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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C. Right now there is zero chance to escape.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Looks liker Ella was screwed after all so...... C is the best choice right now
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Due to the last update ill flop to C
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

after much thinking, A no matter what Ella is most likely going to eat it, comply and maybe Olivia will be more willing to listen
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 32: Zoey

Zoey walked through the forest with Ethan by her side, who had become fully grown from it's steady diet of women that they had caught together, when it took tall, it was over 7 feet tall and had countless tentacles, larger than most normal tentacle creatures Zoey had encountered.

"What are you thinking about?" Ethan said to Zoey as it slithered along the old road.

"Im just thinking about someone" Zoey said with a bit of concern in her voice.


"Your mother"

"Zoey, you are my mother"

"I mean Ella, your birth-mother"

"You've been thinking about her alot lately"

"Someday, you'll meet her again and......."

"Don't worry, she wont be able to hurt me"

"She has killed hundreds of your kind, even overlords"

"The overlords don't have my training" Ethan said as it slid a tentacle up underneath Zoey's crotch and lifted her up, balancing her body perfectly before placing her on top of it's body, offering a could of tentacles to sit upon.

"Dont underestimate her Ethan, she is special....shes not like anyone else you've met"

"You've taught me every technique i know, how to utilize my tentacles to exploit a woman's structural weakness"

"We should go over that again..."

"If it will help to put your mind at ease" Ethan said as they stopped and it picked up zoey by grabbing her around the chest with it's powerful tentacles, placing her gently down before it.

"If your victim has a weapon, how do you approach her?"

"Keep my distance from her, and attack low, trying to grab the ankle of lower leg so i can disrupt her balance."

"When the woman has been disarmed, how do you proceed?"

"Insert a tentacle inside of her from a distance, then bring her closer when she is weak enough that she wont be a threat anymore"

"When you have finished with her?"

"She will be passed out from exhaustion, at that point i should feed her some of my semen so that she can recover, ill place her an a safe place where she can rest carefully"

"We have to convince Ella that the tentacles are not a threat....it is the only way to prevent her from using her power against us"

"I'll try to be gentle" Ethan said, wrapping it's tentacles around her and pulling her close.

Zoey wrapped her arms around Ethan and embraced it "I dont know what id do if anything happened to you"

"We dont have to face her Zoey, we could continue to wander, ill problem you.....we could even start our own lair far to the north, you could be my Queen"

"We'd be running from our destiny Ethan"

"But We'd be happy"

From the bushes there was a noise, and Zoey quickly got beside Ethan as a few of it's tentacles shielded her.

From the bushes came several green tentacle creatures, each of large size, about 3/4 the size of Ethan, zoey watched at five of them slithered out in front of them and one stepped forward, offering it's tentacle.

Zoey reluctantly stepped forward and scooped a bit of it's slime from the tentacle and placed it inside of her mouth, after a few moments, zoey was attuned to the creature and could understand it.

"Zoey, we've been searching for you, our overlord requires you to return to the lair so that you can continue birthing tentacles"

"Tell the overlord that i will return in time, but i am currently helping my friend here"

"Zoey, we've been instructed to take you by force if necessary, regardless of your relationship with the blue tentacle creature you have befriended"

"She isnt going anywhere if she doesnt want to" Ethan said to them, using Zoey's mind as a conduit to speak to them.

"She doesnt have a choice, the overlord has dominion over Zoey and all of the women in this forest, as a blue tentacle, we strongly encourage you to return to your lands, we have only allowed you to live because zoey considers you a friend"

"Maybe i should go with them" Zoey said.

"No, you arent going anywhere" Ethan said, pulling Zoey back.

"We'll kill you if we have to" the green tentacle creature said

"Turn around and leave, tell your overlord that Zoey belongs to me now and i wont give her back"

"Kill the blue tentacle, dont harm the girl" the green creature, as the ones behind it moved up.

"No!" Zoey yelled aloud as the green tentacles charged in.


When the fight was over, Ethan was surrounded by the corpses of the green tentacles, their green slime pooled on the ground as their crushed bodies laid lifeless.

"Did you have to kill them?" Zoey from her knees, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"There was no other way, it was them or me, i wasn't going to let them take you" Ethan said, reaching over to Zoey again and wrapping it's tentacle around her again.

"Did you mean what you said? about me being yours?"

"Yes, you are mine Zoey, i wont let you go........even if you want to leave me"

"Good" Zoey said as she stepped over one of Ethan's tentacles and grinded her womanhood against it.

"I will defeat Ella and when i do, i will take her as well, and we will create our own lair and run it our way, with the fundamentals you have taught me"

"Im proud of you Ethan" Zoey said as she started to lick Ethan.

"Spread your legs for me, im hungry"

"Anything for you, my overlord" Zoey said with a smile before getting on her back and putting her legs up in the air spread wide.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 33: April

April had arrived at the entrance to the great lair, the home of the black tentacles, she had been relatively undisturbed on her trip here from her desert home, passing a few black sentries as she mentioned that she was on a diplomatic mission and forced to allow her mind to be linked with them temporarily in order to confirm the command from her overlord.

Dressed in nothing but a dusty robe, she passed into the great lair, a legendary place which housed tens of thousands of women in its incredible depths.

Upon entering, she immediately noticed the women inside were being fucked by the tentacles which grew out of the meatwall, these women were relatively vulnerable with no sentries guarding the entrance directly and spoke of the black tentacle's confidence that nobody would mess with them.

After walking for several minutes through the pitch black colored meatwall lair, April finally encountered a tentacle sentry.

The sentry stopped immediately, noticing that she was an orange queen, pausing for her move.

April put her hand out and slid her other hand across it, the universal sign requesting tentacle slime so that they could communciate, the black tentacle obliged, moving a tentacle towards her mouth as she opened it and allowed the creature to squirt a bit of it's slime into her mouth.

"I am here to see your overlord, i have a message from him"

"Follow me" The black tentacle said


April walked with the tentacle creature for what seemed like another half an hour, passing continuously thousands of other women who were all held captive and being fucked continuously, this place was a prison, but April was in no position to voice her displeasure.

"Step forward, girl" a voice spoke to her ass she reached the entrance of a very large black room, with the pale skin of the women held inside the only thing which offered any color other than black.

April walked down the pathway, which was neatly kept, no puddles of semen or slime along the way which she had become used to seeing in the lairs of other overlords she had visited throughout the years.

It was the first time she had seen the black overlord, who was mysterious in its own way, controlling most of the world's population of women within the great lair, it was a surprisingly absent presence from the happenings of the outside world.

April continued along the pathway which was molded into black plates of solid organic material which had the feeling of strong and cold metal against her feet.

As she walked closer, she saw Cecilia standing nearby, her dull grey skin almost contrasting with the black panels which lined April's path.

April stopped and looked up to see the massive Overlord before her, a creature which towered high into the air, larger than any creature she had ever seen including the green overlord, it's skin reflected the minimal light of this place and the glare almost blinded her to look at.

"Kneel" Cecilia said as she stepped out from her place beside the overlord, behind her she was a chair composed entirely of slime black tentacles.

April knelt down reluctantly, terrified if what would happen if she refused the command of the godlike creature's chosen.

"Why have you come to our home, Orange Queen?"

April got to her free and took a letter out of her pocket.

"This is a letter given to me by my overlord, to be opened only upon my arrival, i have not read the letter, it has been written by another slave"

"Understandable, Tentacle creatures you may have met along the road are unable to read your language, and i trust you had been instructed to destroy the letter upon capture?"

April at that point also took the smaller lighter out of her pocket, as proof that it was indeed the case.

"Give that to me" Cecilia said, walking over casually and snatching the letter out of April's hands.

"All i know is that my overlord would like to make a deal"

Cecilia took the letter out of the envelop and read it to herself... starting to chuckle to herself halfway through.

"Interesting" the black overlord said, having read the letter through Cecilia's mind.

"What does it say?" April asked, looking a bit fearful from Cecilia's reaction.

"I seek an alliance between our races, and am willing to pledge fealty to you in exchange for permission to expand unabated"

"Your Overlord asks it's permission to expand, and also pledges fealty, a noble gesture, your lord is well mannered and respects the old ways"

"There is more" Cecilia said, continuing on

"As a pledge of good will between our people, i hereby donate Eight-hundred women to you to do with as you see fit, i also pledge to you my own Queen, April, who you will find to be a fine breeder." Cecilia walked over to April and placed the letter in her hands, allowing her to read it for herself.

April stood there in shock rereading the words of her overlord, devastated by the news, unable to believe her overlord would hand her over to the black tentacles so easily.

"Cecilia, send word to the good orange overlord that we graciously accept its donation and that we will give it permission to freely expand outside of our dominion."

"I shall send one of our own slaves in response." Cecilia said as she walked behind April and continued down out of the room.

April stood there shaking, filled with both anger and depression.

"Do you accept me as your new Overlord and master?"

April paused for a moment before she quickly realized that there was only one answer she could give now....given her position.

"y....yes...." she said as a few tears started to roll down her face.

"Very well, April, you shall find me to be a firm yet fair master" The black tentacle overlord spoke.

tears started to come from Aprils eyes as she wondered why she had been dealt like a regular slave....had her loyalty through the years ment nothing?

Two tentacle sentries came to take her away, and as she went quietly with them, probably to the birthing section of the lair to become impregnated, believing she would never see her friends again.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

My last post on this thread was over a month ago, and though i have some material completed (the latest update is probably 75% done) i haven't had the enthusiasm to complete work on it.

I dont want to end this CYOA, but i find it difficult to motivate myself to continue to work on it at the moment.

So for now, this CYOA remains in limbo.

If this ends up being the last post i make regarding it (and i hope that it isnt) then i would first like to Thank everyone who participated in it through the months, from The first CYOA; TLE, through the second and now the third, I've had a great time exploring the possibilities of the tentacle genre, and am proud to see that our work has helped to spark similar CYOAs in the blank page section.

A special thanks goes out to Tentanarix and Plmnko, who have participated from the very beginning and have been huge motivators for me.

Though i Honestly cant say whether this is the end or not, I would like to preemptively apologize in the event that i dont find the motivation to reboot this project and see it through to a glorious finale, I consider the TLE CYOA series to be a personal success, the culmination of which has spanned through months of effort and continuous hours of pondering and brainstorming.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Believe me I know how hard it can be to find motivation or the will to work on things. I havent touched the RPG for a long time either, partly because of RL things, and partly because of my MMO addiction. I also have other projects I've started and honestly want to finish, that I haven't worked on for a long time. So I won't judge or criticize you if you actually don't finish it. I enjoyed participating and voting in the story and how things were going and the direction you took it in. I also liked the discussion thread and hearing other people's ideas. The fact that so many people debated over the choices made and etc. just furthers shows what an excellent story/project it is. Thanks for all the great reads, if you decide to drop it. It was a lot of fun. :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I really think that you have done the most interresting CYOA's in the whole board. I really hope you will continue this story (interactive or not).
In all cases I won't judge or despise you but I still look forward for a sequel.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse



Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


The bulging penis pulsed between Ella's legs as she felt the slimy warm of it against her inner thighs, though she refused to admit it, she was hungry, she had no idea how long she had been passed out for, but it seemed like days, she had never been drained quite as badly as Olivia had when she drained her back at Xozz's compound.

But she didn't ever want to rely on the tentacles for anything, especially sustenance, lately though, it seemed that all she could ever find to eat was tentacle semen.

"im......not hungry right now" Ella said, trying to inch herself away from the cock even as Olivia held her still securely against her chest.

"nonsense, you must be starved" Olivia said as she slid her slimy fingers across the back of Ella's neck.

"Ill be fine" Ella said, almost squirming to get out of Olivia's grasp.

"Eat" Olivia commanded, holding onto the back of Ella's head and firmly pushing her head towards her cock with unbelievable strength.

Ella struggled against the force of Olivia's hand, seeing the cock in front of her face and smelling it's unmistakable fragrance as it oozed with precum.

Forced down further towards the cock, Ella's lips touched the edge of it and slightly pierced through them.

A burst of flavor entered Ella's mouth as she tasted the slime laden cock on the tip of her tongue which would no longer be restrained by the rest of her body.

Ella licked the tip of the penis slightly before she quickly shrugged off all of her inhibitions and grabbed it with her hand and pressed it into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around it and slurping it greedily.

She had never felt so guilty but quickly forgot, tasting the exquisite juicy fluid which seeped out from the cock seemingly at will.

A feeling of euphoria overcame Ella as she greedily continued to suck on the cock, her senses all fired at once as the overpowering smell of Olivia's nethers overcame her, making her feel flush with excitement, shocks of pleasure rolled down her spine and made her feel incredibly horny.

Olivia's cock was the most delicious thing Ella had ever tasted, causing all of her tastebuds to react to the light juice which continued to drain from Olivia's cock liberally.

Olivia laid back smiling as Ella worked feverishly on her cock, looking quickly over at Evelyn, smirking as if to say 'i told you so'.

"See? You are no different from any other woman" Olivia said as she reached around and cupped one of Ella's breasts from behind and pinched her nipple, using the other hand to gently stroke Ella's Sweat-soaked hair.

Ella ignored her and kept wrapping her tongue around the cock, trying desperately to make it ejaculate the sweet tasting substance which had her mesmerized.

Finally, Olivia ejaculated into Ella's mouth, and Ella tried to capture as much of it as she could, but ended up spewing the majority of it onto the ground as it overflowed into her mouth.

Ella quickly swallowed what she could and started licking the rest off of Olivia's smooth stomach.

"Incredible isnt it?" Olivia asked, as she started to stroke her own cock with one of her hands.

Ella slowly came to her senses and was blushing in shame as she stopped licking Olivia.

"There is no need to be ashamed" Olivia said, pulling Ella back and pressing her back against her breasts again.

"Don't talk to me" Ella said to her, looking away, her face completely red.

"Soon, we'll be inseparable" Olivia said as she continued to stroke her cock.

"I'll never accept you, let me go" Ella said defiantly as she continued to lick her lips.

"Your body wont be able to resist" Olivia said, as she wrapped an arm around Ella's neck and pulled her closer against her warm, slimy Indigo body.

"You wont break me, i'm stronger than you think" Ella said as she continued to act defiantly.

"Is that a challenge?" Olivia said, smiling from behind.

Ella just continued to ignore her, staring off into the forest as her mind continued to be flooded with endorphins and her body felt energetic and healthy for the first time in days.

"We are ment to be together you and i, you are strong and rebellious, i love that about you"

"Im not your girlfriend" Ella said as she tried struggling once more against Olivia's mammoth strength.

"You'll beg for it soon enough, the harder you resist, the more fun it will be, you cant resist me."

"Let me go now" Ella asked, determined to free herself from Olivia's clutches.

Olivia released Ella, who got up and moved over to the place she was laying down before Olivia grabbed her, knowing that escape was impossible.

"We should get moving soon, We have quite a ways to go before we reach the planes again" Evelan said

"I could probably just carry you both there, you know"

"There is no rush, we might as well take in the scenery" Evelan said as she got up and walked over towards her tentacle staff and Tiara which were laying closeby.


The Trio continued across the land, walking alone a ruined path which took them through the countryside, the space was wide open and the women could see around them for miles, seeing abandoned farmland and open fields which had likely been full of crops hundreds of years ago, it was a change from the dense forests to the east or the desert to their south, It was all new to Ella, who rarely had the opportunity to let he guard down in the past.

"Never been here before have you?" Evelyn asked Ella, observing her fascination with such space.

"I've always lived in the forest, i know the land much better"

"There is even more space where we are going, better get used to it" Olivia said from ahead of the group.

"Why are you keeping me? you can have any girl you want, why me?" Ella asked, frustrated with the lack of her control, something she was rarely lacking.

"That doesn't matter, you are the one i have chosen, you are the one i want, there is nothing you can do but accept your fate" Olivia said, looking back.

Ella just kept walking, remaining silent.

"You'll enjoy life on the plains girl, plenty of other women do" Evelyn said, trying to cheer Ella up as she was obviously frustrated.

"Do you know about the demonic portal which is being opened up above Barkholm?" Ella finally said, in an attempt to change their mind about taking her.

"Im not worried about demons, especially if Alumae is supposedly one of the strongest ones."

"What about thousands of them?" Ella said, stopping behind for a moment.

"I don't think you realize quite how many tentacle soldiers black and purple have, and besides, they are our enemies, if a huge demonic portal opened up and slaughtered them all, i wouldn't shed a tear." Olivia said as she stopped and turned around.

Normally Ella would have agreed, the death of so many tentacle creatures would be a good thing, but not if it ment that women would lose their lives as well.

"I can stop it, i have the power" Ella said as she started to grow increasingly frustrated.

Olivia walked up to Ella and lifted her slimy hand up to Ella's face and touched her cheek.

"You need not concern yourself with these things any longer, there is no creature in this world more powerful than me, and i would welcome the opportunity to show any invader the extent of my power"

"Why havent you destroyed your enemies yet if that is the case? why continue to let Black, Purple and Xozz operate?" Ella asked

"Each serves their own purpose, Purple keep's black in line, and black keeps everyone in their region under control, any disruption would be chaotic for us, Xozz....i have come to an agreement with"

"Which is?" Ella asked

"This is none of your concern, your purpose now is simply to exist and serve me" Olivia said as she stepped forward and pressed her thigh against Ella's crotch, rubbing softly against her parts below.

"What will happen to me once we reach the plains?"

"You'll be by my side forever, ill protect you and the women there from any foreign invader be it tentacle or demon. You will in time learn to love me and i will ensure that you feel more pleasure in your life that any woman has ever felt before." Olivia said as she wrapped her arms around Ella and drew her close, putting her head over the shoulder of Ella and embraced her.

The women continued to walk down the road, as it grew dark once again. Ella was confused and frustrated, but she had a kind of clarity and relief regarding her situation now, she was no longer in control, and although she was now in a position she had feared she may eventually be in, she was relieved that she was no longer under pressure to change the world. perhaps it was fate to finally let herself be taken........or perhaps her crusade was far from over regardless of how bleak things appeared.

End of Chapter.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I'm really glad to see you post. Hopefully not the last time.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I wanted to wrap things up a bit before moving on to a new project, though not the most ideal situation, this is much better than leaving it in a spot where the reader wonders how Olivia and Ella handle the situation.

Given Ella's near hopeless situation at the moment, it only makes sense that Olivia would take control of her for the time being, allowing me to end the chapter.

TLE is a huge series spanning over 3 CYOAs, eventually id like to come back to it and give it the ending it deserves, but for now, i want to start working on a new CYOA/Story.

Regarding the new project; im still trying to think of how i want to do it and what the setting should be ect, ive been writing to myself trying to come up with a concept with characters who are new and unique and create situations for them, as soon as i figure it out, ill either post information here, on my blog in the personal corner section or simply create the new thread here in the CYOAs.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Update here while i get this together.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 34: Alumae

Alumae had been traveling for weeks following Ella's path. Though Xozz had given her a large amount of Semen in order to keep her going, she was running low now, and she had started to ration it a couple of days ago.

Her body was always used to consuming so much of the stuff that it couldn't function at peak performance, she was far too tired to fly anywhere and could barely concentrate on the road ahead.

Alumae cursed the Tentacles, had it not been for them, this world would be full of men for her to take advantage of, though her recent travels, she began to despise the tentacle creatures, thinking about how selfish and gluttonous they were, wiping out half of the human population......the good half, just to suit their needs.

Alumae had her own needs, and right now, her hungered for a man.

Back home at her citadel, Alumae had an entire harem full of men, a Menagerie of males whom she had kept safe from the tentacles and stored away like an endangered animal, she missed them now more than ever and not just because of their semen, she missed their company too as much she hated to admit it.

For a moment, Alumae sat down against an old oak tree which had overgrown into the edge of the road, she opened up her final canteen and drank the rest of the semen that Xozz had given her, Neither of them knew how deep the blue tentacles had gone into the plains, none of Xozz's creepy bald spies ever made it this far across the land without breaking down or being destroyed, mistaken for an actual man rather than an android.

The smooth taste of the Semen hit Alumae's tongue and she savored it as long as she could before swallowing it, immediately feeling better, though she would still need to take it easy.

Her deal with Xozz would ensure the survival of humanity, but more importantly to her, it would allow her to begin to repopulate the earth with men, of course he wouldn't know, not right away at least. it would take many years before she could discover how to effectively repopulate the earth, but she was determined to do it now, she had her own plan on how to save humanity.

Alumae stretched her wings and cracked her neck before looking up through the leafs of the tree above her, this place was beautiful, no wonder the blue tentacles decided to come so far out here, away from the darkness to the east and the gloomy overcast which had affixed itself above the great forest.

she herself was a demon, but she had changed in all of the years she had been here, she knew that if the demons came here they would ruin this place, take it for their own and destroy all of the beauty that was left. She couldn't let that happen, this world was hers now and she now viewed it as her responsibility to save it, Her and Xozz were similar in that way, believing themselves as some kind of savior of the world, through Xozz she was sure had it's own secrets, same as her.

Though the makeshift alliance served her now, Alumae knew that eventually, the Tentacles would need to be dealt with, Xozz pledged to create balance and harmony, but his version of balance and harmony had no room for the males.

Alumae got up and brushed herself off, she nodded to herself as she started along the road again. A demon being the savior of humanity....she liked the idea as preposterous as it was.

A smile came across Alumae's face as she continued to walk ever toward her destination, the first task of many she would need to accomplish before this world was whole again.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 35: Maya

Maya loved everything about being a Pink Tentacle Slave, she loved the warm caress of the creatures, the exquisite pleasure they provided and of course, as much juicy tentacle semen she could ever want.

Most days, Maya just lounged around the Lair until a Tentacle approached her, and she immediately knew what to do after that.

The Overlord had come to trust her, seeming her dedication to the brood, it was rare that a woman was so willing, in exchange for this dedication, the Overlord simply let her wander about at all hours, not subjecting her to the same bondage the other girls were forced into during the night.

Maya's real value however was helping the new girls become acclimated to their environment.

Many times, becoming a Tentacle Slave was a traumatic and unpleasant experience, but as another human, Maya was able to convince them that it wasn't such a bad thing and that it could be made enjoyable.

A happy slave is a productive slave, and with Maya around, the girls just seemed like they were happier and more willing, accepting their new lives quicker and soon seeing it as their Duty just as Maya saw it.

The overlord summoned her personally to it's room and picked her up from the floor, expecting to be fucked, Maya obediently spread her legs open and smiled in the way that she always did to make the other girls feel more comfortable, but the overlord didn't take advantage of her, it brought her close and pressed her against it's largest tentacle, embracing her lovingly.

For that point on, Maya no longer slept alone in a corner of the Lair somewhere, she came to the Overlord every night and felt it's warm and loving caress, and filled her mind with praise and treated her like a queen, Though the Overlord had a Princess of it's own, Maya was it's favorite, and unlike almost every girl in the world, She was the one who initiated any intimacy between them.

When making love to her, the Overlord took special care in ensuring that his special girl always felt pleasure and never pain.

It was a true tale of beauty and beast, and an example of how even in this terrible world, love was possible.

The Raid came late one night while all of the slaves were put away and Maya and her Overlord were enjoying another soft moment like so many in the past.

The purple tentacles tore through the Lair, killing the other Tentacles there and raping the slaves as they spilled in through the entrance.

Upon reaching the Overlord, Maya was placed aside while the giant Tentacles of the Overlord came down upon the heads of the wretched Purple invaders.

Maya screamed as the purple tentacles wounded her lover, slicing into its Tentacles with their sharp talons as more and more poured into the room and pressed the attack.

In the end, the corpses of crushed purple tentacles filled the room and the Overlord was defeated, it bled quickly onto the ground and it's slime-blood mixed with that of the purple tentacle corpses around it.

More purple soldiers entered the room to take Maya away, she reached back towards her lover screaming and crying as the overlord did the same with the one of it's heavily damaged tentacles, placing it in her hand gently and telling her to close her eyes.

As Maya was carried out of the room, the purple tentacle soldiers rushed in to finish the Overlord off, Maya closed her eyes as the tears streamed down her face.

That night, outside of the destroyed lair, all of the woman were raped over and over again by the invading army of purple tentacles, who were moving through the plains destroying every lair they could find.

Maya herself was raped 14 times, 12 times in her ass, by the end time the Purple Tentacles left, moving on to destroy another Lair, Maya was bleeding from her anus, the blood mixed with the semen of the purple tentacles and though the other girls around her were in terrible and also covered in semen and groaning in agony, Maya's Pain was another kind, a pain which time would not heal. Heartbreak.

she starred at her old broken lair and started to cry again, placing her head down on her knees and sobbing in a puddle of blood and semen until daybreak.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 36: Samantha

For weeks the Purple invasion force had terrorized the plains, attacking the perimeter Lairs of the Blue and Pink Tentacles and killing their overlords, raping their slaves and continuing their path of destruction.

As the Purple forces moved, they grew more powerful, sapping the strength from the slaves as they moved, they had become so powerful now that all Samantha could do was fall back deeper south, putting their backs against the ocean and preparing for the inevitable battle.

Abandoning her main lair, she took up residence in Laura's southern coastal town of Haven with as many blue and pink tentacles as she could reach, along with her slaves of course.

Haven was a beautiful town where Laura kept her slaves happy and healthy, it was flourishing community, one which would have likely resembled a port town before the apocalypse.

Haven would soon be in ruins if Olivia didn't make it back soon however.

Olivia had always been the military arm for the entire plains region, a place which had remained isolated from the rest of the world for centuries now, Olivia became lax in her duties and instead began to travel, she had been gone for months now, exploring the east to taste it's feminine flavor as Olivia had described it.

Nobody could have predicted that the purple tentacles would travel so far from their lairs in the great forest to attack here.

It wouldn't be long now before the powerful purple force arrived and massacred the remaining Blue and Pink tentacles in the region, Samantha had no idea what her fate would be as the Overlord of the blue tentacles, but she envisioned herself as some kind of trophy of the mysterious purple Overlord, it wasent often than an Overlord could call another it's own.

Leaving her Tentacle Guardians behind, Samantha walked towards the beach where Laura was waiting.

Laura had grown immensely powerful over the years, her diet of women was much more limited than Olivia's however, keeping close a handful of lovers who she had met through the years, as a human, Laura was heterosexual, but as a Matriarch, she thought like any tentacle creature did and could only gain sustenance and pleasure from women.

The dusk's dim light shimmered off of Laura's skin, which had become as slick as a tentacle, her skin was light blue, almost teal in coloration and her hair had become long and fine, each strand a tiny tentacle of it's own which she let hang down her slimy back.

Her breasts had become more round and defined. supple but firm, they were more like orbs which leaked a steady stream of slime from them, causing the air around her smell like her, a smell which was irresistible to any woman, Samantha included.

Her Vagina and Ass were as perfect as could be, her butt had become more shapely and formed and her tight vagina was as cute as well, dipping with a constant amount of lubrication.

As much as her body changed, she was still the same timid girl she had always been, always trying to help anyone should could regardless of their status in her community. the people loved her and looked up to her, but all she wanted was peace and hid herself away from the rest of the world and what it had become now, in a way, she tried to be more human than anyone now, or at least thats how Samantha saw it.

She stared out at the sunset across the ocean, her arms crossed nervously across her large breasts, she could smell Samantha coming.

'Laura' Samantha said as she came up behind her.

'How are you doing Sam?' Laura said as she continued to stare at ocean.

'Not well, we're under attack' Samantha said as she too began to stare out.

'I know we are' Laura said as she sighed.

'It's the purple tentacles, i don't know why they are here' Samantha said, turning towards Laura.

'I do' Laura said as she turned towards Samantha at last, revealing the slime-laden tears which had been rolling down her face.

'Whats the matter Laura?'

'This is all my fault, i should have never run from my destiny' Laura said, wiping away some of the tears

'What do you mean your destiny?' Samantha said as she put her hand on Laura's shoulder to comfort her

Laura squat down and crossed her legs, then looked towards the ocean again before explaining.

'Im almost 500 years old now, did you know that?'

'We're all older than we look, its because of the tentacle semen, we wont ever age again....you know that.'

'Its not that.....I've been through alot......i was captured and bought to the great lair when i was about twenty...i cant remember what age i was anymore...it was so long ago'

'You've been to the great lair?'

'Not only that, but i was a princess of the blue tentacles there for a short period of time'

'You are full of surprises Laura' Samantha said as she herself sat down on the sand.

'There we're five of us, five women who had been chosen by the most powerful races of the Lair to become their Princesses, but we weren't just ordinary princesses like you see now, who gain only a fraction of their overlord's power, we were imbued with greater power, a genetic map of each of the races which corresponded to us'

'I'm not sure i understand'

'For years i didn't understand, even when i had lost my power and became a regular human, i still felt something inside of me, a power which was waiting to be released, hiding inside of my very makeup....my soul'

'So what does this have to do with the purple tentacles?'

'The woman who leads them, Sylvia, is one of the princesses from the great lair, she was a purple princess before i was and hoped to someday become their queen, she has achieved this goal and is coming for me'

'So she can do what?'

'So she can extinguish the Blue Tentacle Bloodline'

'But it cant be that simple......how could she annihilate all of us by killing you?'

'I don't fully understand it either Sam, but my body is telling me that eventually, the Blue Tentacles will begin to devolve and become weak...you can already start to see it with the Pink Tentacles who werent able to transfer their genetic power into a princess, they have become more feeble as time has gone on, their spawn have not been able to grow as much as the ones i had seen in my time in the Lair'

'So you are saying that if you are killed, the blue tentacle race will eventually become extinct?'

'Yes....i think they will eventually devolve to the point where they wont be able to enslave women anymore, they won't be able to feed the women they have and both races will die of starvation....i feel it'

'Who are the other princesses?'

'Sylvia, Queen of the Purple Tentacles, Rachel, Queen of the Green Tentacles, Sarah a princess who i had met inside of the lair and.....Cecilia.'

'Cecilia, queen of the Black Tentacles?'


Laura got to her feet again and turned toward Samantha, who also got up.

'A battle is coming.......each of us will fight until only one remains, and her kind will inherit the world and all it's people'

'Your destiny?'

'My Destiny, I've denied it for so long, but i have to defeat them...i have to kill them.....my body alone must survive so that it can bear the children of the future and ensure that our spawn, Intelligent and Kind, rule this world.'

'I'll help you if i can Laura' Samantha said as she came close to Laura and placed her head against hers, feeling the immense power she held.

'Thank you my child, we must do this for our beloved children.' Laura said as she wrapped her hands gently around Samantha's head and caressed it lovingly.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 37: Cecilia

'The Overlord will now hear the Grievances of it's Subjects, Step forward' Cecilia said as she laid back against the tentacles which erupted from the floor, creating a chair-like formation of black tentacles for her to sit upon.

a petite girl came forward, she was pale and covered in tentacle semen, she sheepishly approached the massive creature which was the overlord and got down on her knees before it.

'Great Overlord, I've been fucked every day for as long as i can remember, the mind-numbing effects of semen have long worn off on me and my i grow more restless each day.....please allow me a reprieve from my duties...for at least a week.

The Overlord thought for a moment before responding.

'You're name is Emily is it not?'

The girl nodded slightly at first, but then began to emphatically nod her hear in acknowledgement.

'You've been a Slave for over 100 years and you have never tried to escape, your dedication is admirable'

'T....thank you' Emily said as she smiled a bit.

'Three days. You may rest and wander through the lair as you will for three days, which could give you sufficient time to rest your mind and your body'

'Thank you Overlord' Emily said as she nodded her hear and got up to leave.

'Next' Cecilia said, beckoning for the next subject to come forward.

The next subject was a black tentacle, an abductor type which spent most of it's time outside of the lair.

'Great Overlord, Most of my life has been spent gathering Slaves for the Lair, but i rarely have an opportunity to enjoy them, i request a break from my duties and three personal slaves to enjoy for a few days'

'How many Slave's have you gathered for us?'

'Eighty-Four' the Abductor said proudly.

'Impressive....Alright, choose three slaves from the Residence level and find an empty section of the lair, you may enjoy a four day orgy with the women in order to rest'

'Thank You Overlord' the abductor said as it turned to leave quickly.

'Next' Cecilia said bringing her palm to her brow and rubbing it.

'Overlord' a healthy looking girl said, knelling down.

'I've been a slave for almost two months now, i am ready to accept eggs into my body'

'You seem quite enthusiastic about it.' The Overlord observed.

'I've always wanted to have children....but with the world that it is now....'

'You've only been a slave for two months, to be granted the honor of carrying our eggs requires dedication.....I'm sorry, but you are not ready'

the woman got to her feet and came towards the overlord.

'But i am ready! My body is ready to receive and nourish your young!'

'Mind your tongue girl, you are Speaking to the Overlord of the Tentacle Race' Cecilia said as she got to her feet and spoke in a loud and serious tone.

'You are full of energy....are you willing to go through a test of mental and physical endurance in order to expedite the process?'

'Yes....i would love to.'

'Report to the feeding pools and prepare for double duty....if you can handle it for a month, come back to me'

'Thank you Overlord'

'You are too lenient, i would never allow a slave to disobey me like that' Cecilia said, sitting back down.

'You have much to learn about patience my Queen, Managing slaves is about maintaining a delicate balance of Respect and Fear...it is how the world should be ruled.'

'These fledgling races are getting out of hand, Purple has begun assaulting the Blue and Pink Plains and Green secretly plots to take control of the western forests, The Red Abomination continues to thrive so closeby'

'They are like children who enjoy exploring the extend of their freedom, nothing they are doing poses a threat to our dominance over them'

'Yet we sit here day after take, listening to the petty grievances of slaves, we should be out there in the world, bringing the lesser races to heel.'

'The Lesser races are our subjects, it is our responsibility to protect and if necessary, punish them.'

'Purple is directly attacking the overlord of the Blue tentacle race, surely you believe that such an act is worthy of punishment.' Cecilia said, getting up from her seated position again.

'The so called Overlord of the Blue race is a human....their methods are far too lenient, if anything, we should be punishing the Blue tentacles....but it matters not, human or tentacles, animal or demon, so long as they bend the knee, they will be accepted'

'So we will continue to allow Blue and Pink to be slaughtered by Purple so ruthlessly?' Cecilia said, walking towards her overlord now.

'Purple will be punished, i am not worried about the survival of the Blue race if that is your concern, their matriarchs are powerful enough to fend off such a raid, eventually'

'And what of Green? does it not concern you that they have directly disobeyed your order to bring a new Overlord to the Northwest and have instead placed it deep inside of the Darkwood Forest?'

'Should i be concerned that an Ant has created a new mound?'

'You need to teach them a lesson'

'No....i believe it is your who needs a lesson'

Ten tentacles dart out from the pit of thousands located underneath the massive overlord as they all grab Cecilia.

'What are you doing?!' Cecilia screaned as the tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, spreading them apart.

'Do you believe you are above this treatment my queen?'

'Get your Tentacles off of me!'

'It is you who is most in need of reprimand, you have grown arrogant in your place as my queen, you like all in this world are subject to my rule'

one of the tentacles straightened and shot forward, piercing into Cecilia's vagina with incredible force, causing her to yalp in shock.

'Do not second guess me, Cecilia, In this world, my judgement is final, my power is absolute.'

Another Tentacle raised from the Pit and straightened, firing forward into Cecilia's Anus, penetrating it forcefully, causing Cecilia to scream in pain.

'Your race exists to serve ours, and even the most privileged and favored of your kind are still like cattle to ours'

'p....please...' Cecilia begged as she grit her teeth.

'You'd best remember your place my little queen, i don't want to have this discussion again'

A large amount of semen came through the tentacles and caused Cecilia to recoil in terror as it moved towards her, the fluid pressed into Cecilia's Vagina and Anus and sprayed into her forcefully, causing her to feel intense pain as the semen shot deep into her rectum and into her cervix.

The excess sprayed from the tortured queen forcefully as the tentacles handling her lowered her gently to the ground. her distended belly slowly shrunk as the flow of thick semen continued to leak from both of her lower orifices before the overlord.

The crowd of witnesses in a line, all there to be heard stood there quietly the entire time, afraid that they would be next if they said anything.

Cecilia passed out from exhaustion, laying in a pool of warm semen.

'You there' The Overlord said to the next girl in line

'me?' The pale skinned girl asked, pointing to herself.

'Yes you, you will act as my assistant for the rest of the ceremony'

A large and powerful tentacle came down from the ceiling and picked up the girl by the waist, moving over and placing her onto the tentacle chair which Cecilia had been sitting on just moments ago.

'Go on now....don't be shy' The overlord said as small tentacles gently caressed her back from behind.

'N......next!' the girl said sheepishly, with her hand in her palm down at her crotch with her shoulders narrowed.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

damn this is awesome! :)
i can understand your lack of motivation though as it goes so long already.

As an idea to top the story off you could oull off a giant battle between all the partys and let us manage armies and territorial control.
I´d gladly help if you needed.