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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"YES I'M POSITIVE! DO YOU THINK I WANT TO END UP LIKE THEM?" the man replied, the whole gesture of the gun going unnoticed completely as he was a little too terrified and fixated on the massive creature holding him in a firm vice grip while staring him down with it's massive red eye.

"I dunno. That does sound like the best idea maybe. Unless you want to keep him as a slave or something. Wait, that doesn't sound right..." Luna called back from her window spot, starting to go into her crazy side a little as she got to thinking more wildly. "If you do, make him chance his pants though." she mentioned as Adelle walked over to see the remaining materials on the dead people. How she had picked up on the man shitting himself was a thing probably best left unknown.

Looking over the various crushed and impaled bodies yielded a few cheap handguns and two additional flash grenades for Adelle to use as she wished. The guns were 9mm semis and a single .32 special revolver with 3-inch barrel, the latter of which would provide some ammo for her if she just wanted to take the bullets and sell off the gun or throw it over to Isabella for some use in a gun design of hers.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, I guess I'll believe you then," Adelle replied to the guy as she gathered up the things. "And nah Luna, I don't need, nor will I keep slaves," Adelle then called up to Luna.

Collecting the gear, Adelle looked it over and saw what everything was. "I'll let you live for now. But don't come back or he'll get to eat you next time. And let them know that if anyone else comes that we'll kill them too," Adelle told the guy after she collected all of the guns and whatnot. "Also, your weapons, lose them. And your ammo. Don't think you'll be needing those anymore," she added to the man, motioning for Luna to have Oaken put him down as she held her gun pointing at him.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I SWEAR! ON MY ANCESTRY! the man agreed rather loudly to the offer of getting to keep his life. The tree monster released him after Luna called for it, but it looked as if he was doing it with reluctance. The man fell down, but was quickly on his feet, proceeding to dump his gun and spare mag, along with a folding knife. "There, it's all I have." he stated, the withering glare of the red eye keeping him from doing anything, though he was finally starting to catch on that he was being accosted by a naked lady, a thing that he was not hiding in the least, though he did it with awkward brief glances. Somehow, the death glare of Oaken was overridden by the desire to see some naked skin, even if it could be a potential death sentence.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, now get out of here. I don't want your money or your clothes. But I don't want you to maybe try and take a shot at me as you go. And you let them know not to fuck with me," Adelle told the guy after he dropped his weapons and ammunition, where she motioned for him to run along.

She didn't let it show that she cared he was staring, even though inside she did very much and was just barely containing herself from blushing and slapping him. Once he was gone and out of sight, Adelle let herself blush and threw an arm over her breasts and a hand over her crotch before scampering back inside to grab her towel again. After wrapping it back around herself, she gathered up the equipment from the dead goons, which she put into her garage for now and came back inside, locking the door.

"That asshole, hope he's glad he got to see me naked. But... there wasn't any need to kill him really, not after you and Oaken slaughtered the rest of his friends. Bet that'll make them think twice before sending someone to do anything to me though," Adelle commented as she collapsed onto the sofa for a few moments. "Hey Luna, can Oaken do anything with the bodies? Maybe not... eat them per se. But like, bury them or something for now?" she then asked Luna, waiting for a reply before she decided on what to do about the window on the door, which she could only figure she'd have to put a piece of wood over it for now or something to keep it covered until she could get it repaired.

"Hey Luna, just asking about this. Do you by chance have any magics that can repair the window on the door? Or is all of your stuff just based on pure offense?" Adelle asked as an afterthought unless she could find something to put over it for now.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The guy quickly took off after being told to do so, but not without doing a few more looks as he went. With him eventually vanishing into the backstreets of the taller buildings, the whole place went quiet, save for the cracks that Oaken caused with his body when he shifted around. The impaled corpses on his roots were quickly pulled down into the ground as the things retreated, the crushed ones still being there but the tree monster was sizing them up now that he had no living victim to terrorize. Still, he left Adelle alone to do her things, remaining within arm's reach of her all the time she remained outside.

"Well, I suppose he can take them along as he vanishes." Luna replied, still on the window as she was looking out to the monstrous tree that was out there still. She spoke with it, asking the thing to take the remains along once she dismissed it. "No, I'm not a transmuter. And no, my powers are not offensive, they are the smallest part of my arsenal. But I suppose Ogre could help with that window." the witch spoke up again, further orders going to the tree monster. In reply, he proceeded to tear off a piece of his tough bark, which was pushed into the window hole. The piece expanded, sealing itself tight into the frame and completely covering the window. Having done that, he collected the few remaining corpses before burrowing into the ground, leaving no traces of himself or the dead people behind.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh? I wasn't sure about your magics honestly Luna. I still don't fully understand it," Adelle replied to Luna before Oaken broke off a piece of his bark and covered the hole on the door. "Thanks Oaken, I appreciate it. And Luna, do you want to go get in the shower now?" she called out to the tree monster thing before asking Luna if she wanted to get in the shower.

She wished she had a phone to call someone with, and so that she could call Samson or someone to inform them of what happened. Regardless of whether or not Luna went ahead and got in the shower, Adelle would look through the gear she took from her attackers and would clean it up in case there was any blood on it. When Luna was through with her shower, Adelle would ask if she wanted to get some sleep, and if one of her familiars could keep an eye out on things, where Adelle would climb into bed to get some sleep, keeping her submachine gun and pistols on the bedside table within easy reach.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Understandable. I have not really used my magic, no real use for it in the time I've been here. Usually I just dabble in summoning and make new friends among the spirits. BUT YES I WILL SHOWER NOW." Luna went on for a bit before taking off into the shower.

The loot was not terrible messy, mostly just needing some wiping to clear the road dirt that had collected onto them from the brief time they had spent on the ground. Luna was out from the shower in a fast enough manner, already having her night clothes on by the time she got out from there."That just might be a good idea. Hey, Sebastian." she replied once it came to the question of guarding the house, calling out the prankster ghost Sebastian for some reason. She asked it to perform guard duty for the girls, which the ghost did not appear to have any objections to. The mention of standing guard also appeared to rouse Buddy, who looked at the two from his couch post with a determined look. "I suppose we could call it a day. Can't be arsed to read, and I slept on my book yesterday because of that."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Waving Luna off to the shower as she finished speaking, Adelle cleaned everything up with a few old dish towels that were in need of cleaning anyway. By the time Adelle had cleaned the stuff off, Luna was out of the shower and already prepared for bed. Adelle nodded to Luna when she came out and they headed for the bedroom, where Adelle didn't bother even dressing for bed and just hopped under the covers naked as the day she was born while Luna set Sebastian to guarding. She noticed that Buddy was perked up as well, and seeing that he was ready for the night watch made her feel much more at ease.

Adelle would snuggle up to Luna and remain close through the night, feeling more comfortable with someone nearby that she knew and trusted. "Hey Luna, are you okay? I mean, now that I'm thinking about it, Miguel could send others to try and hurt me, and you just because you're here," Adelle asked Luna while they lay there and got comfortable.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With their guards set upon their task, the girls could make it to bed with fairly less concern towards their safety. Luna's ghost familiar was not going to let them get harmed as he could likely pass through objects and thus act with more freedom than any corporeal being, plus he was quite powerful, if the witch was to be believed. Buddy was still fairly unknown in ability, but he was certainly quick and agile with some sharp claws, a thing that Adelle's former night clothes could attest to. While he had been easily a match for her in speed, it never really appeared to be the case that he had been there to harm her that night. This could only let one question what his abilities were, if there was even anything special in the strange cat/weasel thing besides his agility and claws.

"I dunno. It feels a bit strange and new. Maybe I should be worried, but somehow... I just don't. Excited somewhat, really." Luna admitted to not being even slightly concerned apparently. Maybe it was the completely new experience or the fact that she had a host of powerful spirits at her call that made the hexer have no fear towards the situation. Since she had lived in her village her entire life, it was unlikely that she had ever experienced a threat towards her well-being.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle hoped that Buddy and Sebastian would be up to the task of night patrolling the house, because she was quite tired after everything that had happened throughout the day. When Luna answered her, Adelle nodded as she snuggled up to her companion, idly wondering if Luna had ever been physically threatened with harm.

"Well, these people won't care to kill if they deem it necessary. So if they come back, in greater force than before, don't worry about anything and keep them from hurting us. Try and keep the house undamaged though if you can help it, and try and not destroy any gear they have too, because we can take that and use it against them, or sell it so we'll have plenty of money for food and stuff. But if you can't keep from it then don't worry too much about it," Adelle told Luna, pulling the hexer girl's face into her breasts as she closed her eyes to go to sleep, letting it overtake her as she relaxed against her friend.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Depends on what I get out to combat them, I suppose. I have a few other unintroduced beings that are not quite the on level with me yet, but I can summon them in case Ogre or Blaze are too destructive. You did see what the tree does, Blaze goes on the same level of destruction if she starts eating people's spirits and getting her fire stoked, and then things will burn and melt rapidly. Even as those two are my friends, they are still vengeful spirits deep down. The unnamed ones might cover for them if it comes to that. Maybe I could even start to establish some level of connectivity with them..." Luna somewhat agreed, mentioning that she still had some forces that she not mentioned earlier hidden away. Maybe there was a reason for this, but it had not come up yet at least as she had only mentioned some level of disharmony between herself and these unknown spirits. When it came to sleeping, she had no real trouble doing it in Adelle's boobies. From there it went to silence again as the night remained still, save for the occasional sound of what was probably Buddy's feet claws tapping on the parquetry floor as he moved around. The catweasel thing had usually been as intense a sleeper as the girls, but it appeared that he was taking the watch duty seriously. Maybe he even had some desire to make up for the food and lodging he was given for basically no return favor of any kind, unless one counted his presence there as guard duty all the time.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah let's not burn and melt things. Save Margaret if we can. But if you can connect with all of your spirits that you control... I guess that's the right term anyway, then that would definitely be good," Adelle replied as they both relaxed into each others embrace, where sleep found Adelle quickly.

A couple of times through the night, Adelle would wake and hear Buddy moving about. At least she thought it was Buddy anyway. It may have been Sebastian doing something, she wasn't sure. Regardless, she snoozed pretty much in peace.


When she woke the next morning, Adelle would dislodge herself from Luna as best she could before rolling over and stretching before doing her morning business in the bathroom. After that she'd go and start some breakfast, thinking to herself that she needed to invest in some cereal of some sort if there was any she could buy, so if she didn't feel like cooking anything.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Morning did roll forward eventually, like it always did, bringing with it a new day yet again. The pair had snoozed a little more that day, the clock telling Adelle that the time was around 9am when she got up and around, managing to avoid any sleeping Luna shenanigans that time. In the living room, she could find Buddy doing some sort of training, doing a whole lot of fast attacks at the air with his claws. The whole nature of it was acrobatic and surprisingly badass considering him being a 3-foot catweasel thing. Clearly, Buddy was used to fighting beings that were larger than himself as it appeared he was mostly aiming upwards in an angle when on the ground. Somewhat bizarre was the fact that his wider swings appeared to shed drops of water that flew all over the place in tiny quantities. He did not really appear to acknowledge Adelle, and kept on going through her bathroom visit and even when she went into the kitchen to look up breakfast items.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully, Adelle managed to get away from Luna before she held her down too much. As she came out of the bathroom stretching again, Adelle grabbed some fresh clean clothes and carried them with her and saw Buddy training as she went past him to the kitchen to get breakfast ready. Getting things down for breakfast, Adelle cooked up some bacon, eggs, and toast. While the food cooked, Adelle slipped her panties and shirt on before she finished breakfast.

"Hey there Buddy, thanks for keeping an eye out through the night for us," Adelle told Buddy as the food cooked.

When breakfast was done, Adelle set the table and piled the food onto plates before going to attempt waking Luna up. "Hey Luna, breakfast is ready. Time to get up," Adelle told Luna, brushing a fingertip across the other girl's foot and standing well back in case she kicked at Adelle.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Buddy did eventually stop as Adelle talked to him, coming to a standstill as he stood up straight, doing a deep bow like some bizarre little martial artist. He did become slightly more normal after that, making it to the table and waiting for the food to come to him as the busty girl went to see that Luna would get to the food with them.

Thankfully there were no submission holds to go through with Luna this time around, but she was still a fairly volatile subject to wake up as she went into another brief bout of rapid defensive movement as she was poked before she settled down. "Whatohokay..." she grumbled herself awake, coming to the table after a few minutes of rolling in the bed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully, Adelle managed to avoid getting grabbed by Luna and put into a submission hold. "Food's ready Luna. Here, I'll get you some clothes out too," Adelle said, doing as she said and getting some of Luna's clothes out for her before heading back to the kitchen to eat.

"Well, I'm gonna have to get a window piece to replace that one on the door. Though I may hold off on that until I'm sure that Miguel won't send anyone else. Don't want to repair it only to have it broken again the next day," Adelle said once Luna sat down to eat with her. "Do you have anything you'd like to do today Luna? I may head over to the bar to do another job, but first I gotta go talk to Mariela about Margaret and stuff," she then asked Luna, devouring her breakfast and thinking of how she'd explain all that to Mariela.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, not sure. I might take a look at the surroundings by myself, would help if I got familiar with this place. But I suppose I could do something else too, hmmmmmm..." Luna pondered about some options, apparently not being entirely sure as to how she would be spending the new day. Like before, she ate in fairly modest amounts, not taking all that much food. Buddy was eager to cover for her though, gobbling up anything that was left unattended. Whatever he had been doing in the night had left him hungry, it looked like.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hey it's up to you Luna. If you'd rather explore a bit on your own, then that's fine too. Just be careful alright. I'd hate it if you got hurt," Adelle said, going back to her food and finishing it up before leaning back for a couple of minutes to let her food settle.

After they had all finished breakfast, Adelle got the dishes and cleaned up before grabbing some clothes to wear when she headed out for Mariela's. Choosing a pair of her jeans and one of her blue shirts to wear over her bra, Adelle strapped on her leg holsters for her pistols, then grabbed her kukri and fixed up the sheath on the small of her back.

"Hey Luna, I'm gonna head out now. If you're gonna head out, then make sure to lock up before you go. Buddy's pretty smart, so he can unlock the doors to let you back in since I'll have my keys. Or I suppose you can just have Sebastian float through the walls and unlock them for you," Adelle told Luna before starting for the door. She stopped however before heading out and looked back to Luna. "If you ever wanna get into some trouble with me though, you could always come to the bar with me to talk to Samson about a job. There's always jobs that need doing, and some that require more than one person. If you want to give something a try that is," she added to Luna, giving her a few moments to think about it before climbing on her bike and driving off to Mariela's.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmkay." Luna stated, wandering out almost as soon as she had finished eating. She only really had the patience to pick Banie up from the couch and get dressed before she was off, Adelle spotting her going to the nearby alleys where the tall buildings were. Even if it was just the plushie monster, it was probably safe to assume that the witch was going to be okay by herself unless she got into some awkward interactions with people.

At Mariela's place, Adelle was let in by the servant Garet, who had come a long way since his time as a penniless squatter in the sewers looking to ambush people for money. He looked like he wouldn't be out of place in a mansion with his suit and fancy old gun, the whole look on him being better suited for Rachaela's big home than Mariela's dinky apartment. Yet he had made the place far more orderly than it had been before, the previous mess of fashion magazines, clothes and weapons all over the place had turned into an organized room with each different thing being on their respective areas now. The owner of the previous chaos was not far, sitting at her couch and grinding on the blade of a scimitar with a whetstone and a few more blades were waiting their turn on the couch next to her. "What up?" she asked, still grinding away.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was fairly certain that Luna could handle herself if the night before was any indication at least. Calling to Luna as she headed out, Adelle told her to be careful and everything, and that she would see her later that day, and that Buddy could let her back in, as he seemed to be quite smart and everything. Before heading out herself, she showed Buddy how to unlock the doors and stuff so that he could indeed let Luna back in when she returned.

Once everything was done, she drove her bike over to Mariela's, taking a relaxing pace on her way and just enjoying the bike ride. When she parked and locked up her bike and headed for the door to knock, she waited for only a short time before Mariela's butler like guy opened the door for her. Smiling at him, Adelle nodded her head in thanks before coming in, where she saw Mariela sharpening a blade on her couch.

"Hey there, just thought I'd come by and let you know some of what happened yesterday on my job. Unless you've already heard it from Samson that is," Adelle said, waiting to see if Mariela had indeed got the scoop from their boss.

If she hadn't, then Adelle would launch into the tale of what happened for Mariela, leaving out none of the details since she trusted Mariela. "But yeah, Margaret was sniping towards the new leader guy of the black market folks. And Rosieta turned on me, the sorry bitch. Anyway though, ee got up to the roof Margaret was on, but I think if the three of us had engaged her any at all, that we would be dead now. She had this... aura around her that just kind of kept everything from getting to her. God I wish I could create one of those auras. Would really help me out in some sticky situations, that's for damn sure," Adelle said as she finished the story.