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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"...We've lost signal. Further orders commander?" Michael said, looking to Syilvia.

Syilvia watched with wide eyes as she saw the attackers jut massacring the people of this planet. She shook her head and clenched her teeth, "We don't stand a chance against these things. Get us as close as you can without alerting the enemy presence. Our stealth capabilities are very standard, but I'm sure they'll hold up. Once we get out of warp, disable all frequencies but my own. Combat Operators, switch the weapons to disabling gel. Syri, get to The Cleaver's operation room. I want you ready to punch it in a wide radius as soon as I give you the order. With the upgrades we got, it should be strong enough to seriously damage a lot of them. If they find us, I want our weapons to start firing the disabling gel. We'll be playing it close, but I believe in all of you."

The bridge members all replied with a succinct, "Ma'am!" The other crew members were already hard at work when they heard their commander speak.
Syri was running to prime the Clear, the Saerif's signature weapon. It wouldn't be long now until they were at their destination.

Syilvia sat in her seat, staring at the visuals of the...massacre that was occurring. She shook her head slowly and thought, We might not get there in time to help them. But we can at least pick up survivors...If there are any.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As her crew scrambled to get things in order, the ship continued to hurtle it's way towards the massacre. Mere minutes before they arrived, the scene suddenly got a bit different.

Off to one side of the rapidly approaching battle they saw two ships suddenly appear, exploding out of what looked like a wormhole. One was larger than the other, and immediately began firing blasts of green energy at the massive ships attacking the planet.

The other was smaller, but they quickly realized it was MUCH more superior to the aggressors. As two of the mammoth ships turned and fired on the second ship, they could see bright blue shields flare up under the attack. Then, with little warning, a beam of energy the same color tore out from a weapon port of the side of the ship. Said beam proceeded to quite literally carve one of the two attacking ships in HALF instantly, while a second beam tore a chunk off the second attacker, forcing it to pull a hard turn in an attempt to avoid any more retaliatory fire.

More of the marauders began to focus on the two new ships, and now the crew could see that perhaps there was a chance to save these people after all, assuming the new arrivals were friendlies.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"...What the heck?" Syilvia observed as two unidentified ships engaged in battle with the ships attacking the planet. She narrowed her eyes before opening up a transmission to the two ships.

"This is Syilvia Lambert of the Gunship Saerif. We are currently near your positions and are observing your battle. I wish to confirm that you will not open fire on my ship? I only wish to help," Syilvia said.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It took several long moments before she got a reply. In fact, she got two replies, one from each ship, both visual and audio.

The first one to reply seemed to be a humanoid reptilian, or at least something like that.

"I am Sivok, commander of the Draque vessel Scalerious. You have my word we are here only to defend this planet and will not fire upon you provided you do not try and attack or take advantage of these people. If you are here to help as you say, then you need not worry about us, or our allies."

The second ship that replied at least had a human looking commander, although the 'armor' he wore might remind her of some legendary tales of an ancient race that once roamed the stars, only to vanish thousands or even millions of years ago.

"I am Teron, currently commander of the Alveran ship Kanatis, if you are here to help these people then you are most welcomed. We shall not fire upon you, of that you have my word. I believe Sivok has already covered everything else."

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Thank you. I'm ending the transmission, good luck to the both of you," Syilvia said before pushing her her fist into her hand. She ended the transmission and gave her crew members new orders.

"Protect these people. It seems that these two new ships are friendlies, so we don't have to worry about them. Switch to regular ordinance on half of the ship's weapons. Bring us close enough and start firing the disabling gel while we wait for the loadout switch. We can still help these people!"

Everyone responded with the same "Ma'am!" as before. They were once again hard at work, optimizing the ship for and carrying out Syilvia's orders. In front of Syilvia there was a small display on her screen, it showed Syri in the Cleaver's Op-room.

"Order's commander?" he asked.

"Gather the gunners and have them control the ship's gatling cannons. If they send fighters our way, we'll need to be able to deal with them. You take control of the mini-creation cannon fire at will," Syilvia ordered.

Once everything was in place and set, the Saerif began firing it's cannons and torpedoes at the aggressor ships, landing several good hits on them. The disabling gel did its job, of course, freezing ship weaponry and rendering some operations useless. The ships were far too big for the gel to completely immobilize them, but it was still enough to annoy them with frequent system failures. Syilvia watched as the battle waged on, her eyes narrowed and stern.

"Ma'am, the creation cannon is primed and ready. The enemy ship has also acquired. Awaiting your order to fire," one of the bridge members shouted.

Syilvia waited for moment and then nodded, "Fire!"

The creation cannon unleashed a large, thick beam of gathered energy at one of the aggressor ships.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The battle continued to rage on, even as the cannon slammed a shot home into part of one of the massive ships. Surprisingly though, it refused to die from a single shot, somehow managing to stay intact despite a large chunk of it being blown off. As they watched, the ship inexplicably began to HEAL itself slowly, pieces of it reforming.

Their systems were affected, though some of them seemed to recover far faster than they should have, and four of the hives turned as one, opening fire on the Saerif as a unit. At the same time, they noticed countless darts accelerating towards them, but it didn't seem like a bombing run. In fact, it seemed the intent was to ram them. it was then they got a strange reading back. According to their sensors, NONE of the marauding ships had anything living on board.

As several shots slammed into their shields, the Alveran ship cut through enemy lines, taking a few of the shots off them instead. They returned fire with a rapid volley of beams, carving another marauder in half. Still, there were a dozen or so marauders left, with three of them focusing on the Saerif, some on the Draque ship, and now some even abandoning that fight and firing on the surface once more. An incoming transmission suddenly took their attention.

"This is Teron again. Our scans show no life readings on these Hives, which means someone is remotely controlling them, or they have been pre-programmed. I advise you to get clear of the three focusing on you, they are about to make a very big bang."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana listened to the broadcast, but didn't answer right away, watching the recording on the side of her visor of the larger ship vanishing. "Rhian, was that..."

"Seems so, jumping without a jump gate. We should parlay, see what we can learn." The AI responded. "You're on."

"Uh, yeah. Patching that hole right now, But I could use some fresh air and raw materials, need to do some repairs. I have to admit, it seems I've been out for too long, my ship seems pretty dated..." She sent back, with a little bit of a chuckle. She finished up her patching, and spoke again. "Do we have enough air left for a pressure test?"

"I'm afraid not, and my scans haven't indicated a planet with suitable atmosphere in range of what we have left. You'll either have to go back in coldsleep, or get more from them." Ariana nodded in response, putting the maintenance gear back in the locker, making a stop by the cockpit to grab her jacket, and making her way down to cargo to wait, trusting either the other ship's odd technology or her AI to dock the ship.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a pause, and she could almost hear the cogs turning in the mind of whoever was on the other end of the transmission. Finally, she got a reply.

"My sensors indicate you breathe the same air composition as most organic lifeforms, and that a temporary docking inside of my ship would not pose any health hazards for you. If you are willing, I can bring your ship aboard in a moment, as well as directly transport you to meet me. We can discuss materials then if you like."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"That sounds agreeable. I don't have much to offer in return, But I'm sure we can work something out." She replies simply. The mention of direct transport caused her to raise an eyebrow in her suit. They sound like they have so much fantastical technology that they just take for granted...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Very well. Stand by, initiating transport."

One moment she could see space through her viewport, the next there was a flash of brilliant white light, and she found her ship sitting in the middle of what seemed like a gigantic cargo bay.

A second later, she felt a slight tingling sensation, and then her surroundings changed again. She was no longer standing on her ship, but rather in some spacious control center. It was then she heard the voice speak behind her.

"Greetings, I am Thor. Welcome aboard the Beliskner."

When she turned, what she saw might surprise her.

Thor was a small, perhaps four foot tall grey alien with small arms and legs. He seemed frail, but the large black eyes that looked back of her seemed far more intelligent than what one would expect from such a small creature. It was also then that she noticed he was completely nude, however there were no noticeable defining 'genitals' to give away gender or make the situation awkward. In fact, if it weren't for the voice being masculine, Ariana might not have been able to tell that Thor was male.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis continued to idle in the wake of the Asgard ship, hiding behind its shields. Sadly this meant he missed the fireworks, but his computer didn't and when he picked up the warp signature of the behemoth that had opened fire on him, it wasn't a stretch to figure out what had happened.

Kicking his engines back on to full, he passed by the side of the ship, giving it a quick look over from outside its shields, wondering what had fired on him, and more importantly, who in the name of all things holy the Asgard were. Matching its speed, he patiently waited in plain sight for a hail, he was sure they'd get to him when they had time. Still, that didn't stop him from checking all the systems on his armor, and his pulse rifle, caution was never a bad thing...

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Reroute energy from the main boosters to the lateral boosters. Strafe them, but keep firing! Whatever they're about to punch us with, we don't any of it. Gunners, I want you to focus on those dart-things coming straight at us. Take as many of them down as you can. Syri, get off of the mini-creation cannon and get back onto the Cleaver. I want it ready to fire when we need it," Syilvia gave the order.

The Saerif's crew were still hard at work, concentrating on optimizing all performance. It was like they were operating on the same wavelength, and it only helped them.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana blinked a few times at the transportations. turning around afterwards, she blinked a few more at the diminuative alien, slowly taking the helmet off her sealed suit. After a moment's reflection, she supposed it made sense after all. less physical races tended towards more technological advancements, this Thor's race could even have started more physically capable, and slipped downwards once technology made things easy...

Setting her musings aside, she bowed a bit and answered. "Greetings in return, I'm Ariana Arkanian, thank you for the aid earlier." She said humbly, trying to make a good first impression. With her luck, His race might value strength and aggression, but somehow she doubted it...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor nodded his head in a slow motion, likely because of his body structure.

"You are most welcome. My apologies that I was unable to do anything for you sooner, I was not expecting an aggressive hive ship to be out here, nor did I detect your ship until your engines fired up earlier. Am I correct in my belief that you have no idea what a hive ship is? For that matter, what I am?"

What Syilvia and her crew saw was nothing short of impressive. As the hives continued to turn towards her, the Alveran ship suddenly surged forward. Then, a brief surge of power was the only warning before thousands of yellow projectile type things filled the space between it and the larger hive ships. Some of them came near her ship, but Syilvia noticed that they literally curved AROUND her ship, as if they were somehow being guided. When they hit the first hive, the result was nothing short of incredible.

The hive turned, trying to escape the incoming weaponry, but it was far too big and slow to do so. As the first of these strange yellow things landed, Syilvia could see they completely TORE through the hull and shields of the hives as if cutting through tissue paper. Each of the weapons tore back out the other side of the hive, and then began a repeating curving motion, slamming repeatedly into the ship. Then, in under thirty seconds, it was all over, and the hive exploded in a massive fireball. The weapons however weren't finished, and they made short work of the other two hives before vanishing completely. It suddenly dawned upon her that whatever this weapon was, it seemed to be extremely powerful, and all indications were that shields didn't make a difference. Most disturbing though was the fact a single salvo had taken out THREE of the remaining twelve ships in less than that many minutes.

The remaining hives shifted fire, splitting between the defenders and the planet's surface, even as Syilvia's crew began taking down some of the darts. Still, there were so many that she could tell they would never get them all...

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia and her crew watched in amazement as the powerful weapon made short work of the Hive ships. Though it was an impressive feat, now wasn't the time to being wholly fascinated. There were still several of those drill things aiming straight for her ship, and the gatling cannons, although effective in bringing down some of the drills, wouldn't be successful in bringing down all of them. She thought for a moment on what to do, knowing that their weapons wouldn't be very useful on such tiny enemies.

"Commander, the enemy's drills are closing in and fast," one of the bridge crew said.

"Syilvia, the Cleaver is primed and ready. What are your orders?" Syri said, bringing up a transmission from the Cleaver's Op-room to Syilvia's display panel.

"The Cleaver won't take them all out. There's too many of them," Syilvia said, shaking her head.

Syri paused for a moment and looked to the machine he was using to operate the Cleaver, "...I think I can reprogram the Cleaver to fire several piercing phase beams. I can't guarantee I'll hit them all. But I should be able to down quite a few of them. I just need some time is all. About..two minutes."

Syilvia clenched her teeth and closed her eyes, thinking to herself. She nodded, completely trusting Syri that his skills and confidence would pull through.

"Do it, and do it fast, Syri. Meanwhile, Michael, surge the photon torpedoes so they explode prematurely," Syilvia looked at the incoming drills, "Just don't have them explode near the ship. Set them to explode when they travel...70 meters."

"Yes ma'am!" Michael said, getting straight to work.

Meanwhile, Syri was rapidly inputting several commands into the Cleaver's operational screen. He was modifying several energy patterns, arrays, and frequencies. Anything to change the Cleaver so it fired several beams instead of a massive wave. His hands were fast, and his mind was racing faster. Time was of the essence, and Syri damn well knew it.

"Photon torpedoes surged and primed--"

"FIRE!" Syilvia interrupted before Michael could even finish.

Several torpedoes fired out of the Saerif, zooming toward the barrage of drills. Syilvia's estimation of the length was barely there, and the photon torpedoes exploded in as the drills came. This indeed lowered their number, but it wasn't enough. The gatling cannons still kept it up, trying to buy as much time as was needed. Then...

"The weapon's ready, firing now!" Syri said, literally punching the command in to fire the modified Cleaver. Several red beams of energy shot out from the Saerif, aiming straight toward the incoming mob of drills. The thing lines of energy pierced through the drills and destroyed a grand number of them. A few got through the barrage of beams, but were shortly taken down by the gatling cannons. Before long, the imminent threat was soon past.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana chuckled and shrugged a bit, peeking down into her helmet to see if the connection held and Rhian had anything. "I'm afraid not, I've been asleep for quite some time..." She said in explanation, elaborating more after a second. "I've never seen your kind in my wanderings, though it's been mostly constricted to a rather small area of space, and that almost entirely human. Nobody else of a friendly nature, anyways."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor was silent for a long moment before replying.

"Then you have been out for a very long time indeed. I imagine much of the galaxy has changed significantly since you last saw it. Unfortunately, as you saw, not all of those who would inflict or wish ill tidings upon others are gone. Ah, please excuse me for a moment, I must attend to our other guest."

Thor finally came over audio into Jortis's ship.

"My apologies for the delay, as you may have seen some maneuvering needed to be done with the other vessel. On behalf of the Asgard and our alliance, I extend greetings to you and welcome you. Is there anything that we can do for you?"

Syilvia's crew accomplished their goal of stopping the first wave of darts inbound, but their victory was short lived as another wave suddenly broke off, weaponry firing as they came in fast.

About that time, the Alveran ship began launching their own fighters, engaging a second squadron of them in direct battle. Around them, the Hive ships continued to be whittled down, until there were only four left. Then, suddenly they surged forward and vanished into purplish clouds that appeared from nowhere, leaving the fighters behind.

At that point, the darts that had been attacking her suddenly veered off. It took a moment before any of them would realize they were accelerating towards the planet at breakneck speeds. Another moment to realize it was a kamikaze run, and that the impact velocity would be greater than 20,000 kph.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Part of the time required means that I haven't had a chance to see most of the galaxy yet, but yes, a lot seems to have changed." Ariana said in response, then nodded to the alien when he excused himself to use the comm system. She took a posture incredibly similar to the usual military relaxed position as she waited patiently, glancing down at her helmet every so often in case Rhian had anything to comment on. He hadn't so far, so she simply remained quiet for the time being.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis caught the transmission as he continued his survey of the impressive ship and thought about it. There were a great deal of things they could do for him, like let him look at the engines on their vessel... But one question more then any other nagged at him... Opening up the channel he sent back a short reply

"Greetings, I am Jortis. Where am I?"

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"...The enemy projectiles have switched course, they're heading toward the planet now!" one of the bridge members yelled out.

"Damn! We're not close enough to intercept them!" Syilvia banged her hand onto the panel in front of her. She clenched her teeth and thought for a moment, but no avail. She didn't have any plans up her sleeve, or anything. The fact is, they couldn't do anything right now. The people on her bridge were silent, and Syri was silent from the Cleaver's Op-Room. Syilvia took another look at the monitor displaying the darts, seeing them only get nearer to the planet. Her eyes wavered for a moment.

"All those people...," she whispered to herself, "Have the weapons with disabling gel switch to standard ammunition. Once that's done, fire everything in the direction of that horde. The weapons with standard ammo should start firing immediately. Surge the photon torpedoes like we did before. We can't get them all, but we can at least lower their numbers and, in turn, lower the casualty rates. Syri, get back up to the bridge. Everyone else, i want you either manning a gun or trying to establish communications with the planet and telling them to get to shelter. Or transport to a nearby ship. Open our transporter to accept refugees. I want two squads there, armed. Just in case."

"Ma'am!" her entire crew responded.
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