubricate its entry the tail cock lunged into Rikke's other opening. The sudden shock of the second penetration nearly sent Rikke over the edge. Not being able to hold back her screams of passion Rikke's back arched again and two fresh batches of cum entered her ass and pussy. Feeling the warm liquid spurt into her Rikke came again her tongue lolling out of her mouth. As she rode Jess's insatiable cocks.

Hp: 38/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Aroused, Stunned, 14/15 resistance remaining
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke screamed out, her eyes went white as her tongued rolled out in pure lewd pleasure. The intense pleasure and excitement of Jess’s latest actions easily shattered whatever state of mind Rikke had. Panting hotly Rikke slowly lowered her now sultry gaze to Jess, though instead of her usual gleaming playful eyes, she had a empty, distant look on her face. Lowering her fingers near the intense humping downstairs Rikke made sure they got nice and wet before raising them to her face to lick them clean in as sensual manner as possible, then raising her ass in the air once more, as if to give the tail a better angle and Jess’s cock a more rapid way to violate her.

At first Jess didn’t mind the change in Rikke, in fact she even enjoyed it even more! The wet slapping sounds were audible throughout the room, as Rikke gleefully ran her pussy up and down Jessicas stiff member, which her playmate encouraged with a strong thrust every time Rikke took the full length of her large member. Grinning evilishly Jessica quick ran her hands to Rikkes round ass, greedily gripping it and helping the girl fuck her with even greater rhytm. Gaining more and more dominance over the girl Jessica started to ravage the girl on top with even greater ferocity. Alternating between a thrust from her tail and her cock, double unison penetration or just flat out fucking like wild, Jess couldn't as her inner darker side slowly emerged from her "Whats the matter dear? Did my little ace really put you over the edge?" a dark laugh erupted from the red haired girl "Yes, enjoy it Rikke. This is what your body longs, whats it made for." Rikke looked down to her playmate, seemingly abandoning any resistance, her moans barely even understandable anymore, her empty eyes locked on Jessicas evil stare "Just let go." As if accepting this fate Rikke fell into Jessicas embrace this time far sloppier than before, though Rikkes kiss was far greedier and seemingly more desperate, it lacked the strength, the playfullness, the energy and the spark from earlier. The girl ridding Jess was hardly her playmate anymore. Jessica now had a completely willing sex toy on her hands, oblivious to her surroundings. While her lewd body and the ever present need for sex, would prove to be an exceptional treat to sate her… was it really what she wanted?
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nor really just some exp and corruption gains to report. Rikke gains 5xp for her adventure so far however she also gains 1 more mutation and is reset to 0 corruption.

For the darker part of Jess this is exactly what she wanted now she had complete freedom to do as she pleased and a willing toy to do it with. Forcing the all to eager girl off her staff Jess got to her knees and presented her cock to Rikke. “Clean it!” it was a simple and forceful command that Rikke obeyed with no witty comebacks nor any attempts to turn the situation to her favor. As the young rogue sucked and bobbed on her staff Jess pounded her ass with her tail thrusting harder and deeper as Rikke's ass accepted the invader. Jess couldn't figure it out even as she orgasmed spurting her tainted load into Rikke's mouth and ass she wasn't enjoying herself. When Rikke came a moment latter there was no joy in her screams of passion. Flipping positions as Jess took Rikke from behind she realized she greatly missed the other girls tempting comments her dirty talk. A small tear rolled down Jess cheek did she really break Rikke. As they both reached another mutual orgasm she felt part of Rikke soul flow into her own causing the young rogue to pass out from exhaustion as all her excess energy was drained to feed the succubus inside of Jess. Though the darker part of Jess was sated it made good on its promise from before. Grabbing several implements of the self she approached the unconscious rogue before her and got to work.


Rikke awoke several hours latter in the room where her sexy encounter with Jess all started. Though confused at first and completely naked the silken sheets that covered her felt all so good she didn't want to get up but then she remembered where she was. Gazing around the room trying to find any danger Rikke realized how sore she was. Her whole body ached like she had been fighting all day. The sorest parts where her pussy and ass. For the life of her she couldn't remember what happened even her jaw was sore what did she do? Passing by the Full length mirror it all came back to her. The flesh of her lower back had been tattooed with dark black vines that inter mixed with blood red flowers the same color as Jess's eyes. Jess's eyes the images of her encounter with Jessica came back to her she remembered everything that happened to her except getting that tattoo. Though expertly done Rikke wasn't sure she was a tattoo kinda girl let alone getting one in that spot. What was that called again a tramp stamp. Rikke shuttered whether she found it exciting or not was up to her but for now at lest Jess had branded her. Looking about the room Rikke soon found all her discarded cloths including very sexy red undergarments folded neatly and cleaned. Even her armor looked to have been mended a little and cleaned as well. Her blades and gun seemed to have been polished and where placed neatly next to her cloths. A large bottle of wine and a small book with a folded card lay on the table as well. The large bottle of wine seemed to be the one Jess had used to share a drink with and was mysteriously full again no doubt what was in it this time judging by the smell as she pooped it open. The small book appeared to be the diary Jess had recovered for her during truth or dare. Thinking about that game a small flush came to Rikke's face. That game did get out of hand really quickly. Taking the card Rikke noticed that it had dark imprints of lips on it no doubt from Jess. Looking over the note Jess left for her Rikke noticed the silvery glow from the tiara she was wearing earlier. Oddly it still lay where she dropped it.

After a short rest and getting reequipped and rearmed Rikke could see the sun starting to set threw one of the windows. How long did she and Jess go at it and how long did she sleep? She had entered the manor just after sunrise and now she had time to make up or she would have to spend the night in the manor.

The note:
The letter is written in a flowing flowery script

Dearest Rikke

Sorry if I went over board its just so hard to contain myself when I get going, but you know all about that by now. I'm sorry if I hurt you my love and I did my best to make up for it. I cleaned all your gear and left you a few presents as well. I even hid one in the draw of the table if you want it. But now I ask you a favor. Please leave the manor. Its not safe for you to be here if the mistress finds you there is no telling what will happen. I don't want you hurt like she is hurting her other captives and though its hard to write this I don't know if I will be able to control myself around you.. you just taste so good.

With Love

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Upon finishing reading the note Rikke carefully folded the note and put it in her coin pouch, right next to the letter back from the barracks. Looking over the room once more Rikke couldn’t help smile warmly ‘Oh Jess. We’d have quite the conversation right now.’ Rikke didn’t even try to deny it, she enjoyed every moment with the maid and strongly considered her a very good friend. Taking one more look around the room as if hoping that Jess would appear to welcome her back from her little nap, but to no avail. Jessica was gone... ‘Well atleast she left quite the memento’ Rikke lightly tapped her new tattoo. ‘Though I wish I could leave something for her…’ Scanning the room Rikkes eyes stuck to her discarded clothes and the sexy undergarments nearby.

With a sly smile Rikke quickly picked through her old clothes and grabbed her white panties. "Perfect!" placing a wet kiss on them, she decided this would be her little memento to Jess. Though she really wanted to leave a note, the room would have none of it, hardly offering any means to do so. However she did find Jessicas surprise gift for her, upon opening one of the drawers a familiar blue friend, seemingly smiled at her. The blue dildo she so eagerly rode during their “race” lied in wait for it’s owner. “W-was this really in me?... And I…” Rikke eyed the blue monsters size, her mouth slight gapping. Looks like she was more flexible than she thought… blushing madly from the memories not so long ago, she stashed the gift in one of her pouches, if not for it’s sentimental value, then for “other” reasons. “Hope you’ll remember me Jess. I’ll definitely remember you” the girl placed her panties in an open location, if Jess would return she should be able to find these.

Still, the evening chill started creeping in, it was time Rikke got dressed! and in no time she was combat ready once more… with her new sexy undergarments to boot! Grabbing all her loot and putting the tiara once more on her head Rikke still had one last thing to do in this room - Check out the book Jess acquired her.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke finished reading the diary as some of the pieces began to fall together. The picture it painted was a grim one and a chill ran up Rikke's spine even thinking about. While she didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle she had enough to realize that she was in great danger. Exiting the room she had been sleeping in Rikke once more found herself on the upper baloney separating the upper floor. Here she was left with a choice she could easily leave the way she came and forget she ever came here or she could stay and play the hero..... it was a hard choice and the fact that the portrait of Lady Pesli seemed to stare right at her didn't make it any easier.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned on the railing, torn apart by her decision. 'Jess warned me to leave this place...' the girls eyes looked down at the burnt corpse at the entry way, a reminder of the powers in the manor. 'But...' Rikke looked towards her coin pouch where the two letters rested 'Jess also mentioned captives by her mistress... what some poor folk are held here, tortured or worse...'

Completely encumbered with her decision Rikke rested her head on one of her hands and closed her eyes. Memories of all she learned and saw running through her head ' "I cannot and will not leave my daughter at the mercy of whatever evil has attacked my home."; "...I was scared and tried to run but he simply laughed at me..."; "...she is hurting her other captives..."; Don't let them get me Rikke!.' As if the smalls girls woke Rikke up from her contemplation, the heroine took a deep breath and sighed, unsheating her short sword and eyeing it for a moment. Her image clearly visible on the polished blade a strong smile broke through her face "Handbook for the Aspiring Heroine tip number 45... For evil to prevail all it takes is for good girls to do nothing"

Reinvigorated by her decision Rikke resheathed her blade, her determination stonger than ever, she decided to stay in the manor and unbury the dark secrets that lied in wait. She no longer cared for any of the lost treasures that lured her here. Right now she needed to either find the possible dungeon or enter the foreboding tower. Her best bet was to go inspect the other side of the manors first floor.

Rikke didn't notice it but she gained the "Soft-skin" mutation.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Filled with resolve Rikke continued her quest. Easing by the statue on the landing Rikke continued down the stairs past the burnt remains. Eying it as she passed she could tell that the burned boned had been there awhile. Coming to the first door closest to the landing Rikke gently eased it open. Silvery light penetrated the dark room revealing furniture draped in long flowing sheets. A long dead hearth dominated the room its once grand facade dark and gloomy. Quickly surmising that this was a sitting room or family room Rikke doubted she would find any clues here. She was left with a choice to investigate the room further or move on.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Peeking into the room Rikke carefully looked over the area "Hello~ Secret entrance to the dungeon~ Are you in here?" The room stood silent, duh. Much like the rest of the manor the sitting room, while absolutely a sight to behold in it's time, now stood in tatters.

Rikke entered the room to give it a thorough once over scan. Concluding that there are no doors here - standard, trap or otherwise, she continued onward and exited the room; The entrance to the other basement was not here. With daylight fading fast she hardly had the time look over everything.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke frowned and moved on hoping the next door down the hall would bring her better luck. Approaching the door Rikke cautiously opened the door wide letting silvery light stream into the darkened room. Much to Rikke surprise several candles where lit about the room casting eerie shadows from their locations. Though by far not enough to light the room completely Rikke was able even in the fading light to see that this room was a grand study and two story library. Large over stuffed chairs sat next to end tables with books scattered here and there. Each chair had fluffed pillows and foot stools at the ready for any would be readers. The larger part of the room looked to have a stair case that spiraled up to the libraries second floor. A second door to the right had a light underneath hinting at a fully lit room. Two voices unmistakable seemed to be talking their conversation muffled Rikke would have to get closer if she wanted to hear what was being spoken.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Wow...' Rikke eyed the library in awe 'Those rich people sure love their libraries' While abandonned the library still kept some of it's majesty. Rikke slowly made her way inward, her eyes running up and down the towering shelves, even though most the collections now served as fine ground accessories there was still a fair number of books in their rightful places. It was almost enough to shame Rikke of her blatant ignorance of the art of fine book reading. She slowly leaned down to pickup a less than weary book, when suddenly she noticed one of the rooms having rather clear illumination. 'There's someone here?'

Rikke approached her point of interest in a careful fashion "Thats..." no doubt about it, one of the rooms was fully lit. She could even hear faint echoes of a possible conversation. Gracefully rushing through the dropped books Rikke sneaked her way closer to perhaps eavesdrop on whats going on inside.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth vs Perception: 39 vs 23 and 36 success vs both!
Rikke approached the door as quiet as a mouse. Placing her ear against the wall she could make out bits and picess of conversation as well as a lot of moans and groans which caused a flush to rise in her skin.

Male voice: “The mistress will be pleased that you and your sisters have secured a new lair.” Some grunts and groans followed by fast and heavy thumps.

Female voice: “It was easy the naive priestesses at the temple quickly fell to the temptation of our bodies.” some moans. “They will make great members of his harem once he leaves his current vessel.

Male voice: “What about the captives?” A long grunt of pleasure.

Female voice: A scream of passion. “They will be sacrificed to fuel his birth into our realm.”

Male Voice: “His current host?” heavy panting

Female voice: ”Oh the mistress will remain as his concubine. Unnghhh! its been so long sense I’ve had a cock in me but I need to report to the mistress. Oh looks like hes asleep well have to continue my welcome back fuck later.”

Rikke quickly rolled for cover as the door swung open. Worried that her light source would give her away she pleased to note that it had almost gone completely dark. While it still had glimmers of light hiding deep in the crystals it had dimmed enough not to be seen. Hazarding a peak Rikke noticed the woman leaving had long blonde hair and she wore nothing. Her hairless sex was slightly agape and seemed to be dripping ever so slightly. She had razor sharp nails and blood red eyes like Jess. However unlike Jess her face was cold and devoid of emotion. She had a massive chest far larger than Jess and a wicked looking tail. As she left the room Rikke could feel the sense of danger ease significantly.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With a sigh of relief Rikke sat down to calm herself 'That was close!' her eyes looked up at the tiara in a almost thankful fashion. 'Captives... Sacrifices?! "His" great rebith?!' a dreadfull feeling enveloped the girl, this was far bigger than she hoped. Obviously the demons had grand plans in motions and the only one who knew or could actually stop them was poor cowardly her.

Few deep breaths later Rikke slowly got up 'This is no time to get scared, those people need you!' She now knew for sure that bad things are afoot, but she needed clearer information, how could she--- 'WAIT a minute!' Rikke slowly turned her gaze towards the room, weren't there 2 voices!

Once more she creeped her way closer to the room and peeked inside. There indeed was someone else in the room, though it seemed whoever it was, it was currently out cold... hopefully.

Rikke still had her rope from the stables. If she could successfully sneak in, perhaps she could tie the man up and interogate him for information. Placing her sword near the entrance to the room, to reduce any possible sound, she tapped her hidden dagger and proceeded with her plan.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth vs perception 43vs12 Success!

Rikke tumbled into the room as silent and graceful as a cat. Looking about for her prey Rikke was able to take in the room. The room was long and narrow finished with a large table and several over stuffed chairs. Two chests sat in the corner and looked out of place. An iron candle chandelier provided the bulk of the light for the room. Two large sat against the wall closest to the door. Faded maps of the surrounding area's where pinned to the walls mixed with a few of Bardia and Amazon. The table seemed to hold a large map as well that was partial fallen to the floor due to the red skinned lummox asleep on the table.

The man on table was completely nude his semi erect shaft while impressive was by far not the biggest she had seen or even had thanks to Jess. He was well muscled and looked to be near 6ft in height. A protruding boney ridge wrapped around his brow letting oily black hair spill over it. He was nude unarmed and asleep just how Rikke liked em.... well to rob anyway.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Am I this good or is he that out.' Rikke smugly looked down at the man, she sneaked right to him and he didn't even flinch. 'If only all men slept like you.. I'd be one rich thief...' Rikke carefully removed her rope from around her shoulder.

'Let's see...' due to the mans current "proud pose" a.k.a. Lieing completely knocked out on the table with a persistent lewd grin on your face, Rikke formulated the best way to tie him up would be cutting her rope in three pieces, then making a total of 4 cuffs on the ends of the first two pieces, with the third piece linking the arm and feet cuffs. 'Minimal contact with the person, quick and tough enough to hold this fella down'.

Proceeding with the plan Rikke used her dagger to cut the rope in 3 pieces, stashing it right back to it's hidey stop when done, and in no time at all made the required cuffs. The sleeping man hardly even batted an eye or reacted to Rikkes presence in any meaningul way. Since she always prefered to tie up any guards she knocked out or attackers she encountered, as opposed to actually killing someone, the worksmanship was rather decent.

All that was left was to slip the cuffs unnoticed, link them up and she could wake the sleeping prince up for their little chat.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth vs perception 27 vs 31 Fail!
Demon soldier grapple vs Rikke 37 vs 39 miss!

Rikke smiled mischievously as she slipped the first rope cuff around the crimson skinned man right wrist when disaster struck. A small drop of molten wax from the chandelier above had managed to drip its way right onto her targets bare chest causing him to curse several profanities before his eyes locked on Rikke. Eying her up and down his shaft became firm again. "Well hello little lady come to find out what demon dick is like?" With surprising speed he launched him self at Rikke. Rikke was surprised of course that her would be captive had woke up and launched himself at her. However she was not that surprised that she forgot to dodge narrowly avoiding the Soldier with a quick side step it looked like she might have a fight on her hands.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well hello little lady come to find out what demon dick is like?" Rikkes eyes widened as a shiver ran through her body, the man was awake! 'Shit!'

The would-be assailant quickly lunged at her, his hardened rod and hungry eyes making his intent quite clear. Thankfully Rikke managed avoid the oppressors grasp in time, gracefully sidesteping his advance. 'Think think think.... Maybe I can trick him' Rikke eyed the man who slowly found his footing from his previous lunge, likely still a little groggy from his sleep. 'No it's too late for that...'

The heroine quickly drew her hidden dagger and slightly turned her hand as she pointed it at the demon. "I don't want to hurt you, please." the demon now had his footing back "I just need some answers." Rikke continued to eye the demon carefully getting herself into a defensive counter-attack stance. If the creature decided to go at her again she'd have to disable it.

Rikkes passive Quick Draw kicks in; Allowing to draw her dagger without wasting a turn.
Also Duelist kicks in as Rikke is only armed with her dagger (+10 dodge, +2 damage rolls).
Rikke uses Defensive stance (+10 dodge; free attack on attack dodge)
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Demon's grapple vs Rikke: 41 vs 59 Miss!
Rikke's counter: 50 vs 35 Hit!
Rikke's Damage: 32 (1+2+29)

Oh the little lady had a knife how cute.” With that he lunged though Rikke was ready for him. Acting mostly on instinct and training the she caught the demon in the side causing a massive amount of foul black blood to spurt and gush sending spatters all over Rikke and her armor and spilling to the floor. Had Rikke been a few more inches to the right she would have killed the creature out right instead it screamed in pain before stumbling into the wall holding the large gash in its side. “YOU BITCH! I WILL ENJOY BREAKING YOU ON MY DICK!”

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The demon could hardly take another hit like that, even when Rikke aimed to hold back, her steel still did massive damage against the unarmored demon. If he dies all the information she seeks dies with him. She abhored blood and violence... why must some creatures resort to violent measures so quickly.

The demon had stumbled into a nearby wall yelling profanities and curses at the rouge, Rikkes eyes sharpened she awaited inevitable attack once more, though this time perhaps she'd manage to knock the demon out with a pummel counterattack.

Rikke takes up defensive stance once more. Her attacks not fatal.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Demon grapple vs Rikke: 41 vs 59 miss!
Rikke's riposte: 46 vs 35 Success!
Damage: enough

Rikke knew the next attack was coming and most likely what it would be the demons blood lust and anger easily broadcasting its intent. As the demon soldier made his lunge Rikke simple stepped aside once again bashing the demon on the head with the flat of her blade rending him unconscious. With the encounter over for now at lest Rikke bound her captive and made sure their ruckus did bring anymore attention. Satisfied that the cost was clear she could now focus on getting what info she could muster from the demon.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: bound unconscious
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her captive unconscious it was much easier to secure and bind him with her rope. Double checking all the knots, Rikke was about ready to question the demon. Looking over her captive Rikke couldn't help, but feel sorry for the wound she cause "I warned ya... you started it!" though he was unconscious the girl still had to get it out of her system.

Before waking the demon up, Rikke looked around the room, with all the commotion she hardly had time to actually inspect whats what. 'Maps, maps and more maps... oh and some chests. Hmm... let's see what you got to tell me mister...'

She casually approached the bound man and slapped him a few times gently to no awail, looked like he was rather out, still a stronger slap would do the trick. 'SLAP!' "Wakey wakey..."
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