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Peltas Five Space Station

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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Don't mind me. Just gettin' philosophical in my old age now and again," he says with a chuckle. "But, puttin' it out there for my own benefit. So Ah don't have ta think about it on the mission." There's a bit of a nod as he mentions her not likely being taken alive. He'd seen enough, though, to know that anything might be possible. "Guess the first step'd be findin' her, aye?" He swings himself up to his feet.

"And that," Sho remarks with a smile as the two women walk along, trailed by Elissia's men, "is why I'm not worried about you guys heading out. If it's one thing we learned, it was how to watch each other's backs." At the remarks about Ian, she lets out a soft huff of a sigh. "He certainly is, but I'm glad to have someone going that can keep an eye on him. Talok will watch his back, as you said, but..." She trails off, chewing the at her lower lip some. "Ian lost someone in the last raid that Nirti pulled. Good friend. There's the possibility she's still alive, but we haven't any proof." She sighs. "He doesn't mention it much, since he's not the type to let relationships get in the way of things up here, but it hit him hard, even if he won't show it. He might not be all-in if he's thinking about her during the raid."


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Conference Room One? Right then, I guess we'll head there. See you around."

The Tiberions get to their feet and move off in the direction of the conference room, led by Corax.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"I see. Such things are never easy. Especially when there's any degree of uncertainty." Ellisia replies a little more solemnly as they continue, thinking for a moment. "It's a shame. If things were more peaceful like the years when I first joined the order, I would be able to request the Exterior Observant to look into things and could probably confirm this persons status. But like I said earlier, things have been 'hectic'. Our eyes are always focused on the horizon these days."

A voice from behind enters the conversation here, as Marik speaks up, "We've lost people at home to unexpected raids ourselves lately, so loss is something we've all had to become more accustomed to. We will all be supporting Ian in spirit." The young man says with a sincere face and a hand on heart salute of sorts.

Marik's part said, Ellisia then continues, "Mhmm. Yes, I'll do my best to ensure he's coping alright during the mission. Our ships captain will be accompanying us, and she has a talent for reading emotions."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"I'm sure he'd appreciate the offer, especially having it come from a friend," she says with a smile. "Even if it's not possible to follow through, it's the thought that counts." At Marik's words, her smile grows softer. "Thank you. Not that it's a good thing that you can relate to him, but I am grateful. And who knows, if you lot are keeping an eye on us, we might be returning the favor sometime in the future." She seems thoughtful at the other woman's words. "An empath, then? Or just really good at reading people?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Hmm. I suppose little of both, you might say." Ellisia replies, considering how to best explain in short. "Ayla, our captain is what we call a guide, and watches over us from within, mentally, during our missions. Perhaps comparable to the symbiosis of Talvesh and Siphon, except that Ayla's physical body resides on the ship. She's also experienced in using this ability in a role more similar to a therapist, of sorts. Oh, and she says hello, by the way."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Huh. Definitely different, but then again, hardly anything surprises me these days. Note I said 'hardly,'" she adds with a chuckle. The comment from the captain does make her brows arch slightly and she blinks before smiling. "Hello back, then. She'll be sitting in on the briefing as well, then, I take it? Maybe we can sort of introduce Ian to her that way so he's not surprised."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Hmm, somewhat. Yes and no again, depending on how you mean." Ellisia says with a small laugh of her own, "But, well, how about I let you speak to her instead for a moment? Hold on a second..." Ellisia slowing her stride and stopping as she closes her eyes for a second. When they open again nothing outward seems to have changed, but there is a subtle air of difference. A faintest shimmer of a new light in the woman's eyes perhaps. When she turns to Sho again however, the smile is distinctly that of someone else, even despite coming from the same face.

The voice that comes forward likewise was still Ellisia's, but as if spoken by another, taking on an uncharacteristically softer tone and gentle flow to it's delivery. "My apologies that I can not properly greet you in my own person Shoni, but this will have to suffice for now. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Ayla Iasha-voh. Ellisia informs me that you should be used to such things from Siphon, so I hope this is not too strange." She says still wearing the same soft smile, before offering to continue on their way as they talked. More small subtle differences becoming apparent in her movements. Marik behind might be seen breaking out a small smirk, seeming to be watching for reactions. "And I will be attending the briefing yes, but doing so via Ellisia. My responsibilities aboard our vessel unfortunately require that I do so this way at present. Ellisia will be speaking for herself during the briefing itself, since I trust her to handle our role in this affair, but I shall be present indirectly through her." Ayla explains.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Unfortunately for Marik, Sho is quite used to the symbiotes speaking through their hosts, so the change in Elissia doesn't jar her overmuch. About the only thing she does project, possibly, is curiosity, given that this is a different sort of 'possession' than she's used to seeing.

"Indeed, I am," she affirms. "And please, call me Sho. It's nice to meet the folks that Ian will be working with, not to mention friends of Elissia's. I think the only other I ever had the opportunity before was...Handel? Hamal? Gods, it's been years." She shakes her head a bit. "And regardless of the the means, as I said, it's a pleasure to meet you. Hopefully we can do so more traditionally before you all have to hie off and track down one of our most wanted." She chuckles. She chuckles again. "I'd like to say that Ian's going to flip, but if he were any more laid back, he'd be horizontal."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon nodded.

"Indeed. With any luck that proves to be the hardest part out of the way. I can say this though, Nirrti herself won't go down easily, and I suspect she'll protect what she views to be hers until the bitter end, however that may be. Alas, the meeting should be about to take place. You ready to go?"

The Tiberions soon found the appropriate room, and as Julia had said, Talok was already sitting there, an unreadable expression on his face. At least until he saw Corax.

"Well I'll be, didn't think I'd ever see you again Corax. Who're your friends?"

((Don't think Talok ever met Lillith OR Vulkan.))

((Not sure where Sho and Elissia are, so have them pop into the room when ready.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

((Wandering the corridor, on our way, though might leave that up to Squid. Convo's in his court.))

Ian nodded, making certain that his room was in order before heading out after Siphon. He wasn't worried about bringing anything with him, as there'd likely be time to pack once the briefing was over. The notion of going into battle again, especially with someone as ruthless as Nirti didn't appeal to him, but if it meant even a slim lead on getting Vanessa back, he was all for taking it. Normally information like this wouldn't allow him to get his hopes up too high, but it had been so long since they'd had a lead, he was willing to give this one a chance.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Sho it is then." She says smiling warmly yet softly as ever. An odd contrast to Ellisia's slightly more reserved and changing expressions normally worn by the face. "Hmm? Oh you mean... Harrel? Yes I remember him coming home with stories about that adventure of his. He's a student of mine infact. One of my more promising pupils, if a bit distractable. And yes, I do always look forward to taking a more personal stroll in new places when possible."

(( I suppose this is as good a time as any to have them reach their destination and enter, so go ahead with that. ))


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, I was in the neighbourhood. Thought I'd say hello."

Corax gestures to each of his companions. "My brother, Vulkan. My wife, Lilith. Vulkan, Lilith, this is Talok."

Lilith smiles at the wraith while Vulkan nods slightly.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"That's it. Memory and old age, you know?" Sho says with a chuckle. "And I hope that the stories were favorable." She seems genuinely pleased that he's doing well, despite not having known the other man over-much. "Well, I look forward to meeting you in person, hopefully in the near future, then."

Given that they've about reached the briefing room, she'll let the station's guests head in first, then trail in herself, skirting the perimeter to take what is obviously a preferred chair in the room, settling in and waiting for the others to arrive and get things going.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Likewise." Ayla replies, "And we have reached our destination I see? Ellisia will take it from here then. Til next time." she says stopping to give a final "farewell" head bow of sorts, then facing the door and slowly blinking twice before heading into the room without any other significant signs of the switch over. Thanus and Marik filter though behind her, and the group move to find appropriate seating together. Standing by their chairs, they make an initial greeting to Talok and the others in the room with a short bow. "Ellisia Alvante, Etherian Emissary and Knight Commander Second Sphere." She says plainly and formally, "Attending Summons." Allowing a slightly more casual smile at the end.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok inclined his head to both Lilith and Vulkan, seemingly the Wraith way of acknowledgement. Perhaps given his features it was a good thing he didn't try to smile, for that might have been an awkward sight. He did however speak again.

"A Pleasure to meet you both. We should be starting soon."

As Sho and Elissia, along with her group arrived, the wraith turned to greet them.

"Good to see you Sho, and Elissia ... I believe it has been what, almost two years? Welcome back aboard Peltas Five, and welcome aboard for the first time for the rest of you. I believe we are just waiting for Siphon to bring Ian here and then we shall be getting started. Julia is occupied right now with fielding subspace messages from our allies in the field."

((Going to give Squid a chance for other introductions before moving this to the next phase.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Same to you and thank you for the welcome Talok. These are comrades from my order, Marik Osavra and Thanus Hauthuum. Also in attendence via remote is our ships captain, Ayla Iasha-voh." Turning to her fellow Etherians next she briefly introduces Talok to them, "Talok is another of the people I fought alongside in the past."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Talok respectfully bowed his head to the others. He would accept handshakes if they were offered, but he would not initiate them. As he opened his mouth to speak, the doors to the briefing room opened again, and Siphon came in with Ian.

"Alright then, is everyone ready to begin?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian ducked around the room and slid into one of the chairs, tossing a nod to Talok and a second to Coraxus and his entourage. What caught his attention after that was the blue of the Etherian's uniforms. Not having seen it in some time, it does cause a grin to split his lips and he'll incline his head respectfully to Ellisia, his grin becoming more the welcoming smile of an old friend. The two with her, the new faces, will likely have introductions worked in, so he's not worried about that. For now, he was content to let Siphon take the floor. Unless Julia was going to upstage him like she tended to do.

"About damn time," comes from a grinning Sho. "Talok was going to start without you but I convinced him you'd probably sulk if he stole your thunder." She then lets herself get 'distracted,' glancing around in a "who said that?" sort of way. Once the meeting officially starts, though, she sobers up and is quite ready to get down to business.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Ready to proceed." Ellisia states as her group settle into their seats, throwing a friendly acknowledging glance and two second smile to Ian in response, and returning her attention to the commencing meeting and briefing.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

As soon as the group had sat down, Siphon began.

"We'll start with a short background for those who need to be caught up to speed. As some of you know, resources have been stretched thin since the last major incursion of the Ori war. While that is fortunately in the past and settled, it did leave some rather large power vacuums in this galaxy. One of the problems that has come up since the end of the war is our main reason for being here today.

Nirrti, a former gou'ald system lord popped onto our radar about a year ago. She's been kidnapping innocent humanoids of all species, including, according to some of our intel, Draque. What we know so far is that she's been conducting genetic experiments on her captives, attempting to create what she calls a 'Hok'Taur', or advanced human. It appears she's looking to create a super powered host for herself so she can ditch her current one. Recently she conducted a raid on what was supposed to be a neutral site for negotiations between the Vorians and the Velokians. Over eighty percent of the delegates were taken, including a few people that we knew. What bothers me the most right now is that since then, there have been no more raids. Now we can only assume this means Nirrti is close to what she wants. I don't think I have to mention how bad things could be if she truly is near her endgame plan."

Siphon paused a moment, collecting his thoughts before plunging on.

"Just a few days ago we got intel from a Tokra spy that we may have a lock on her core facility."

At that moment, the briefing room doors opened, and Siphon paused as Julia entered, a sharp look on her features that caused Siphon to tilt his head towards her. After a moment, she spoke.

"You can scratch the may. Valnak just relayed more intel to us, we have a lock on Nirrti's core facility. She's taken up residence on Mirton Six, about three miles under the surface. Coordinates will be sent to whoever is planning to join the raid, but as of this moment, we have a small window to plan, and launch our attack."

Siphon nodded, then resumed.

"Alright, so we have very little time it seems then. Before I turn the floor over to suggestions for our attack and to Talok for the planning though, there is one further thing that needs to be addressed. Some of you may already know of this, while others may not. In a little under an hour I am heading up a small force through the stargate to the Pegasus Galaxy. We have good reason to believe we have found a major hub of the Ancients former civilization, and based on the readings we are getting, we have strong reason to believe it may be Atlantis itself. For those who are ... less than enthusiastic about a potential ground battle, you are welcome to join me. Normally this would be a backburner issue, but there are strong indications that rebel wraith forces are also aware of the location, and quite frankly, we can't let that kind of technology fall into their hands. So you all have decisions to make. Who wishes to be where?"
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