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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Once he had added a simple brown robe to his ensemble, it took Alberik very little time to write a translation algorithm that let Ari read whatever was needed on the ship's displays. The woman immediately went through comparative analysis of combat capabilities between her ship and every ship currently known. She was really impressed with the results. Watching what few recordings there were on the subject, she saw that actual tactics in most spacefights seemed lacking. With the strength of the inertial dampeners on here, she knew she could do better.

Once she had grown bored of that topic, her attention drew more towards the ship itself. Going through the schematics, her attention was drawn to the old sparring room. That would do well fro her own purposes. And it did not have a bulkhead wall on any side, which was definitely a good thing.

"You have everything under control up here?" She asked out loud. Alberik gave a nod, glancing over from his own work at another console. "Great, I'm going to go and see how this training crystal works. Yell if you need anything." She said, striding off in the proper direction.

Once she found the room, she'd spend some time to move anything stored there out to the hall outside, before settling herself into the center of the room in a classic meditative pose, and fishing the crystal and headset out of her pocket, setting it into place on her head, and seeing what would happen.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Mostly up ta you, dahlin'" Ian states, glancing over to Vanessa. She's the one that's had the most recovery needed. If she's all for it, he'll head back, gather up his bag, which is likely still packed from the last trip, and meet both girls at the gate after taking a few minutes to replace the bandages that he'd used the last time around.

((Crimeny, Ian's turning into the Pimp-Kirk-Sheppard of this campaign.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station


Vanessa nodded.

"I'm for it, we'll meet you there Cassie."

Cassie nodded and practically bounded off to get her things, and once she was out of earshot, Vanessa leaned in next to Ian.

"Gods, you remember how we found her Ian? She's come a long way since then but ... Some of the memories I have now from when Nirrti took me over ... Ian it was Nirrti who killed the rest of her people, but I don't know why she left Cassie alive."

Ariana didn't need long to find the room, the maps were extremely well detailed, and she found very little stored in that room even now. It'd be less than five minutes to clear it enough for what she wanted. Finally, the room was ready, and she slid the device on.

Almost immediately she felt like there were options open to her, but so many to choose from and she didn't know where to start. Just then, SHE appeared in her mind, smiling and waving.

"Hi! Can I help you with something?"

((She as in herself, not some OH GOD person))
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian watches the other girl head off with a bit of a smile before turning back to Vanessa. "Well, don't let it trouble ya too much. She's a smart girl. She might pick up on it." At the comment, though, he frowns just a little. "Maybe she was thinkin' she'd make a good host. For now, let's not dwell. We've got a city ta get ready for."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Vanessa nodded slightly.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to go pack a few things for the trip, Nirrti was a bitch and didn't pack anything last time."

Giving him a quick kiss, she took off to get her things.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Don't f'get ya toothbrush," Ian replies with a bit of a chuckle, a slight grin on his face after the kiss. He heads off to gather up his bag, given that it's still likely packed from his return trip. Taking a moment to replace the bandages he used, he'll add a few more things into it in case their stay in Atlantis turns out to be a bit extended.

Satisfied he had all that he needed for now, he shouldered his luggage and went to meet the girls at the gate.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ari visibly twitched in her seated position, her mental projection looking a little more shocked. “well, that‘s disturbing. You‘re some sort of gatekeeper program, i‘m guessing? I was given this device for training, but i‘m not sure where to start or how to go about properly accessing it.“ she explained calmly.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Her image seemed to think for a moment then nodded.

"If that terms works, so be it. I'm more a projection of your own mind, something you sub-consciously created to help you navigate things. There is a sort of 'gate-keeper' as you call it, but it normally would not manifest as such. Normally it's more of a directory listing within your mind, however due to your own personal thoughts and needs, your mind and the device have created me to serve as an intermediary to keep your mind able to process the information. I believe I can help."

Over the next little bit, she would guide her through things that were useful, but definitely on the tiring side.

((Glossing over parts of this due to time and having a dry spell writing.))

By the time Ian arrived at the gate, he'd find both women waiting already, packed and ready to go. They were just waiting for him, and facing the gate, not him.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Seeing the girls already there, Ian smiled. Walking up behind and between the two of them, he leans a little closer and quietly states "Boo." Not an attempt to scare, but at the very least, announce his presence. "Ready ta get a move on?"

(Ian's answer to that, btw, is yes. So unless you've more planned...)
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Both women looked at him with amused smiles, nodding that they were ready. The gate quickly dialed, and they were on their way.

((I'll let you post the arrival there for Ian at Atlantis, he might be appreciating the sights a bit more now that he doesn't have to rush through it.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, aren't I helpful." Ari responded with a mental smirk. "Let's get started, then."

The first session ended in about an hour, the woman starting to lose focus somewhere between the information overload, and the growing headache earned from learning to use her mental abilities in ways she had never thought of before. Slipping the training device from her head, she stood with a grunt, stretching muscles sore from her pseudo-meditation. Leaving the device in the training room for now, she started back in the halls, heading for one of the living quarters she passed on the way there.

"Taking a break for now. Did I miss anything important?"

Not as such, no. I'm corresponding with Peltas station, and designing a few upgrades for the Falcon. The chassis is surpringly not as obsolete as the weapons and shielding systems, it should perform comparably to what you're used to, after significant replacements.

Best news I've heard all day. Wake me when you need me, then. She said, reaching the quarters. a handwave opened the door, and she plodded over to bed, laying down and stretching her arms behind her head. She wasn't used to having this much space... It was something to get used to, definitely.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia was silent for a long moment as she read over things, slowly nodded.

"An ascended being interfered in things. The Klarnell must really have the attention of the Ascended then, normally this would never have been allowed. That may explain how they managed to gate to a planet that was destroyed already. I'm willing to bet you are right, they are alive. Since they didn't come here, assuming they were able to dial somewhere in this galaxy, and I'm betting they did, you should try looking on the Nox planet, as they had a Nox woman with them. They may have taken her home first. And these scans of the Klarnell itself could be very helpful, thank you. As soon as we have something additional and useful, I'll pass that along."

((Finally making that delayed but small response for Olrenn.))

"Ah, the Nox planet, of course... of course. Thank you for the tip. I'll relay that advice back to our tracking centre. I'll be in touch." The Etherian officer replies, closing the channel for now.

- - - - -

A small time later, the same channel is re-established, "Letting you know that tracking has been re-established on our team. Our tracking methods can't confirm your own team, but they would have at least arrived together." Olrenn informs. "Additionally, I've been considering our overall situation. We have just lost one of the Alliances most powerful allies in the blink of an eye. I know plenty well that such shows of force are rarely ever performed as isolated incidents. If they've revealed their hand and made the first strike, then who or where is next? And who after that? And what of this station?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

There was a pause before he got a reply back from Julia.

"At this point we can't be certain, but if I were them, I'd go for the Nox first, then begin taking out races such as the Gou'ald, Tokra and Wraith to prevent any nasty surprises before turning their attention here, to Earth and finally towards your own people. If they were stupid enough to try and attack your own people, they'd have to know the full brunt of the alliance would come to help. My guess is they'll take out any possible support then head for your own planet once the rest of the galaxy is theirs. I'll be damned if that's going to happen though. The toughest part is they come from those anomalies, so unless we figure out a way of tracking them across entire galaxies, it's going to be very difficult to prevent them from surging forward here."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Olrenn sighs slightly. It was certainly a very difficult situation, and not one that presented any effective way to fight it, or even know when an attack may be coming. At least with Maia-Ve they got a short warning before an attack arrived. With this, they so far had nothing.

"And we're all thankful for that support the Alliance continues to offer us. Certainly. It is a difficult situation indeed isn't it. I suppose there isn't much we can do right now other than remain ready for the worst, and wait for our teams to bring back what they can from those small leads we had. Hopefully soon and with something useful. My people back home are also looking into things, in whatever admittedly limited capacity that they can." He says. "Until my captain returns, I shall keep you posted on any developments from our end."

After the communications channel had been closed he would turn to see Vern looking at him with a thoughtful face. Without needing to ask, he would cross his arms and see what the engineer had to say. "Speaking of tracking or locating them. I have been thinking about that, with the small amount we've been able to determine so far. We have observed a living creature arrive via an anomaly, and then continue to seemingly pass back through unharmed. If we can arrange a method to respond quickly enough to the next anomaly we discover, perhaps we can send a probe back through the other way to determine something about our enemy and where they come from. It would attempt both regular transmitted information transfer, and also carry a backup messenger drone that would launch back off of it to return through the anomaly, in the incident that transmitted messages fail to pass through the anomaly in tact." Vern explains. "In theory, it may also be possible to deploy a conduit spear through one. Although it would likely need precise timing and a fast reaction upon the anomaly manifesting."

"You want to blind fire a spear on a one way trip through an unstable rift in space-time, at an unknown target? Would the anomaly even allow the proper channelling?" Olrenn replys, frowning incredulously at the last part Vern had said, and somehow seeming to manage to cross his arms more than he already was.

"Not really, and... maybe. It just crossed my mind. I've put much more thought into the probe idea." Vern replys plainly, with a slight smile.

"The probe is a sensible potential course of action. Perhaps one the only ones we have at present. But if you want see conduit spears flying about, you'll have to suggest that one to high command personally. Just a few hours back Sinnve actually talked to me with a serious face about taking her golem along on their visit to the Nox. Ridiculous child. I don't need you going mad as well." The officer turning back to his displays of various intel, looking slightly weary.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Moving some things along here))

The gate activated and Talok, Sinnve and Ayla stepped out, Talok carrying Lyra in his arms. They were met by Julia in mere moments, even as Lyra was rushed off to a stasis unit. After Talok explained things to her and what was going on, Julia frowned.

"Johnson, get their ship on the comms and tell them we're sending two of their people over by transport, once they acknowledge, beam them over. The three of you, I'm afraid there is something else you should know. The Klarnell attacked the Asgard. As best as we can tell the Asgard have been wiped out."

Talok looked like someone had punched him in the gut.

"So in the span of only a few hours, both the Nox and the Asgard were attacked. The two oldest races in the alliance ... This does not bode well. Siphon has requested additional backup on the Nox planet, they were searching in the hopes of finding survivors, but now I wonder if Lyra is the last. One jumper, and I'm taking my ship out there for extra support, just in case."

"You have a go, I'll get three squads ready to go and send them through with a jumper, and we'll start getting more ready in case they are needed."

Meanwhile back on the Al-Sora ....

A hail came in, and when Olrenn answered, he was greeted by the face of a young Alveran male who spoke quickly, but clearly.

"Two of your people have returned through the Stargate, as soon as you are ready I will beam them aboard your ship. Time appears to be of the essence as Sinnve will need to arrange for a golem transport to the Nox planet. It looks like the Klarnell attacked them too, casualties from the Nox have been confirmed, no word on survivors yet. Siphon and the rest of your crew are proceeding with a search and possible rescue mission for any survivors, and have requested whatever backup can be mustered. We're mobilizing now, and Talok will be taking his ship along with Sinnve and her golem if you agree to release it. I'll let them fill in any gaps for you."

As soon as Olrenn acknowledged they were ready, Sinnve and Ayla would beam directly into the command center of the Al-Sora.

((I think I spelled the name right? Anywho, yeah, I'll let you brief ... yourself, LOL.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Wiped out? Such a thing is difficult to even comprehend." Ayla replies with a look of shock and sadness. "Something terrible has been set in motion hasn't it. We shall return to our ship right away then. Please go ahead." she say, both of them ready to be transported. Sinnve wasn't even aware of who the Asgard were, but that hardly changed being told that an entire race or civilisation had been exterminated in such a short time.

- - - - -

Materialising into the command centre of the Al-Sora, Sinnve and Ayla blink, and then move to go about their business. Olrenn speaks. Choking down the degree of irony regarding the remark he had made to Vern only moments earlier. "Sinnve Iasha-Voh. Please prepare your Kesaii-Va immediately. You will be travelling back to the Nox planet via Mr Taloks vessel, so make ready for a transporter beam."

"Already on it Oli... oh what? Taloks ship? Uh, alright then. Will do." She replies quickly hurrying off. Stopping sharply in the door way just a moment to look back to Ayla. "See you sis. I'll be back, ok..."

"Go on Sinn. The knights need you." Ayla says simply, smiling back. Turning to head for her pilots chamber herself. Reaching the back wall of the command centre and touching the smooth surfaced wall. A white light spreading across the wall, which Ayla steps into and disappears. It actually wasn't at all easy watching her little sister rushing off to fight uncertain foes like this. But Ayla knew better than anyone that there was no holding Sinnve back from doing her part. If Sinnve's generation was to ever know the kind of peace that Etheria had enjoyed before them, then people like Sinnve were essential.

Floating into the centre of the spherical pilots chamber, it took Ayla a short moment to fully attune and re-sync with the ships memory, after the things that had been going on, but she was soon ready. Taking a deep breath. Various thoughts came to mind.

<"Olrenn. Please contact the stations medical crew. Find out where Lyra has been taken, and inform them we are sending one of our own to help examine her.">
<"Mirelle. I need to ask you to please board the Station and head to their medical unit. I will help guide you there. They have a Nox there that they will be putting into stasis right about now. She bears an unusual condition that has effected her mind and possibly her life energies. I am fearful that the stasis unit here aboard the station may not go as far as keeping her life forces and spirit in stasis also. I would like you to examine her condition and state of stasis.">
<"Sinnve. Look after yourself for me. Fight well for them.">

With various messages sent to her crew, and Olrenn contacting Station Medical to inform them of Mirelle being sent out, Ayla continues to examine the information they had been collecting, and opens a communication back to Etherian command to report the state of things thus far. As before, they were still chasing shadows and left helplessly wondering where would be struck next. It was a terrible situation.

Meanwhile in the hangar, Sinnve had boarded her golem, and was just about ready to depart. "Tenn, I'm taking the heavy aser emitter with me. Just in case. Juice it quick." She broadcasts out into the hangar, the golems powerful voice bellowing slightly. The technician that was helping her, a pony-tailed young man, wincing a little as he went about following her request. "On it. But yeesh Sinn, stay calm ok? Don't go blowing my eardrums out." He replies, not actually having to speak very loudly for the golem to hear. Waving his hands around over a holographic display, a unit on the wall glows brightly for a second, before shifting and rotating to reveal the handle of a long sleek beam weapon. Looking rather like an upscaled variant of Marik's weapon. Sinnve's golem steps forward to take it, pulling it back and holding it across sideways like a huge rifle.

<"Alright! I'm ready. Let Talok know. I want to get there soon as possible.">

((Sin's ready to be beamed over. Mirelle will head out in next post.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Things had moved pretty quickly while Sinnve and Ayla did their thing. Talok had garnered a few things, and was already waiting in his ship. By the time Sinnve's message of being ready came through, it was only a few moments later that she found herself and her golem in the unoccupied fighter bay of Talok's ship. Almost immediately, she felt a small surge as the ship kicked into hyper-space.

The station acknowledged the hail regarding Mirelle, designating a beam point for her when she was ready. By this time Lyra was already in stasis, though as Ayla had feared, it didn't seem to be slowing things down as much as it ought to.

Some time after Ariana had gone to sleep, Alberik would get a hail from an approaching vessel. The pilot identified himself as a Draven Naros of the Ingrali, and he appeared to wish to speak with Ariana regarding the Klarnell, as well as something to do with a specific region of space he thought she might have come from.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Greetings, Draven Naros. I am Alberik. The woman you seek is currently resting, but I'm certain I can answer any questions you may have about the region of space we last hailed from, as well as what we know of the Klarnell. How may I help you? The AI answered back, the image on Draven's screen of his faceless mechanical form on the Asgard bridge, complete with cloak and staff.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The image Alberik got was that of a normal looking human male, but his information told him the Ingrali were shapeshifters, and rarely showed their true forms due to it often causing humanoids to freak out.

"I see. We've been keeping track of local chatter regarding the Klarnell, and we found something that might interest you both, as well as the rest of the alliance. I'm aware you were briefly on the Asgard planet just before they were attacked, and there was no indication that any ships survived. However our sensors detected a very strange reading not far from where you were first picked up, and when we investigated we found a ship that matches the description of the attacking forces. It would appear the ship survived to somehow get to this galaxy, but it's crew did not. We've since searched the ship, and found nothing living. I was told you both might want to take a look aboard and see for yourselves. Sometimes having input from someone relatively new to the area generates interesting results, often times a fresh mind and fresh angle helps. As for the area you may have come from, the sector is known by Earth as the Sirius Sector. However according to what information we have, the sector has been devoid of life for quite some time, possibly several million years. If you came from there, your instrument readings on how long your journey took may be significantly off."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Unusual, but not unheard of. It's also possibly that you simply haven't heard broadcasts from the sector. From what I recall, the broadcasting power of the technology there scatters over stellar distances quite easily, and the sector itself is replete with all manner of anomalies that may hamper it further. It is my understanding that the original intention of the colonists going there in particular was to remain hidden. Alberik answers back, his form unwavering.

I believe you are right in our interest, however. Is time of the essence? Ariana should rest longer, and I am unable to move this ship from the proximity of this station at the current time. Transferring to your ship would require waking her.
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