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NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Sylph - forfeits this turn to continue absorbing the other slime
Winter - 13 vs 15 Ls(C), failed to break free

Lesser succubus (B) - 20 vs 7 Angel, hit for 1 FP and 1 AP
Lesser succubus (C) - 20 vs 19 W, pleasured for 2 AP dmg

Angel girl - 3 vs 10 Ls(B), miss

Sylph - 12 v 3 Ls(B), hit
Winter - 13 vs 18 W, failed to break free yet again

Lesser succubus (B) - 4 vs 10 Angel, miss
Lesser succubus (C) - 18 vs 2 W, crit pleasure attack, dealing 1 FP dmg, and 2 more AP dmg, which is enough to cause Winter to orgasm and because of the crit the succubus orgasms as well, though she isn't completely out of the fight just yet, she is stunned on her next roll though

Angel girl - 18 vs 4 Ls(B), hit and finishing off that succubus

While Sylph was still busy absorbing the other slime,or rather what was left of it anyway, Winter was busy trying to buck the succubus off of her, and failing to do so. The succubus on her back giggled when she started bucking to try and get her off of her, while her companion slapped the angel girl's member with her hand, which was still hard as a rock and dripping her precum and the juices of the succubus that had been riding her. The angel girl gave a cute gasp when the succubus did this, but managed to push her back and off of her before she could do more than that. The angel though looked quite exhausted from what all had already been done to her and was left with her knees shaking, looking close to losing it and simply grabbing the succubus or something to relieve her burning need for sex.

"Wow, so much energy in you, you'll make a fine succubus hon," the succubus whispered in Winter's ear after her failed escape attempt.

At those words the succubus pulled off the last of Winter's clothing while the other succubus kept the angel busy. Then as Winter looked over her shoulder she would see the succubus take her left hand from Winter's breasts and begin rubbing herself between her own legs for a second or two. Then suddenly a large twelve inch long and two inch thick penis would erupt from the succubus' crotch, fully erect and ready for action. Before Winter could even attempt to stop her, the succubus thrust her hips forward and split Winter's soft moist petals open. The succubus quickly began thrusting in and out of Winter, driving pleasure into her beyond comprehension. Meanwhile the angel girl swung her great sword at the succubus that slapped her dick a few seconds before, but missed her attack.

Sylph finally got done absorbing what was left of the other slime girl after defeating her, then moved to help Winter. She was blocked however by the other succubus and was forced to have to fight her along with the trembling angel. Sylph's whips struck true on the succubus and began driving her back and out of the way as they got closer to rescuing Winter from the succubus that was raping her.

The succubus tried to hit the angel girl again, as she was slowly being driven back by the dual assault by Sylph and the angel girl, but missed however. The succubus that was raping Winter stole a glance over her shoulder and saw her companion being beaten back, and so she upped her pace and began slamming into Winter as hard and fast as she could, bringing her tail around and sliding it into Winter's ass to increase Winter's pleasure even more. Winter's moans would fill the room as she was unable to resist the pleasure she was being subjected to, and with a last slam of their hips, the succubus' hot hard dick buried itself as deep inside Winter as it could go, causing Winter to hit her peak with a toe curling climax. The succubus exploded in orgasm as well, her cock spurting her seed into Winter and filling her womb to the brim with it.

"Oh that was good young human, and now my seed will corrupt you a little and who knows you may even be carrying a baby succubus inside you now," the succubus cooed in Winter's ear, giggling uncontrollably in that scary evil giggle.

The angel girl moved in brought her great sword around in a sweeping arc in front of her, taking the other succubus down as she left a great gash in a diagonal arc up her chest, killing the devil woman before she could move out of the way.

Winter - FP: 1/5, AP: 10/10, stunned from orgasm
Sylph - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10

Angel girl - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/10

Lesser succubus (C) - FP: 4/4

Just so you know I consider succubi like D&D does, they're devils not demons, which in my eyes allows them to choose whether or not they want to corrupt someone and allows them to choose whether or not they want to be good.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Me? A succubus?” Winter moaned as her aggressor played her body like a Stradivarius. A quiet voice in the back of her mind wondered if it would be so bad. Slipping in and out of her mind, a mental image of her riding the angel appeared. Quickly, Winter shook her head to try to clear it of the unwanted image and glared back at the succubus. “Get real!”

Winter's struggled did little deter the devil girl from removing the rest of her clothing and she shuddered a little bit when the hand that had been caressing her chest was replaced by the cold floor. Her only warning that something was amiss was when she felt the head of her attackers hard cock press against her wet flower. Her struggles slowed slightly at the shock of this sudden change of pace and that was the only chance the succubus needed to ram herself to the hilt. She could only moan loudly as she desperately braced herself for the wild thrusts of her aggressor.

As she moaned like a whore, Winter wasn't sure when she'd started meeting the succubus' thrusts with her own and each time issued a wet sound issued from her nether regions. She could feel the urgency of her attacker as the tempo increased and unconsciously tried to match it with her own. Through the haze of lust, she could feel something touch the crevice of her ass and she tried to relax herself for what was coming. The devil girls tail slid into her with very little trouble and she found herself being pushed harder and harder. The evil little voice in the back of her head wished that this could go on forever, but with a final stroke she could feel the warm of the succubus' seed fill her quivering hole and she gave a delight filled scream as her own orgasm crashed over er.

Winter couldn't reply to the taunting of her attacker as she laid there in an admittedly pleasant haze. Her whole body quivered even as her pussy tried to milk the last few drops of the corrupting liquid from the lady devil.

Winter knew she would have to try to push the succubus off her but that would have to wait until she could regain control of herself.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Sylph – 4 vs 11 Ls(C), miss
Winter – stunned from orgasm and unable to take action

Lesser succubus (C) – 19 vs 7 Angel, hit and she takes 1 FP and 1 AP dmg

Angel – 12 vs 1 Ls(C), hit

Sylph – 6 vs 14 Ls(C), miss
Winter – Still stunned from orgasm and unable to take action

Lesser succubus (C) – 10 vs 5 Angel, hit and is enough to max out the Angel's AP counter, effectively taking her out of the fight for now.

Angel girl – She's blinded by desire and has to have sex, going for the only available option, Winter.

Sylph – 12 vs 1 Ls(C), hit

Lesser succubus (C) – 20 vs 7 Sylph, hit

Sylph – 15 vs 7 Ls(C), hit

Lesser succubus (C) – 15 vs 16 Sylph, miss

Sylph – 16 vs 2 Ls(C), hit and killed, ending the battle.

The succubus simply gave a mirthful giggle when she saw Winter had nothing to say back to her taunting, seeming to enjoy the feeling of Winter's tight wet hole trying to milk out every last drop she had to offer. Just as the succubus finished unloading her seed into Winter, Sylph managed to get close enough to swing her slime whips at her, and though she didn't hit the succubus, she did succeed in getting her off of Winter. When the succubus was forced to pull her member out of Winter, a trickle of her seed began running out of Winter's now thoroughly used pussy, while the tall human watched the battle continue.

Stay away from her you bitch! I won't let you corrupt her!” Sylph cried as she forced the succubus away.

The succubus retaliated against Sylph and the angel as they moved in to cut her off from Winter, taking a smack at the angel, which hit her right across her naked ass, causing her to yelp out as her body got even warmer. The angel managed to get a hit back on the remaining succubus though as her sword cut across her waist to leave a small gash.

As the battle continued on, Sylph managed to miss again, while the succubus retaliated once again against the angel girl. This time when the succubus hit the angel though, the poor angel's legs quivered and ended up buckling as she fell the the floor, her already hard member throbbing for release. She could no longer help herself and glanced over at Winter, who was still laying on the floor trying to recover, and found herself moving over to the tall human girl.

I-I'm sorry miss, but I... c-can't fight it... I c-can't take it any l-longer... I n-need relief... relief of this burning ache in my body... p-please forgive m-me,” the angel whimpered out to Winter as she pretty much just mounted her and took the same position the succubus had a minute or so before, with Winter being unable to really try and stop her just yet.

The angel was too busy having a wonderful time with with Winter to focus on the fight any longer, thrusting in and out of her without a care in the world and giving joyful cries of ecstasy as she neared her peak and got closer to the relief she so desperately sought. Sylph and the succubus exchanged blows while the two went at it, and eventually Sylph was able to bring the succubus down as she brought her whip the succubus' neck and held her there for a moment. While holding her there, Sylph changed the whip in her left hand to a slime blade, then she pulled the succubus and impaled her through the chest upon her new blade, killing her.

Battle over, Winter gains +1 total FP, raising her max to 6. I'll leave the ending of the battle a little open for Winter to say or do whatever she wants, such as continuing with the angel or trying to stop her.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter moaned as she felt the hard member forcefully removed from her quivering hole as the succubus was forced to release her in order to fend of Slyph's attacks. She spent a moment just laying there on the floor trying to pull herself together even as Slyph cried a challenge at her rapist. The dance of steel and slime whistled through the air as she felt a trickle of corrupting fluid run down to the floor.

Sensing someone approach from behind her, Winter tensed up expecting the succubus to return for another round but instead found the flushed and trembling angel making her way to her. The image of her mounting the angel that her mind had dreamed up earlier returned full force. The hardness between the angels legs made it obvious that she was not immune to the succubus magic anymore then anyone else. She stared at the apologizing angel before using what strength she had left to raise her hips and present her still longing hole to her.

“...I still feel it, too... J-just be nicer than she was.” Winter asked of her new mate. She let out a loud moan as she felt the angel's cock pierce with wet and wanting flower. Her hands braced herself against the floor as she began trying to match the angel's thrusts with her own.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

I-I'll do m-my best... to be g-gentle for you... please forgive m-me though. I just... c-can't take it a-any longer. A-And I shall p-purify... as much of... the c-corruption that succubus... put inside you,” the angel whimpered back to Winter in between her own soft sweet moans of pleasure, and after Winter raised her hips to basically give her the go ahead to take her.

The angel was thrusting into Winter as gently as she could manage, though still at a quite fast pace as she was so horny herself and in need of release. Winter would feel the angel girl's hot hard dick already throbbing inside of her and ready for release. The angel moaned right along with Winter as her quite large member reached so far inside it was brushing against Winter's womb with every thrust.

Meanwhile, Sylph kicked the now dead succubus loose from her slime blade she'd impaled her with and glanced over to the two now having sex. She started towards them to stop them, but when she got closer she saw that it was the influence of the succubi they'd just fought that caused them to be like they were and decided to simply let them go at it to burn the lust out of their bodies.

Just try to hurry you two, we haven't got the time to dawdle here, we must hurry on to mistress Hazel's palace,” Sylph said to the copulating pair in front of her.

The angel seemed to have heard Sylph's words as she quickened her pace a bit more than she already had, slamming into Winter, though it was still quite gentle, as she wanted Winter to enjoy it along with her so they could reach their peaks together. After a couple of more minutes the angel was leaned over Winter, holding her almost protectively as she continued to thrust, then suddenly she let out a squeal of joy and Winter could feel her cock explode inside of her. The angel spurted her seed deep within Winter's now sopping wet hole and the tall human girl could almost feel a bit of the corruption leaving her body as it was purified by the angelic spunk, though she could tell that it wasn't able to purify all of it.

(sigh)... That was magnificent... it was heavenly,” the angel said breathlessly after letting out such a pleasant sigh after her release. After a minute of resting and catching her breath, the angel seemed to come back to reality and looked around, then glanced down to see her still quite stiff dick buried inside of Winter's tight honeyhole.

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry miss... please forgive me, I... I was too weak to fight that vile succubus' lust essence... I'm truly sorry for the trouble I've caused the both of you,” the angel said after noticing what she'd just done to Winter, trying to apologize as best she could.

I hope that was a good enough smut scene, I was a little pressed for time with it.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter could feel the gentle yet insistent heat of the angel's member part her wet folds and she gave out a shameless moan as it began piston in and out of her. Her soaked nether lips welcomed the angels attentions as they tried to drag the member deeper and deeper into her. She let out a squeal as the angel began teasing the deepest parts of her even as she braced herself in an attempt to welcome her partners member even deeper.

Dimly, Winter was aware of Slyph had finished off the last of the succubi and was staring over at them. Her words sounded distant but clear and Winter briefly considered inviting her to 'help' out. But before she could articulate such an invitation the angel sped up her pace considerably leading to both to let out a chorus of moans as the wet slaps of their union sounded throughout the room.

Winter could feel the breasts of the angel against her back as she felt a pair of arms hold her close as their writhing and thrusting lead up to their mutual crescendo. As she felt the warmth of the angelic seed burst into her womb, she could only arch her back as she tried to mold herself to the angels form as she rode out her own climax. A wordless scream of pleasure was the only thing she could utter as the moment seemed to last forever.

“...that's...my line.” Winter could almost manage a mirthful grin back at the angel even as she slumped forward slightly. The two stopped to regain their breaths even as Winter found itself hard to want to remove herself from beneath the angel. As she began to regain her senses, she became of Slyph staring at the two of them and she felt her cheeks grow hot. “...sorry, Slyph. I couldn't help myself... “

Winter could only listen to a few seconds of the angel attempting to apologize before she turned her head to look straight into the angels eyes and spoke, “It's alright, we knew what we were getting into when we helped you and what might happen. Neither of us wanted to leave you to those devil girls. And considering how many of them you took down before we arrived, weak isn't a label I'd apply easily to you... but before we do anything else, can you let me get up? This floor is kinda unforgiving.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Oh... please forgive me again miss,” the angel replied when Winter asked if she would let her up, and quickly dislodged herself from inside of Winter's warm body.

Oh don't worry about it Winter, I'm pretty sure that you couldn't help yourselves any, what with the succubi. They have a sort of essence that they emit when they hit a person to arouse them more and more with every touch, in fact I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did,” Sylph replied to Winter when she told her she was sorry.

The angel placed her hands over her rather overly large member to try and hide it from the sight of the other two, looking very embarrassed about them seeing it as she sat down. After a moment she spoke, her cheeks still flushed red

I... my name is Clara. I was... sent here to aid Hazel to either seal or kill her sister Rose, but I never made it that far. I was... when those four beat me, the succubi there, they forced me to grow this accursed thing and then proceeded to rape me,” she said to Winter and Sylph, obviously embarrassed about the situation as she reached over to grab her sword and pull it over.

I... I just couldn't fight it, because it felt so good. I thank you both very deeply for rescuing me from those succubi of Rose's, I wouldn't have lasted much longer against them. And please don't praise me that much for defeating so many of them, because in the end I still lost to them,” Clara continued after taking a moment to catch her breath.

I'm Sylph one of mistress Hazel's servants, and you really are strong miss Clara, you defeated so many of Rose's followers, there's no one in mistress Hazel's service that could have done that alone,” Sylph said, trying to cheer Clara up.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter nearly gave a moan of disappointment when the warm hardness disappeared from her crevice but was able to bite it back as she stood and brushed herself off. She could feel the trickle of the mixed seeds run down her thighs and her eyes couldn't help but find her eyes drift toward one of the founts that had dispensed it. After a moment, she was forced to tear her gaze away from the embarrassed angel and to Slyph.

“Long lasting or not... that was the second time you've had to pull my fat from the fire.” Winter seemed a little embarrassed herself but also thankful. “If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have made it this far. Thank you, Slyph.”

Winter turned back to the relatively more modest angel. “My name is Winter Hume and I came to defeat Rose as well. And you were creaming those succubi before they dog piled you. With us together, their odds get even worse!”

Winter gave Clara a cheeky grin with that last statement before looking around and finding the rags formally known as her clothing. Mentally counting in her head she believed she had two sets of her normal wear and the robe. She gathered her rags and passed some to her compatriots before she tried to clean herself up. “Clara, did you bring any spare clothing? I have a spare robe if you need it. I have a spare tunic and trousers as well, but I'm not sure if they'll fit you.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Clara noticed Winter gazing at her and blushed a very deep shade of red when she noticed, pulling her wings slightly about her to hide her body from view as best she could. Her blush cooled down a bit when Winter turned to speak to Sylph though, looking like she was glad Winter had stopped staring so much.

Oh it's nothing Winter, I mean why shouldn't I help you, you did agree to help me after all. Besides, I was taught by mistress Hazel to help people in need like that,” Sylph replied to Winter as they all recovered from the fight.

It's nice to meet you miss Winter, and miss Sylph. And thank you both for the kind words, but I'm really not all that strong honestly. There's many others stronger than I am,” Clara replied, then when Winter offered some rags to clean herself with, Clara graciously and hastily accepted. Clara would uncurl her wings from around her as she wiped herself as clean as she could manage with the rags provided by Winter, then once done she would give them back.

No Winter I'm afraid I don't have any spare clothes, at least none that would fit me now that I have this accursed thing to worry about. And no offense, but I doubt any of your clothing would fit me very well and would be a little too loose on me. Thank you for the kind offer though miss Winter. (sigh)... I wonder if it'll go away after a little while,” Clara answered Winter's offer of clothing with a sigh and bow of her head as she gestured between her legs, then she pulled her wings back around her to hide her nude form once again.

Once Clara was done talking, Sylph moved over to her and of all the things she could have done she sniffed her, then she suddenly got an unsure look on her face as she spoke, “I'm not very sure Clara, but I know mistress Hazel should be able to tell you if we can make it to her.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Therein lies our number one problem. Theoretically, we are in the middle of Mistress Hazel's part of the dungeon but we're knee deep in Roses minions. We're trying to reach Mistress Hazel's palace so we can find out what happened.” Winter stated, as she found her pack and started pulling out a new set of tunic and trousers. She pulled out the robe as well before briefly examining it and mentally comparing it to Clara. It would present a tripping hazard on the angel and she wasn't a good enough seamstress to alter it so it would have to go into the pack.

As she started folding the robe up, she noticed the spell book they picked up earlier peeking up at her. She pulled it out of the pack and presented it to Clara while studiously trying not to embarrass her further. “Do you know anything about magic? We picked this up earlier but we couldn't make heads or tails of it beyond the fact that it bears Mistress Hazel's emblem.”

As she waited for Clara to examine the book, Winter began donning her second to last set of clothes.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Rose must have invaded mistress Hazel's territory in here to get to the surface. It's the only explanation I can think of really, but I've not been back to mistress Hazel's palace in quite a while so I don't know what's been going on really,” Sylph said in response to Winter's statement.

I don't really know magic at all honestly in case you couldn't tell by the size of my sword. I never really tried to learn it though, but I've been told I have the talent for it,” Clara replied to Winter's question and took the book while they sat there.

Clara opened the book up and began flipping through the pages as they recovered from the battle, with Sylph moving about the room and gathering the bodies of the succubi and moving them into a pile, where she then used her new amount of slime to rip the soft soil of the ground and push the bodies into a shallow grave. The main reason she did this was so they didn't have to look at the bodies or smell them.

A few minutes later Clara closed the book and looked back up at Winter with a smile, saying, “It does contain a spell miss Winter, and while I've never used magic as such before, I'm fairly confident I could use it. The only real problem is that I've never really tried to use magic before, so I don't know how good my aim would be. It seems to be a lightning spell of some sort too, just to let you know, and it looks like this is book one of three.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter made a few adjustments to her clothes as she offered up a small prayer that this set last just a little longer than the last. She glanced over as Clara close the book and turned to her to declare that she could use the spell in the book. “That's great! I was afraid that book was just going to sit in my backpack for this entire endeavor. We'll just have to wing it until we can find someplace for you to practice.”

Winter shrugged her repacked bag and shouldered her spear before turning back to the other two. “Is everyone rested? I suspect that such a large number of succubi disappearing wouldn't go unnoticed for long... and the fact that they were in such numbers worries me.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

I'm pretty sure though that with enough training I'll be able to use it really good. Finding the other books would go a long way towards me getting better with it as well too. But I'll get better the more we fight and the more I use my magic,” Clara replied to Winter's words about practicing her magic.

When Winter got up and asked if they were both ready to head on out, Sylph and Clara both got up as well.

Yes I'm ready to go miss Winter, and you're probably right about the succubi being missed. We should be very careful as we move forward. But those weren't the only ones I left dead, there were a few further back that I took out. Didn't you see any of their bodies?” Clara said when they were getting ready to leave the room.

No Clara we didn't see any succubi other than the ones in this room here, the only thing we've fought since me and Winter met was one of mistress Hazel's minotaurs that was corrupted to serve Rose,” Sylph said in response to Clara's question, looking a little disturbed about not seeing the bodies of the succubi that Clara said she'd defeated. Clara looked a little disturbed about that as well. While the two of them pondered about that, Winter would notice the doorway leading east kind of hidden from view in the corner of the room where their was little light to see it by.

Clara's lightning spell costs 1 MP and deals 1 FP dmg with a 30% chance of dealing 2 FP dmg, she has a total of 2 MP and has a 20% chance of recovering one point every turn.
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Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“I only encountered one succubus and that was at the entrance.” The gears in Winter's mind were visibly turning. “If they escaped, then someone knows you're here Clara. And if someone knows we're here, then our first order of business is not to be 'here' anymore.”

“We should be wary of ambushes for a couple rooms, at least.” Winters grip on her spear had visibly tightened as she spoke and glanced at the eastern door. She cautiously opened it and if nothing looked suspicious she would begin to lead her group through it.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

"I believe it troubling that you didn't see the bodies, cause I'm sure I killed them," Clara replied to Winter, looking very disturbed now.

"You're right Winter, we need to be very careful. Because if Rose somehow knows about this incident, then we can expect her to send more after us before we make it to mistress Hazel's palace," Sylph said as Winter cautiously opened the door in the corner of the room.

"Whatever happens though, try not to get grabbed by those succubi miss Winter, they gave me this thing and they'll likely attempt to give you one too," Clara said to Winter and gestured at her appendage as they moved into the corridor outside the room.

"If I had to guess about that Clara, I'd say that the reason yours is still there is because they managed to get a good deal of corruption into you," Sylph said to Clara in response to her words about the succubi.

"You're probably right miss Sylph, they did have me for nearly thirty minutes before you two came in. They'd made me... you know," Clara said, blushing very red before continuing, "They made me... cum so many times in that short amount of time I lost count. I was honestly about to give in when you two came in and rescued me."

As they moved on through the corridor, the two went silent and stopped talking to make sure nothing heard them creeping through the tunnels towards the next room. After a couple of minutes, they managed to make they're way to the next room, where Winter opened the door and peeked inside. When she looked inside she didn't see anything that looked hostile, but she see what looked like a set of sexy white lingerie on the floor on the north side of the room, near the only other door leading out.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter found her eyes drifting down to Clara's cock before she forced herself to look forward with a blushed face. As she listened to the angel's story she couldn't help but feel a little aroused by what she was describing and she hoped that neither of her companions noticed.

“It was the least we could do...” Winter replied as she noticed a door at the end of the corridor. Motioning for silence from her companions, she quietly opened the door and glanced inside. After failing to notice anything amiss she gave them a small all clear sign before moving into the room.

“Why... why would someone leave something like this in the open?” Winter asked, as she picked up the lingerie to take a closer look at it.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Unfortunately for Winter, Clara noticed Winter's eyes drifting down to her now thankfully flaccid member. When she noticed Winter glancing at her new lewd bits, she blushed even redder than Winter herself was blushing. Sylph also noticed and simply giggled softly at the two, though her giggling was loud enough for both to hear.


"I'm not sure Winter, but hey they may come in handy. I say we take them. Actually Clara needs something to wear, we should see if she can fit in them," Sylph said about the lingerie they just found.

"Um okay, if you two think it'd be okay then I don't mind trying them on," Clara responded to Sylph's suggestion.

The two looked over at Winter to see what she thought of Sylph's idea before Clara just put them on though.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Winter could hear Slyphs giggle and felt her cheeks burn hotter. She sincerely hoped that she wasn't the kind to bring this up at an embarrassing time. She didn't seem the type but still...


“Yeah, why don't you try these on Clara?” Winter offered the sexy lingerie to the angel. She figured the white would look better on Clara than on herself anyway. “It may not offer much protection but it's better than running around naked... and I think it'll look good on you.”
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

Thankfully for Winter, Sylph didn't say anything and kept her thought to herself for now, deciding not to embarrass her friend or anything of the sort.


Y-You really think it'd look good on me miss Winter?” Clara asked, blushing a very deep shade of red in the process.

Yeah I think it'd look good on you too Clara. And also you don't have to add the miss before saying our names Clara, because we aren't the type to get angry at you for not doing so,” Sylph told the angel, nodding her head in agreement with Winter about Clara looking good in the lingerie.

O-Okay then, S-Sylph. I only do that because my mother taught me to be proper when addressing someone is all. I... I really hope that if I can't get rid of this here that she'll understand and not disown me,” Clara replied, looking a little sad at the thought of what her mother would say or do if Clara couldn't get rid of her new acquisition.

After a moment or two, Clara began slipping the lingerie on and amazingly enough it was just the right size for her. They in fact made Clara look a tad more like an angel should... chaste. Clara looked down at herself in the new clothing, that didn't serve to completely cover all of her naughty bits, but did at least cover all of her girl parts thankfully, her penis however was left hanging out as the panties weren't large enough to be able to stuff it down in there too.

Well... how do I look you two?” Clara asked, doing a little twirl so they could see all her body.

Sylph then glanced over to Winter and winked at her, then nodded at Clara suggestively. Sylph then leaned in to Winter and whispered in her ear where Clara couldn't hear her, “Go ahead and stare as much as you like Winter, she's pretty much asking you to after all. Besides, I saw the way you were looking at her earlier.

After that Sylph pulled away from Winter and looked back to Clara while nudging Winter in her side, saying, “You look beautiful in that Clara, like a true angel should.
Re: NorthernCross (Winter Hume)

“Your Mother sounds like a good person, I'm sure she'll understand.” Winter tried to soothe Clara's fears with a comforting smile. She tried not to look as Clara changed despite the fact that they had just walked down the corridor with her as naked as the day she was born. When she heard Clara announce she was finished she turned to the lingerie clad angel and was struck silent for a moment.

She was finally brought back to reality when Slyph whispered into her ear and she returned a whisper of her own. “I wasn't that obvious...was I?”

“You look positively...” Winter knew that Ravishing would fit but was probably inappropriate considering the locale. “...heavenly, Clara.”