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Peltas Five Space Station

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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ariana chuckled. "Fair enough. I'm Ariana, by the way, a pleasure to meet you." She said, offering a hand to shake before tapping the helmet under her other arm. "I have a list of what appear to be unused frequencies that we're capable of receiving. If the information is easily set up, all we have to do is set one and send a ping, and we should be good to go."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Jortis looked around slowly after leaving his ship, his helmet firmly in place and hiding his actual features in the black carapace, noting the armour and the weapons, as well as some light damage. Hrm... was there something else going on here? Well, that left him with a few possible destinations, but first and foremost was to get a lay of the land, and in his own travels, that was always were drink was flowing.

As the woman approached him, he slid his rifle across his back and opened his hands in a polite gesture to show he was simply unarmed before answering. "Somewhere to get a good drink, and maybe some information for an enterprising Courier" He said simply, bowing his head as he glanced up and down the female's form.

It was time to put his ear to the ground.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Syilvia and her team looked at the device with amazement. When Julia asked her if anything like this existed back in her dimension, Syilvia replied with a very slow, "No. At least...not that I've heard. What is it supposed to do?"

Syri, Sena, and Ariette just looked at it, all wondering what it was built for. Then Ariette spoke with a very thoughtful tone:

"A long time ago, a young man and his friends saved our universe from impending doom. He travelled to...another universe in order to battle with the beings that endangered us. The...device they used could be similar, it looked somewhat similar. Overall, though...it looked very simple, unlike this...Stargate."

Syilvia looked at Ariette and nodded in agreement, "What she says is right...though I don't know if it's the same thing, or if it even does the same thing."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

A smile crept to the womans face as she regarded Jortis.

"I believe I can show you a place if you will follow me. My name is Arianese. What kind of information are you looking for?"

Julia shook her head.

"Interdimensional travel no, not as far as we know. That requires a much more simplistic approach, strangely enough. I believe showing you would be better than explaining it. Javory, dial the gate to Ravanah Five."

A moment later, the inner stone ring began to spin, stopping periodically to lock one of the symbols. After seven had been locked, all was silent for a moment, and then suddenly an energy puddle erupted outwards, peaking just a few meters from where the Alverans were standing before collapsing back into a puddle that had now formed within the stone ring. A small flying device, a probe likely, lifted off the console Javory was at, and flew into the puddle, vanishing. A few moments later, a screen activated in front of them, showing the surface of a planet with extensive ruins as far as the eye could see.

"The probe we just sent through that reached Ravanah Five in approximately six seconds. Ravanah Five is eighty three thousand light years from where we are standing right now."

The young man nodded to Ariana.

"Follow me then, we can get this set up in a matter of moments from my station. I'm Varonibrahl, nice to meet you."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Done deal. Thanks, Varonibrahl." Ariana said quickly, following the man. it was a rather minor issue, but helps a great deal in the long run, from her experience.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Varonibhrahl led her to a small room that housed his station, having her sit down. Within mere minutes the link was established, and the download completed.

"And that should be everything that would be non classified and general knowledge. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Jortis grinned, although it was hidden by his helmet, and slowly raised his hands. "Now that is an important question isn't it, Information... I need the kind that an enterprising business man looking to get started needs, the information others would rather he not have" He said quietly, before removing his helmet, his odd features now officially on display. There was something to be said for being the new guy in town, and if everyone was watching and focused on your origins, it was actually easier to hide in plain sight, then it was to try and fly under the radar.

Sorry about the delay, it's been fucking crazy lately


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

“Im not too sure, actually.“ Ariana replied. “it will take some time to sort through all of that, but that‘s more of a side project than anything. Perhaps somewhere to wait for Julia? The way Thor spoke, i had a feeling the Atlantis mission was somewhat urgent.“


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Arianese regarded him for a long moment, then another smile crept to her lips.

"Well, our own people don't have much use for currency as you might call it, however there are cultures in this galaxy and the pegasus galaxy who might be interested in trading. Of course, it depends on what you are wishing to sell, but I think I can help you."

Varonibhrahl thought for a moment.

"Thor is right to be concerned. We've only recently discovered what might be Atlantis, although the fact that the expedition team hasn't dialed back yet likely indicates that is the case. Anyway, there's this group of rebel wraith, don't know if you've encountered them or not, but these particular wraith feed on human life forces, even though they can survive by eating other foods. They do it because they can, and they enjoy killing others I suppose, but anyway, it goes without saying that if they got ahold of super advanced technology like what should be found in Atlantis, they could become unstoppable. The mission was urgent because our intel suggested they might already have an idea of the city's location. A small team was sent through to check it out, and restore the city if possible. If not ..."

He trailed off, leaving her to guess, and she probably could.

((Kinda waiting on Suri to move things with Julia.))

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Excellent!" Jortis said happily, quite willing to follow the woman where ever she led now, though he'd loosened the strap on his rifle so it could slide into his hands quickly, he didn't trust most people... and here? Well, a lot of things could go wrong in a place like this, and especially in the shadows where he planned on listening.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Somehow the girl had noticed the slight movement, and she frowned slightly.

"If that is bothering you I'm sure a place can be found for you to drop it off for now. You need not worry about accidental fire though, all energy based weapons save for Alveran ones won't work inside the station. Dampening field and all, we had an ... incident a few years back where a fanatical Ori follower tried to sneak a Nevaria Bomb into the station and blow it up. Since then, only specifically modified weapons will function, and energy bombs won't work at all."

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Syilvia and her team were a bit amazed at figuring out what the Stargate was capable of doing. Syilvia was more amazed then the rest. She stared at the world that was being shown to her before realizing she had a question to answer. She turned to Julia and shook her head.

"Unfortunately, my world doesn't possess this kind of technology. Well, not that I know of, at least. I'm not up to date with what our leaders' and scientists' endeavors. Syri, have you heard of anything like this?"

Syri thought for a moment, "I can't say I have. I'm sorry." Sena and Ariette shook their heads as well.

Syilvia turned to Julia and her associates, "There you have it. We haven't heard of anything like this from our dimension...from our...world."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded, as if she'd been expecting as much.

"Shut it down then Javory, I think we have our answer."

A moment later the energy puddle vanished, making a sort of snapping sound as it vanished from existence.

"You may likely have been right when you said dimension. Were you from any time period within the last seventy to eighty million years of this galaxy, or the future, you likely would have encountered a Stargate. When Siphon returns he can run his scan on your ship, but I am certain he won't find traces of temporal activity, an indicator of time travel. Which means, you may very well have either traveled from another dimension, or possibly an alternate reality where the Ancients never set up the gate network in this galaxy. Now, as Thor explained, you had a possible desire to speak with Siphon as soon as possible?"

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Yes, we would. Apparently there are many things going on here, and we seem to have been dropped right in the middle of it. We'd like to help if we could. That is, while we wait to get back to our own dimension," Syilvia said with a grin.

"Truth be told, we were looking for a change of pace when...when we entered this dimension. And I think we found one, didn't we?" Syilvia said looking at her team. Sena, Ariette, and Syri nodded collectively, sharing in their commander's excitement at being in such a different world.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded to them.

"Alright, gather what you'll need for a trip, I intend to send Sivok through anyway with two more power modules anyway. I had expected by now Siphon would contact us and give a clear, but there's been no contact since he left. Call it a hunch, but I'm betting backup would be helpful. Let Sivok and I know when you are ready to go."

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Syilvlia nodded and she turned to her team. All three of them nodded in agreement, and Syilvia looked to Julia. "We'll be returning to the ship, then. I'll send a messenger when we are ready. Syri, Ariette, Sena. Go inform the ship to make preparations. Restock on ammo and make sure the Cutter is fully charged. Make sure the crew is all well equipped. The works."

Syri, Ariette, and Sena saluted to Syilvia before departing back to the Saerif. Syri hesitated for a moment, looking back to his commander. Syilvia smiled and nodded to Syri as an indication that she'll be alright by herself. With that uneasiness affirmed, Syri followed after Ariette and Sena. Syilvia turned back to Julia and smiled, "I think I'll take a look around while the ship gets ready. If you'll excuse me."

Syilvia departed from Julia's company and sought out any interesting things the space station may offer.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Syilivia found about the things one would expect from a station like this. Places to eat, drink, mingle, work areas, and several areas that she of course couldn't get past a certain point. It would seem that the station hadn't really added anything 'fun' just yet, though perhaps with a gate capable of dialing far away planets, they saw no need?

Some time passed and a message came in on a device Varonibhrahl wore. When he looked up, he was smiling.

"Julia is on her way to see you now. She'll be here in just a few minutes."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

“Ah, wonderful.“ Ariana replied casually, smiling. “Seems i‘ll likely be off soon, then. Thanks for putting up with me in the meanwhile.“

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

After seeing everything that the Peltas Five Station had to offer, Sylvia decided to stick around near the Saerif in the hangar. She looked out a large window giving a good view of the surrounding space outside. Letting the events of today just swim around in her mind, she gave off a heavy sigh.

"Well...I guess we'll have to just stick around and see what happens next...," Sylvia said with a slightly excited grin.

A voice came in after Sylvia spoke. A familiar voice. One that belonged to someone close to Sylvia, "...As always, right?" As Sylvia turned around, she saw Syri, standing there with an agreeing smile. Syri stepped beside Sylvia, the two of them looking out to the space around the space station.

"...Really answers a lot of questions left behind after the 4D conflict...doesn't it?" Syri asked, not averting his eyes.

"...It does, but who's gonna take our word for it. We're just one crew of non-Pangalactic guys," Sylvia shaking her head.

Syri nodded, "...So what do you think we got ourselves into?"

Sylvia chuckled for a bit, seeming to focus on a single star in the distant space, "...Something interesting, as always."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Varonibhrahl nodded.

"Anytime, and feel free to look me up if you need anything else."

A few minutes later, a tall looking woman walked in, smiling as she set eyes on Ariana.

"Greetings, I am Julia, leader of our people. I do apologize for it taking so long to meet with you, this has been an extremely busy day, and as I have heard from Thor, yours has so far included nearly being run over by a wraith hive."

((Basically waiting on your chars to be ready Suri, and to get a few odds and ends done here with Shrike's char.))
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