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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For her part, Rachaela did not appear to have an answer to the dilemma that they were faced with from the newest wish of Amelia's. "Can't say that I'd know of something like that. I have never really needed any further excitement after doing a job. Those are really the only times I personally experience it, not at home, and have not really searched for it outside in the city either." the mage revealed the lack of interest towards exciting and possibly dangerous things outside of jobs that she had. "I'm not sure if this is the best possible idea, but maybe we could take her along for a small job? Or maybe just go looking at random locations that might not be the best for us?" she suggested afterwards, offering a possible solution.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... the small job idea might be a good one maybe," Adelle said, looking thoughtful for a moment before looking over at Amelia. "What do you think Amelia? Can you fight or anything? Just in case I mean, though I doubt you'd need to, but never hurts to be prepared," Adelle went on to ask Amelia, wondering if she could defend herself in an emergency, which Adelle was assuming she could since she hadn't seen any guards with the girl as of yet, so surely she could take care of herself to some degree at least.

"Heh, sex is always exciting from what I hear though... gods I can't believe I said that," Adelle said jokingly after a few moments, shaking her head with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks for even mentioning that.

If Amelia agreed to going with them on a quick and easy, yet fun and exciting job, then Adelle would lead the way back to the bar where they'd talk to Samson about one that was right up their alley. If by some chance Amelia liked the second suggestion, which had been only intended as a joke by Adelle, then the busty girl would blush as they headed to Rachaela's, quietly following them both as she did and feeling like she shouldn't have even joked about it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose?" was the very vague answer that Adelle got from Amelia when it came to defending herself. The second suggestion that she made caused a more subdued, yet still clear message from the princess, who basically had the "What the hell" expression on her face. It did not look like they would be taking this to Rachaela's just like that, so the group went back into the hunter's bar for the more serious alternative.

Going for another request was fruitful, a job from within the guild itself being presented to the trio. Apparently it was somewhat similar to the task that Adelle had taken a few days ago by herself, checking out and possibly cleaning up another property of the group.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I was only joking about the sex thing, gods again I can't believe I said that," Adelle said when Amelia gave her the look at the second suggestion she'd given, which had only been a joke to begin with.

Heading back to the bar, they talked with Samson and Shiulin and and found another job easily enough. From the sounds of it this new job was similar to the one she'd done that involved the Roper pods from the other day, which still made her shudder at the thought of what might have happened if that one had managed to snatch her up, though she had a pretty good idea as to what would have happened, which was one reason why she'd collected those two... well that and out of curiosity as to what they actually were. Agreeing to tackle that job for the hunter group, Adelle stood up and glanced to Rachaela and then Amelia.

"Well I'm ready when you both are, so we can go whenever, though I'd prefer sooner rather than later myself," Adelle told them both, ready to go when they were both ready. Once they were ready and on their way, Adelle would eagerly lead the way forth and onto the area in question, a bit fired up about another job and the possibility of maybe finding something interesting and making more money.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The leaders provided a map for the trio to use, and they looked it over to see that the place was not all that far from the one that Adelle had operated at previously. Maybe the surrounding area was something of an industry hub, or at least a warehouse concentration. Going there proved to be no problem as the paths leading there were only a little off to the side from the main roads, and the trio arrived in short order. The doors were unlocked for them as an employee of some sort had likely passed by on orders to clear them a way inside. Still, scouting inside would be hard as the windows were high on the wall, some fifteen feet up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Huh, this isn't too far from that warehouse I went to the other day by myself. Well then I'll lead the way," Adelle said as they checked the map, seeing the other place she'd gone to the other day nearby the one they were supposed to go to now.

Thanking the leaders for the map and job, Adelle led them on towards the place in question, with no real trouble along the way even on the side path leading over to the building itself. Seeing that they wouldn't be able to get a good look inside before going in because of the windows being so high up, Adelle shrugged her shoulders. "Well shoot, there any ladders around I could climb up and peek inside through the windows?" Adelle asked the other two as she began looking around for either a ladder or something else to climb on. She even looked to any adjacent buildings for a way up to the tops of them to peek through the windows on the one they were supposed to investigate.

If nothing could be found to climb on to see inside before going on in, then Adelle would heave a sigh and glance over at her companions before unbuckling her old pistol from over her right leg where she had it, where she then handed it to Amelia if she didn't have a weapon of some sort herself. "Here you can use my old pistol for now, my dad got me this before I left home to come here. Try and stay back a bit if anything is inside and take a shot at it when you get a chance. I'll stay up front with my other stuff and keep anything inside off of you two," Adelle told Amelia as she helped her buckle the thing onto her right leg for now, handing her a couple of speed loaders of bullets to reload if she needed to. "Just breathe and squeeze the trigger after aiming carefully at what you're wanting to shoot. Just... try and not hit me or Rachaela alright, or yourself,and be careful of shooting metal things inside because bullets can ricochet around and possibly hit one of us," Adelle added to her, giving her a couple of pointers on how to use her gun, and after they left she could get the thing back.

With that, regardless of if she managed to see inside or not beforehand, Adelle would carefully open the door and step inside, with Amelia and Rachaela likely close behind. Keeping a close eye out as she passed through the doorway, Adelle wondered just what might be in here as she began to look around for anything suspicious, like more of those Roper pods from the other place.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With a brief look, Adelle could find a ladder on one side of the wall, but there was no reaching it as most of the ladder had long since rusted and chipped away. Only a small piece of it remained attached to the edge of the roof, which she could not really reach from street level.

Amelia still did not unveil a hidden weapon, so she took the revolver with a somewhat uncertain look. Even if she appeared to be against strapping the gun to her leg, she still did let Adelle do it. "Oooohkay, I'll try to not mess things up." she said as the girls opened up the door.

Opening the door brought a situation right to them, as there was something standing around right by the entrance. But it was not quite an ordinary thing that was waiting. No, what the girls were faced with right at the door was pretty much what one would describe as an Aztec or Inca wall mural come to life, depicting a monkey with an ornate head-dress and a small decorative... thingy hanging from it's tail. But that was just not enough to make it weird, the strange creature also had a visual side that was all flashing color, making it look like a rave party as it blinked through all the colors and then some in an extremely rapid manner that was pretty offensive to the eyes unless you liked those kinds of acid trips.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well damn, looks like we're going in blind girls," Adelle said after noticing the old rusted and broken ladder. "And don't worry Amelia, you'll do just fine, I know it. I do this kinda thing every day pretty much, and it is really exhilarating and fun for the most part. And jobs like these aren't overly dangerous really, though they can get a bit messy," Adelle told Amelia to encourage her and help keep her calm as they went in.

When they opened the door they came face to face with apparently whatever they'd been sent to investigate... at least Adelle thought so anyway. Whatever the hell this thing was it was very weird to Adelle, and made her do a double take when she first saw it to make sure she wasn't just seeing things. The thing was alive apparently she could tell as it blinked at the trio, where Adelle then glanced over at Rachaela with a look of wonder. "Rachaela... w-what is that thing exactly? Is that what we're after you think?" Adelle asked the mage sister curiously as she eyed the crazy looking thing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The thing that they were facing did cause a fair deal of confusion in Rachaela as well, the mage girl looking at what they were facing with a dumbstruck look. "I'd tell you if I knew. Right now, I really don't." she replied. Amelia, on the other hand, got pretty psyched as she saw the strange being. "Whoa, that's a flashy neon sign right there. I think." the princess expressed her thoughts as she skipped past the two and took a closer look. This did not seem to be a smart move as the flashing acid monkey began to show signs of agitation upon being approached too personally. While it did not change expression in any manner, there were clear signs of it detectable in it's body language.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing Rachaela's reaction didn't encourage Adelle much, though she couldn't suppress a chuckle as she turned back to the thing while Amelia spoke up. "W-Wait Amelia, be careful, looks like it doesn't want anyone getting too close to it just yet," Adelle said quickly upon seeing the thing getting a bit worked up by the princess's approach.

Putting a hand on Amelia's shoulder to stop her from getting any closer, Adelle held up her other hand in a gesture of peace to try and calm the creature. "Whoa there big guy, easy does it, calm down calm down, I don't wanna have to put you down. Aaaand you have no idea what I'm saying do you?" Adelle said to the thing as she attempted to calm it down, unsure if it understood her gesture or anything.

She didn't really want to fight and have to kill this thing if she could help it, but she was fairly certain that this was what they came here to get rid of. Maybe they could chase it out and into the sewers or back into them if that's where it'd come from, she only needed to get past it to see if there was a place they could get it to go down. "I'll have a quick look around to see if there's a grate or something to open and chase it down into the sewers, because I'd say this is what we're here to investigate or get rid of, if I had to guess," Adelle said, then attempted to move around the creature, giving it a wide berth as she did so to have a look around the building to see if there was anything else to see, and to check for a place to chase the thing out that didn't lead into the city.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Stopping Amelia was probably a smart move as the monkey thing did not agitate further when not approached any more than they already had. Talking to it did not really appear to resolve the situation in any direction, but as Adelle sought a way around the thing, it screeched at her in the usual monkey fashion and flailed arms at her before climbing the wall and scampering into the air duct that was in the small entry room.

Using the only door there was besides the entry revealed some more messed-up things happening. There was basically no warehouse there, a pitch-black void appearing instead of any man-made construction. Strangely enough, there appeared to be an invisible floor that they could walk on. Somewhere deep under the floor, another strange Aztec-style mural creature could be seen floating around. This time it appeared to be human, though it was huge and had a pair of tentacles sprouting from it's back as well as a long tongue with a triangle-shaped bit at the tip. While the size was a little intimidating, it did not appear to be doing anything besides floating about. Another feature in this place was the periodically placed arms that grasped at the air being located here and there in a mostly non-threatening placement scheme that did not appear to have any rhyme or reason to it. A few concentrations could be seen, but the hand either did not appear to be all that hostile, plus they seemed to be immobile as well. Doors could be seen in the distance, one in each compass direction other than the girl's current one.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Just as she'd suspected Adelle's words apparently had no effect on the beast, whatever it was. Jumping back quickly out of surprise and fright, Adelle watched as the thing shrieked at her and flailed about before climbing and scampering off into the nearby air duct. Looking over her shoulder back at the two, Adelle shook her head a bit at what they'd just witnessed before heading for the doorway leading in further. She curiously wondered what they'd find further in, though at the same time she feared what they might find as well, especially after that strange monkey creature.

"Whoa, now this is freaky. What the hell happened to the warehouse? And what the hell is that thing down there I wonder? I hope it stays down there whatever it is," Adelle said as they entered the next room and the empty void like room it seemed to be. "Looks like we're in for the freaky on this one Amelia rather than the dangerous I think... though I could be wrong," Adelle added to the princess as she looked around and spotted the doors around them as well as the arms sprouting from all around them.

"Alright you two, what do you think? Split up some or stick together? If we split up then I'll go east while you two pick another door. Might be more risky, but the sooner we get outta this freaky place the better I think. If we stay together... well that's up to you girls I suppose, but I'll vote east," Adelle asked the two once they were in the room proper, staying away from the arms reaching out at them as best she could, because while they didn't seem overly threatening she was positive that they'd grab or attempt to grab them if they got close.

Once the girls made up their minds about whether or not to split up, Adelle drew her sword from its sheath and prepare to move eastwards, whether with Amelia and Rachaela or without, as she was leaving that up to the two of them. As she moved on, Adelle kept a close eye around for anything that seemed... well not suspicious as the whole situation was that, but anything that stood out more so than the rest of it.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Perhaps unsurpringly, both of the other girls were against the idea of splitting up as the place could end up being as infinately unpredictable as it was confusing. With some route management, they could make it to the eastern door without needing to approach the arms too closely, which somehow opened up to another room despite looking like it was just a door that was standing in the middle of the blackness. And while there might have been some suspicions about it, the strange Aztec-man just floated on at the assumed bottom like nothing was happening as they went.

What awaited them beyond the next door was somewhat identical to the previous room, another black void with the same invisible floor. This place had no strange floater in the lower section, but there was a maze-like structure that would most likely need to be navigated if they wanted to proceed. The walls of the maze served as a highlight to the inhabitants of the maze, which were many and varied. Worm-like creatures that stood upright with their long bodies and wiggled about with a silly expression, cartoonish heads with long snake tongues, round creatures with small legs and an antenna on them and some kind of wireframe pinball machines, all of them sharing the acid trip flashing that the monkey from before did. A relaxed and quiet techno beat could be heard as well, from who knows where.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Weaving their way around the room so they didn't come in contact with the arms all about the place, Adelle led them towards the eastern doorway, agreeing that splitting up was likely too risky since they were in an unknown place. "Aye, probably for the best to stick together for now at least. Since we don't know what the hell might happen while we're in here," Adelle said as they made their way to the next room.

Upon entering the eastern room, Adelle was again taken aback at the strange looking place, the void didn't really bother her that much now all that much, but the psychedelic colors and music she could hear were starting to make her feel a little like dancing around without a care in the world as if she were in a club. Shaking her butt and hips a little bit to the beat they heard as she went, Adelle led the way up to the maze like area before them and looked at the murals of what she was assuming they could expect to see within.

"Alrighty, those things don't look too friendly so let's stay together and hope we don't run into any of them. I'll go first and take the lead a few feet, so if something grabs me you'll have time to hop back before you get grabbed too," Adelle said as she bravely stepped forward and into the maze, her blade ready to swing as she figured unless they were on a straight away area then her guns wouldn't be as useful.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Heading into the maze proved to as non-hostile as the room before, the inhabitants not really looking to mess with any other beings that came into the place. They moved about in random directions as they desired, short distances at a time before stopping and moving to another direction. None of them actively chased the group, but they did not change direction on them either, so it brought about a few situations where some of them almost bowled one of the girls over with their determined movement patterns.

The maze itself proved to be a bit more logical than the behavior of the inhabitants, made up from rooms of the same size in all directions.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they made their way into the maze Adelle led the way, carefully watching the creatures within roaming about while the girls did as well. Deciding to go straight across the room from where they had entered while she shook her butt a little to the beat, Adelle was nearly run over by a speeding monster, which seemed to have no real interest in her or the others thankfully, because then they'd be in a heap of trouble she figured with these things chasing them through this maze.

"Jeez, that thing bout took me out. When another comes along let's stick to the sides so they don't hit us," Adelle said, looking at the creature that passed them by.

Once they got to the other side of the room, Adelle glanced over at Rachaela for a moment, wondering if she'd figured anything out about this place yet. "Hey Rachaela... what sort of magic is this that's making this place like it is?" Adelle asked, leading the way on down the corridor to the next area, which would hopefully provide a few answers, or hell at least one would be good Adelle thought, because whatever was wrong with this place was freaking her out a bit, but at least the music was good and kept them entertained she thought.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It takes a powerful force to create something like this. Illusionists might be able to make this in a visual aspect without massive preparations, but this is no illusion as we have already experienced." Rachaela remarked as she stepped out of the way of yet another wiggling rave-monster-tentacle thing that decided to make it's way through the party. After a few rooms with the same dance creatures, the crew came to yet another door.

Going through that door brought a rather different scenery to the girls. Instead of a strange black abyss, the place was now a vast expanse of snowy forest made from coniferous trees. Snow was falling, and it was as cold as a forest in the frozen north would likely be. A hut made from snow could be seen some distance away, but that was pretty much the only landmark besides the door that they could make out in that huge area of white and a little green and brown.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see, hmm... I wonder what it is then. I mean it's kinda neat actually, and whatever is doing it at least doesn't seem overly hostile towards us. Surely it wasn't that monkey from earlier causing it though," Adelle said as they avoided the creature roaming through.

Heading through the door they found up ahead from where they were, Adelle led them onwards into the next room, which was much different than the previous ones, and a lot colder too. "Whew jeez that's cold, come on let's check out that hut then get the hell out of here, gods I hope it's warm in there," Adelle said, wrapping her arms around her and rubbing her arms with her hands to keep warm as she set off towards the hut at a quickened pace to hurry checking out this area up because her nipples were already hardening up from the cold.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving on fast was a good idea as the girls were not the best equipped to deal with the cold in their current state. Rachaela had it affect her a bit less, what with all the articles of clothing she needed to maintain the dress code, but it was not as kind to Amelia who was going pretty lightly with all of the things considered. Reaching the hut did not prove to be difficult at all as there appeared to be nothing looking for them in the forest besides the falling snow. Somehow, the snow hut had a working door made of frozen snow, which the girls could open with no problem at all. Inside, there was little that could provide protection against the cold. A fireplace had been shaped into the interior, but there was no sign of fire or even burnable materials present. A woman in a white kimono was doing random things in the hut, the slight blue tinge in her otherwise pale skin suggesting that she was no ordinary woman.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

None of them were really equipped to handle the cold like this, though Rachaela was dressed a bit more heavily than Adelle or Amelia definitely, though she was smaller and had less meat on her bones, so she was likely in just the same boat as Adelle and Amelia really. Reaching the hut in the distance, Adelle quickly opened the snow door and went inside, hoping to at least get out of the snow if not it and the cold as well. Unfortunately Adelle found that it wasn't very warm in here, hell if anything it was just as cold as outside, though probably a couple of degrees warmer at least since they weren't out in the wind or snow.

Spotting the woman in the kimono inside, Adelle glanced at the other two before stepping towards her, shivering a little bit as she did from the cold. "Um... excuse me miss. W-Where are we exactly? A-And is there any other path through here other than the way we came? A-And how come... t-that fire isn't burning? Surely you must be freezing as well," Adelle asked the woman, stuttering slightly from the freezing cold as she walked over to her, stopping a few feet from her as she rubbed her arms with her hands to try and warm them back up a bit. "Gods... and why is it so cold in this area?" Adelle then asked nobody in particular as she looked around, her nipples hard as diamonds from the cold.