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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The man came after Adelle once she had entered, locking the door after him to keep anyone from interrupting them, as unlikely as that would be. "I did mention that I was going to perform a check on your body, and that does involve measurements in addition to some other specifics. And yes, you need them for now." he confirmed the suspicion, though the idea of not having shackles was not something that he was planning, at least at that point. Getting his patient forward, the strange plague doctor would set Adelle up under the frame after getting rid of her blanket and loin cloth, lifting her wrist shackles up so they would catch on a hook above her head to keep her arms up. He also took some bigger leather cuffs down from the sides, attaching them just above the busty girl's knees despite them being higher up in the frame than was probably necessary. But there was probably some different end to their use, since they had long chains that extended beyond the frame. Most likely they would be used for suspension by getting her legs up into the air, considering her arms were already in prime position for that.

Having secured Adelle in the frame, the doctor went to his table to make a few notes in the paper before picking up a tape measure. He was practically religious when it came to picking up the numbers, the tape measure going around the busty girl's body in all the usual places where one would expect, her hips, waist and chest size all getting taken as the initial numbers that ended on the paper. But from there it went to some slightly less usual specs, like the neck, forehead, ankles and wrists as each of them was individually looked over and noted. So far, a good and even body all around. No major differences in these numbers. the man mentioned off-hand as he set the tape measure aside and picked up a larger set of that looked somewhat like pincers. Thankfully the points on the things were not sharp despite looking somewhat like they would be. These were used to take some more specific volume measurements of the huntress' breasts, the calipers pinching her slightly in a somewhat teasing way as he took both horizontal and vertical numbers from both tits individually. Further notes were made before the doctor moved his calipers onto her thighs, the same pinch applying to these measurements as the earlier ones on the upper area. "Yes, still looks really even. Symmetrical breasts in volume, and thighs are not worse in any way." he commented again as he set the pincer-calipers aside and picked up another one of the tools, a . This particular tool was used to pick up the sizes of Adelle's areolae and nipples, the latter areas getting a pinch yet again to tease her some more before the numbers were put down onto paper. It got slightly scare when the tool was brought right up to her eyes, the points coming just inches away from poking her right in them, which could have been bad. But they did not, merely taking another measure the best they could, which was the huntress' eye size for some weird reason.

Having used his tools for a bit, the doctor eventually laid down his caliper and notes. He didn't say anything while he moved around the frame, where Adelle could hear him fiddle with chains. Just then, she could feel her leg getting pulled up, and then the other. With practically no effort, the man had suspended her in the air with her legs spread, which certainly indicated where his next point of interest was. After securing the chains to keep his patient suspended, the doctor came back around to the table, where he picked up a that the busty girl knew was one that gynecologist used for vaginal examinations. It was a fairly long deal with two halves, the lower one having the lever for adjustment on it, and the whole thing was made from metal. Having the tool in his hand, the doctor made some further notes, which gave Adelle a brief period of peace from his tools.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle wasn't entirely sure what the good "doctor" here was going to try and do with these instruments, but nothing here looked any worse than she had ever seen at any other doctors place, and the woman had told him no bloodshed no matter what. However that didn't mean she would be just fine either because the nun had stated she needed to be taught a lesson and all. She did complain when he took her blanket and the barely there skirt, but she couldn't really stop him without attacking, so she merely gave a disgruntled look at him.

"Oh come on, you could have at least left the skirt. And if you're just taking measurements then we don't need this contraption here, I won't run if it's just that," Adelle said, blushing and looking away when her blanket and skirt were taken after she'd finally gotten to cover herself back up again for a little while.

Once she was in place on the contraption, Adelle's cheeks remained pink with embarrassment while the guy did all of the normal measurements she'd expected, but it didn't really frighten her any... at least not yet anyway. When he moved on to some more measurements such as her neck and whatnot, Adelle did feel a bit weirded out, but wasn't overly frightened by it. When he offhandedly commented on her being good and even all around, Adelle actually felt a bit nice at hearing that.

"W-Well thanks... I try to take good care of myself," she replied as he picked up the calipers next and pinched her breasts with them to continue the measurements before he got the smaller set of calipers and measured her nipples and whatnot, which made her tense a bit from the cold metal tool. "Gah... that's cold. And... thanks again... I guess. My tits have always been perfectly even... at least according to the doctor my parents always took me to for checkups anyway," Adelle then said, a bit slower as he measured her eyes with her staying perfectly still so he didn't slip and poke her eyes.

She stood there watching the guy writing down the rest of his numbers before he moved around behind her, where she tried to look over her shoulder at what he was doing. Before she could ask him though she felt her legs being hoisted up by the chains, where she gave a surprised yelp as her body was being suspended in the air, her legs wriggling a bit as she tried to close them futilely, her cheeks red as beets.

When she saw his next instrument, Adelle gulped a bit. Why was she being given a physical examination like this? The only thing she could think of was that he was going to do something afterwards and then she started getting worried again. "H-Hey... come on now, what're you doing?" Adelle asked a bit frantically while still trying to close her legs.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sudden nervousness was apparently playing right into the doctor's bag, who was starting to look a little more intense as a result, or at least that much could be made out from just his eyes. "Oh, I think you should know what this is for. And I am going to examine you with it, regardless of what you have to say about the matter." he answered as he returned to the situation at hand from writing his notes. He was apparently not one dally or keep his patients waiting, for he was quick in making it back and going down on one knee in front of Adelle to prepare. "Right, we'll start with the exam now. It should not take long." he announced as he brought the speculum up and lined it up. The initial touch was not all that pleasant, considering it was a tool made from metal and thus somewhat cold. The tool started to go into the busty girl's privates in a determined pace that was not particularly restrained nor considerate towards her in any way. Within the minute, the so-called jaws of the examination tool were against her cervix, the entire process being something that was not meant to be enjoyed and thus offered little joy for Adelle herself. With the tool in place, the doctor started to turn the nut on the lower part and spread the huntress apart with the help of his tool. He clearly knew the limits that he could go to, going as wide as he possibly could without it starting to be painful. "Hmm..." Adelle could hear him remark as he analyzed her depths for a while, then return to the notes and scrawl something down, not bothering with removing the tool just yet. He spent a minute or so at the papers, taking a look at the gaping pussy here and there before he stopped and came back again to start the removal of the speculum, which took a little as well.

Having finished, the doctor set down his tool and went around Adelle to lower her back to her feet before coming back to write a little more. "Not bad... there's been some use there lately, which is a little disappointing, but you can't have everything I guess." he mentioned another bit of analysis while he finished.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Blushing profusely, Adelle could really only watch as the "Doctor" spoke and finished with his papers before coming back over to her, the speculum in hand. "W-Well at least make sure it's not so cold or... g-gah!" Adelle began saying just as the doc pressed the tool into her tight little pussy, with her gasping and letting out a small groan of discomfort at the coldness of the metal tool.

She visibly tensed as he did this, and he showed no gentleness or consideration for her in any way it seemed, with Adelle grunting and even groaning in pain as the tool was fully inserted inside of her and he began turning the nut to open her flower up for his examination. By the time he'd finished doing that, she felt a few tears forming in her eyes at the slight bit of pain from the coldness of the tool and the sheer lack of gentleness he'd showed in its insertion. Thankfully he didn't cruelly try to spread her open more than she could handle, but that did not really help her any.

"W-Why are you... examining me like this?" Adelle asked as he looked up inside of her and then returned to his papers to write something else down before returning and quite slowly removing the tool from her as her pussy quickly closed along with it, showing just how tight she was.

Shuddering a bit as the doc lowered her legs back down, Adelle blushed and watched him as he spoke again while finishing his writing. "Would you have wanted me to have been a virgin instead then?" she asked slowly while he finished writing.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Why, you ask... Why not, you should ask." the doctor made another somewhat cryptic statement about the nature of this whole thing and what reasons he had for it. "But of course... there is always a little more excitement and raw feeling to be had when something like one's first time is in my hands in a manner such as this. It is... simply exhilarating, usually. The variety of reactions is quite something else when it comes to this." he went on about the whole matter of having virgins to play with and the mental side of things that he appeared to enjoy for a fair bit.

Dealing with the questionable examination had left Adelle little opportunity to look around, but during the brief period of rest while the doctor was scrawling his notes she could do that. The basement room they were in was not particularly welcoming to say the least, looking a fair bit like a medieval torture chamber crossbreeding with a surgery hall and a doctor's room. All of the usual suspects that one would find in a dungeon like this were there, and the torture devices were not really maintained, so they were stained with some remains of old "patients" in the form of dried blood and other body fluids. Some of the devices were covered up with heavy cloth covers, and these appeared to be the ones that the doctor was looking to get data on. Going over to one, he removed the covers to reveal a somewhat simple device, basically a treadmill with pulleys on both sides that had a wire between them. The wire itself was not quite the usual deal, having marble orbs set between regular intervals running along the entire length of it. On the back, a tank that contained some form of green liquid was suspended over the wheels, a simple switch allowing the release of the contents. Finally, there was a small control board next to the tank, a fairly simple deal that had only about ten switches and buttons to operate the machine. At the moment, the machine was not operational, everything being offline and the wire was hanging down a fair bit as it had no tension right then. The doctor then came up to the busty girl to release her from the hook of the frame, which allowed her to walk again, but she still had the shackles on. "That machine is what we are using now. Go, get on it." he told her, poking her in the back to enforce the suggestion in a mild enough manner.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Listening to his replies to her questions, Adelle shuddered slightly, unsure what to really think about what he'd said about virgins. The place could be a bit more maintained she noticed while he was scribbling whatever down in his notes about her, as it was quite dirty. The old dried bloodstains and other various fluids whatnot were fairly creepy to see, but she tried to keep from showing it. When he went over and removed the cover on the other device or whatever it was, Adelle tensed slightly and watched him get whatever the thing was ready.

When he got her down from where she was and poked her in the back, she tensed slightly but walked over to the new device as instructed. "Alright alright, I'm going I'm going. What's this thing going to do? Or at least tell me what that liquid is," Adelle said as she got up onto the device as told, not wanting to anger the man since he was almost doing a physical of sorts and not actually hurting her... yet at least, though that speculum was quite cold.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For a moment, the man did not answer as he was busy with his console, the push of a button powering it up once Adelle had stepped onto the treadmill and lifted her leg over the orb-laden wire that was still without tension and thus quite limp. "It's nothing special, just a test of endurance. That liquid is just there to prevent friction burns, so you might say that it is lubrication." he spoke up eventually though as he adjusted some switches on the control console, that particular adjustment causing the wire to tense up. It came up relatively slowly but steadily, another adjustment raising the level of the pulleys to go a little ways past the busty girl's waistline, apparently an optimal level for what was going to happen. The wire eventually caught up, digging itself into Adelle's crotch in a rather suggestive way, one orb being conveniently located right under her and teasing her privates as the wire brought the two into contact. "This should not be hard to understand. Try not to trip, it could be painful to fall onto your face, and I'd hate to explain it to the others." the doctor instructed her as he turned yet another switch to a desired position, this one starting up the mechanism that operated the pulleys, which made the wire start spinning around. It was a relatively slow pace, perhaps for a reason as the entire wire was still without lubrication and might cause some burns if set into full force right away. The man stepped away from his console then, going over to open up the valve of the lube tank which started to leak the strangely green lube liquid onto the wire and the beads. He went over to get his paper afterwards as the machine operating, the feel of it being rather enjoyable as each orb on the wire bumped Adelle's clit and her nether lips as they went by in the slow rotation, even swiping at her ass a little as they passed along her crack. The teasing was constant as well since the whole line kept going in circles on the pulleys, but it was still more on the enjoyable side as the grind was slow.

"Let us see if you can actually work for it." the man remarked as he stepped back in front of the console, another switch activating the treadmill and making the whole deal a little harder to deal with as Adelle now had to walk against the wire in order to keep herself up and increasing the level of pleasure along the way as well. It was still easy as the line was slow and the treadmill was set to casual walking speed, but something told her that it was not going to be this way the entire time, especially as she still had the shackles on her hands to make things interesting.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she got up onto the treadmill, Adelle nearly stumbled when she stepped her leg over the wire with the orbs all over it, but she maintained her footing, figuring a fall wouldn't help her any since she might get hurt even if it was just a small fall. When he spoke finally about the whole contraption, Adelle sighed a bit, putting two and two together and coming up with a machine intended to tease her... well maybe not her specifically, but anyone who had the misfortune of being put on it.

"Or... we could just let me sleep until time comes to talk... just a thought," Adelle said with a gasp as soon as the wire was lifted up and one of the orbs pressed against her slit.

As soon as he turned the conveyor on and the orb wire began spinning in its long laps around, rubbing each orb against her clit, then her pussy, and then up her perfect heart shaped ass, Adelle gasped and clenched her eyes shut for a few moments. She was trying to hold back any moans of pleasure, despite how nice it felt, not wanting to moan like a slut this early into this... test as he called it. She wanted to at least make him work for a moan by turning the thing up first.

"Aw... you asshole, that's just mean. If I fall and bust my face, I'm gonna smack you," Adelle whined when he turned the treadmill on, forcing her to walk or fall down, which wasn't all that tough for now, but she knew he'd ramp the pace up as soon as the orbs were well lubed up with the liquid. She'd play along for now though, doing her best to keep her footing while walking, hoping she didn't fall... but she knew that her legs would wobble and threaten to give out if she had an orgasm, especially a good one.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, I could hang a chain on your bindings to make it safer but... that's not as fun to watch as this." the doctor replied as he followed the action from behind his console, letting the machine have a few slow rounds as it collected lube and kept on gently molesting Adelle as it did so. But as expected, the easy time was only going to be the early moments, and as soon as there was a satisfactory level of lubrication done, he turned the power up a few clicks to start the real ordeal. Suddenly the orb-laden line moved a good bit faster, the intensity of the teasing picking up in equal amount as the marble orbs started grinding themselves into her in a faster pace. Thankfully he had not decided to increase the speed of the treadmill as going faster on this contraption would have been a huge pain in the current position that the busty girl was in. In all likeness, it would probably not even end up being used at higher settings.

Picking up his notes, the doctor left the current settings on as he took off from his position, analyzing the situation from a few different angles as he let Adelle be tormented by his machine for a good while, taking notes here and there. About what these notes would be was something that one could only question, though the situation looked more like was just him taking in the different looks that the busty girl would have during the constant teasing that she was being subjected to on the machine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As the orbs slowly did a few teasing laps across her sensitive clit, pussy, and asshole, Adelle's legs quivered slightly as she started feeling the lubed up orbs come back across her. When the speed increased little by little as he turned it up some, Adelle couldn't help but let out a little moan as she kept walking. The pleasure caused her to stumble a little bit but she kept her footing and didn't beg him to stop it, not willing to let him have the satisfaction of hearing her beg. It was feeling kind of good though, if only she didn't have to walk while the machine did its work... and if she didn't have the "doctor" watching her while this machine went at her.

"Hey pal... y-you mind me asking about what all of your notes are for? Just curious what this um... test is about and what you could learn from it," Adelle asked him, biting her bottom lip as one of the orbs hit her clit just perfectly to make her gasp.

As time progressed, Adelle's teasing would continue to wear her defenses down and she began moaning every little bit. Soon enough though her legs would become a bit unsteady and force her to plant her feet better and lean against the orbs a bit more to maintain her footing, though it was easy to see that by that point she was trying to grind herself against the orbs to increase her pleasure enough to tip her over the edge as her pussy was flooding with her juices and lubing the orbs up a little more as they passed across her sensitive folds. He'd soon get a good moan from her though as she ground her pussy against the orbs a bit, a moan that left her breathless for a few moments.

"Damn... you really... know how to get a girl... all hot and bothered. Could do with a contraption like this... in my house," she panted after a few minutes, her eyes fluttering a bit from the pleasure which was good, but not enough just yet to make her cum.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't you worry about that, my dear. Just focus on the task at hand." the doctor shushed off Adelle's inquiries about his notes and whatever their relevance was to anything really. He did not appear to be too satisfied with what he had gotten out from her after enough time had passed on the treadmill, and he soon moved back to his console, even after the slight moan. "That is some resistance right there. But how good is your tolerance when it comes to stronger force? Let's find out." he announced the intent to turn up the heat on the blue-haired girl, and did exactly that. The line must have been running on medium speed or something previously as it still got a good spell faster when the switch was turned. Now, Adelle really had to work to be able to keep herself composed, and the doctor was not letting her go easy as she was still not given any rest as the almost chainsaw-like speed of the line worked on her. And just like before, the man left the console to observe her with his notes, letting the grind carry on for a good couple of minutes to take everything in.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-Well... I'm curious... and it'd do a lot to ease my fears and stuff if I knew what was... h-happening," Adelle replied in a shaky voice as the machine continued to grind the orbs into her crotch area, her will starting to break a bit from the constant pleasure.

When he spoke again and turned the speed up, Adelle's legs quivered as a moan burst from her lips, her cheeks starting to turn red as the orbs hit her most sensitive spots perfectly. After about half a minute or so into the high speed setting, Adelle let loose with a louder and lewder moan as she felt her body tense as she reached a fast and powerful climax, her toes curling as she momentarily stopped walking on the treadmill, but before she went off the back end of the treadmill she started walking a bit quicker again for a few moments.

"O-Oh fuck me... c-cumming!" Adelle panted as her chest heaved, causing her large breasts to bounce deliciously.

The orbs didn't slow down though and kept hitting Adelle's sensitive spots perfectly over and over, dragging out the pleasure on her now overly sensitive clit and pussy, while when they hit her ass it only added to the pleasure. After another half a minute to forty five seconds, Adelle's moans turned into squeals as she came again, her body tensing while her back arched a bit. Her legs were wobbly by that point, but still holding her weight up strong enough to keep her from falling.

Moments before he turned the machine off after leaving it running for two to three minutes, Adelle squealed a third time in climax, her body well warmed up now as her pussy quivered as each orb rubbed across her loins. "F-FUCK YES... C-CUMMING AGAIN!" Adelle cried as her third climax hit... hard.

Her legs wobbled dangerously and unless the "doctor" moved to catch her, Adelle would fall forward as her legs finally gave out from three fast and powerful orgasms in quick succession. She was panting heavily which made her breasts jiggle each time she let out a breath, her hands holding onto whatever she could grab to keep her from falling, but if the "doctor" caught her, Adelle would go limp in his arms as her body shuddered.

"Oh god... t-too much... c-can't feel my legs. Please... n-need to rest... a l-little bit... b-before any more. A-At least if I'm gonna... b-be standing for it. If... y-you're going to put me... into another machine... w-would be nice to hurry it up and keep me going... n-now that you've gotten me... all warmed up though," Adelle panted to the good "doctor" as soon as she was able to catch her breath when he had gotten all the notes he wanted, making it obvious that she didn't mind more, but making her stand wasn't going to happen most likely he'd notice surely.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The doctor followed Adelle squirm on the machine, probably getting his pleasure from watching her struggle against the arousal that the relentless device subjected her to. He kept going with his notes as well, though he did slow down once he saw the busty girl climax for the first time, probably seeing if he was needed to keep her from tripping up on the treadmill. But as he noticed that she managed to keep from tripping, he stepped back again to observe until the next one came out, where he was forced to act as he saw Adelle start to plummet. Dropping his pen, the man reached out with his hand in a rather quick maneuver, hooking it under the huntress' arm to keep her from hitting the ground while turning the treadmill off with his other hand and dropping the clipboard onto the console. "Hmph, not quite impressive." he commented as he helped Adelle lay down on the floor from her hanging position for a little bit.

While Adelle took a rest on the floor, the doctor went ahead to remove another sheet from a covered device, this one turning out to be something that looked like a slightly larger than necessary coffin or similar that was standing up. Rods with hydraulics and wires connected to them were scattered all over the outer shell and likely went inside the machine as well. Opening up the front, the doctor revealed that the insides had a whole bunch of knobs that looked like massager heads on the other sides of the rods. This machine too had a console, and the doc turned the thing on before coming over to the busty girl. "Enough rest. Get up, and step in there, your front towards the door." he instructed Adelle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Leaning heavily on the orbs and the arm of the "doctor", Adelle stopped walking as soon as the treadmill was off again and quite thankful that it had been turned off. With her body twitching and her chest heaving a bit as he helped her lay down, Adelle rested as much as she could, her sex quivering almost hungrily for more. "I-It may not be impressive for your liking... b-but damn was it impressive to to my liking," Adelle murmured softly when she heard his comment as she lay there.

Adelle lay there and watched curiously as the "doctor" readied his next device, her breathing starting to calm down a bit as she did. Seeing the new device, Adelle shuddered a bit as it sort of reminded her of an Iron Maiden... though fixed up differently of course. When the "doctor" told her to get up, she sluggishly picked herself up, her body still buzzing a bit from her previous orgasms, where she did as told and stepped into the thing and prepared herself for whatever this new thing was.

"So... this looks like an iron maiden you... modified. Anything I need to know?" Adelle said to the "doctor", looking curious as she touched one of the massaging rods as she stepped inside, less scared now and more intrigued at his devices.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, I don't think you need to know much. Don't try to struggle at the door, it won't open from within." the doctor told Adelle as he followed her get into the machine. It was not as tight and constrictive as one might imagine an iron maiden to be, there being a fair amount of space all around the busty girl. She could shift herself into different directions about a dozen inches if she wanted, though it would not do much to help her escape. The only real way to make any observation to the outside was the hole that was about the size of her face that had been made onto the appropriate height at the front, the two being able to look at each other.

Flipping a switch, the doctor started the machine, which did not reveal it's purpose right away. But soon Adelle could feel it as one of the various massager heads pushed forward inside the container, poking her square in the right tit and remaining there for a while to stimulate her with a bunch of vibration. Eventually it retreated, and another one surprised the busty girl by coming in to tease her butt with further vibrations. This started to go on for a bit as the machine poked the massagers in and out at random patterns, one device at a time coming in to tease the huntress more or less for a while as the locations they aimed at were not always erogenous zones.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle shrugged as he told her she didn't need to know, climbing into the machine as told. Finding she had more room than an iron maiden would give, Adelle stood in the middle of all the massaging rods and looked out the slit to the outside. "So is this to test how still I can stand?" Adelle asked curiously as she stood there waiting for something to happen, and looking a bit bored.

That was until she felt one of the massager heads push out and into her right breast, where her eyes fluttered a bit. The stimulation was quite nice and she sighed at the pleasant feeling of it. When the first massager retreated back to its original position, Adelle sighed a bit before the next one came out and went against her butt. She jumped a little bit and leaned back a bit into that particular massager head to press it forward. At any point she got one coming in at her lower back, Adelle sighed softly and leaned back into it just like she would every other one of them, pressing into it and enjoying the massaging against her back.

At any point if one of them came up from below and pressed right into her pussy, Adelle would moan out loud and revel in the pleasure that one brought, whining a bit as it retreated from her. "Aw... you damn tease machine," Adelle would grumble at the machine when any of the massage heads retreated before really finishing her off. It was serving to keep her warmed up though, as her pussy was still very moist and ready for more action like with the orbs.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The doctor sighed a bit under his mask as he heard even more questions coming his way, not bothering to answer any more at that point. Maybe he was getting broken off from the experience or possibly not having the expectations he had imagined being met by the constant questions.

After the brief bit of time being spent in the machine, Adelle was introduced to the higher settings almost straight away, the dial going near the max probably as the massagers started coming out in force, three of them poking her each time they changed with harsher vibration than before. There were still the occasional random "safe" place pokes here and there, but it was still a harder setting overall as she did get stimulated in some critical area of the body each time a change happened. Letting the machine work for him, the doctor left the control console and came over to observe the busty girl in the only way he could, by looking at her face through the hole in the front. It was somewhat creepy, but the machine was doing it's best to make the experience not quite as uncomfortable as being molested while ogled by a creepy-masked and possibly slightly insane guy should be.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the doctor sigh as she asked more questions, Adelle sighed herself and shut up for now, just mumbling to herself more than anything since it seemed to be irritating him, and she didn't want to piss him off more than she already had most likely from her questions. When the massager heads were turned up to max power, Adelle yelped as she felt one poke right between her buttcheeks while another went for her left breast and a third for the side of her neck.

Adelle closed her eyes as the things changed tempo and where they poked her at, giggling ticklishly when any went at her stomach or sides, moaning softly when they hit her more sensitive areas as she tried to keep from moaning like a slut, biting her lip on those occasions. As time went on, the doctor coaxed a few louder and lewder moans from Adelle, her mental defenses crumbling after the sustained barrage of stimulation in various places and not knowing where the next would come from.

Finally, when one of the massager heads darted out and pressed directly against her clit while one hit both nipples, Adelle came again, squealing a bit as both her juices streamed down her legs while her milk squirted out of her breasts, covering the massager heads and the inside of the device with both fluids. "F-Fuck me... t-too sensitive. Please stop, l-let me catch my breath at least... b-before you start it back up," Adelle begged the doctor, which was likely giving him the thrill he'd wanted to hear her beg for him to stop.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Among all the stimulation, Adelle could catch the doctor chuckling at her plight in the confines of his mask. He really did appear to be getting his kicks from the whole act, even if it was somewhat difficult to tell with the mask and hat there. "That sounds like you are asking for mercy. That is not really my thing. Enjoy this for a bit more, I need to prepare the next device for you." he told her when asked for rest, the request falling on deaf ears as the man left her sight to prepare the next one for her to be put into, letting the relentless container machine to molest the busty girl for a couple of minutes more.

Once he had finished, the doctor came back to Adelle, stopping the machine as soon as he did. He did not appear to be particularly interested in having her stuck inside the current device anymore, and thus did not really care how close to another orgasm she might have been in as he cut the power and opened the front. "Get out already, the next phase is ready." he ordered the busty girl to come along to the next spot. The new device was the smallest so far, looking like it was a motorcycle seat mounted on a strong metal frame held atop an equally strong-looking hydraylic array. There was a small box area in front of the seat that somewhat looked like it simulated a gas tank in some vague way, and it even had handles on the side of this box that could make it look like the person on it was riding on a bike. Like the first machine, this thing had a tank of liquid behind it, but this liquid was clearly water instead of anything suspicious like the lube in the first one had been. A hole ran through the middle of the seat, enabling access from underneath in case there was need to play around with the rider somehow. And it looked like Adelle was going for a ride on the thing. The doctor had something for her first though, as he held out a some panties made from black leather for her to wear. "Put those on, then you can hop on. The ride is going to start." he told her, the nature of the panties becoming somewhat dubious as the huntress saw them having a pluggable hole on the front, one that looked like it could be used to attach different things onto.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Her pleas being virtually ignored by the doctor, Adelle grabbed hold of the side of the massager heads to hold herself up, barely managing to maintain her footing. She did indeed enjoy the device, pressing her rear back against the massager heads so they could pleasure her more. She was about halfway to another orgasm when he opened the device she was currently in, so she wasn't too miffed about being ordered out of it.

Adelle stumbled forward and out of the thing, panting a bit as she held onto the side of it to steady herself. Unless he pushed her along or threatened to, Adelle would take a few moments to catch her breath, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal. After a few seconds of catching her breath, assuming she was allowed to, Adelle walked over to the new device as instructed and mentally prepared herself for this new one, idly wondering what it would do exactly.

When he handed her the strange panties, Adelle took them and looked at them curiously a moment before slipping them on. After putting them on she hopped on as instructed and prepared for the thing to begin. "So... what's the panties for, hmm?" Adelle asked curiously, though she didn't expect an answer, nor did she press for one, figuring the doctor might get angry if she nagged him for one.