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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not too long... I think. SEBASTIAN IS JUST BEING STUBBORN AND NOT ACKNOWLEDGING MY SUPERIOR LIVING STRENGTH." Luna informed Adelle with only a vague mention as to how long they might have been at it. Buddy was certainly appreciative of the food, and had been going through the busty girl's last beers during the day, with the empty cans sitting there on the couch table in front of him. In fact, there appeared to be none left of them. But the soda was still there, so she could at least have that drink with the food. Eventually Luna got bored trying to overcome Sebastian, who was clearly just playing around and not defeating her outright in their match, the hexer probably not being the most fit of people. She assumed her previous spot on the table and started to wolf down her burger in silence after the two stopped. Eventually her curiosity got the better of her, and she broke the silence. "What sort of crazy shit was it? Is it like, a daily thing that you go through crazy shit? I could tell that something was up as you were gone for a fair time."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ah I see. Well just don't hurt each other alright," Adelle replied and sat there, eating her food and watching the match.

Adelle was about halfway through with her burger when Luna finally got tired of being unable to defeat Sebastian, though Adelle was pretty sure that he could have easily won their match. She idly wondered just how strong Luna was actually, both physically and magically speaking. When Lune finally spoke up after she too had started eating, Adelle looked up and shrugged her shoulders.

"I... well... I was captured for starters, thanks to that backstabbing bitch Rosieta. Thankfully everything worked out, for the most part at least. But I'm gonna be sore tomorrow most likely. That fucking bastard torturer, probably should have killed him for what he did to me, but, I'm just too damn nice sometimes," Adelle said after a few moments, looking down at her plate before raising her head back up to Luna.

Adelle felt that she could trust Luna, and so she told her what all had happened, from when she and Rosieta started out from the bar, all the way until she returned. She left out no pieces of information for Luna, giving all the details of everything, even her capture and for lack of a better term torture. "Sorry asshole. He better hope he didn't leave any permanent scarring on me, or I may just go back there and kill him for revenge," Adelle said through clenched teeth as she finished filling Luna in on everything and finished her dinner in the meantime.

Once they were both done with their dinner, Adelle collected the dirty dishes and put them in the sink for now and decided to go ahead and take her shower to get cleaned up after the day's events. She scrubbed and made sure she was very clean, taking a couple of extra minutes to ensure that no traces were left of what the doctor had done to her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Oddly enough, Luna was not all that terrified or sympathetic-looking when Adelle described her past day with the doctor. No, it more looked like she was curious and taking mental notes of the whole series of events. What it would evolve into, the busty girl could only guess, but hopefully it was not going to be a bad thing. "It does sound like a fairly intense day schedule, for sure. TAKE ME ALONG NEXT TIME, WE'LL EXPERIENCE IT TOGETHER MAYBE." she asked, sounding a fair bit more enthusiastic than one should for something like that. Other than that, she said fairly little about all of it. Regardless, she let Adelle take the shower first, not having any particular reaon to go first herself.

Checking herself out after the clean-up, Adelle could not find any permanent marks left over, the treatment that she had gone through having passed over her without any shameful indicators left in her. As she was getting out from the bathroom, she could hear some rather loud banging coming from the garage door outside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... I wouldn't mind having some fun with you Lune, but I don't think you'd have liked what happened earlier. Then again, you may have," Adelle replied, getting up to head to the bathroom for her shower.

Thankfully, it seemed that she was alright and had no lasting scars or anything of the sort from her torture earlier that day. She took her shower and relaxed inside as she lathered herself up with soap and then rinsed it off, repeating the process twice more just to ensure she was clean after the day's events. While she was in the shower, she decided to groom herself some and got a razor to shave her pubic hair down to nothing but a small strip.

As soon as she was finished in the shower, Adelle wrapped a towel around her hair to help it dry, then dried her body off with another, applying some lotion and powder wherever needed to smooth her skin out and keep her looking nice. Just as she was getting some clean clothes to put on, Adelle heard a knock on garage door and sighed as she wrapped her towel she'd used to dry off back around her.

"Hang on a second, I'm coming," Adelle called out as she came down the steps to the door. "Who's out there?" Adelle asked when she was at the garage door, waiting to see who it was before inviting them to the main door to be let them in.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The banging only got more insistent the longer it took, almost getting to the level of sounding like whoever was there was trying to break her doors down. But the garage door was fairly resilient, so it would not break without significant effort or some sort of destructive devices like explosives or heavy blunt weapons. Adelle could see Luna looking out from the window as she went, but the witch was not giving much indication as to what she was seeing underneath them. As she got to the door, the busty girl was somewhat surprised as the call to the people behind the door stopped the banging completely for a bit, and there was some whispering happening behind the door. "We have some business with you, boss' orders." she heard a heavily Mexican accent reply to her from the other side, and barely make out the sound of a hand gun being racked as well while the man spoke.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she headed for the door, Adelle heard the knocking growing louder and louder as time went on, she immediately thought to herself that this likely wasn't someone friendly. "Who's boss? And what does he want?" Adelle called back, quickly but quietly running back upstairs and grabbing her pistols and submachine gun, fixing her holsters onto her legs after loading them and then loading her submachine gun as she went over to the front door.

"Luna, keep an eye on them and if they try anything funny and try to hurt me or break in, do whatever you want to them to stop them, just try and not kill them, because we can question them afterwards," Adelle whispered to Luna as she went past.

She waited until she heard them knocking on the garage door again before quietly opening her front door and slipping out to get the drop on them, leaving her towels behind completely and not caring who or what saw her completely naked body. When she saw them, whoever they were, she took aim and waited until they noticed her and knew that she could hose them all down in an instant before they could do anything about it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You know who he is, I just have something to say for him." was the reply from beyond the door as Adelle retreated towards the stairs. Her lack of opening the door soon escalated into some more banging on it as she was upstairs equipping her gear. Luna was already visibly tense about the situation, and the sight of the busty girl putting on her guns did little to make her feel easier. "Can't guarantee that they'll all live if I summon. Ogre is a wrathful type, he just might crush a few of them before I can get any word in to stop him. Despite his size, he is fast to act but slow in acknowledgement."

Going down to the garage level, Adelle was met with a little problem as she saw a shadow of someone behind the other door as well. It appeared that the thugs were prepared better than she had expected.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding that the goons outside seemed better prepared than she'd hoped, Adelle refrained from sneaking out the front door as the banging got louder and more violent sounding. "Well if they look like they're about to attack, he can kill any of them he needs to. Just don't let him go killing any innocent bystanders that might be around okay," Adelle whispered back to Luna with a nod, patting her on the shoulder as she went back to the garage door and aimed her gun to around where the man was shouting through from.

"Okay then, you can tell me through the door. I can hear you loud and clear. And half of the neighborhood can too most likely," Adelle called back through the garage door, taking cover behind some boxes at the bottom of the stairs and preparing for the worst just in case.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no further answer to what Adelle told the people behind the door, who went silent as the banging too stopped abruptly. There was some moving around to be heard, the people trying to be quiet but not really succeeding as a few of them shifted position towards the other door. To make things worse, the front door started to sound like there was a lockpick attempt going on, the slight clicks on the lock suggesting it very clearly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing the sounds of her front door being picked, Adelle moved around to the front door again. "Keep trying to pick the lock and it'll be the last lock you ever try to pick pal," Adelle called through the door. "Any message you want to leave, you can just tell me through the door. I can hear you just fine. My parents told me to never open the door for strangers after all," Adelle added.

She looked over at Luna and nodded to her to get ready for a fight in case these guys didn't listen to her and just give their message and leave. She held her fire too so that if they tried to smash the door open then she could go full auto with her gun right into the doorway.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The silence and the lockpicking went on despite Adelle's words, the guy behind the door actually managing to crack the lock and get it open before long. But there was something that stopped him opening the doors as the auto-lock mechanism went off before he could throw the door open, making all the effort that he had gone through rather pointless. A few awkward seconds passed, then the small window on the door was smashed open and someone chucked in something. It was a grenade, but not a regular one by the looks of the design and color on the thing. Whatever it was, it was going to go off in a few seconds.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle grimaced as they continued trying to pick the lock, only to fail at that. She couldn't help but smirk at knowing they'd failed at picking it, but that small victory of sorts was short lived indeed as she heard one of the goons smashed the window out on the door and tossed a grenade of some sort inside.

"Oh shit!" Was all Adelle could think to herself before quickly grabbing the thing and tossing it back out the window from whence it came, though she was betting it wasn't an ordinary grenade and was more like a flashbang or gas grenade. As soon as she tossed the grenade back out the window on the door, she aimed her submachine gun out through it and fired a burst into the goons that were trying to pick the lock before, figuring they were full enough of themselves to not have moved yet.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Doing a mad dash for the grenade, Adelle clambered over the few boxes she had on her makeshift barrier, avoiding any cuts that she might have gotten from close naked skin contact with the edges. Grabbing the explosive, she tossed it back towards the window. But it did not quite go her way as the device detonated before it was completely out, probably catching both her and the closest thugs near the window in the tremendous flash that blinded them in equal measure and proved the busty girl's estimation to be correct.

The situation devolved into foreign curses outside for a few seconds, but those were soon drowned out as the crackle of wood overpowered the human noises. Soon enough, the cracking turned into the earth shaking ever so slightly and screams of terror. It appeared that the grenade going off had been the trigger for Luna to unleash her fearsome familiar onto the thugs outside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"GAH!" Adelle cried out a the flashbang went off just as it was going through the window again, blinding both her and whoever was outside, as she heard them grunt from the flash as well.

Before she could pull her gun up and fire out the window on the door however, she heard a loud rumbling. Adelle was sitting on her butt right by the door, a hand over her eyes rubbing them to try and bring her sight back quicker. As soon as she could see again, Adelle peeked through the window and shoved her gun through it, aiming for any of the guys and firing at them while they ran away or whatever they were doing.

"Fucking bastards, take that," Adelle cried out at them as she fired a burst into the nearest one of the goons.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The screams outside went on for all the time that Adelle spent on trying got regain her sight, which took more than was comfortable for the situation. By the time she was looking out to the street, she could see the thugs behind the door fleeing. Before she could draw a bead on them, the busty girl could see them being bombarded with someone who was probably one of their own number, the massive tree monster coming right behind the human missile in a surprising flurry of speed that his spidery root legs should really not be up for. Another guy was still clenched inside one hefty tree fist, and a mushed mess of meat, blood and clothing scraps could be seen getting ground down into even finer paste inside Ogre's lower mouth area. The hurled thug bowled over his companions as he smacked into them, the whole group of four stumbling down onto the ground nearby. They could not really recover as Oaken was upon them in a second, his gnarled limb-fist coming down on two of the guys and flattening them into a gory mess, the other two getting impaled on multiple spear-like rootlets that the impact drove up from the surrounding ground under the fist. Only then did the savagery stop, Luna's voice completely subdued until then as everything else had stopped her from being heard. But now that the street was fairly quiet again, the tree got the instructions and stood down from the attack, almost looking like he was contemplating what to do with the one guy in his other hand. The man was not clearly too experienced with the supernatural, one being able to see that he had pissed himself from sheer terror.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rubbing her eyes until her sight returned, Adelle could only listen to the chaos outside until then, and the screams of terror and pain. When she was able to see again, Adelle looked outside at what was happening, seeing that she clearly didn't need to fire her gun any. She stayed her trigger finger for now and just watched as Oaken literally tore them to shreds. "Holy shit, I didn't realize Oaken was that damn strong," Adelle said to Luna as she watched.

When all was said and done, she could see that Oaken still had one of the guys left in his huge hand. "Luna, tell him not to kill the guy just yet," Adelle said to Luna as she slung her submachine gun over her shoulder and eased out the door, still fully nude.

Assuming Luna listened and Oaken didn't kill the guy, Adelle walked over with Luna and looked up at him. "I told you that it'd be the last lock you guys would ever picked. But you just had to try something stupid. Why'd Miguel send you? Come on speak up unless you want to get eaten by a giant tree like your pal there," Adelle told the remaining guy, staying behind Oaken as much as she could for cover in case there were others out there somewhere and glancing around to see who was peeking out their windows or were in the street watching.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Oaken had apparently stopped already, but Luna made sure that he would not burst into action by giving him a repeat order just in case. H-h-e wanted us to m-make sure that you would not telling anyone about certain events. But not kill you for some reason. I didn't sign up for this dammit.. the man managed to speak, the fixated stare of Ogre's single red eye keeping him busy looking elsewhere, so Adelle's nakedness went largely unnoticed by him at least. With a quick look, the busty girl would see that there was little happening besides the event at her house. Both of her neighbor's houses were dark, Boris possibly being out on a job as he was usually home at this hour. Only on the far side near the taller buildings was something, a slumped rag pile that was probably a homeless person of some description.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I figured he would do something like that. But problem is, I already have. I've told everybody I've come in contact with since then. So it's no secret at all really," Adelle said, looking around at the neighbors houses and seeing nobody there watching. "So tell me everything that you do know and I'll consider letting you go," Adelle went on to tell him.

"And are there any more of your friends about in hiding? Tell me now or we'll all get to see what the inside of your head looks like when my big friend there turns it inside out," She then asked as an afterthought, remaining behind Oaken as much as possible to prevent any possible snipers and keeping the pile of rags she noticed on the other side of Oaken just in case.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"N-n-n-no, of course not. Had we known about this thing, then we would have taken a sniper along. And a rocket launcher." the thug managed to spout, still rather terrified of his situation. The pile was not going everywhere or doing anything, not even moving in any perceivable way. Luna was looking down on the scene from the upper floor window, looking a bit manic again as there had been a burst of action.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That's good, because I wouldn't want to have to go flush them out for my big friend here. And you're absolutely positive about that?" Adelle replied to the guy, looking up with a serious look as she fingered the trigger on her submachine gun for him to see.

"What do you think we should do with him Luna? Maybe we can send him back as a warning not to fuck with us. But I'm not sure," Adelle called up to Luna, moving around in the meantime to check the other bodies for anything of value or for anything that could give her more information.

Any money, weapons, or gear that wasn't mangled by Oaken, she took and set in a pile near the garage door. Anything that was pretty messed up she set in an adjacent pile to take and sell for scrap somewhere, or to give to Isabelle for spare parts for her own weapon making.